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Buckle KA, Edwards RA, Fleet GH, Wooton M Ilmu Pangan. Purnomo H dan Adiono, Penerjemah; Jakarta: UI Press. Terjemahan dari: Food Science.


Academic year: 2021

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Lampiran 1. Analisis varian air adonan dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 64.361 8 8.045 1.181 .362 Intercept 95183.766 1 95183.766 13975.508 .000 LEACHING 33.540 2 16.770 2.462 .113 DAGING 20.721 2 10.361 1.521 .245 LEACHING * DAGING 10.100 4 2.525 .371 .826 Error 122.594 18 6.811 Total 95370.721 27 Corrected Total 186.955 26

a R Squared = .344 (Adjusted R Squared = .053)

Lampiran 2. Analisis varian abu adonan dendeng Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 6.146 8 .768 .190 .989 Intercept 1108.097 1 1108.097 273.393 .000 LEACHING .121 2 6.027E-02 .015 .985 DAGING .787 2 .394 .097 .908 LEACHING * DAGING 5.238 4 1.310 .323 .859 Error 72.956 18 4.053 Total 1187.199 27 Corrected Total 79.102 26

a R Squared = .078 (Adjusted R Squared = -.332) Lampiran 3. Analisis varian protein adonan dendeng

Source Type III Sum of Squares

df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 56.238 8 7.030 1.314 .298 Intercept 45726.292 1 45726.292 8544.557 .000 LEACHING 10.798 2 5.399 1.009 .384 DAGING 36.248 2 18.124 3.387 .056 LEACHING * DAGING 9.191 4 2.298 .429 .786 Error 96.327 18 5.352 Total 45878.857 27 Corrected Total 152.565 26


Lampiran 4. Analisis varian lemak adonan dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 180.566 8 22.571 18.088 .000 Intercept 4516.061 1 4516.061 3619.079 .000 LEACHING 4.151 2 2.075 1.663 .217 DAGING 170.350 2 85.175 68.257 .000 LEACHING * DAGING 6.065 4 1.516 1.215 .339 Error 22.461 18 1.248 Total 4719.089 27 Corrected Total 203.028 26

a R Squared = .889 (Adjusted R Squared = .840) Lampiran 5. Uji lanjut DNMRT lemak adonan dendeng

Subset DAGING N 1 2 3 9 10.9478 1 9 11.3744 2 9 16.4767 Sig. .428 1.0000

Lampiran 6. Analisis varian air dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 24.739 8 3.092 .382 .916 Intercept 12881.669 1 12881.669 1593.100 .000 LEACHING 2.953 2 1.477 .183 .835 DAGING 14.178 2 7.089 .877 .433 LEACHING * DAGING 7.608 4 1.902 .235 .915 Error 145.546 18 8.086 Total 13051.955 27 Corrected Total 170.286 26


71 Lampiran 7. Analisis varian abu dendeng

Source Type III Sum of Squares

df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 1.830 8 .229 .331 .943 Intercept 1591.143 1 1591.143 2301.433 .000 LEACHING 1.182 2 .591 .855 .442 DAGING .150 2 7.521E-02 .109 .898 LEACHING * DAGING .497 4 .124 .180 .946 Error 12.445 18 .691 Total 1605.417 27 Corrected Total 14.274 26

a R Squared = .128 (Adjusted R Squared = -.259)

Lampiran 8. Analisis varian protein dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 62.428 8 7.803 .845 .577 Intercept 54985.941 1 54985.941 5955.354 .000 LEACHING 4.894 2 2.447 .265 .770 DAGING 41.444 2 20.722 2.244 .135 LEACHING * DAGING 16.090 4 4.022 .436 .781 Error 166.194 18 9.233 Total 55214.563 27 Corrected Total 228.622 26

a R Squared = .273 (Adjusted R Squared = -.050)

Lampiran 9. Analisis varian lemak dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 51.841 8 6.480 7.826 .000 Intercept 1397.233 1 1397.233 1687.517 .000 LEACHING 5.058 2 2.529 3.055 .072 DAGING 41.529 2 20.764 25.078 .000 LEACHING * DAGING 5.254 4 1.314 1.586 .221 Error 14.904 18 .828 Total 1463.978 27 Corrected Total 66.745 26


Lampiran 10. Uji lanjut DNMRT lemak dendeng Subset DAGING N 1 2 3 3 9 5.9011 1 9 6.8133 2 9 8.8667 Sig. 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Lampiran 11. Analisis varian bilangan peroksida dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 3100.764 8 387.596 2.768 .075 Intercept 448016.314 1 448016.314 3199.140 .000 LEACHING 103.199 2 51.600 .368 .702 DAGING 2830.668 2 1415.334 10.106 .005 LEACHING * DAGING 166.897 4 41.724 .298 .872 Error 1260.385 9 140.043 Total 452377.463 18 Corrected Total 4361.149 17

a R Squared = .711 (Adjusted R Squared = .454)

Lampiran 12. Uji lanjut DNMRT bilangan peroksida dendeng Subset DAGING N 1 2 1 6 140.3617 3 6 163.5117 2 6 169.4217 Sig. 1.0000 .4100

Lampiran 13. Analisis varian rendemen dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 148.253 8 18.532 4.391 .004 Intercept 74450.253 1 74450.253 17639.144 .000 LEACHING 28.736 2 14.368 3.404 .056 DAGING 112.869 2 56.434 13.371 .000 LEACHING * DAGING 6.649 4 1.662 .394 .810 Error 75.973 18 4.221 Total 74674.480 27 Corrected Total 224.227 26



Lampiran 14. Uji lanjut DNMRT rendemen dendeng Subset DAGING N 1 2 2 9 50.4556 3 9 51.7778 1 9 55.3000 Sig. .1890 1.0000

Lampiran 15. Analisis varian pH dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 3.438 8 .430 23.065 .000 Intercept 861.004 1 861.004 46207.714 .000

LEACHING 8.605E-02 2 4.303E-02 2.309 .128

DAGING 3.286 2 1.643 88.176 .000

LEACHING * DAGING 6.610E-02 4 1.653E-02 .887 .492

Error .335 18 1.863E-02

Total 864.777 27

Corrected Total 3.774 26

a R Squared = .911 (Adjusted R Squared = .872)

Lampiran 16. Uji lanjut DNMRT pH dendeng

Subset DAGING N 1 2 1 9 5.1578 3 9 5.8367 2 9 5.9467 Sig. 1.0000 .1050


Lampiran 17. Analisis varian kekerasan dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 1766512.407 8 220814.051 7.612 .000 Intercept 41481032.633 141481032.63 3 1430.042 .000 LEACHING 45084.667 2 22542.333 .777 .475 DAGING 1620566.202 2 810283.101 27.934 .000 LEACHING * DAGING 100861.538 4 25215.384 .869 .501 Error 522123.439 18 29006.858 Total 43769668.479 27 Corrected Total 2288635.846 26 a R Squared = .772 (Adjusted R Squared = .670)

Lampiran 18. Uji lanjut DNMRT kekerasan dendeng Subset DAGING N 1 2 1 9 906.8044 2 9 1322.0356 3 9 1489.6289 Sig. 1.0000 .0510

Lampiran 19. Analisis varian kekerasan dendeng Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square

F Sig. Corrected Model 7.835E-03 8 9.794E-04 .242 .977

Intercept 15.377 1 15.377 3798.132 .000

LEACHING 1.100E-03 2 5.501E-04 .136 .874

DAGING 3.438E-03 2 1.719E-03 .425 .660

LEACHING * DAGING 3.297E-03 4 8.242E-04 .204 .933

Error 7.287E-02 18 4.049E-03

Total 15.458 27

Corrected Total 8.071E-02 26



Lampiran 20. Analisis varian derajat kecerahan (”L”) dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 39.826 8 4.978 3.045 .024 Intercept 28444.698 1 28444.698 17399.261 .000 LEACHING 23.446 2 11.723 7.171 .005 DAGING 2.297 2 1.148 .702 .508 LEACHING * DAGING 14.083 4 3.521 2.154 .116 Error 29.427 18 1.635 Total 28513.951 27 Corrected Total 69.253 26

a R Squared = .575 (Adjusted R Squared = .386)

Lampiran 21. Uji lanjut DNMRT derajat kecerahan (”L”) dendeng Subset LEACHING N 1 2 1 9 31.3044 2 9 32.4822 32.4822 3 9 33.5867 Sig. .0660 .0830

Lampiran 22. Analisis varian derajat kemerahan (”a”) dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 24.849 8 3.106 .752 .647 Intercept 3682.237 1 3682.237 891.778 .000 LEACHING 3.855 2 1.928 .467 .634 DAGING 12.834 2 6.417 1.554 .238 LEACHING * DAGING 8.160 4 2.040 .494 .740 Error 74.324 18 4.129 Total 3781.409 27 Corrected Total 99.173 26


Lampiran 23. Analisis varian derajat kekuningan (”b”) dendeng Source Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 44.092 8 5.511 4.019 .007 Intercept 605.109 1 605.109 441.256 .000 LEACHING 35.967 2 17.984 13.114 .000 DAGING 1.489 2 .745 .543 .590 LEACHING * DAGING 6.635 4 1.659 1.210 .341 Error 24.684 18 1.371 Total 673.885 27 Corrected Total 68.776 26

a R Squared = .641 (Adjusted R Squared = .482)

Lampiran 24. Uji lanjut DNMRT derajat kekuningan (”b”) dendeng Subset LEACHING N 1 2 1 9 3.5144 2 9 4.4044 3 9 6.2833 Sig. .1240 1.0000

Lampiran 25. Uji Kruskal Wallis dendeng mentah berdasarkan faktor Leaching ATRIBUT LEACHING N Mean Rank Chi Square df Asymp Sig

WARNA 1 243 419.49 2 243 374.26 3 243 301.25 Total 729 41.409 2 0.000 TEKSTUR 1 243 409.54 2 243 367.34 3 243 318.11 Total 729 24.527 2 0.000 AROMA 1 243 390.00 2 243 380.51 3 243 324.49 Total 729 14.903 2 0.001


77 Lampiran 26. Uji Kruskal Wallis dendeng mentah berdasarkan faktor Daging

ATRIBUT DAGING N Mean Rank Chi Square df Asymp Sig

WARNA 1 243 359,03 2 243 388.26 3 243 347.71 Total 729 5.093 2 0.078 TEKSTUR 1 243 347.85 2 243 379.74 3 243 367.41 Total 729 3.030 2 0.220 AROMA 1 243 404.75 2 243 363.47 3 243 326.78 Total 729 18.097 2 0.000

Lampiran 27. Uji Kruskal Wallis dendeng goreng berdasarkan faktor Leaching ARTRIBUT LEACHING N Mean Rank Chi Square df Asymp Sig

WARNA 1 243 425.55 2 243 372.98 3 243 296.47 Total 729 49.276 2 0.000 TEKSTUR 1 243 402.43 2 243 377.67 3 243 314.90 Total 729 24.066 2 0.000 AROMA 1 243 378.56 2 243 372.27 3 243 344.17 Total 729 3.997 2 0.136 RASA 1 243 373.77 2 243 380.92 3 243 340.32 Total 729 5.490 2 0.064 KEEMPUKA 1 243 384.19 2 243 393.35 3 243 317.46 Total 729 19.843 2 0.000


Lampiran 28. Uji Kruskal Wallis dendeng goreng berdasarkan faktor Daging ATRIBUT DAGING N Mean Rank Ch Square df Asymp Sig

WARNA 1 243 401.48 2 243 356.77 3 243 336.75 Total 729 12.848 2 0.002 TEKSTUR 1 243 388.34 2 243 362.57 3 243 344.09 Total 729 5.840 2 0.054 AROMA 1 243 432.81 2 243 330.47 3 243 331.72 Total 729 41.130 2 0.000 RASA 1 243 435.94 2 243 356.35 3 243 302.70 Total 729 52.543 2 0.000 KEEMPUKAN 1 243 462.80 2 243 364.26 3 243 267.93 Total 729 109.781 2 0.000


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