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Percubaan UPSR BI Saratok - Sumber Pendidikan Answer script AR3


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AR3 July 2016 Year 6 (SK)

Answer Script [ Accept Any Possible Answers] Paper 1 (013)

21. a) What are they doing? / What are they making? b) Yes. It is under the desk. / No. I have not.

c) Make sure you come home early. / Enjoy the party. / Take care of yourself. 22. a) herbivore

b) America

c) I would tell them not to hunt tapirs for food. / ....keep them in a Conservation Centre. / ...do not destroy their habitat. / ... do not burn forest for planting or farming. d) Tapirs live in a tropical forest. It is because the climate is suitable for them. / ....have

sunshine and rain all year. / ...the forest is a good hiding place for tapirs. e) No. This is because tapirs could not live in cold weather.

23. a) doctor

b) contact the police station c)

d) Teacher requires formal dressing. This is because a teacher should show good example to the pupils. / A teacher is a role model for the pupils.

e) It means the doctor can work in our own country or in other countries. 24. a) 3rd prize

b) poetry writing competition

List A List B

Strong characters, discipline and brave are

patient, dedicated and knowledgeable person.

A teacher is a the characteristics of a policeman. A patient should see maintains law and order.


25. a) The phrase means the participants have to submit their entry forms before or on 12 September 2016

b) Yes, because it will encourage the spirit of patriotism among the contestants. / To show love for the country./ To encourage unity among Malaysians.

c) To be fair and square to participants. / It would be fair for the pupils to compete among themselves in their own age group. / To give chance to young pupils to win some prizes and encourage them to join the competition. / To build up their confidence level.

________________________________________________________________________________ Paper 2 (014)

Section A

1. at 67, Lot A, Vinci Megamall, Kuala Lumpur 2. of 45% for a family of five

3. peking duck, salted chicken, and herbal vegetable soup 4. fried chilli squids

5. serves desserts / serves local specialties

Section B B(i)

i) Cave exploration

ii) See ancient carvings on the wall

iii) See stalactites and stalagmites and other amazing cave formation


From: ray@yahoo.com Date: 27th July 2016

To : wendy@yahoo.com Time: 10.00 a.m.

Subject: Interesting Activities To Do in The Niah Caves Dear Wendy,

How are you? I am glad that you are interested to visit Niah Caves.

I suggest that you can try cave exploration. You can see animals such as birds, bats insects and many other creatures. You can also see the stalactites and stalagmites and other amazing cave formation million of years ago. You can watch the locals collect bird-nest. It is used for medicine and exotic cuisine.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy your trip. Bye.



[80 words]

Section C Question 1

Last Saturday, my friends and I joined a volunteer programme to clean a river. There were many people came for the programme too.

The river was covered with a lot of rubbish. The river was once a popular place for recreation but irresponsible visitors had been littering. Now, it was abandoned as it was very dirty. We were divided in groups with different tasks. A few of us cut down overgrown grass while the other collected rubbish on the riverbank.

It was really hard work but at the end of the day, we felt happy seeing the river clean again.

[100 words]

Question 2

Last evening, David went to town with his father to buy some books. As they were walking past a park, they saw a snatch thief snatching an old lady's handbag.

On seeing David and his father, the thief pushed the old lady and ran away. She fell heavily onto the ground. David and his father helped her up and were sorry to see that she was injured. David's father drove the old lady to the nearest police station to make a report.

David's father then offered to send her home. She thanked David and his father for their kindness.


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