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3. SGPP-Indonesia-Professional-Reference-Form-January2017


Academic year: 2017

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SGPP-Indonesia Professional Experience Reference

To be completed by the applicant

Please complete the fields below with your name and the programme applied for. Pass this form to your referee and ask for this confidential reference to be returned directly to SGPP-Indonesia.

Full Name

To be completed by the referee Full Name

Thank you for taking the time to assess this SGPP Indonesia candidate. Your informed opinion will greatly assist the admission board. Your report will be used for the purpose of determining whether or not the candidate should be admitted to SGPP Indonesia. This recommendation form will not be communicated to the applicant at any time. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments at

admissions@sgpp.ac.id or telephone at +62 21 2932 5345 (Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 15.30 PM).

After completing this form, please return it directly to SGPP-Indonesia via post or email.

By Post (hard copy) To:

School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP-Indonesia) Jalan Anyar, Citeureup

Sentul, Bogor 16810, Indonesia Jakarta 12190 – INDONESIA


SGPP-Indonesia Professional Experience Reference

In what capacity do you know the applicant?

How long has this candidate worked with/for you?

What were the tasks assigned to him/her? In what department/area?

Did the applicant sucessfully accomplish the tasks assigned to him/her?

How satisfactory was the candidate’s commitment to the job?

How would you assess the applicant in comparison with your other employees/interns/co-workers?

 Exceptional  Excellent  Good  Below Average  Do not know

By using the chart below, please rate the applicant in comparison to other employees/interns/co-workers who you have known in a similar situation.

1 = Exceptional, 2 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 4 = Below Average, 5 = Do not know

1 2 3 4 5

Leadership skills     

Teamwork     

Sense of initiative     

Understanding of the tasks assigned to him/her     

Results     

Curiosity and open mindedness     


SGPP-Indonesia Professional Experience Reference

Ability to analyse a problem and formulate a

solution     

Ability to adapt to new situations     

Potential for development

 Very High  High  Average  Low

Please provide a detailed assessment of the candidate.

Your overall recommendation for the candidate is:

 Without any hesitation  Excellent  Good  With some reservations


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