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The influence of grant`s personality on his football team`s motivation as seen in Eric Wilson`s facing the giants


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Fransiska Ratnasari Harisaputra Student Number: 131214011





Harisaputra, Fransiska Ratnasari. 2017. The Influence of Grant’s Personality on His Football Team’s Motivation as Seen in Eric Wilson’s Facing the Giants. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Personality is a kind of individual differences that can influence the individual itself or others. This study analyzes the influence of Grant Taylor‟s personality on the motivation of his football team. Grant Taylor is a football coach in Eric Wilson‟s novel entitled Facing the Giants. Grant experiences significant personality development when he faces many problems in his life. The changing of Grant‟s personality influences his players. Thus, this thesis focuses on Grant‟s personality and its influence on his football team‟s motivation.

The aim of the study is to answer the two research questions. First, it deals with how Grant‟s characteristics are described in the novel. The second is how Grant‟s personality influences his football team‟s motivation.

In answering the two research questions, the researcher applied the psychological approach since the focus of this study is about someone‟s personality. The researcher also used some theories, namely the theory of character and characterization, the theory of personality development, the theory of motivation, and Maslow‟s theory of needs. This study used library research. The primary source was taken from the novel itself. The secondary sources were obtained from the relevant books related to literature, personality, and motivation.

The findings of this study reveal that Grant‟s characteristics are portrayed as doubtful, insecure, guilty, kind, loving and caring, religious, and hardworking. His personality develops after he faces many problems in his life. He becomes confident, optimistic, positive thinking, and trustworthy. The changes of his personality give influence on his football team‟s motivation through his speech and actions. His players become the team that has high motivation and strong concepts in winning the games and developing their behavior.



Harisaputra, Fransiska Ratnasari. 2017. The Influence of Grant’s Personality on His Football Team’s Motivation as Seen in Eric Wilson’s Facing The Giants. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kepribadian adalah semacam perbedaan individu yang dapat mempengaruhi dirinya sendiri atau orang lain. Studi ini menganalisa pengaruh dari kepribadian Grant Taylor terhadap motivasi tim sepak bolanya. Grant Taylor adalah pelatih sepak bola dalam novel Eric Wilson yang berjudul Facing the Giants. Grant mengalami perkembangan kepribadian pada saat dia menghadapi banyak masalah dalam kehidupannya. Perubahan dari kepribadian Grant mempengaruhi para pemainnya. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini berfokus kepada kepribadian Grant dan pengaruhnya terhadap motivasi dari tim sepak bolanya.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian. Yang pertama, pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana karakteristik Grant dijelaskan dalam novel. Pertanyaan yang kedua adalah bagaimana kepribadian Grant mempengaruhi motivasi tim sepak bolanya.

Dalam menjawab kedua pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti menerapkan pendekatan psikologi karena studi ini berkaitan dengan kepribadian seseorang. Peneliti juga menggunakan beberapa teori, yaitu teori karakter dan karakterisasi, teori perkembangan kepribadian, teori motivasi, dan teori kebutuhan dari Maslow. Studi ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Sumber utama diambil dari novel itu sendiri. Sedangkan sumber-sumber tambahan diperoleh dari buku-buku yang relevan dengan sastra, kepribadian, dan motivasi.

Penemuan dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik Grant digambarkan sebagai pribadi yang ragu-ragu, tidak aman, bersalah, baik hati, penuh kasih dan perhatian, beriman, dan pekerja keras. Kepribadiannya berkembang setelah dia menghadapi banyak masalah dalam hidupnya. Dia menjadi pribadi yang percaya diri, berpikiran positif, dan dapat dipercaya. Perubahan dari kepribadiannya memberi pengaruh terhadap motivasi dari tim sepak bolanya melalui cara dia berbicara dan bertindak. Para pemainnya menjadi tim yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan konsep yang kuat dalam memenangkan pertandingan-pertandingan dan dalam mengembangkan tingkah laku mereka.




It is amazing that after facing all obstacles and challenges, I can finish this thesis. I hardly imagine having accomplished my thesis entitled ”The Influence of Grant‟s Personality on His Football Team‟s Motivation as Seen in Eric Wilson‟s

Facing the Giants” without the blessing of my Lord, Jesus Christ. He always

gives me blessings through people around me. I am blessed for having wonderful people in my life. I would like to convey my greatest gratitude to Mother Mary for her sincere love and patience touching me to give my best in the rest of my life.

I would also like to convey my deepest gratitude to my beloved advisor, Drs. L. Bambang Hendarto Y., M.Hum., for giving me time, attention,

guidance, suggestions, and motivation with his patience in finishing this thesis. I can learn a lot of things through the processes of accomplishing my thesis. I also convey my deepest gratitude to Drs. E. Sunarto, M.Hum., especially for the precious advices that he has given for supporting me in accomplishing my thesis. My deepest gratitude also goes to Drs. Y.B. Gunawan M.A., my academic supervisor, for his guidance, advices, prayers, suggestions, and motivation that have been given to me during my study. My sincere gratitude also goes to all PBI lecturers, who have taught me to be a mature person. I thank for the guidance and



With lots of love, my special gratitude goes to my family, my father, Bapak Petrus Haryanta, my mother, Ibu M.M. Kasiyem, my brother, Mas M. Purwoko H.S., my sisters, Mbak Adriana Dwi Cahyani H.S. and Mbak Rosalia

Kurnawati H.S., for their stories, love, prayers, supports, kindness, and warmth.

Who I am now is under the influence of people who take part in my life. I would like to express my gratitude, especially to Mgr. Pius Riana Prapdi, Pr., Romo Dr. Ir. P. Wiryono Priyotamtama, S.J., Romo Stephanus Istoto

Rahardjo, Pr., and Romo Ignatius Slamet Riyanto, Pr., who always pray,

motivate and support for me, especially in my hard times of accomplishing my thesis. I also thank to my former teacher, Bapak Y. Mei Setiyanta, S.Pd., M.Hum., who has given me motivation and inspirations of life so that I can finish

my study.

My deepest gratefulness goes to my friends of PBI‟13, especially Yunda, Inggit, Adel, Silvia, Angie, Lilis, Thania, Martha, Tibuth, Ryan, Sari, Tiwi,

Cha-cha, Marcel, and Nita, for friendship, support, and discussion we ever had

during my four-year study. My deepest gratefulness also goes to my friends of Badminton Community, especially Bapak Sutrisno, Mbak Finarsih, Maria, Bebo, Richi, April, Ayu, and Anik, for spirits, supports, and laughs we have.

Lastly, I would like to thank those whose names cannot be mentioned one by one, who helped me in the process of my thesis.



3. Theory of Personality Development ... 12

4. Theory of Motivation ... 19

5. Theory of Needs ... 20

6. Theory of Critical Approach ... 22



A. Object of the Study ... 25

B. Approach of the Study ... 26

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS A. The Description of Grant Taylor ... 28

1. Grant Taylor‟s Characteristics ... 28

a. Doubtful ... 29

2. Grant Taylor‟s Personality Development ... 43

a. Better versus Worse ... 45

b. Slow versus Rapid ... 52

B. Grant Taylor‟s Personality Influence on SCA Football Team ... 55







This chapter consists of four parts, namely background of the study, research questions, significance of the study, and definition of terms. The background of the study explains the description of this study and the reason why Facing the Giants was chosen as a primary data. The research questions consist of

two questions that should be answered as the focus of this study. The significance of the study explains the advantages of this study. The last part, the definition of terms, provides some important terms used in this study to avoid any misunderstanding.

A. Background of the Study

Feist and Feist (2010) say that personality is a pattern of relatively permanent and unique character which gives consistency and individuality to someone‟s behavior (p. 4). Personality also means the changing and interacting of someone‟s typical qualities into a whole that leads someone to behave as he does


p. 79). Therefore, every human being needs every possible opportunity to do things for developing his personality.

The processes of personal development involve the growth of all aspects of human‟s personality included motivation. Motivation is a thing which usually

becomes the reason for someone to achieve his goals. Maslow states that motivation is usually complex (as cited in Feist & Feist, 2010, pp. 278-279). It is caused by many things, such as someone‟s behavior, emotion, society, and conflicts that happen in our life. Motivation plays a big role in reaching someone‟s goals because motivation involves the persistence of behavior over time. It means that someone‟s behavior may spring from several separate motives.

Skinner says that society plays a big role in influencing someone to change his motivation (as cited in Feist & Feist, 2010, p. 462). The changing of someone‟s motivation depends on the quality of the factors. It means that the

changing is not always to the better ones, but also to the worse (p. 463). It is because society does not always reinforce someone‟s motivation. Hence, people need a figure that can influence them on changing their motivation positively. If the positive reinforcement from the society is strong enough, its effects will be more powerful than the punishment. Those issues can be shown in a literary work, such as movie or novel.


some lessons of life which can be represented by the main character‟s personality.

Those issues can be a reference to conduct the study. It is because a novel is the most widely practiced and read of literature. According to Stanton‟s statement, a literature is a unique imitation of life (1965, p. 9).Therefore, the researcher analyzes a novel which has a relation with the personalities and motivations that are presented in the novel.

The researcher chose to analyze a novel entitle Facing the Giants by Eric Wilson (2007). The story of this novel is about a high school football team which never wins in any football competition. Grant Taylor is the head coach of this team who has been coaching for six years. He always tries to overcome the problems until he makes a new philosophy about winning the game by gaining faith in God. The ways of Taylor facing the problems and motivating his team can be the examples of good personal abilities which influence other people.

Furthermore, this study aims at discussing how Coach Taylor‟s personality changes his football team‟s motivation to become higher. This novel shows how someone‟s personality can change other‟s motivation in facing their lives.

Therefore, by understanding his personality, the researcher wants the readers to be able to know the influence of someone‟s personality on other‟s motivation. It can

help them understand how to motivate others or how to get motivation from others.

B. Research Questions


1. How are Grant‟s characteristics described in the novel?

2. How does Grant‟spersonality influence his team‟s motivation?

C. Significance of the Study

There are some significances in this study. Firstly, the researcher realizes that by conducting this study, she gets a knowledge related to personality which can develop someone‟s quality of education. By analyzing the personality of the

coach in the novel, the researcher finds that the coach is able to create a good atmosphere in his team. The coach‟s way of giving motivation to his team makes the researcher interested in the novel. It can be related to the education field that is how a teacher‟s personality can develop learners‟ motivation. It means that a teacher should be able to make his students become more enthusiastic in learning.

Secondly, this study may help students of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, especially English Education Study Program as expected teachers in increasing their knowledge and creativity to conduct an effective teaching-learning activity. It is because by reading this study, they can get some references for their materials of teaching-learning in using literary works so that they can use them in their teaching activities. Third benefit is for the readers. This study can help the readers get more knowledge about someone‟s personality and personal development. The researcher hopes that knowing others‟ personality can help them to learn about how to motivate others.

D. Definition of Terms


1. Character

Character is a quality of a distinctive type of a person which implies a moral standard and involves a judgment of value (Hurlock, 1974, p. 8). In a literature work, character is created by the author that should be understood by the reader. The author uses some kinds of characters. The quality of a character can be seen in every single action, speech, or thought of the person. The reader can interpret those characters by seeing their moral expressed when they are doing dialogues or actions. The reader has a freedom to decide whether the characters have bad or good qualities in the novel.

2. Personality

As Hurlock (1974) says, personality is a kind of individual differences that can affect the individual itself or others (p. 8). As human beings, people always have a relation with other people around them with their own uniqueness, talents, and personalities. Sometimes, the differences make a conflict around them and need some efforts to solve it. Those problems can change someone‟s personality.

The process of changing of someone‟s personality is called personal development (p.6). The changing of someone‟s personality is based on the factors that will affect someone‟s life. It means that the changing of someone‟s personality can be

worse or better. 3. Motivation


someone‟s behaviors. People often use the concept of motivation to indicate the

direction of their behavior (Petri, 1981, p. 4). It means that motivation involves the persistence of someone‟s behavior. They would be satisfied with various personal

needs in the context of their work. Motivation is one of the personal needs. People can get the motivation from many things. It can be from a conflict that happens in someone‟s life because every single moment can give significant effect to

human‟s personality. Skinner says that there is another part besides conflicts that





This chapter consists of three sections. They are review of related studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. In the review of related studies, the researcher reviews some of the criticisms of the novel. The review of related theories is used to review the theories which are directly relevant to the study. The last part is the theoretical framework. In this part, the researcher states the contribution of the theories and reviews in answering the research questions of the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

Facing the Giants is a motivating novel. It shows how a football coach is

able to motivate his team that has never won a single game in six years. There are very hard processes that are done by the coach and his football team. Finally, at the end of the novel, the coach succeeds in bringing his team to become a winner. They have done very hard works in reaching their victory. Therefore, this novel is very interesting to discuss. There are some people who have criticized this novel.


passions so that the best thing will happen in His time. In her criticism, she also said that she learnt about attitude. As human beings, people should not judge

others‟ actions and judge ourselves by our intentions


Another criticism was written by Marella L. Barcelon in the analysis forum of Facing the Giants. The discussion is about the definition of leadership. Marella L. Barcelon discussed about the developing leaders for the community. In the discussion, she stated that leadership is the process of influencing the followers of the leader to achieve their goal through changes. She analyzed a part which Grant Taylor helped his team in changing their perspective of always winning (https://prezi.com/1dhptud5j5e4/analysis-facing-the-giants/).

Based on the explanations above, those two critics have their criticisms about this novel which are about the value of the novel and the definition of leadership. Additionally, there is no student of Sanata Dharma University who has conducted a research on this novel. Therefore, in this study, the researcher analyzes an aspect of how Grant Taylor‟s personality influences on his football team‟s motivation as seen in this novel.

B. Review of Related Theories


1. Theory of Character

Character is an important part of a story. In analyzing this character, the researcher used Robert‟s and Jacobs‟ theory (1989). As Robert and Jacob (1989) say, when someone wants to analyze a character in a story, he needs to understand every single action, speech, and thought of the character so that he can arrange the details of the character (p. 119).

Based on Robert‟s and Jacobs‟ theory (1989), there are two types of a character in a story, namely a round character and a flat character. A round character is the character in a story that always develops, changes and grows. It mostly appears in many parts. A flat character is the character which is not so important or not as the center of the readers‟ attentions. It mostly does not change, grow or develop (pp. 120-121).

2. Theory of Characterization

In analyzing characteristics of the characters in the novel, the researcher needs to know about a characterization of each character. Therefore, the researcher used Murphy‟s theory of characterization. This theory helped the

researcher to understand the characters in a story. As Murphy (1972) says, there are nine ways to understand the characters that appear in a story. They are personal description, characters as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reactions, direct comments, thoughts, and mannerisms (pp. 161-173). a. Personal Description


character‟s appearance in details so that the readers can imagine the character‟s

appearance. The purpose is to help the readers understand the character by knowing his appearance and clothing clearly.

b. Characters as seen by another

In a literary work, the author can describe a character through other characters‟ opinions in a story (pp. 162-164). It also can be presented as a positive

comment or a negative comment so that it can help the readers understand the character well. The purpose is to deliver a description of the character to the readers.

c. Speech

Another way that can be used by the author to describe a character is by giving a clue through the way of the character speaks (pp. 164-166). The readers can understand the kind of the character by knowing the language and words that are used by the character. For example, it can be presented as a motivating word or other kinds of words so that the readers can guess the character that is described.

d. Past Life

The author can use the past life of a character to describe the characteristics of a character (pp. 166-167). The author can also present a clue of the character by using the past life of the character. It can be in a form of direct comment from other characters or the character‟s experiences. It also can be the character‟s


purpose of using the past life is to help the readers understand the characteristics of the characters well.

e. Conversation of others

The author can give a description of a character through a conversation with other characters (pp. 167-168). In having a conversation, the character shows his characteristics. By giving an explanation of the characters‟ conversation, it can help the readers know a real characteristic of the character by understanding what they say about the other characters.

f. Reaction

The author can also use the way of a character‟s response to the situations in a story (pp. 168-170). It can be seen when the character gives reactions to the problems because every person has a different way in reacting something that happens in their lives. By knowing the character‟s responses, it can help the

readers understand the characteristic of the characters. g. Direct Comments

The author gives direct comments to describe a characteristic of a character (pp. 170-171). The purpose of using direct comments is to give the readers a way in imagining the characteristics of the character in a story. It can help the readers know what the author wants in describing the character by understanding the direct comments that are given by the author.

h. Thoughts


character (pp. 171-172). It can help the readers see about what a certain person so that they can understand a characteristic of the way of the character thinks.

i. Mannerism

Showing manners or habits of a character can be a way for the author in describing a characteristic of the character (p. 173). The author also can tell the characteristic of the character to the readers explicitly or implicitly. It can also show whether the character has a good personality or not.

3. Theory of Personality Development

As human beings in society, people always have a relation with other people around them. They live in their own uniqueness, talents, and personalities. It means that there are many differences around them. The differences sometimes make a problem that needs some efforts to solve it. In solving the problem, people need to have a good personality. When someone can solve his problem, it can motivate him for doing something because every single moment can give a significant effect to human‟s personality. Based on the focus of this study, namely Grant‟s personality, the researcher would like to explain some important points of

personality development. In this part, the researcher discusses the meaning of personality, the kinds of personality change, and the conditions responsible for personality change.

a. The meaning of personality


personality is a dynamic process of determining someone‟s behavior. It means that someone‟s behavior is developed by his personality. Personality also influences someone‟s way of thinking because personality is combination of someone‟s

characteristics. Personality and characteristic are not synonymous. The meaning of characteristic is someone‟s traitwhich can be shown in someone‟s way of thinking and acting. It relates to behavior that is controlled by someone‟s effort and willingness. While personality is the total quality of someone‟s behavior entirely.

It means that personality is a total picture of someone‟s characteristics. In understanding someone‟s personality, it needs to discover the internal factors

which lie behind someone‟s actions to know the reasons of his acting (Young,

1945, p. 3).

b. The kinds of personality change

Personality can be changed. The definition of change is not the same with the definition of improvement. Improvement means that someone‟s quality moves

to a higher level. The meaning of change is a movement of someone or something but it can be better or worse. It depends on the result of the change. In this life, almost all people want to change the quality of their personalities to be better. The desire to improve it usually develops when someone becomes aware of what parents, teachers, or others say to him (Hurlock, 1974, p. 119).


1) Better versus worse

The changes that happen in someone‟s personality are divided into two

kinds; some changes are for the better and some are for the worse. It means that someone‟s personality can change to be better or worse. It depends on the result of

their changes. The change that happens in someone‟s personality shows about someone‟s effort in adjusting their lives. It means that the more someone is trying

to adjust in his life, the more he will get changes. When someone personality changes to be better, it improves the concept, confidence, and self-assurance of the person (p. 120). By contrast, when someone‟s personality changes to be worse, the quality of his self-concept will decline and leads to feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. Those feelings are expressed in many behavior patterns, such as antagonisms, defensive reactions, and depression (pp. 120-121).

2) Quantitative versus qualitative

The second category of personality change is quantitative versus qualitative. The difference between quantitative and qualitative can be seen in the change of those categories. Quantitative changes are about someone‟s characteristics which are reinforced, strengthened, or weakened (p. 121). It can be measured or seen in someone‟s characteristics. For example, the change of

someone‟s weight, height, ability to master the vocabularies, or aggressive


affected by the alteration that he made, but the change usually cannot occur directly.

3) Slow versus rapid changes

The third category of personality change is slow versus rapid changes. The difference between slow change and rapid change is seen on how the change of those categories. The change is slow when the change is barely visible. By contrast, rapid changes are the changes that can be seen obviously very visible. In a personality change, the change normally happens slowly and gradually. It is because when someone has a change, the change will influence someone‟s habit

so that the new habit will replace the previous habit. Therefore, the improvement of someone‟s personality need a long time. It is because the old habit has been

reinforced through repeated experiences (p. 122).


that he knows that his personality has changed but there is no guarantee that he will return to his former adjustment although he has recovered.

c. Conditions responsible for personality change

The changes of personality usually are the result of someone‟s process in thinking or feeling. In a normal person, there are several causes that make changes in his personality, even the causes may or may not be interconnected. According to Hurlock (1974), there are some conditions that are responsible for personality changes, namely physical changes, changes in environment, changes in significant people, changes in social pressures, changes in roles, strong motivation, and changes in the self-concept.

1) Physical changes

Physical changes may happen because maturation, decline, or illness, or some other condition that caused of someone‟s lifestyle (p. 124). The physical changes have a big influence on someone‟s self-concept especially when they

occur rapidly. It happens because when someone has rapidly physical change, he must not only make readjustment of his physical change but also change his self-concept. It means that the impact of physical changes is more pronounced to a person who is initially healthier than one who has been ill from birth. It is because he must change his self-concept and accept the changes. Those changes are the causes of the personality change (p. 124).

2) Changes in environment


However, the changing which is caused by the environment will not guarantee as a personality improvement. It means that the changes in environment can give a good effect or bad effect. It depends on how the environment accepts the person and gives what the person needs. Based on Hurlock (1974, p. 125), there are four things that should be done by the changes in environment to give a good improvement of someone‟s personality. First, the changes in environment must

make the status of the person to be better so that the person can feel more secured in his life. Second, the changes in environment must make the person become balanced with the environment. It means that the environment can provide his needs. Third, the changes in environment must give the authority to the person to be closer with his ideal. Fourth, the changes in environment must give opportunities to the person to help him realize himself realistically and revise his goals and aspirations based on his abilities.

3) Changes in significant people

Hurlock says that someone‟s personality change can also be affected by other people, especially the significant people in his life. When the significant people have changed, the individual will motivate himself to change his personality to be like them. The individual will try to get closer with the special people in his life. The extent of the individual‟s personality changes depends on how much the significant people‟s attitudes and value differ from the individuals‟.


4) Changes in social pressure

Hurlock (1974) states that personality changes are also affected by social pressures. Strong social pressures play a big role in someone‟s personality development. It happens because when someone has a strong feeling to be accepted in society but society does not accept his personality, he will change his personality to be closer with the society‟s standard so that he can be accepted in his society (p. 126).

5) Changes in roles

Changes in roles also play a big role in personality change. The changes give effects either to be better or worse. It depends on how well the new roles fit someone‟s needs. If the changes make the status become more favorable, it will

change someone‟s self-concept better. Hurlock says that there are three conditions related to role changes that can damage someone‟s personality pattern. The first is

the condition when someone is being prevented to make a better change by people around him. Second condition is when someone is forced to do something that he does not want to do. Third condition is when someone is not ready to receive a role change (p. 127).

6) Strong motivation


personalities are bad, outer-directed people will change their personalities as good as the other‟s standards. It means that strong motivation can be gotten from

external or internal factor (p. 127). 7) Changes in the self-concept

Hurlock says that self-concept is the main part that has a big influence for someone‟s personality. When the self-concept has changed, it will change the

entire of someone‟s personality. Changing the self-concept is very difficult. It takes a long time and requires tremendous self-insight. The process of the changing is slowly and gradually to make the process does not upset the entire of someone‟s personality. It means that someone who wants to change his

self-concept must be able to recognize and accept his real life. He must see himself as he actually is, not as he wants to be or as others perceive him (p. 128).

4. Theory of Motivation

Motivation implies that energy is involved to activate the individual to a level that enables the performance of the appropriate behavior. Huffman and Vernoy (2000, pp. 392-401) clarify that the meaning of motivation is the process of activating, maintaining and directing of an individual‟s behavior toward a


presses someone to do something. It means that the motivation is not inherent in the behavior itself.

5. Theory of Needs

Maslow (1971) explains about how people satisfy various personal needs in the context of their work. It is shown as Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs. There are five levels of personal needs, namely physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Those levels are depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

Figure 1.1 The First Hierarchical Pyramid of Maslow’s Theory of Needs

(Maslow, 1971)

a. Physiological Needs


because it is the basic needs and must be satisfied before advancing to other needs or higher levels. People will always try to fulfill the physiological needs to continue their lives for fulfilling their other needs (p. 38).

b. Safety Needs

Safety needs are the second level of human‟s needs. People want to be secured and safe in their lives. It is because people want to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Safety needs include security of environment, health, employment, feeling, and property. It means that all human beings want to be safe in every condition in their lives so that they can feel comfortable in doing everything that they want (p. 40).

c. Belonging and Love Needs

In their lives, people want to be accepted by others. They need a feeling that can trust and be trusted by others. Belonging and love needs include love, friendship, family, and intimacy. Love is an affectionate relationship between someone and others that include the mutual trust (pp. 40-41). Therefore, people need love to affiliate with others, be accepted, and give and receive attention. d. Esteem Needs

According to Maslow, there are two categories of esteem needs, namely self-esteem and self-respects. Self-esteem consists of someone‟s desire for adequacy, confidence, achievement, independence and freedom. Self-respect includes of someone‟s recognition, acceptance, prestige, attention, status,


needs is because they want to achieve and gain approval. They also want to be competent in their fields (p. 42).

e. Self-actualization Needs

The last level, self-actualization needs, is the top level of the needs which are considered as growth needs. These include morality, creativity, and problem solving. As time goes by, people are always changing to reach their goals. They always try and want to develop their skills and potentials. Therefore, they need self-actualization needs in their lives. Self-actualization needs are someone‟s identification of his psychological need for growth, development, and utilization of his potential. It is as his desire to be better and be everything that he is capable of becoming. People need actualization needs because they want to find self-fulfillment and realize their potential so that it can help them in reaching their goals (p. 42).

6. Theory of Critical Approach


In this study, the researcher uses psychological approach to answer the research questions which discuss the personality and motivation. It is a way to help a researcher analyze literary works. It focuses on the human psychology, such as thought, human personality, behavior, and other aspects related to human psychology (p. 9). As the focus of this study, motivation and emotions are also among the inner states that influence human behavior which is the part of psychology field (Tyson, 2011, p. 81). Psychological approach is an approach which focuses on human behavior (p. 82). The reason why the researcher uses the psychological approach is because personality and motivation have relation with human emotions and behavior. It helps the researcher understand human‟s behavior better because it reveals a personality and personal development of the character in a story. Therefore, the researcher uses psychological approach as a psycho analysis to analyze the characters in this novel.

C. Theoretical Framework

There are five theories that are used in this study in order to support the analysis and to answer the two research questions. Those theories are theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of personality development, theory of motivation, and theory of needs.


Secondly, the theory of personality development is used to find out Grant Taylor‟s personality that is described in this novel. It is also used to find the development of Grant‟s personality. After finding Grant‟s personality

development, the researcher uses the theory of motivation and the theory of needs to support the researcher in answering the second research question which is to identify how Grant Taylor‟s personality influences his team‟s motivation. The

theory of motivation and theory of needs are used to find out the description of Taylor and his team‟s motivation and needs that are appeared in Facing the Giant





This chapter consists of two sections. They are object of the study and approach of the study. In the object of the study, the researcher explains the physical description and the special record of the novel studied. The approach of the study elaborates the approach that is used in this study, namely psychological approach. This section also explains the reasons why the researcher uses the psychological approach in this study.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel titled Facing the Giants. It was written in 2007 by Eric Wilson, the New York Times best-selling writer of Fireproof and Flywheel. There are two editions of Facing the Giants. The first edition was published in September 2007 by Thomas Nelson as a paperback novel. The second edition was published in 2008 by Thomas Nelson as a hardcover novel. In this study, the researcher used the second edition. The genre of this novel is spirituality. This novel consists of 329 pages in 47 chapters. This novel is based on the movie directed by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick. The movie was released in 29 September 2006 by Samuel Goldwyn Films. This movie was novelized in September 2007 by Eric Wilson.


competition. When he coaches Shiloh team, the leading scorer has left the team for joining their rival school team. It makes Grant‟s team become weak. Therefore, it gives pressure to Grant‟s team. A group of fathers is secretly organizing to have him dismissed as a head coach.

Grant Taylor does not only have the problems in his football team but he also has problems in his family. He feels that he cannot provide a decent home for his wife. He also has a big problem with his wife, Brooke, in their attempts to start a family. Grant and Brooke have to face infertility. This is the reason why his wife cannot become pregnant.

Devastated by his circumstances, he cries out to God in desperation. One day, Grant receives a message from an unexpected visitor. He gets an inspiration from the visitor to have a stronger goal for his football team. He believes that it is God‟s way to lead his team to become a winner. Therefore, he also encourages his

team to believe that God will make an impossible thing become possible. It encourages Grant and his team to become more motivated. They face their giants of fear and failure to reach their goals of being the winner.

B. Approach of the Study





This chapter consists of the analysis which aims to answer the research questions described in the research questions. There are two sections in this part, namely description of Grant Taylor and influence of Grant‟s personality on his football team. The first section aims to find out the description of Grant‟s characteristics. Then, the second section aims to find out Grant‟s influence on his football team.

A. The Description of Grant Taylor

In this part, there are two sections of discussion. The first section discusses Grant‟s characteristics that are described by the author in the novel. The second

section concerns with the personality development of Grant Taylor. Based on the research questions in this study, the researcher focuses on Grant‟s characteristics and the influence of Grant‟s personality on his football team. Therefore, the researcher firstly analyzes the main character‟s characteristics using the theory of character and characterization. Then, the researcher uses the theory of personality development to analyze the personality of the main character.

1. Grant Taylor’s Characteristics


The round character always develops, changes, and grows. In the novel, Grant Taylor experiences the changes in his thoughts, feelings and behavior. From those changes, Grant can be categorized as a round character.

Based on the theory of character and characterization that is stated by Robert and Jacobs, in analyzing a character in a story, there are some important things that should be understood by the researcher. The researcher should understand every single action, speech, and thought of the character (1989, p. 119). Murphy also states that a character can be described by looking how the author expresses the character in the story (1972, pp. 161-173). By applying this theory in this study, the researcher will be able to find out the answer of the first question that deals with Grant‟s characteristics described in the novel. Therefore, the following points below show the characteristics of Grant that appear in the story which has been analyzed using Murphy‟s theory.

a. Doubtful

Grant Taylor has many problems in his life. His problems are not only in his family but also in his football team. One of his problems is when his best player transfers to another football team. It makes his strongest players should play both ways, defend and attack. It means that he should rebuild his team. This condition makes Grant feel doubtful of his ability in coaching.


From the statement above, a doubtful characteristic of Grant is clearly shown in his action when he sees the season‟s game schedule. He feels desperate when he knows that his team gets the toughest schedule. It means that he does not believe of his players‟ ability so that it forces him to rebuild his team. He looks

like a person who is lost before fighting. It means that he is not sure that his players can be the winner in the season.

Grant characteristic as a doubtful person is not only shown in his perception of his player. It is also shown when he knows that some parents do not like him. In six years of coaching, he cannot make his team become a winner. It makes the parents of his players doubt his ability in coaching. One day, they have a secret meeting without telling Grant, but unintentionally, Grant over hears their conversation in the meeting. They talk about Grant‟s ability in coaching.

Pervis, one of players‟ parents, concluded, “We‟re losing booster support, game attendance is down, and from the looks of it we‟ve already lost this season. We‟ve got a weak program, because we‟ve got a weak coach. He‟s dead weight. We need to cut him loose.” Others around the table voiced support of this statement. With slumped shoulders, Grant retreated toward the exit door and think of himself. It’s over. Done. I’ve given it all I’ve got, and it’s just not good enough (pp. 81-82).


make Grant become a person who has lack of confidence. It makes Grant feel depressed and alone. It is clearly seen in his conversation with Brooke.

The chair scraped on the floor as Grant pulled it out and sat down across from Brooke. She noticed his eyes were grim. “Grant, talk to me.”

Her husband continued. “Neil Prater. Alvin Pervis. Luke Rae. They said I wasn‟t capable of winning. Called me dead weight. They‟ve just lost confidence in me. Brooke, I‟ve tried so hard. Why can‟t I win?” (p. 84).

The conversation above shows that Grant feels unable to be a good coach. He is not confident with his ability because others‟ opinions influence his thought of himself. It means that he does not believe in his own ability. It makes him become a doubtful person. Based on the analysis of his speech, his thought, and the conversation between Grant and Brooke, it can be concluded that Grant is a doubtful person.

b. Insecure

Insecure is a condition when someone feels not safe in his life. It can happen in someone‟s family or work environment. Grant, as the main character in

the novel, also feels insecure in his life. He has so many problems. It makes him feel afraid that something will go wrong because of him. This condition can be seen when Grant has so many bad experiences in one day.

After the day‟s collective bits of bad news, he was afraid that something in him might break. He knew if he kept looking into those round blue eyes she would see right through him –and he couldn‟t risk that. Brooke needed him to be strong. He needed to hold it together (p. 26).


With the shame of Friday night‟s game still in his belly, Grant worried as he poked his head into Principal Dan Ryker‟s office. Grant had always had Ryker‟s support, yet he felt tension as he took a seat across from his boss (p. 39).

The statement above clearly shows that Grant feels insecure in meeting with the principal. He worries because on the last Friday, his team loses the game. Even though the principal always supports him, he is still worried because he cannot bring his team to be a winner. Other things that make Grant feel insecure are the parents of his players and his colleagues. It is because they want his position as the head coach to be substituted by his assistant. This characteristic can be found when his players‟ parents have a secret meeting with the assistant coach and principal of Shiloh school. The meeting discusses about Grant‟s work. They

do not know that Grant is at his office. Inadvertently, Grant over hears the conversation between his players‟ parents and the principal. The content of the

meeting is that they want to fire Grant and substitute him with the assistant coach of SCA team.

Principal Ryker was speaking, “Just last week, I told Coach Taylor we‟d be getting him new decals. And now we‟re talking about throwing him out? That‟s a sudden switch.”

“Grant Taylor is not capable of winning. He doesn‟t have it in him. That‟s the whole point,” said Pervis, one of his players‟ parents.

Neil Prater added, “I‟m not for attacking the coach, I‟m just saying I want my son to have the best football program possible. My son‟s got a chance for a football scholarship if he‟s taught by the right coach. Matt‟s gonna be a senior next year. I don‟t want to see him lose this opportunity” (p. 80).

The statement above is the conversation that happens in the secret meeting between the players‟ parents and the principal without telling Grant. They want


also ask to the assistant coach, Brady. They persuade him to substitute Grant‟s position of head coach to somebody else.

“Brady, you could do better than Grant Taylor,” Pervis said. “You could,” said Prater.

“What we needis a change,” Pervis insisted. “Now.”

Grant spun away from the classroom door, torn between confronting these backstabbers and fleeing. He could hear them still jawing. Hadn‟t they said enough? (p. 81).

The conversation between the parents and his assistant coach makes Grant think that he is not good enough for becoming a head coach. It makes Grant feel insecure of his job because his colleagues do not believe in his ability. They want to replace his position with his assistant. It means that he will lose his job as a head coach of SCA football team. The condition makes Grant feel threatened of losing his job. Based on his thought, his reactions, and comments of others, Grant is described as a person who feels insecure in his life.

c. Guilty

Having a lack of confidence also makes Grant feel guilty. He feels that the losing of his team happens because of him. It makes him uncomfortable when he wants to go to the church. It is because many of his players and parents attend his church. He feels guilty if he meets them, talking about their last game.

He didn‟t want to go, but he knew it was the right thing to do. “A sacrifice of praise.”Isn‟t that what the Bible called it?


In the statement above, it clearly states that Grant feels guilty because his team never wins in every single game. This condition makes him not want to meet his players or their parents because he feels that the cause of their defeat is him. Grant‟s characteristic of feeling guilty can also be shown when Grant has a

conversation with his wife, Brooke. When they talk about Grant‟s football team and the condition of their lives, Grant says that all bad things happen because of him.

Grant rested both arms on the table, his palms turned up in a show of defeat.

“I don‟t know where to start. They‟ve just lost confidence in me. I was so sure I could turn this program around, and I‟ve just sunk it lower. Brooke, I‟ve tried so hard.Why can‟t I win?” said Taylor.

“You can win. Stop beating yourself up, Grant,” said Brooke.

“Brooke, I can‟t provide you a decent home. I can‟t provide you a decent car. I‟m a failing coach, with a losing record. And I can‟t give you the children you want. It‟s me. We can‟t have our own children because of me,” said Grant (p. 84).

By analyzing the dialogues that happen between Grant and Brooke, it is clearly seen that Grant‟s problems give a significant effect to him, especially psychologically. Grant thinks that he cannot fulfill others‟ needs so that it makes him blame himself. Grant feels that all bad things in his life happen because of his fault. He feels guilty of all. Another fact that shows Grant‟s characteristic as a guilty person is when Grant thinks that he is the main problem of all the problems.

Maybe he was the problem.

Grant closed his hand over his keys. In his ears, he could still hear the complaints from that late-night meeting: ”Coach Taylor… he’s not a good coach… He’s dead weight.” (p. 96).


him blame himself. He thinks that he is really a bad coach for his football team. Based on the analysis of direct comment of him, his thought, and the conversation between he and Brooke, Grant is a person who feels guilty. As a result, having many problems makes Grant feel doubtful, insecure and guilty. Those characteristics are Grant‟s negative characteristics.

d. Kind

Besides having negative characteristics, Grant also has some positive characteristics. One of Grant‟s positive characteristics that is shown by the author is kind. The term of a kind person has a meaning as an action or others‟ opinions of him which show that he is a good man. In this part, the researcher shows that Grant is a good man by analyzing other characters‟ opinions. It is shown when

some parents of his players have a meeting and talk about him. “I‟m not asking you to throw Grant out,” Alvin Pervis said. “Alvin, he‟sa good man,” said Neil Prater.

Pervis wasn‟t finished. “I‟m not saying he‟s not a good man” (p. 80).

The conversation above clearly shows that Grant Taylor is a good man. The statement is spoken by the parents who do not really like him. It means that Grant really has a good characteristic. Grant‟s characteristic as a kind person also can be seen on his attention of others. It can be shown when he thinks about his players‟ future. He gives suggestion to his player, Matt, who has a big problem

with his father.

“Matt, can I shoot straight with you for a minute?” “Sure.” Matt met his eyes.

“I feel like you owe your dad more respect.” “Why? You don‟t know him like I know him.”


“You know, Coach, my dad doesn‟t even like you. He thinks the school needs to find somebody else” (p. 132).

The conversation above clearly shows that Grant has a kind heart. He still cares to his player even his player‟s father does not like him. He gives good

suggestion to his player. He does not care about others‟ treatment of him. He just

wants to do the right thing in his life.

Grant‟s characteristic as a kind person is not only shown in his football life.

It also describes in his relationship with Brooke. One of the reasons why Brooke wants to marry him is because Grant is a kind person. It can be seen when Brooke has conversation with Grant.

“Grant, I saw in you a man who wanted to love God.”

“And I just thought you looked good in your cheerleading uniform,” said Grant.

“Grant, you‟re the nicest and most forgiving person I‟ve ever met” (p. 109).

Through the conversation between Grant and Brooke, it can be seen that Grant has a good characteristic. Brooke says that Grant is the nicest man she has met. It means that he is a kind person. Based on others‟ opinions and his speech, Grant is clearly described as a kind person. Being a good man can influence other people to love him. In this novel, the author describes other positive characteristics of Grant by showing in Grant‟s actions, speech and others‟ opinions.

e. Loving and caring


affection. One characteristic of Grant is loving others. In this novel, Grant Taylor has a kind wife who always loves him in every condition. They move from Statesboro to Albany after finishing their studies at Georgia Southern University. Grant has a new job in Albany, in the state‟s south-western corner. He gets a new job of becoming the head coach position in one of the senior high schools in this state. It is his first job as a football coach in a senior high school. He is going from the GSU Eagles to the Eagles at Shiloh Christian Academy. For him, it is a good sign. He believes that getting this job means that he is flying higher (p. 4).

Unfortunately, in six years coaching Shiloh Eagles, Grant cannot make his team win in every competition. It makes the principal and the parents of his players angry. They blame Grant as a bad coach. Those conditions do not make Grant stop loving his wife. He really loves his wife. The way of Grant loves his wife can be seen in the following statement.

“Brooke, I‟ve got forty jerseys and thirty-one boys. If you‟ve got two legs and a head, I‟d probably take you,” said Grant to Brooke.

“Grant Taylor, tell me that‟s not the sound of worried man.” Brooke reached out for his hand. “From where I‟m sitting, I see a coach who still has what it takes to help these boys win – on the field and off,” said Brooke.

Grant said, “Hope you‟re right, sweetheart. I really do” (p. 59).

The statement above clearly shows that Grant loves his wife. Having so many problems does not make Grant stop loving his wife. It can be seen in the way how he calls his wife using word “sweetheart”. He still respects to his wife. It

shows that he really loves his wife even though he has so many problems in his life. Grant‟s characteristic which is shown that he really loves his wife can be seen


so many problems in their lives. This condition can be known from someone‟s opinion of their relationship.

“Thank you for doing this,” Brooke said.

“Anytime.” Jackie slipped into a parking spot at Shiloh Christian academy. She turned off the engine and looked over at her friend. “You know, you

and Grant are one of the only couples I know who seem to still truly love each other” (p. 57).

From the statement above, Jackie‟s opinion clearly shows that Grant and

Brooke have a good relationship. They truly love each other even they have so many problems in their lives. It means that Grant really loves his wife in every condition of their lives. As a result, Grant is very loving and caring to his wife without being affected by their problems. Grant does not only love his wife, but also he cares to his players.

Grant‟s characteristic as a person who cares to others can be seen when he

helps others even though they do not respect him. He gives his best to help others solve their problems. He does it sincerely even it is in a simple or hard way. It is because he thinks that helping others does not always need a big action. It can be a simple one, such as listening to someone‟s story. The example of this characteristic can be seen when he tries to help one of his players, Matt, in solving his problem with his father.

Matt saw Coach across the track. Matt had no interest in talking. “Matt, feel like you owe your dad more respect.”


“Cause he‟s your father.”

“You don‟t know him like I know him.”

“I don‟t have to know him. You need to respect him because it‟s the right thing to do.”


“Matt, you can‟t judge your father by his actions, and then judge yourself by your intentions. It doesn‟t work that way. You‟re not responsible for him. You‟re responsible for you. You honor God by honoring your authority,” said Grant (pp. 131-132).

The conversation between Grant and Matt above shows that Grant cares to his player. He gives his time to listen Matt‟s problems. He helps Matt to make peace with his father even he knows that Matt‟s father does not like him. In

helping Matt, Grant does not only listen and give suggestion for Matt, but he also takes Matt to his father so that Matt can meet his father and solve their problem directly. As a result, Grant‟s actions show that he really cares about other people without thinking of someone‟s background. Grant does not only care to Matt, but

also cares to other players. The way of caring can be seen in developing his players‟ ability. It can be seen in the following statement.

“Oh.” Grant held up a hand. “One more thing. Brooke and I have an old barn behind our house. If you want, you can come on over and put in some extra hours, to work on your kicking technique. Just draw yourself a set of goalposts on the barn with some chalk, and you‟ll be good to go.”

“Thanks, Coach, but I don‟t wanna impose.”

“Not at all,” Grant said. “We‟re just out Old Pretoria Road. Some sweet tea, a little pecan pie, and you boys‟ll feel right at home.”

David and Jonathan offered enthusiastic thank-yous (p. 59).


f. Religious

Grant also has another good characteristic which helps him face his problems. Another Grant‟s characteristic that is shown by the author in the novel

is religious. Grant Taylor is described as a religious person who always believes in God, even though he has so many problems. It can be shown in his action to respond an internal chaos in his team that happens when one of his best players, Darren, moves to another football team.

“Coach, is it true that Darren transferred to Tucker?” said Matt Prater, one of his players.

“Coach, maybe if you go talk to him, he‟ll come back” said another player. Grant answered, “He‟s not coming back.”

“Who‟s gonna take his place? He scored a third of our points last year,” asked Matt.

“Stop worrying about Darren. Lord knows, we need somebody,” said Grant (pp. 21-22).

The dialogue above describes the religious characteristic of Grant. It can be seen when his team feels worried, he still believes that God knows about his team‟s needs. Grant also believes that God has a good plan for his team so that he still has a positive thinking of his team. Grant‟s characteristic as a person who has

a strong belief of God is not only shown in the dialogue above, but also shown in his action when he feels depressed. He feels that he is a failing coach. He also feels that he cannot be a good husband for his wife because he cannot provide a decent home and give a child for his wife. In those conditions, Grant asks God about his life and tries to find the answer through praying to God.


Is that too much to ask? I don’t understand. Grant thought by himself. “But You‟re my God. You‟re on the throne. You can have my hopes and my dreams. Lord, give me something. Show me something,” prayed Grant (pp. 87-88).

The statement above shows that Grant still believes in God even he is in the worst condition. Even Grant is not always in a good condition of his life, he always believes that God has the answers of his problems. It shows that Grant has a religious characteristic. Another way that shows the main character‟s

characteristic is when other characters talk or think about the main character‟s

characteristic (Murphy, 1972, pp. 162-164). It can be seen when Grant has conversation with Brooke.

Brooke took the paper from Grant, and said, “So, this is your new team philosophy?”

Grant pressed his fist to his mouth. “Whaddya think?” “I think this applies to all of life, not just football.” “Well, that‟s my point.”

She nodded, eyes sparkling.

“Oh, no. What‟s with that mischievous grin?”

“I‟m just remembering all over again why I fell in love with you. Grant, I saw in you a man who wanted to love God” (pp. 108-109).

The conversation above shows Brooke‟s opinion of Grant‟s characteristic. By analyzing their conversation, it clearly shows that Grant loves God. Grant really loves God because he takes God in every moment of his life. He believes God‟s plan not only in his team, but also in his entire life. Based on his reactions

of his problems and his conversation with Brooke, it can be concluded that Grant is a religious man.

g. Hardworking


characteristic can be seen from his responses in facing his problems. Even he has so many problems in his team and family, this situation does not make him give up. With his struggle, he can solve his problems. He always works hard to get his goals in bringing his team becomes a winner. He always shows his spirit in coaching his team. He also does everything enthusiastically. In this analysis, the researcher finds Grant‟s characteristic by analyzing his speech. Murphy says that

characteristic of the character can be seen by knowing the language and words that are used by the character (1972, pp. 164-166). Grant‟s characteristic of hardworking can be seen in his speech when he coaches his team.

Grant walked backward, goading the boys along. “Show me some power. No knees. Keep your knees off the ground. Show me something. Here we go. Ten yards. Show me some muscle, show me some power. Give me some heart. Let‟s go! Believe me. We get this team to stop talking and start acting, then we got something” (pp. 115-116).

Grant‟s speech above clearly shows that Grant has a hardworking

characteristic. He does not only give instructions to his players but he also gives motivations to his players directly. He says that if his players want to get something, they should do the exercises with their heart. They should give their best in every condition. It means that those statements describe Grant‟s characteristic as a hardworking person. He believes that someone who wants to be successful should work hard.

Grant‟s characteristic as a hardworking person also can be seen on his

action when he coaches. He does not only give motivation through his speech but also give real action in giving the motivation.


aches it produced in bones and weary ligaments. They ran without complaint.

“Team, we‟ve worked hard. You‟ve pushed your bodies to the limit. Kept up your grades,” said Grant (p. 234).

The statement above shows that Grant still coaches even the rain is coming. He gives his heart and soul for coaching his team totally. It is also clearly shown that Grant is a hardworking person. It can be seen on his team‟s motivation in practicing. They do not complain, even though the condition is not well. The spirit of the players describes who their coach is.

Based on the analysis above, Grant Taylor has two kinds of characteristics, namely negative and positive characteristics. The negative characteristics of Grant are lack of confidence, feeling insecure, and blaming himself. The positive characteristics of Grant are kind person, loving, caring, religious, and hardworking. Those characteristics play a big role in Grant‟s personality. In the novel, it can be seen that the positive characteristics of Grant are more dominant than his negative characteristics. It makes Grant‟s personality change. Therefore,

in the next part, the researcher describes about Grant‟s personality development. 2. Grant Taylor’s Personality Development

After knowing the characteristics of the main character, the researcher decides to complete this analysis by revealing the main character‟s personality development so that the researcher can identify how his personality influences his football team‟s motivation. In analyzing the main character‟s personality


Figure 1.1 The First Hierarchical Pyramid of Maslow’s Theory of Needs


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