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5 Famous tourist attraction in Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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tourist attraction in Indonesia

1. Komodo Island ( Pulau Komodo )

The island of Komodo in the Komodo National Park along with the other islands around the islands of Nusa Tenggara. In 1986, UNESCO set sights on Indonesia as one of the world heritage site. The island is considered as the Komodo dragon habitat must be protected. One of the highest honors that were achieved are successfully entered the ranks of the seven natural wonders of the world, or better known as the New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011.

These attractions offer the natural beauty of the land and underwater incredible. There are many things you can do here, from trekking, diving to snorkerling.

For trekking, you can explore the island with a group and a ranger or guide. On the way, you can find dragons are hunting prey or resting. Ranger will equip you with a forked stick ends. This stick is believed to weaken the animal when the dragons started to attack. By pressing the neck dragons using a forked end of the stick, these animals will instantly tame. It is important for you to keep every movement when walking because these animals are very sensitive to sudden movements.

Diving and snorkeling in the waters of Komodo Island is no less exciting. This tourist spot is also known by the natural beauty of the underwater and become one of the favorite dive sites. Another interesting feature is the presence or Pink Beach Pink Beach. This beach is one of the seven beaches in the world which has a reddish-colored sand. This color is probably derived from coral fragments were crushed and mixed together with sand. When exposed to the waves, the red color has become increasingly apparent due to wet.

2. Raja Ampat


islands at the tip of Papua. There are four main islands here, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati and Batanta.

Natural wealth under the sea Raja Ampat not be doubted. Waters in the tourist spot is known as one of the best diving and snorkeling locations in the world. The Nature Conservancy even mention that about 75% of world marine life can be found in the waters of Raja Ampat. To prove it, please prepare your dive perlengakapan and start exploring the underwater nature. October and November is called as the best time to dive here because of the weather and water conditions are ideal.

Besides diving, you can explore the beauty of the mainland islands in Raja Ampat. Locals will be happy to offer his services as a guide. During the trekking, you can also stop by the homes of citizens and interact directly or buy handicrafts such as statues Asmat and traditional musical instruments as a souvenir of their work.

3. Bunaken Marine Park ( Taman Laut Bunaken )

Bunaken Marine Park became one of the tourist spots in Indonesia are again designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site , precisely in 2005. This is due to the richness and diversity of marine life were remarkable ranging from coral reefs , sea grass to fish species .

This tourist spot has more than 30 diving spots are a favorite of many domestic and foreign divers . In addition to diving and in direct contact with the fish here , you can also dive with the submarine that has been provided . The ship has a transparent glass wall to let you see underwater scenery Bunaken Marine Park without being exposed to water and damp . Hmm , interesting !

4. Borobudur temple ( Candi Borobudur )

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple complex in the world. Tourist attractions in Indonesia is designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1991. Borobudur was buried volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Merapi, until it was discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1814.


come true. Here, you can also buy a variety of souvenirs ranging from T-shirts, key chains, fan until the miniature Borobudur.

At the celebration of Vesak, the Borobudur Temple become the central gathering many Buddhists from various parts of the world such as Tibet and Thailand. This ritual became one tourist attraction here. The most in demand by tourists is the top event in the form of the release of lanterns into the sky. Lanterns will be released along with the prayers and hopes for the year ahead.

5. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

If normally you can visit a museum to learn more about the culture of an area, this time you can visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah as a giant museum to know the culture of Indonesia. As the name implies, the tourist attractions in Indonesia initiated by Tien Soeharto became a place to see the Indonesian culture in a mini version.

In the area of tourist attractions in Indonesia, there are an artificial lake with an island that resembles islands in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. You can walk around the lake by boat swan that has been provided.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah also has a pavilion area of 34 provinces in Indonesia. Each pavilion area traditional style and included traditional clothing, household appliances everyday and traditional weapons. There is also a cafeteria in each pavilion serving typical cuisine of each region.

Besides miniature archipelago of Indonesia and pavilion area, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah also still has many museums and recreational vehicle for a family. Tourist attractions in Indonesia could be the right choice for those who want to introduce Indonesia to children in a fun way.


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