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The influence of celebrity endorce, brand image, and consumer perception toward the decision of buying lifebuoy soap: case study in Budi Luhur University


Academic year: 2017

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Undergraduate Thesis as

One of the requirements to complete the course Bachelor (S1) The undergraduate faculty of economics and business

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Prepared by:

Yudy Darma Putra









Personal Identities

Name : Yudy Darma Putra Gender : Male

Place of Birth : Jakarta

Date of Birth : January, 15th 1989

Address : Komplek Taman Cipulir Blok A.2/9 Phone/Mobile : 085691103108

E-mail Address : putra_p4@yahoo.com

Formal Education





Signature bellow:

Name : Yudy darma putra Student ID : 107081103298

Faculty : Economics and Business Department : Management

Hereby declare that in the writing of this thesis, I;

1. Do not use other people’s ideas without being able to develop and accountable. 2. Do not plagiarism of the other people’s work manuscript.

3. Do not use other people’s work without mentioning the original source or without the owner’s permission.

4. Do not manipulate and falsify the data.

5. Own work and able to work responsible for this work.

If in the future there is a demand from the other side of my work, and have been accountably proved, was indeed found evidence that I have violated the above statement, then I am ready to be sanctioned according to rules applicable in the Faculty of Economics and Business Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Thus, this statement is truly made with sincerity.

Jakarta, 2014





Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara simultan maupun parsial dari celebrity endorser, brand image, dan persepsi konsumen terhadap keputusan pembelian produk sabun mandi merek lifebouy. Pada penelitian ini digunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari riset lapangan dengan objek penelitian pengguna produk sabun mandi merek lifebouy di wilayah kampus Budi Luhur Jakarta serta data sekunder yang mendukung penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat digunakan analisis regresi linier berganda pada SPSS 20 for windows. Berdasarkan analisis regresi linier berganda diketahui bahwa variabel celebrity endorser, brand image, dan persepsi konsumen secara simultan maupun parsial mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan R square (R2) 91.3%ini menunjukan bahwa celebrity endorser, brand image, dan persepsi konsumen dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 8,7% ditentukan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diketahui dan tidak termasuk dalam analisis regresi ini.



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

All praise to Allah SWT, because of His blessings and grace the writer can finish this thesis as one of the requirements in accomplishing the bachelor degree.

The writer also want to thank profusely to all of the parties who had sacrificing their time to give motivation and advice to the writer, thus, this thesis can be finished properly. The writer realizes that without the support from the several parties, this thesis cannot be finished properly. In this change, the writer would like to say thank to:

1. Thanks to Allah swt and beloved parents (H.Darmansyah and Hj.maznah) always supporting me and be my best lecture in my life, for beloved brother Rizky darma putra,Muhammad hanafi,muhammad al-fayet and my sisters Diska vebry darma,niees an large famiy for prayer, encouragement and enthusiasm given to the author for taking courses and completing the study 2. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, MS., as the Dean of Economic and Business Faculty

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.

3. Dr. Yahya Hamja,MM as my supervisor I, who always encourage, guide and motivate me. Thank you for the time that you have spared to help me to finish this thesis. Thank you for always being nice when I ask question sir. May Allah gives His blessing for you.



5. Lecturers UIN syarif Hidayatullah, which has contributed his knowledge to the author and his colleagues for this author. Thanks you for sacrifice of time and Knowledge that has has given to the author and his friends other student. 6. All of the staff in Economic and Business Faculty on 3rd floors. Especially

pak Bonyx who always nicely help me to prepare the documents that I need to make the thesis. .

7. My friends in Management International 2007 who always nice to me: Fathy,tipol,basir,tyas,andrea.zee,wike,aga,kharis,hatta,sharah,Zahra,hilya,Leo ,beler,dewi,dwi,sukria,ami,yassa,iki Thank you for being good friends.

The writer realizes that this thesis is far from perfection due to the limited knowledge of writer. All of the suggestions and criticism are welcomed in order to make this thesis better. I hope, this thesis will be useful for the other researcher or reader.

Jakarta, ,2014 The Writer










CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theories Related to the Variable Taken... 11

1. Marketing Management ... 11

2. Celebrity Endorser... 12

3. Brand Image... 17

4. Consumer Perseption... 22

5. Purchase Decision... 25



C. Research Framework ... 32

D. Hypothesis ... 34


B. Method of Determining The Sample ... 36

C. Data Collection Methods ... 36

1. Primary Data ... 37

a. Questionnaire (Primary Data) ... 37

b. Interview ... 37

c. Heteroscedastisity ... 42

3. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis ... 43

4. T Test (Partial) ... 43

5. F Test (Simultan) ... 44

E.Operational Variable Research ... 45

CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. General Description of Research Object ... 48

1. History PT. Unilever Indonesia ... 48

2. Vision and Mission ... 49

3. The Characteristics of Respondents ... 50

B. Result and Discussion ... 54

1. Validities and Reliabilities ... 54



3. Classic Assumption Tests ... 61

a. Normality Test ... 61

b. Multi-Collinearity Test ... 62

c. Heterokedasticity Test ... 63

C. Multiple Regression Test ... 65


B. The Implications ... 72





Table 1.1 Liquid soap market share Chart ... 4

Table 2.1 Use of Celebrity Types ... 15

Table 3.1 Assessment Level Answers ... 37

Table 4.1 Faculties Respondent ... 50

Table 4.2 Products That Use Lifebouy ... 51

Table 4.3 Tendency Of Choosing Fragrance (Fragrance) Is The Same In Every Lifebouy Purchase ... 51

Table 4.4 How Many Times Did Purchase Lifebouy In Each Month . 52 Table 4.5 Result of Validity and Reliability test Celebrity Endorser.. 53

Table 4.6 Result of Validity and Reliability test BrandImage ... 54

Table 4.7 Result of Validity and Reliability test Customer perception 55 Table 4.8 Result of Validity and Reliability test Decision of Buying . 56 Table 4.9 Result of Reliability Test Celebrity endorser ... 57

Table 4.10 Result of Reliability Test Brand Image ... 58

Table 4.11 Result of Reliability Test Customer perception ... 58

Table 4.12 Result of Reliability Test Decision of Buying ... 59

Table 4.13 Multi-Collinearity Test ... 61

Table 4.14 Confusion Determine ... 63

Table 4.15 Testing t Count ... 64

Table 4.16 Testing f Count ... 65




Figure 2.1 The Process Of Perception ... 22

Figure 2.2 Factors that Affect the behavior of Consumers ... 24

Figure 2.3 The decision making process ... 27

Figure 2.4 The Framework Of Thought... 33




BAB 1: Introduction

A. Background

In the era of globalization of business competition which is increasingly dynamic, complex and all is uncertain, not only provides the opportunities but also the challenges faced by the company – the company to always get a way best to seize and retain market share. Every company trying to draw attention to (prospective) customers in various ways, by providing information on the products

Provision of information about these products can be made via a variety of a form of marketing communications programs include: advertising, sales, targeted demographic promotions, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing (Kotler,2005). of the various programs of the marketing communication, advertising is one of the most common ways to use the company to redirect persuasive communication in the target audience.


2 and serves as people who talk about the product, which in turn can affect the

consumer attitudes and behavior that pointed to products backed Nowadays, consumers are increasingly selective in the selection of the

product to be used or consumed. This is due to the development of very fast flow of information supported by the existence of making technology consumers can absorb information and knowledge about.

The existence of a product quickly. With such a situation, the company must be responsive to the desires of consumers, companies must be able to communicate its products properly, companies need to provide information about its products with a good to the consumer so that the consumer will give a positive response to the product. A marketing strategy that a company can do is to do a promotional mix that is able to provide information to the consumer that is advertising.


3 way of advertising in order to attract the attention of consumers and creates a preference for the brand. One of the ways creative in advertising is to use

endorser. The figure of the endorser can come from celebrities and ordinary

people/non-celebrities. Endorser as opinion leader who delivered the message to get to consumers about a brand product. Opinion Leader instrumental in providing information on others, persuasion, and the giver of offender information. Companies should choose a suitable endorser and to deliver the desired advertising message to a target audience, so that the message to the consumer who can shape opinion, and they will forward the appropriate opinion perception of each, thereby increasing awareness will hopefully be in doing the purchasing decisions of products.

Use of the endorser is expected to give a positive association between a product with an endorser.


4 consumers in the process of purchasing decisions that ultimately can create loyalty to a particular brand of product.

In Indonesia, the market competition of liquid soap is quite popular recently. Along with the growing interest in Indonesia society will this one product, liquid soap products market each year experiencing growth is pretty good. lifebuoy is a product of producing companies. or liquid soap in various

scents. lifebuoy is one of the brands that compete in the market of liquid soap that is healthy and trusted among the people of Indonesia,

and its existence is already pretty well established in Indonesia. Tabel 1.1: Liquid soap market share Chart

Brand Jakarta Bandung Semarang Surabaya Medan Total

Lux 40,25 35,08 51,17 33,96 54,45 39,66

Lifebuoy 33,61 26,43 17,03 35,88 25,36 31,57

Biore 6,72 20,35 20,63 11,13 5,02 10,23

Dove 3,14 5,59 0 0 2,6 2,88

Gatsby 2,82 5 4,45 1,38 0 2,86

Nuvo 1,3 3,61 0 5,45 3,56 2,44

Cussons 1,68 2,84 0 2,42 0 1,83


5 competitors. With that her creative ideas using Lifebuoy in promoting their products by using a Celebrity Endorser which are known by the consumers like Sigit and Amanda. This advertising is an advertising that is attractive and preferred audience. The main attraction of this ad is on the stars (70%) and Lifebuoy SOAP (30%). The strength of the artist's beauty and characteristics ' Indonesia ' his lumpy seems to illustrate how the exotic beauty of Asian girls, besides the great name of lifebuoy is the 'stamp ' to the people's views of

upscale SOAP seems to strengthen advertising With the promotion is done, the public will be more Lifebuoy know


6 One hundred and five brands of the best and strongest stated in Indonesia Best Brand surveys. Although the result without surprises, revealed remarkable phenomenon in several sectors: Paramex and insurance team of the Bumiputera; liquid bath SOAP market would greatly enlarged. Innovative brands deserve scrutiny.

From the findings of the survey found that BV the IBBA champion this year--especially 46 brands that get the Platinum Brand (for 5-8 years in a row earns IBBA) and 18 who brand gained Golden Brand (for 3-4 years in a row earns IBBA)- -generally has high. Take for example, Laurier, Sari Ayu, pond 's, Sunsilk and So Good. We refer, BV in 2008 amounted to 39.7 Laurier and in 2009 to 69.5. BV Sari Ayu Foundation of 28.6 (2008) 43.4 (2009). BV Sunsilk from 27.5 (2008) to 60.7 (2009). Pond's facial cleanser SOAP BV at fantastic with BV Sunsilk, i.e. from 16 (2008) 69.5 (2009) –. How can that

be? Spike BV, according to Budi raharjo, Research Director of MARS, because the field of competition is now

more and more narrow and sharp. A very tight competition that led to their marketing performance increases. Each player is moving very aggressively so that the proportion of strength to be evenly distributed, the same height.


7 Group of toiletries. Its market potential to grow larger again. The index's Gain of almost all the players show no loyalty among users, so that each brand is still identified potential new users. Just a warning to the true pioneers in the Biore category liquid bath SOAP, because its just the index gain of 4.5%. It's his mark, the possibility of new Biore get consumers is very small. Different from the winner (Lux B.V. 66,8%), thus acquiring the largest index gains, 69,1%, which means it has almost 70% chances of getting new consumers

According to the opinion of Kent Wartime, a seasoned practitioner in the advertising industry and international communication, that image is a real power that moves the economic activity and consumer interest. Called by the Kent economy is as image. (MARS Indonesia, 2008: 16)

Brand and celebrity is a very familiar element included and be the talk of the community around the world. The success of efforts to build brand image, one of which is determined by consumer perceptions of celebrities who became an icon of that product. With the promotion is done, the public will be more Lifebuoy know Lifebuoy and Lifebuoy products will further have a good image and good of the community. Image obtained from the quality of the product itself, the company's image and performance of products that can meet

the needs of the community. With the perception a celebrity endorser positively by the public, it is




B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the issue above, the formulation of the problem in this research are:

(1) How much the influence of celebrity endorser, partially toward the decision of purchase Lifebuoy SOAP?

(2) How much the influence of brand Image partially toward the decision of purchase Lifebuoy SOAP?

(3) How much the influence of consumer perception partially toward the decision of purchase Lifebuoy SOAP?

(4) How much the influence of celebrity endorser, brand Image and consumer perception simultanneously toward the decision of purchase Lifebuoy SOAP?

C. The Purpose and Benefits of Research


9 (2) Analyze whether there is influence of celebrity endorser, brand Image and consumer perception simultaneously toward the decision of purchase lifebuoy SOAP?

(3) Analyze whether there is influence of celebrity endorser, brand Image and consumer perception, partially toward the decision of purchase lifebuoy SOAP?

As for the benefits of this research are as follows: 1. For Authors

With this study the authors can see and know the extent of the application of the theory of acquired during a lecture to the practice of happened in the reality.

2. For Companies

The results of this research are expected to be the input for the company to further optimize competition and can be used as a basis for evaluating the policies related to the promotion, quality and brand image of the products.

3. For The Other Side Or Academic


10 (3) This research is expected as references with regard to promotion and





A. Theories Related to the Variable Taken

1. Marketing Management

Marketing is marked by a number of important changes. The orientation is nolonger creating the maximum profit. Creating the customer as much as possible through consumer satisfaction (customer satisfaction). Manufacturers are always trying to make it through the products it produces, the company goals and objectivecan be achieved. Through the products that are sold, the company can guarantee the life or maintain the stability of its business to be able to develop. In order that producers should think of its marketing activity, long before these products were produced until the product is in use by the end consumer.

Marketing should not be seen as narrowly job finding ingenious ways to sell the company's products. Many obscure marketing with sub functions, such as advertising and sales. Marketing must be distinguished from the sale, because marketing is the merging of the various functions of a separate such as sales, advertising, marketing research, the development of the new products, customer service, and distribution.


12 that marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating,offering and freely exchange the products and services of value with others.

Marketing management is the analysis, the planner, implementation, and control of programs that are designed to create, build, and maintain a beneficial exchange with the target buyers in order to achieve the objectives of the organization. (Kotler &Armstrong, 2004: 16)

According to Kotler (2002: 6), the marketing mix (the marketing mix) is defined as the set of marketing tools that used the company to continuously achieve the goal of his company in the target market. Is divided into four groups known as the "4 P 's": Product, Place (place), Price (price), Promotion (promotion).

2. Celebrity Endorser

a. The Understanding of Celebrity Endorser

According to Terence A. Shimp (2008: 335) defines the following celebrities: "Celebrity is a personality (actors, entertainer, or athlete) who is known to the public for his or her accomplishments in areas other than

the product class endorsed”.

That means a celebrity is a person man or woman (the artist, performer, or athlete) known or unknown by the public over what they have accomplished in their fields from product level supporters.


13 appears in an ad, where the source is defined basic person or organization that has information to give to another person or specific group.

Related to those definitions, it can be concluded that in general the celebrity ads star is someone famous or known and using the extended it to help an enterprise to sell or change the image of a company, product, or brand.

b. The Factors That Should Be Owned Celebrity As A Source

The use of celebrities in advertising involves the attractiveness and credibility that is unique (Muly and Simon, 2008: 118).

1) The Appeal

Appeal is a number of elements that are contained within the celebrities that includes a number of characteristics which can be seen in the audience of supporters such as physical attractiveness, famous, personality traits, lifestyle and social class.

2) The Credibility

Credibility is a belief in the value of skills and convince others about the product being promoted. Consists of knowledge, skills, experience, honesty, and trustworthiness.

3) The utilization Function of celebrities c. The Function of Celebrity using

According to Sumarwan, m. SC, (2009: 89) in promoting a product, a celebrity could serve to:

a. Give testimony


14 c. To act as an actor in commercials

d. Act as a spokesperson for the company

Considerations to note in the utilization of celebrities as endorser:

1) Matches Celebrities With Audiences

For consumers, these celebrities could even become a role model for them in building self-image.Whento buy or consume a product, consumers certainly have something or expectations of the product.

2) Matches Celebrities With Brand

From the branding, endorser serves as a reflection of the personality of a brand. If a brand is associated as a brand of fun, energetic, youthful and full of stamina, then the celebrities have to have all those attributes. Advertising executives demanded that the celebrity image, values and behavior to suit the desired impression for the advertised brands.

3) Visibility or Popularity

The higher the rating the popularity generated a celebrity then became a popular and famous celebs in the community. According to the size of the US people who have the highest rating celebs became the first choice in advertising the product.

d. Celebrity As a Source Supporting The Advertising Message


15 spokesman for its products, such as Dian Sastrowardoyo for lux SOAP and Indra Bekti for sympathy cards. Famous people are more effective when they represent the main product attributes.


16 Table 2.1 Use of Celebrity Types


Endorser Celebrities use the name

and appearance to endorse a


Farhan in the ad Suzuki


Testimonial Celebrities give testimony

to the quality of the product,

in accordance with personal


Top One Oil with

acknowledgment of the


Actor Celebrities showing a

character in advertising

your products/services

Indra Bekti ad in simpati

and Telkomsel

Spokeperson Celebrity explains the

brand/company over a

certain period.

Dian Sastrowardoyo with

Panasonic ads

Source : Schiffman dan Kanuk, Consumer Behavior, 7th Edition PrenticeHall,2008


17 3. Brand Image

The brand image is everything that is associated with the memory of a particular brand. Brand image is formed in the minds of consumers, i.e. where the consumer to capture and translate the signal-a signal sent by a brand through its products, which is based on physical characteristics or attributes of the identity of the brand itself, such as a name, a symbol, and then sent the signal slogans and socialized to consumers through brand communications program. The second dimension of the Brand image of the brand is based on the knowledge of the consumer is an image of a brand. The brand image is considered as a type of association that arises in the minds of consumers when considering a particular brand. The Association simply can appear in the form of a specific thought or image associated with a brand, just as when we think about other people. This association may be based on the type of service, support, strength, uniqueness. The type of the Association include brand attributes, benefits and attitudes. An attribute consists of product attributes, such as color and.

Size as well as attributes that are not related to the product, such as price, users and corporate image. Whereas the benefits include benefits of functionally symbolically benefits and benefits based on experience.


18 A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or a combination of the seller of the goods or services are important. Or it can be defined as a method to identify and distinguish the various products from competitors. (Madura, 2001: 101)

According to William j. Stanton "brand is a name, term, symbol, or design special or some combination of these elements that are designed to identify the goods or services offered by the seller". ( Rangkuti, 2002: 36).

While according to the ACT No. 15 Brands in 2001, article 1, paragraph 1, the brand is "the sign in the form of pictures, names, words, letters, numbers, colors, composition or a combination of these elements that have differences and used in the activities of trade in goods and services. (Fandi Tjiptono, 2005: 2).

According to Sumarwan dkk (2009), brand image is the image that is built into the subconscious of consumers through information and expectations that are expected through the product or service. A good brand should:

 Unprotected well

 Easier said

 Easy to remember

 Easy to spot

 Pull

 Showing the product benefits


19 The characteristics of a strong brand is:

(1) Defining and encouraging a strong goal

(2) A reflection of consumers ' needs, establish a good image and reputation in the minds of consumers.

(3) Invites consumers achieve great ideas together, so that consumers can have a sense of belonging to the company.

(4) Pull the consumer target, directing behavior of buyers and the premium price.

(5) Keep the customers, build loyalty, introduce a new service program. Identify the brand and represents the product, not merely a brand name. Brand perception is reflected in the consumer's mind when they think about a product. A positive perception of consumer confidence towards the brand will create a good brand image anyway.

According to Aaker (1996: 69), namely "Brand image is how customers perceive the brand and others". Martinez (2002: 2) States that: "the Brand image refers to the set of association linked to the brand that customers retain in their memories". That brand image associated with a company that is connected on the brand in order to be preserved in the memory or the mind of the consumer.

Based on that concept, then this study concluded that:


20 b. Brand image is not solely determined by how giving a good name to a product, but is also required on how to introduce the product so that it can be a memory for the consumer in the form of a perception of a product.

c. Brand image is based on the understanding, trust, and consumer perceptions of views or brand.

d. The brand image can be considered a kind of association that comes to mind of consumers when considering a particular brand. The association simply can appear in the form of a specific thought or image which is associated to a brand.

e. A positive brand image will make consumers like a product with the brand in question at a later date, while for the producers of good brand image will hamper the marketing activities of competitors.

f. Brand image is an important factor that can make consumers issued the decision to consume even as loyalty to the stage in the use of a certain product brand name, because it affects the emotional relations of brand image among consumers with a brand, so the brand that its bid would be elected needs to be consumed.


21 1. The Measurement of Brand Image

According to Keller (1993), as cited by Martinez (2002: 3) measurement of brand image is subjective, meaning that there Is no provision for the raw measurement of brand image(brand image).Furthermore, according to Keller (2003: 78) that the measurement of brand image can be done based on the aspect of a brand, namely:

a. Strengthens

Strength is brand physical advantage and which is not had by other brands. Included in this group are the physical appearance of the product, all functions of the product, the price of the product, as well as the appearance of the product support facilities.

b. Uniqueness

Uniqueness is the ability to distinguish a brand among other brands. Included in this group are a variation of services provided, price variations of a product from the products in question.

c. The Favorable


22 4. Consumer Perception

a. Understanding of The Perception

Perception can be defined as the process of how those stimuli was resolved, organized, and in interpretation (Savaliya, 2003: 62). Perception can be defined as meaning that we restore based on past stimuli that we receive through the five senses. (William j. Stanton, 1996: 126)

b. Forming Factor of Perception

The perception of the individual on an object is not just happens, but there are some factors that affected the functional factors stemming from the needs, past experience, and other things that are included in the personal factor. So the perception is not only determined by the type or form of stimulation, but also the characteristics of people who provide are sponse on the stimulation and the biological condition of (Rachmat,2001 :55)

c. Marketing Stimuli


23 Source: Savaliya (2003: 62)

Figure 2.1 The Process Of Perception

According to Kasali Rhenald (2008: 23), forming factors of perception are classified into four parts, namely:

a. Cultural Background

Perceptions are bound by culture (culture-bound). There are no two people who have cultural Values are exactly the same, so there are no two people have the perception that his perception is exactly the same. One of the cultural element is trust. Where the trust is a subjective assumption that an object or event had a certain value or cirri, with or without evidence. The value is typically sourced from a larger philosophical which is part of the cultural environment, because that value is unstable and difficult to change. Perception of self and others (perception of self and others) in Eastern society, society in General is collectively.



24 b. Past Experience

The experience of one of the objects, events, or relationships obtained by summing up the information and interpret the message that was received earlier.

c. Developing News

A growing news is a form of stimulus that attracted the attention of a wider audience. Through the news that developed in the community can support and formation of perception or influence on the minds of his audiences. Good or bad perception can be formed in the minds of many or most audiences saw a news story, because the thought processes could be established through information gathered audiences. Based on the above description it can be explained that the process of processing the received message cannot be established simply by the message recipient, but rather influenced by internal and external factors of the individual.

d. The Functions of Perception

Based on information and theories on the conclusions above, it can be seen from the perception among other functions, namely:

(1) Responding to objects that are informed (2) Select the received objects


25 5. Purchase Decisions

Understanding of purchase decisions, according to Kotler and Armstrong in Setiawati (2006: 25) is a stage in the decision-making process of buyers which consumers actually buy. Decision making is an activity of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using the goods on offer.

source : Kotler and Amstrong (2008:94)

Figure 2.2 Factors that Affect the behavior of Consumers

1. Culture

(1) Culture, is the most basic cause of desire and purchase behavior. A culture is a set of basic values, perception, desires, and behaviors that are studied by a member of the society from family and other important institutions.


26 (3) Social class, it is a relatively permanent communities defision and regularly with its members adhere to the values, interests, and behavior are similar

2. Social

(1) The group, consisting of two kinds: first, the group membership of a grouping that has direct influence. Having regular interactions but informally like family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Second, the reference group that serves as a point of comparison or reference directly or indirectly, in shaping the attitude or behavior of a person. (2) Family, its most important consumer purchases in the community,

such as husband, wife, and children.

(3) Role and status, the role consists of the activities undertaken are expected of someone who is around him. Each role carries a status that reflects the award given by thesociety.

3. Personal

(1) Age and stage of life cycle, buying is also shaped by the family life cycle stage of the Stages which may be traversed families according his maturity. Of young, middle and old age.

(2) Jobs, jobs of a person also affects goods and services bought.


27 (4) Lifestyle is a pattern of a person's life that is embodied in the psychographic, including Lifestyle activities (work, hobbies, shopping, sports, social activities), interest (food, fashion, family, recreation), opinions (social issues, business, product).

(5) Personality, personality refers to psychological characteristics unique that caused the response is relatively consistent and last a long time. 4. Psychological

(1) Motivation, psychological needs that arise from the need for recognition, appreciation, or sense of belonging. Most of this demand is not strong enough to motivate a person to act at a time.

(2) Perception, is a process where people in selecting, organizing, and interpret information in order to form an overview of the meaning of the world.

(3) Knowledge, the importance of the practice and theory of knowledge for marketers is they can shape demand for a product by connecting it with a powerful thrust, using instructions that evokes the motivation. (4) Confidence and attitude, confidence is a descriptive thought that has a

person about something. Marketers are interested in someone that people formulate regarding specific products and services, since these beliefs drew up the image of the brand and products that affect the behavior of buyers.


28 Figure 2.3 The decision making process

a. Introduction to The Need (Need Recognition)

The purchase process is initiated when a buyer recognize problems or needs.

b. Information of Retrieval (Information Research)

Consumers who aroused his needs will be compelled to seek more information. Consumer information sources are classified into four groups:

(1) Personal Sources: family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances. (2) Commercial Sources: advertising, salespeople, resellers,

packaging, display in store.

(3) Public sources: the mass media, organization of consumer rankings deciding.

(4) Sources of experience: handling, assessments, and the use of the product.

c. Alternative Evaluation (Evaluation Of Alternatives)


29 and capacities in providing benefits that are used to satisfy the needs that.

d. The Decision Of Purchase (Purchase Decision)

In the phase of evaluation, consumer preferences for shaping the brands that exist in a Collection of choice. They also form the consumer intentions to buy the most preferred brands.

e. After Purchasing Behavior (Post Purchase Behavior)

After purchasing the product, consumers will experience a certain level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Stages according to Kotler buying decision is almost similar to that in the Zheitamal and raised in Hurriyati Bitner (2008: 74) that the search of information sources, the evaluation of service alternatives, purchase and consumption, and the post purchase evaluation.

Five people involved in the buying decision:

(1) The founders; the people who first proposed the idea to purchase the product

(2) Giver of influence; person who views or advice affecting a decision

(3) Decision makers; people who take decisions on each component of the purchasing decision, whether to buy, don't buy, how to buy, and where to buy.


30 B. Previous Research

(1) Previous research done by Eka Setya conscience and Jony Oktavian Haryanto in his journal, entitled "The Influence of Celebrity Endorser, Brand Association, Brand Personality and Product Characteristics in

Creating Intense Purchase“. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be noted that Celebrity Endorser does not influence significantly to intense buy Nails Bima Ener-G Rosa. This is evidenced from the results of the regression analysis showed significant levels of maximum limit excess 0,116 fault tolerance, which is 0.05 or 5%. Thus H1 is not supported by the data.

(2) Earlier research conducted by Muly Sebayang Said in his journal in 2008 entitled "The Influence of Celebrity Endorser of the Motorcycle Purchasing Decision Mio Automatic Club (MAC) Medan". The results of his research, suggests that multiple linear regression test results showed the value of R2 = 0,464, showed a strong link between credibility and attractiveness to the purchasing decision motorcycles Yamaha Mio, amounting to 46,4%. 53,6% and are affected by other variables. F test shows (f > f hit the table = > 2.29 16,176) and t-test showed that most celebrity endorser variables influence the purchasing decisions of motorcycles Yamaha Mio is credibility.


31 Behavior Towards The Decision to Use Two Mobile Phones (GSM and CDMA) at the Faculty of Economics Managemen tDepartment students unsu:

a. The factors that affect consumer behavior consists of cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, psychological factors and positive and significant effect of the decision to use two phones GSM and CDMA. This means that the hypothesis is proven, can be seen from the results of testing of F, where F calculate> Ftable (21,146 > 2,76) with a significant level of 0.000 or below 0.05.

b. The variable factors of culture and social factors influential variables are positively and significantly to consumer decisions, whereas the variable factors of the personal and psychological factors influential variables are positive but not significant to the consumer's decision to use two mobile phones (GSM and CDMA). The most dominant variable is the variable factor of culture, where the calculate(7,713).It can be seen from the results of test-t IE variable cultural factors calculated (7,713), variable factorssocial accounting (2,309), personal factors accounting for variables (1,903), and the variable factors of the psychology of countless \ (0.545)


32 results of the research, the use of descriptions ofthe celebrity endorser and typical person-to- person endorser on a television ad ponds inconclusive already good. As a whole can be judged from the average value of the indicator of use of the celebrity endorser and typical person-to- person endorser who rated well . The lifestyle of a celebrity endorser and typical person-to-person endorser is rated good enough canbe caused by respondents who felt unrepresented by the second endorser. Accordingto the respondent's typical person-to-person endorser less popular and rarely appears in public, and the aspect of power can be due according to thetypical respondent-person endorser less abletoinfluence therespondent to make purchases of product and feel of celebrity endorser canfurther affect the respondent In making a purchase of a product. Based on the responses of respondents to celebrity endorser and typicalperson-to-personendorser of thebrand image , which includes the variable recognition reputation, affinity, and domain, can be inferred is alreadygood. This can be causedbecause the pond's brand already known well by the respondents.

C. Research Framework



Test Assumption

Figure 2.4 The Framework Of Thought

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis that is used by the author in this research are:

(1) Ho1: there is no influence of celebrity endorser of the purchasing decision.

(2) Ha1: there is the influence of celebrity endorser of the purchasing decision.

PT. Lifebuoy Unilever Indonesia

Brand Image (X2) Consumer perception(X3)

Celebrity Endorser (X1)

purchasing decisions(Y)

regression analysis

Test assumption classic

Hypothesis Test

Conclusion and Implication implication

Test Validity

Test Reliability





35 (3) Ho2 : there is no influence of the brand image of the purchasing


(4) Ha2: there is an influence of the brand image of the purchasing decision.

(5) Ho3: There is no influence of perception to the purchasing decision. (6) Ha3: there are influences from the perception of the purchasing


(7) Ho4: there was no influence of celebrity endorser, brand image, and the perception of the purchasing decision.




A. Scope of Research

The scope of this research is the analysis of the influence of Celebrity Endorser, Brand Image and Consumer Perception of product purchase decision of Lifebuoy Soap. Site selection research (sampling) is done deliberately and respondent which appropriate to be used as research object and have ever used those products that are Budi Luhur University students.

B. Method of Determining The Sample


37 C. Data Collection Methods

1. Primary Data

According to (Istijanto, 2009: 44) primary data is original data collected by researchers to answer his research in particular . Primary Data is the data that is obtained from the results of the interview directly from respondents who became the object of research to obtain data, information and other information of the respondents then performed by means of a Questionnaire method, i.e. a way of data collection by disseminating a list of questions that the answer is decide in advance and the respondent was not given an opportunity to answer another member. As for the primary data used in this research are:

a. Questionnaire (Primary Data)

Data collection techniques to do the Division list of questions directly to student Budi Luhur University. So the data which has been got by the author are equal to the real condition when the research is implemented.

b. Interview


38 phenomenon (Nur Indriantoro, 2002: 104). Likert scale was used to answer the research statement has five categories as presented in the table below:

Table 3.1 Assessment Level Answers

No Jenis Jawaban Bobot

1 SS = Very Agree 5

2 S = Agree 4

3 R = Doubt 3

4 TS = Disagree 2

5 STS = Very Disagree 1

2. Secondary Data


39 researchers hold a research library with reading literature in the form of books and journals related to the thesis theme.

D. Data Analysis Method

1. Test validity and Reliability

a. Test of Validity

As stated up front , that validity is a measure that indicates the extent to which the measuring instrument was able to measure what is measurable . According to Imam Ghozali (2005: 45) the validity test is used to measure whether a legitimate or valid questionnaires. A questionnaire is valid if the questions on the questionnaire were able to reveal something that will be measured by the questionnaire. The amount of the total validity of tests scores are said to be valid if the total score > 0.30 (Sugiyono, 2007: 178) . Usually the minimum requirement to be considered eligible is when r = positive (+). So if the correlation between grain with a total score of negative one (-) then the grains in the instrument is declared invalid (Nur and Bambang indriyanto Supomo, 2002: 124). b. Reliability Test


40 These variables are said to have a value of cronbach alpha of his larger 0.60 (Nunnally in Ghozali, Imam 2005: 42). Reliability test aims to see the consistency of the measurement tool will be used, i.e. whether the measuring instrument is accurate, stable, and consistent. The techniques used were cronbach alpha coefficient. Reliability an instrument is acceptable if it has minimal cronbach alpha coefficient is 0.60, which meant that the instrument could be used as a reliable data-collecting the results of measurements of the relative coefficient if it is done restart rod for.

2. Classic Assumption Tests

Multiple linear regression model may be referred to as a good model if the model of classical statistical assumptions. A classic assumption test process can be performed using SPSS 20.0 FOR Windows programs

a. Normality


41 and median. To know the shape of the distribution of the data we can use graphs of the distribution.

b. Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is only to indicate the existence of a linear relationship between variables (independent) in the regression model. If the free variables correlated perfectly then it can be called the perfect multicollinearity. To find out whether or not there are multicollinearity in regression model are as follows:

(1) Analyzes the correlation matrix of variables. If there is a correlation between the free variables are quite high (generally above 90%) then it is indicated the presence of multicollinearity.


42 c. Heteroscedastisity

Heteroscedastisity indicates that the variation of the variable is not the same for all observations. On Heteroscedastisity errors that occur are not random, but it shows a systematic relationships in accordance with the size of one or more variables. Heteroscedastisity aims to test whether the regression model is a variant of the residual Inequality occurs or the observations of other observations, if the residual variance and one other observation on observations still it is called homocedasticity and if different is called Heteroscedastisity. The regression models that both homocedastisity and Heteroscedastisity does not occur. To find out or no Heteroscedastisity there are a number of ways including:

(1) See the graph plot between the value prediction variable (ZPRED) and residually (SRESID). Heteroscedastisity absence detection can be done by looking at the absence of specific patterns on the chart between SRESID and scatter plot ZPRED where Y is the Y axis that has been predicted and the X axis is the residual (Y – Y predictors actually).


43 3. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis used by the researchers, when researchers intend to predict how the State of the dependent variable (Y), if two or more independent variables as predictors of manipulated factors. So multiple regression analysis would be done when the amount of a minimum of two independent variables (Sugiyono, 2007: 277). the regression Model equations in general form as follows:

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e


Y = purchase decisions

A = the number of constants (intercept regression) b1X1 = regression coefficient X1 (celebrity endorser)

the regression coefficient

b2X2 = X2 (brand image) the regression coefficient b3X3 = X 3 (consumer perception)

e = the standard error 4. T Test (Partial)

T-test to test the influence of each variable on the variables bound free, then used the following criteria:

Ho = use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception, it has no effect on purchasing decisions.


44 Decision making criteria t calculate the t table:

(1) If t count < t table , then Ho accepted. It means the use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception, it has no effect on purchasing decisions.

(2) If t count > t table, then Ho rejaected. It means the use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception affect on purchasing decisions.

Decision-making criteria (significance) with probability α = 0.05: a. If probability > α 0.05, then Ho accepted. It means the use of

celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception, it has no effect on purchasing decisions.

b. If probability < α 0.10, then Ho denied. It means the use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer affect on purchasing decisions.

5. F Test (Simultan)

To test the influence of independent variables toward dependent variable, then use the following criteria:

a. Testing the F with F a countdown table.

Ho = Use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception, it has no effect on purchasing decisions.


45 (1) If F count < F table, then Ho accepted. It means the use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception, it has no effect on purchasing decisions.

(2) If F count > F table, then Ho rejected. It means the use of celebrity endorser, brand image and consumer perception affect on purchasing decisions.


46 (2) The brand memorable


(2) The typical product

(3) Physical

(3) Advertising Likert


(2) Obtain information of the

other party: family,

(2) Compare with competitors

' products (services)




(1) Careful consideration in

decision making


47 (2) Ask for recommendations

from other parties

(3) Decides to buy based on a

sense of trust

post purchase


(1) The product or service in

accordance with the

wishes or needs of the

(2) Content of products

(services) are offered

(3) Recommend the product

to others a positive thing




A. General Description of Research Object

1. History PT. Unilever Indonesia

In 1930 Unilever was formed because the merge of two big companies from Netherland and England those are Margarine Unie and

Lever Brothers which actually tose two companies compete each other in business.

Margarine Unie and Lever Brothers compete in the same core business. Both involved the rivalry of household products in a very large scale. The two companies also has trade distribution channels on the same lot number. Margarine Unie and Lever Brothers are similarly controlled the area of operation in over 40 countries.

Since the 19th century, when William Hesketh Lever started that the Mission of the company is "to make cleanliness commonplace; to lessen work for women; to foster health and contribute to personal

attractiveness, that life may be more enjoyable and rewarding for the


49 The company's mission is to add vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, with hygienist and personal care with brands that help a person to look better, feel better and feel more alive

Demand for vitality in life provides the opportunity for Unilever to develop. One of the products issued by Unilever's soaps featuring health side Lifebuoy new from 21st century society. Since it was first launched in 1894, these products continue to evolve from simply bar SOAP up into shower gels, shampoos and conditioners.

Each year, the Unilever uses data from AC Nielsen for the performance of its products; on this occasion which will be discussed are Lifebuoy. At the end of 2005, a survey AC Nielsen showed that brand image and brand attribute of Lifebuoy already according to the targeted company. Unilever wants to put Lifebuoy as top of mind in the category health SOAP

2. Vision and Mission

The vision that is owned by a company is one of the goals of future State desired to manifest by the whole company's personnel at various levels, ranging from the very top to the very bottom, even though the runners. The mission is the elaboration in writing about the vision for the vision to be easily understandable or clear to the entire staff of the company.

Vision Unilever is “To become the first choice of consumer,


50 Mission of Unilever is :

 Be the first and the best in its class to meet the needs and

aspirations of consumers.

 Eliminate the value-added activities of all processes.

 Be selected company for people with high performance.

 Aimed at improving profitable growth targets and deliver a

return on the average shareholders and employees.

 Get the honor because of high integrity, care to the community

and the environment

3. The Characteristics of Respondents

The population in this research is encompassed the students of Budi Luhur University, Jakarta put on special SOAP lifebuoy. While the number of the selected sample as many as 70 of respondents with particular consideration. This is because the researchers had some limitations in the research, such as cost, time, and effort.


51 Table 4.1


Faculties Frequency Percentage

FEIS 18 25.7

FST 32 45.7

FIKOM 13 18.6

FISIP 2 2.9

FT 5 7.1

Total 70 100

Source: Data is processed, 2013

Table 4.1 above shows that the respondents are students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, i.e. as many as 6 or as many as 25.7% of respondents, a student of the Faculty of Science and Technology as much as 32% of respondents, or as many as 45,7 students of Faculty of Computer Science as much as 18.6% or respondents 15, students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics as much as 2 or as many as 2.9% of respondents, and the remaining students of the Faculty of Engineering is 5 respondents or by 7.1%.


52 Table 4.2

Products That Use Lifebuoy

Frekuensi Persentase

liquid soap 41 58.5

Solid soap 29 41.5

Total 70 100

Source: Data is processed, 2013

On the data table 4.2 above illustrates that a product that is used by the majority of Lifebuoy students is liquid soap, which is as many as 41 respondents or as much as 58.5%. The rest are students that uses solid SOAP, which is as many as 29 respondents or as much as 41.5%. This shows that the majority of the students of Budi Luhur, Jakarta using liquid soap.

In the meantime, to find out if any of the respondents purchase a fragrance (fragrance) is the same on every purchase can be seen in table 4.3 below:

Table 4.3

Tendency Of Choosing Fragrance (Fragrance) Is The Same In Every Lifebuoy Purchase

Frequency Percentage

Yes 29 41.5

No 41 58.5

Total 70 100


53 Based on the above table, explained that the tendency of respondents to use fragrance (fragrance) is the same in every purchase of Lifebuoy, i.e. as many as 29 respondents voted "Yes" or as much as 41.5%. The rest of the respondents who voted "no", i.e. as many as 41 respondents or as much as 36.4, 1%. This shows that the majority of respondents used the fragrance (fragrance) that vary on each purchase Lifebuoy.

In the meantime, to find out the number of times respondents buy Lux in every month can be seen in table 4.4 below:

Table 4.4

How Many Times Did Purchase LifebuoyIn Each Month

Frequency Percentage

1x /moon 29 41.5

>1x /moon 41 58.5

Total 70 100

Source: Data is processed, 2013


54 B. Result and Discussion

1. Validities and Reliabilities

In this study, the author uses primary data obtained by disseminating a questionnaire to students in different faculties of Budi Luhur as many as 70 people. Prior to dissemination of the questionnaire respondents, the researchers conducted a test questionnaire to provide respondents with 20 questions as much as 39 questions to test the level of validity and reliability of all such questions. This questionnaire is divided into 3 variables, namely celebrity endorser, brand image, and the perception of consumers. Then each variable is divided into a number of indicators. After conducted trials against 20 respondents, then the result can be seen in table 4 below:

Table 4.5

Result of Validity and Reliability test Celebrity Endorser

Item-Total Statistics


55 Based on table 4.5, 20 Question about celebrity endorser, from the table, it can be seen that all the question is valid, because the score of coefficient correlation α > 0,30, it means the data is valid and have the positive correlation or the score corrected item-total correlation is > 0,30, it means the valid (Sugiono, 2008:126).

Measurement result is stated to be reliable if the coefficient α> 0.60 (Imam Ghozali,2009:42 ) from table 4.5, the value of Cronbach alpha more than 0,06, it means 10 question of celebrity endorser have reliabilities value a good and feasible.

Table 4.6

Result of Validity and Reliability test Brand image

Item-Total Statistics

Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0


56 Measurement result is said to be reliable if the coefficient α> 0.60 (Imam Ghozali,2009:42 ) from table 4.6, the value of cronbach alpha more than 0,06, it means 6 question of celebrity brand image have reliabilities value a good and feasible.

Table 4.7

Result of Validity and Reliability test Customer perception

Item-Total Statistics

Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0

Based on table 4.7, 0 Question about Customer perception, from the table, it can be seen that all the question is valid, because the score of coefficient correlation α > 0,30, it means the data is valid and have the positive correlation or the score corrected item-total correlation is > 0,30, it means the valid (sugiono, 2008:126).


57 than 0,06, it means 9 question of customer perception have reliabilities value a good and feasible.

Table 4.8

Result of Validity and Reliability test Decision of Buying

Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0

Based on table 4.8, 20 Question about decision of buying, from the table, it can be seen that all the question is valid, because the score of coefficient correlation α > 0,30, it means the data is valid and have the positive correlation or the score corrected item-total correlation is > 0,30, it means the valid (sugiono, 2008:126).

Measurement result is said to be reliable if the coefficient α> 0.60 (Imam Ghozali,2009:42 ) from table 4.5, the value of cronbach alpha more


58 than 0,06, it means 14 question of decision of buying have reliabilities value a good and feasible.

2. Reliability test

Reliability tests can only be done after instrument has confirmed its validity. Reliability testing is this study to indicate the level of internal consistency reliability of the techniques used is to measure the coefficient of cronbach’s alpha with SPSS 20. Alpha values range from 0-1, questions

can be considered reliable if the alpha value is greater than 0.60 Table 4.9

Result of Reliability Test Celebrity endorser

Reliability Statistics

Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0



Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0

Reliability test from Brand image variable is shown table 4.10. As seen as in the table, the cronbach’s alpha 0,913 (Brand Image). Therefore,

it could be concluded that Celebrity endorser variable could be said reliable.

Table 4.11

Result of Reliability Test Customer perception

Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0

Reliability test from Customer Perception variable is shown table 4.11. As seen as in the table, the cronbach’s alpha 0,949 (Customer perception). Therefore, it could be concluded that Celebrity endorser variable could be said reliable.


60 Table 4.12

Result of Reliability Test Decision of Buying

Reliability Statistics





Based on


d Items

N of


.927 .942 14

Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0


61 3. Classic Assumption Tests

a. Normality Test


62 Source: Processed primary data by SPSS 20.0

Based on the picture above, 4.13 looks that dots spread around diagonal lines and follow the direction of the diagonal line, then the regression models meet the assumptions of normality and proper use.

b. Multi-Collinearity Test


63 Table 4.13 Multi-Collinearity Test

According to Imam Gazali (2005: 89), cutoff values commonly used to indicate the presence of multi-colinierity is if the value of tolerance < 0.10 or equal to the value of the VIF > 10. If seen from the above table it can be seen that the value for X 1 VIF (celebrity endorser) of 9,814 value tolerance 0,102; VIF values X 2 (brand image) of tolerance value of 3,588 value tolerance 0,279;VIF values X 3 (consumer perception) of 8,745 to the value of tolerance 0,114. Of all the variables can be seen that the value of tolerance and the value of 0.10 > VIF < 10. Therefore, it can be concluded that this regression model is free from multikolinieritas and proper use.

c. Heterocedastisity Test

This trial aims to test whether the model regression residual variance of inequality occurred one other observation to observation. Heterocedasticity-test results can be seen in the image below


64 Figure 4.1

Test result Heterocedastisity

Based on the above picture, scatterplot shows the distribution of data points as follows. According to Imam Ghozali (2005: 106) multiple linear regression free from heterocedastisity, namely:

a. There is no clear pattern

b. Dots spread over and under the number 0 on the Y axis


Figure 2.1 The Process Of Perception ................................................
Tabel 1.1:  Liquid soap market share Chart
Table 2.1 Use of Celebrity Types
Figure 2.1 The Process Of Perception


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