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The Six Things You Need To Make Money Online


Academic year: 2017

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The Internet is probably the most amazing opportunity the small business person has ever been given. You don’t need a bank loan, big office rent, expensive equipment, and pricey employees. Even though these things have been necessary to run even the smallest firm in the past, the Internet lets you LOOK and operate like you have all those things for just a few dollars.

Twenty years ago I would have dismissed that statement with a sarcastic, "yeah right!" But today, the I...


home business,marketing,e-commerce,mlm

Article Body:

The Internet is probably the most amazing opportunity the small business person has ever been given. You don’t need a bank loan, big office rent, expensive equipment, and pricey employees. Even though these things have been necessary to run even the smallest firm in the past, the Internet lets you LOOK and operate like you have all those things for just a few dollars.

Twenty years ago I would have dismissed that statement with a sarcastic, "yeah right!" But today, the Internet, along with automated web sites and outsourced teams of sales people and pro writers, have made owning a BIG business a very simple thing. Here are the six things you need to really succeed with your own online business:

1. You need a web site. It’s quite possible to make money without a web site, but the number of people doing that are getting fewer by the day. An attractive, hot selling web site will grab visitors and turn them into paying customers. A well-done, well-targeted web site can easily earn several hundred thousand dollars a year, even for the home-based entrepreneur.

2. Get automation working on your site. In the old days, we had to send an individual email to all our prospects. A simple task could take all day and half the evening. Now, advanced autoresponder systems can instantly email customized responses to anyone that asks for more information, or buys, or has bought in the past. This one feature can be a HUGE money-maker for you. 3. Don’t just settle for ONE way to make money. Your site should offer SEVERAL products and/or services. Often you can combine products and services into packages that sell far faster and command a higher price.

4. Learn the power of RESIDUAL INCOME in your activities -- then USE IT! Residual income is when people join your organization, and YOU get a commission for everything they sell. You can get tens, hundreds, even thousands of people working under you. The cash will flow in on a regular, continuing basis like you never organization is super easy. Most business opportunities have full-featured systems that help you EASILY do this. 5. Have online ordering on your site where people can use a credit card, send a check, or pay via PayPal. This will give you at least 80% more and bigger sales.

6. Sell an information product. Reports, books, ebooks, and CDs are what the Internet is all about. Information always has been and always will be KING on the Net. Get a great information product, sell it, sell republishing rights to others, and watch that cash flow in. Keep these six simple points in mind when building your online business. They can give you a mighty head start on your path to profits.

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