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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Scholar of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities the State Islamic

University of SunanAmpel Surabaya


Ayu Monalisa A03211009





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Surabaya, 16 Februari 2017



Monalisa, Ayu. 2017. An Analysis of Trucks Graffiti. Thesis.English Department.Faculty of Letters and Humanities. The State IslamicUniversity of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd

Key words : Graffiti, Themes of Trucks Graffiti, Language Function; Transactional and Interactional View.


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M. Pd.

Kata kunci: Grafiti, Tema Grafiti Bak Truk, Fungsi Bahasa; Transactional and Interactional View.

Graffiti bak truk sebagai media para supir truk untuk berekspresi. Itu memiliki function tertentu baik untuk kebutuhan transpotasi ataupun kebutuhan lainnya. Itu bias menghasilkan nilai keindahan ataupun merusak. Memahami graffiti bias membuat para pembaca untuk lebih peka terhadap rasa. Pembelajaran ini memfokuskan pada analisis bak truk dengan memandang dua aspek tata bahasa, Pertama, pembelajaran ini menjelaskan tentang tema – tema graffiti, kedua menjelaskan tentang funsi bahasa yang sesuai dengan teori yang dikemukakan oleh George Yule. Ada beberapa tema pada graffiti bak truk yang masing – masing dihubungkan dengan fungsi yang berbeda – beda berdasarkan graffiti bak truk yang tersedia di Indonesia. Semua itu adalah ekspresi percintaan, nasihat, doa, karakter, gambar, sarkasme, eksistensi, eponym, ekspresi percintaan, tag, politik.



2.1.2. Framework for Analysis Trucks Graffiti ... 11

2.1.3. Themes of Trucks Graffiti ... 13 Communication ... 13 ... 13 ... 14

(9) ... 15 ... 15 of Love ... 16 Tag... 16 Politic... 16

2.1.1. Language Function on Trucks Graffiti ... 17 View ... 17 View... . 18


3.1. Research Design ... 20

3.2. Techniques of Data Collection ... 21

(10) Tag... 39 Politic... 40

4.1.2. Language Function on Trucks Graffiti ... 41 Function ... 42 Interactional Function... 43

4.1.3. Discussion... 44





This chapter discusses some points related to the introduction in the thesis.

The points include background of study, statements of problem, objectives of the

study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key term.

1.1.Background of Study

The existence of graffiti is frequently supposed to convoke controversy

(Davis: 2011). Some of the graffiti functions are providing the opportunity

individual to express controversial content information on the public (Hanauer in

Farnia: 2004). This is because most of the graffiti functions are corrosive

(Sandles: 2011). According to Arthur Danto, on Nirmana, Demotic Art basically

make chaotic of an aesthetic view (Wicandra & Angkadjaja: 2006).

Graffiti not only gives but also offends some information correction (Ellis on

Australian Institute of Criminology: 1987). Simon O’Sullivan stated that some of

the theme of graffiti are disruptive, for example, graffiti which is delinquent is

able to disrupt the power of relationship and may be able to become the major

themes next (as cited in Cullen: 2009). Graffiti which has function to damage

disagreement was called vandalism. Roos, H. Edvard explain the vandalism as:



Graffiti is growing rapidly in line with necessary of graffitists. The term of

graffiti had approximately appeared since there was primitive era which was

written on the stones as a tool of communication (C.F Fraser 258, Malhom and

Romig 30 on Raisul: 1993). For many years, the use of graffiti has function as a

tool of communication (Alonso, 1998, p. 2). Being developed as a tool of

communication presumably seemed had one function. Contribution of the old

graffiti is important to develop an advance of the future graffiti (Davies &

Sarpong, 2013). Nowadays, the function of graffiti in society has grown up as a

tool of power expression that used by people, either for existence or protest

action. The more graffiti functions used can make the more graffiti themes

emerged (Ashley, et.al: 2005). Many researchers categorize the function of

graffiti as the goal of graffiti form or theme. According to Yuswadi, a function

can determine occurring of the form (Saliya: 1999). Among many themes of the

emerging graffiti, the writer just studies about the themes generally, they are like

expressions of love, advice, communication, politic, drawing, tags, invocations,

allusions, eponym, urban, self - expression, and character.

There is a variation of graffiti types which has function to identify the

different types of graffiti. Gadsby (1995) classifies graffiti into six main

categories: latrinalia, public, tags, historical, folk epigraphy, and humorous.

In this study, the writer would like to analyze graffiti on trucks. In Indonesia,

the existences of trucks graffiti are banal because most of them have shoddy

notions, for example, graffiti which shows sordid words or images is bad. Most of


and misapplied the identity women as the context of visualization (Wicandra:

2007). Looking at the Gadsby’s classification, the examples of trucks graffiti are

including in the Public graffiti because they have written on the public spaces. By

scratching any transcription on the tub – truck, they can pour expression much

about their status. Bansky avowed that graffiti is one of the few tools you have if

you have almost nothing (as cited in Ozer: www.academia.edu.com).

In An Initial Intimation of a Banal Discourse of Trucks Graffiti Journal,

Bashtomi Yazid defines the scope of graffiti,

“Graffiti is any kinds of scratches, drawings, paintings, symbols, signs on walls, or anywhere no matter what constitutes the motivation of the writing. He categorizes themes of trucks graffiti as an objection of women, religious belief/teaching, mild – porno – related expressions (innuendos), geographical reference, ancestral reference, passion, frustration, social status, and acknowledgement”.

(Bashtomi: 2007).

Nowadays, form of graffiti is becoming the visual language of personal

expression so that it is intriguing the readers to comprehend what graffiti is

(Ashanti: 2014). Graffiti has shown up the variety of function and theme and has

grown up in line with the social culture that is happening. The problem lays the

development of trucks graffiti view. How is the view of trucks graffiti recently? Is

there any literature which has relation with social culture? How is the meaning of

trucks graffiti as a social culture?

The study of graffiti had already expanded by many researchers with the

plenty of focuses. Two of them were (Wicandra dan Angkadjaja, 2006 &

Leridawati Journal). In Wicandra and Angkadjaja, they focus on what are the



used qualitative approach and conducted the grounded theory. In the result of

their study, they explained the motivation and the reason the graffitists in create

graffiti. The motivation of graffitists was to give some aesthetic on the wall

spaces and the second motivation was to be graffitist should have vandalism

character. Meanwhile, the reasons were by letting the white wall did not give

some aesthetic, it just keep clean the wall. Looking at the social culture, this study

did not influence social culture effect yet.

The second is Leridawati, she had the goal to describe lingual ones form of

graffiti on trucks traffic Padang – Solok Sumatra. She collected the data used

qualitative method. She conducted the data comprises of three strategies stages,

they were, providing data, analyzing data, and providing of analysis data. The

result of this study was there were three lingual ones forms, they were, words,

phrases, and sentences. Further, those data analyzed the meaning. There were

three categorizations, they were, lexical, grammatical and contextual meaning.

The analysis of trucks graffiti by her could explain the structure of transcription,

both of syntactically and semantically. However, this discussion did not give any

characteristic area from trucks graffiti in Sumatra yet.

In sum, before delving into a discussion of other trucks graffiti in Indonesia,

it should be clear as to what themes of trucks graffiti need to be addressed. In this

study the writer categorizes the themes of trucks graffiti such as expressions of

love, advice, communication, politic, drawing, tags, invocations, allusions,


1.2.Statement of the Problems

1. What are the themes of trucks graffiti?

2. How is the language function on trucks graffiti?

1.3.Objectives of the Study

1. To describe the themes of trucks graffiti

2. To describe the language function on trucks graffiti

1.4.Significance of the Study

The present study is addresses for giving both theoretical and practical

contributions. Practically, this study is may be able to useful in the development of

linguistic devices, which are, firstly, this study can give an input of trucks graffiti

themes so that the study is able to display the renewal of those themes. Secondly,

the study is able to give some examples of language function that was proposed by

George Yule and Gillian Brown’s theory, it is language function.

Theoretically, by explaining the significance of this study, the writer hopes

the study is able to give some contribution of the development theory; it is themes

of trucks graffiti. The writer also hopes this study can help the researchers to

understand of graffiti discussion next. Some examples discussion about language

function is rather seem useful to be escort for further researchers.

1.5.Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study undertakes several kinds of themes on trucks graffiti



points on language function, they are, transactional and interactional view. That is

language function applies mechanism how to analyze function on language use.

The categorization of trucks graffiti themes are expressions of love, advice,

communication, politic, drawing, tags, invocations, allusions, eponym, urban, self

- expression, and character.

1.6.Definition of Key Terms a. Graffiti

Graffiti is a performance of marking various points of contact between

individuals and the world whether they are a celebration of existence or a

declaration of resistance.

Tracey Bowen: 2010

Graffiti is all the transcription form such as scratches, writing, drawing,

marks, and other transcription which was written on the wall spaces and has a

certain meaning.

b. Graffiti Purpose

The aim of graffiti is to gain an attention from the readers / receivers in order

to those graffiti’s work could be paid much attention.

c. Language Function

 Language function is the way of people to convey language with the

particular function. The aim is how to make that language could be


d. Transactional and Interactional View

 Transactional function is language which has function to confer

information directly in purpose that language could be understood and


 Interactional function is language which has function to confer

information indirectly in purpose that language could not only be




This chapter discusses the theoretical framework. The study focuses on

themes of trucks graffiti and language function that are needed to analyze the data.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

In this point, the writer studies the theories which have concern with trucks

graffiti then analyze it within linguistic device that is language function by George

Yule. The theoretical framework consists of the definition of graffiti, framework for

analysis trucks graffiti, the themes of trucks graffiti, and language function.

2.1.1 Graffiti

Graffiti is all the transcription form such as scratches, writing, drawing, marks

and other transcription which was written on the wall spaces and has a certain

meaning. Graffiti is a performance of marking various points of contact between

individuals and the world whether they are a celebration of existence or a declaration

of resistance (Bowen: 2010). According to Farnia, Abel and Buckley noted that

graffiti is a form of communication that is both personal and free of the everyday

social strains that normally prevent people from giving uninhibited reign to their

thoughts. As such, these sometimes crude inscriptions offer some intriguing

insights into the people who author them and into the society in which these

people belong (as cited Abel and Buckley, 1977 p.3 in Farnia). The aim of graffiti is


attention. The aim of graffiti is not only to gain an attention but also as tool of protest

action, which is, there is a disagreement case for the rules are prevailed. Pritchard

asserts graffiti dabbles on issues of human nature that force one to want to be

remembered and not be forgotten through the passing of time (Pritchard, 1967; cited

in Ashley, et.al. 2005). The graffitist usually present graffiti when they want to

decipher something that can intrigues the readers.

Hanauer (1999) noted that graffiti can be use for conveying differentiates

ideas or functions, such as shows someone’s relation in the certain group or asserts

someone’s existence in the certain territory (as cited Hanauer in Ghouma: 2015). By

comprehending much different function of graffiti, it can be categorized on form or

theme of graffiti. Another opinion of form of graffiti is Grass (1997 p. 251) explains

that Graffiti can influence phenomenon both of through a form or a content, it seems

harness the emerging of segment of signs which has larger than sentence, and signs of

something which can stand for something other than itself (Grass, 1997 p. 251; cited

in Raisul). Learning of graffiti can teach the readers to obtain the literacy language

visually so that the readers may be able to construct new literacy language either for

sanctioned or unsanctioned language, for instance, they can conceive the using of

symbols or marks (Bowen). In result, the emerging of graffiti can grow to make the

readers have much concern on sense of touch toward language visual.

Form of graffiti is frequently anonymity. The graffitists would prefer

ensconce their identity than to display the graffitists’ mark. By concealing behind the

particular identity hopefully can guard the privacy and the safety of graffitists (Reiter:



communication. It is as if let chance the graffitists write their notion. Some of

anonymous graffiti function for advice (Cassar: 2009). According to Kristeva avowed

that anonymity and all the written contributions reflect diverse gender identity and the

multiplicity of female expression (Kristeva, 1986; cited in Cassar p. 51).

Unfortunately, the utilizing of anonymity on graffiti is less resilience for the

readers in contrast it would not usually be paid attention by them. The viewing of

anonymity is not apparently inflicting positive case. In this case, the graffiti emerges

new problems for the readers who are not accept because many of the graffitists are

frequently exploit graffiti function, for example, they show the displeasure statement

to others.

Based on the Gadsby’s classification, there are 6 points kinds of graffiti. They

are Latrinalia, Public, tags, historical, folk epigraphy, and humorous.

Graffiti Gadsby’s



Latrinalia It is graffiti which has the dirtiest notions or places, such

as sordid words in the toilet.

Public It is graffiti which was written in the public places and

should be push sentence’s available for all people

Tags This graffiti almost has same explanation with Public

graffiti, differently, it has more specific characters likes

attributes, names, symbols, etc.


(when theses graffiti were produced); it can be

functioned as a history document.

Folk Epigraphy People commonly craves this graffiti in the wood, wall,


Humorous Graffiti which has funny and entertaining content

Table. 2.1. Graffiti Gadsby’s Classification

2.1.2 Framework for Analysis Trucks Graffiti

In Graffiti at UBC: A Sociological Analysis of Graffiti Journal, Ian Ashley

et.al, define the themes of graffiti contain of graffiti as a graffiti as a form of

0deviance, graffiti as a part of popular culture, graffiti as a political expression,

graffiti as gender differences, etc. The more number of graffiti are produced so much

number of themes for certain function graffiti. The focus of this study is according of

the themes which are chosen on the data are presented. They are comprise of

expressions of love, advice, communication, politic, drawing, tags, invocations,

allusions, eponym, urban, self - expression, and character

Trucks Graffiti perhaps supposed gainful for truck drivers because it can

provide spot to propagate ideas and share information for graffiti artist (Ashley, et.al:

2005). Because of trucks graffiti is basically to gain an attention of the readers,

therefore truck drivers scatter their commentaries on tub – truck. In wish, the status of

their necessity concern could be threaten and affected by the readers. In difference,

the problem lies that the commentaries of them. How could the trucks graffiti



function? The truck drivers should present those graffiti with a good tool for pouring

expression and should not misapply the themes of graffiti only for their mere

necessity to show self – expression.

Graffiti is a powerful social medium for public expression. Trucks graffiti

include in the Public because it has written in the public spaces. Graffiti on trucks

rather seem benefit the truck drivers because those are graffiti offer spot to them to

give free opinion. The public performances such as trucks graffiti indeed disseminate

much information easily so that information could be caught by society quickly.

Sampson & Raudenbush stated the public performances are not only making

available open – ended room but also urges the society to have interaction between

the strangers and acquaintances (Robert & Raudenbush: 1999). In adding, Public

graffiti also administers physical fettle. Unfortunately, they precisely misapply those

opportunity. They are frequently exploit trucks graffiti according to their banal

notion. In effect, many people preconceive Public graffiti exemplify negative

perception somehow.

As the sample, some of themes of trucks graffiti are romanticism, love, sex

differentiate, etc. Those trucks graffiti should not be available on public spaces

because they have sordid language therefore it should be banned for children angle.

Public graffiti possibly permits the graffitists to express their existence. In condition,

they have to witness the impact and the effluence, either positive or negative. In

search, how can this study support people or the readers in more easily acquiring

positive trucks graffiti content that is published in public places? Looking at the


would be classify in the Latrinalia. So that, it should be become comparison the

existence of trucks graffiti in Indonesia, does it include in the Latrinalia or Public


2.1.3 The Themes of Trucks Graffiti

Graffiti as a tool of communication could help people to extend their language

production visually (Jenna: 2002). In this study, graffiti which has function for

communication addressed to the transportation topic. According to David, et.al stated

that the role of graffiti as an intermediary can hopefully simplify people to convey

information in line with their nature message (Ward, et.al: 2000). The goal of this

theme is to invite the readers to communicate about what the graffitists talk are,

indeed those information beyond is the important case to be paid attention, therefore

they want the readers really sanction, comprehend, and implement those information. Advice

It is the way of people to convey advice language visually. This theme is rather

seemed advantageous because it exemplifies an exemplary of graffiti containing a

message with moral value. As well as the writer know, graffiti on trucks mostly

supply distraction ideas. The image of trucks graffiti are frequently debouching

emotional expression, either it is supposed witty or irony (Wicandra: 2009). By

scratching transcription on the trucks is well – place, it possibly get catch many


14 Invocation

Theme of trucks graffiti supply invocation is the activity of the graffitists to

display the important necessary of their life. What is life if there is no invocation?

Invocation is the fundamental of people being. By having trucks graffiti containing of

invocation, the readers will assume the graffitists are so kind or graffiti is useful

because it asserts some good suggestion. One of verse of Muslim’s Holy Book

(Qur’an) teaches the advantageous of having invocation.

نﺎﻋﺪ اﺬإ عاﺪﻟا ةﻮﻋﺬ ﺐﯿﺟأ

I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any

mediator or intercessor) (Al – Baqarah, verse 186). Character

It means that content of trucks graffiti theme which prefers to the people mind –

set and character. The graffitists mostly display their character through writing of

graffiti which bases on their status principle. This theme is not fully supposed give

the disadvantages, trucks graffiti which benefit usually look at the character of

creator, either from the truck drivers request or the graffitists. If those graffiti are

containing of politeness language, the character of graffiti will profit the role of

trucks graffiti, those also will persuade the readers to have positive suggestion. Drawing

It is the content of trucks graffiti theme which displays of drawing, this theme


Horowitz and Tobaly assert the idea which is “tolerance, respect for others, and

motivation to achieve” would help alleviate vandalism. Sarcasm

It is the content of trucks graffiti theme which displays language information by

intending insinuates or insults someone. The character of sarcasm is containing of

bitterness, reproach, breaks heart, and crude. Existence

Graffiti as an existence is conveying language that people use to express their

opinion and commentaries according to their mind and heart. The goal of this theme

is to express people’s thought, feeling, and emotional. According to Hanauer, on

Ghouma’s Journal, graffiti as a mode of powerful expression supplies for those who

feel isolated by society and media, groups or individuals frequently called them as

antisocial (Ghouma, Hend: 2015). However, existence of trucks graffiti theme is not

only because of proscription but also because of lack of affection or pay attention.

According to Alonso existence graffiti is the most common form of graffiti, and

similar to political it follows an open system. They contain individual personal

commentaries, and it is sometimes referred to as expressive graffiti. Eponym

It means that statement of trucks graffiti theme which has identity person (it

usually the famous person) and it is constantly related to the character of that is


16 Expression of Love

It is the content of trucks graffiti theme which displays expression of love, it

can be an expression of trucks drivers to the closest someone such as their sweetheart,

children, ex – special someone, etc. Tag

It is the activity of scratching graffiti on trucks by posting the propriety

character such as names, addresses, identity, etc. A tag is essentially a territorial

marker (Ley & Cybriwsky, 1974). The graffitists mostly use tags to show their

identity in order to their works could be paid much attention and the readers

acknowledge the graffitists. The aim of taggers is to tag the maximum number of

locations (Ninnes: 1998) Politic

It is graffiti which talks about politic expression and commentaries. Jeff Ferrell

explains that the politics of graffiti writing are those of anarchism (Ferrell: 1993 p.

172). Fisher M. et.al contends graffiti as a political expression is part of expression

about references to democracy, rights, and politicians (Fisher M & Radtke S: 2014).

Sandles avowed that even though graffiti just scratches the name of author, it can be

proven that graffiti against the politic (Sandles, Andrea). In add, Sandles’s

explanation tend to describe scope of political graffiti theme embrace many sectors


2.1.4. Language Function on Trucks Graffiti

According to Cook, the function of language can be divided into five

functions, they are: emotive, directive, phatic, poetic, referential, metalinguistic and

contextual functions (Cook, 1989 p. 26; cited in Arum, Nova: 2015). Graffiti as the

spot of language development certainly shows variation of tools to convey function of

language. It functions as the exchange information of people’s communication

behavior. In Arum’s Thesis, Paul (1999: 1), the primary purposes or function of

human language is to communicate information with others (Arum). The definition of

language function that proposed by Roman Jacobson is the language has six aspects,

and they are: the referential function, the poetic function, the emotive function, the

conative function, the phatic function, and the metalingual function.

In this point, the data study language function theory that was regarded by

Brown and Yule, they are, transactional and interactional view. They described that

there are many communicative function on the language performance, but the most

important purpose of language is the communication of information (Brown & Yule:

1992). Language function is the way of people to convey language with the particular

function. The aim is how to make that language could be conveyed and accepted by

the receiver. By understanding language function, people will get the meaning of

information. Transactional View

According to Nasr on Arum’s Thesis, transactional function is language



knowledge, skill and information (Nasr: 198 p. 4). Transactional function is language

which has function to confer information directly in purpose that language could be

understood and implemented. This language function confers some information in

line with the sender’s intention directly, so that those conveying should be clear and

exact. Transactional function is related with how human use their linguistic abilities

to transfer knowledge from one generation to the next. That function which language

serves in the expression of 'content' we will describe as transactional view. It tends to

adopt a limited approach to the functions of language in society (Yule: 2006 p. 6). Interactional View

According to Nasr on Arum’s Thesis, interactional function is the language

function involved in expressing social relations and personal attitudes, it is uses

for maintaining social relationship, such as daily conversation (Nasr: 198 p. 4).

Interactional function is language which has function to confer information indirectly

in purpose that language could not only be understood but could also be interaction

tool. This language function is not only prioritized information content of conveying

language but also have a purpose to interact with others.

Interactional function is related to with how human use their language to

interact with each other socially or emotionally, how they express their feelings and

their ideas. That function involves much human touch to express social relations and

personal attitudes, which describe how the individual have social interaction. It pays

particular attention to the use of language for the transmission of factual or


concerned with the use of language to establish and maintain social relationships.



Chapter three discusses about the methodology which is used in this analyzing.

The points include research design, techniques of data collection, data and data

sources, instruments, techniques of data analysis, and research frame time.

3.1. Research Design

In this study, text of trucks graffiti became an important contribution to look for

the answer of the research problems. The writer would like to analyze what are the

trucks graffiti mean? And what the theme is. The writer adopted a qualitative

approach as the research method. The qualitative research related to people idea,

perception, opinion, and belief which all of them could not be analyzed by the

number (Sulistiyo, 2010 p. 78). Using qualitative as the research method, the writer

gives priority to the description data, it was not mean used numeric data or

emphasized the quantity. Qualitative data come in the form of photos, written words,

phrases, or symbols describing or representing people, actions, and events in social

life (Neuman, 2012; cited in Badriah, Wafiqotul: 2015).

This qualitative method used convenience sampling, it was non – probability

sampling technique which was choosing subjects because there was accessibility or

convenience to the participants. In this study, the participant here was the informants;


3.2. Techniques of Data Collection 3.2.1. Data

Data were the material of information collection that used by the writer for

analysis, it could be written or spoken material. The data in this study are several

photos of trucks graffiti and the result of interview guide that was talked by the

interviewer and the truck drivers at the places in Krian, Prambon, and Tarik.

3.2.2. Location and Time

Location is the place where the writer conducted the activity of research in

order to acquire the data. This research was located on three location sampling. The

writer categorized four locations to be sample of looking for data. There were ten

results for sample data. Two of them were located on the firstly food shop, it located

near Jl. Raya by Pass Krian. Two of them were located on the secondly food shop, it

located on Jl. Raya Prambon. Three of them was the writer looked for the trucks

graffiti where the truck was stopping its vehicle. It located on Jl. Raya Krian –

Surabaya. The end, three of them was the writer looked for on the truck drivers’

house. Indeed, those locations were near with the writer’s house.

3.2.2. Data Sources

The data of this study were taken from the conversation list between

interviewer and the truck drivers. The writer took this place because there were trucks

which had graffiti on their tub and also the truck drivers were stopping at this place.



stopped to rest, the time was about at 12.00 – 13.00. The sources for this research

were from photos and the informants. The writer got the photos to look for the data of

trucks graffiti, while the writer also got the points of trucks graffiti from doing

interview. There were ten informants who could be the participant to be collecting

data. In this point, the writer just used the interview guide as the tool of interview.

Further, the writer took 20 pictures of trucks graffiti.

3.2.3. Instruments

The instrument of this research is the writer. The writer utilized some interview

guide to be material of interview; the writer gave some question about trucks graffiti.

Interview Guide 4. Why do you write this graffiti?

……….. 5. For whom you write this Graffiti?


6. What do you think if you see graffiti which is not agrees with children? ………..

The writer arranged the result of interview guide to be data sources. She took

the fourth number of interview Question list. Then, the writer attaches the fourth

number to be goal of truck drivers.



Table. 1 Techniques of Data Collection

3.3. Techniques of Data Analysis

In this study, the writer used data to answer research problems about the themes

of trucks graffiti and how was language function on trucks graffiti, the writer

conducted some steps such as;

 First the writer started to understand the result of interview guide list.

 Then, the writer arranged data collection and determined the goal of truck

drivers scratched graffiti on trucks.

For example:

Note: I : Interviewer



“I : Why do you write this graffiti?

T.D : Ingin mengisi bak truk saya agar tidak kosong”


meaning and knowledge that the writer knew.

“What is the meaning?

Data of Graffiti Total Frequency


11. Politic

Table. 3.2. Themes of Trucks Graffiti Classifying

 Lastly, the writer determined language function on trucks graffiti used the

theory by Yule, it was divided by two points, they are, transactional and

interactional view.

No. Language Function Data of Graffiti Total Frequency 1. Transactional View

2. Interactional View




This chapter is about findings and discussion of the thesis. In the findings

section, it divided into two parts according to the research question are presented.

They are the themes of trucks graffiti and language function on trucks graffiti. Instead

in the discussion section, the writer discusses about the detail of findings.

4.1. Findings

In this part, the writer presents the findings in line with the research problems.

Firstly, it contains the themes of trucks graffiti. Themes of trucks graffiti are

expressions of love, advice, communication, politic, drawing, tags, invocations,

allusions, eponym, urban, self - expression, and character. Secondly, it contains of

language function by Yule, they are, transactional and interactional view.

4.1.1. Themes of Trucks Graffiti

Dickinson explains form of graffiti emerges the main message of graffiti form

(Dickinson, P.31). Themes of trucks graffiti also explain where the main purpose of

forms (Farnia, p. 52). The main purpose of analyzing trucks graffiti themes are to find

out the meaning of the theme (Fisher M & Radtke S).

Based on the data analysis, trucks graffiti attach 11 themes. Those themes are


Table.4.1. the Findings of Themes of Trucks Graffiti

From the taken data in table 4.1, there are three trucks graffiti themes be a

dominant theme. They are present the highest number with 3 times out of data or 15%

of total frequency, they are, advice, character, and existence. Secondly, the highest

numbers of trucks graffiti themes are eponym, sarcasm, and tag. They present twice

out of data or 10% of total frequency. The lowest numbers are communication,

invocation, politic, drawing, and expression of love. They just appear once and

represent 5% from the total frequency.

5, 5%



Theme of truck graffiti as a mode of communication has one datum. It is “JAGA

JARAK”. The example of studying truck a graffiti theme as a mode of

communication is below.

Datum 1

Image 1 JAGA JARAK (W 9004 UY)

This piece of trucks can be considered as a mode of communication theme. The

scratches of this graffiti make up definite words consisting of a reading discourse

seriously hopefully capable to explain the information from the truck driver. The

transcription on the truck graffiti had a speech idea above on its making a statement

Jaga Jarak”, it means “Keep Distant”. This graffiti can give an understanding for

the other drivers in order to obey and implement what communication is the truck

driver used on his tub – trucking.

As well as the truck driver know, many drivers constantly undertake a

delinquency, for instances, the drivers looked for gaps on the road in order to

overlapped the longest and the biggest vehicle for the reasons they are afraid to come


rein. Moreover, among of them get influence alcohol. Angela explained that the rates

of accidents were mostly undergone by teenagers who have holding parties involving

an alcohol (Roos, Hans - Edvard).

Even though, from an analytical transcription the truck graffiti is most likely a

commonplace transcription on the disobedient drivers so that the truck driver notices

to obey the traffic rule. The target audience of the image is the drivers on the road in

expect that truck graffiti would make the drivers implement its appeal. The principle

of “Jaga Jarak” teaches the readers to drive carefully. In wish, driving carefully can

decrease and prevent rates of accident in everyday. Besides, it will convince the

readers to get safety to the destination places further. The image is a piece of

conveying information which has a communication case on the transportation; it is

inviting expression to obey the traffic rule.

Graffiti as an advice conveying is the way of people to convey advice language

visually. This theme is rather seem give some advantageous because by scratching

trucks graffiti content with some good advice and message, the readers will assume

positive on trucks graffiti. Themes of truck graffiti as an advice - conveying have 3


WASPODO”, and “Ay, Prei Nakal”. One of the example of studying truck graffiti



Datum 2


The graffiti contended Manuto Omongane Abah lan Umi. It was Obey Your

Parents. The owner of the truck wanted to give advice on his tub – truck. By putting

graffiti which had an advice, people were well – advised. Obey Your Parents is surely

suggestion to have a good attitude to their parents. He said that if conveying

communication used politeness, a good life implementation would drive calmly.

Therefore, people should be more respectful and polite. This graffiti not only remind

the readers to be obedient but also to obey the rule.

There were two marks on the behind of truck. That was red rectangle mark and

tanda seru. The red rectangle mark was used to notice the other driver to keep

distance and took care when they were on driving activity. While the other mark was

tanda seru. Three small tanda seru showed that graffiti should be understood and

applied and one the biggest tanda seru was in the rectangle, which became the proof

if graffiti was an extremely important and as be imperative advice. Other example of

(41) Invocation

Graffiti as an invocation is the theme of graffiti containing of applying of

people to God in order to they get virtuous and right way in their life, and also to far

away them from the danger or wrongness. This theme has one datum. They are

“Bismillah”. The example of this theme is below

Datum 3

Image. 5 BISMILLAH (AE 8372 OK)

Graffiti contended “Bismillah” is the effort of truck driver to be more careful in

doing many activities. However, to be truck driver is constantly frightened because he

has to conduct in the middle roadway. It is many dangers and problematic when he

worked, for example, an accident. Moreover, truck is one of the biggest vehicles. It

certainly has to carry much responsible. The biggest vehicle that someone carry the

greatest responsible someone have. Bismillah is the beginning invocation in Islam.

By saying Bismillah, the situation of life will conduct fluency and comfortably. By

stating Bismillah, there will be much salvation. It will save people life to get the right

way and far away people from peril life. He trusts that there is the miracle of


32 Character

Graffiti as character is a tool of conveying language that people use to express

their opinion and commentaries according to their tenet. This theme has 3 data. They

are “OPO JARE A’WHEK”, “DIBALIK PENANTIAN”, and”Jalanin Nikmatin

Syukurin, Two of the example of studying trucks graffiti themes as a character are


Datum 4

Image. 7 OPO JARE A’WHEK (L 8016 VA)

The theme of trucks graffiti as a self – expression could be exemplified on this

image. This scratching sets – up a particular graffiti which is containing of a real

sense discourse, possibly capable to afford information for drivers. This graffiti had a

notion asserted with the statement “OPO JARE A’WHEK”, it means “Up to me” was

a commentary of the truck driver’s personal expression. Truck graffiti stated that the

desirability truck driver is the readers truly capable to understand the truck drivers’

life. Truck drivers have had willingness to leave their family, because of taking job.

Truck driver is arbitrary to write graffiti because they lack affection from their closest


This graffiti also can be a spirit for him because to be a truck driver is

constantly supposed insipid he has to strengthen himself. To be optimistic is a sense

to ignore pessimist. It means that life has to go ahead like what is truck driver wish,

the wishing is in right way and does not aggravate others so far.

Datum 5


The graffiti Jalanin, Nikamtin, Syukurin, it means Go on, Enjoy, and be

Gratefull. The owner of the truck wants to invite the reader to enjoy their life. They

must be gratefull through the life, either in good or bad condition. This graffiti taught

moral value that life must go on and continue whatever the condition or problem that

was faced.

God has created human in any different way to make them be gratteful to Him.

He suggested that the readers did not make their problem be a burden in their life.

They must go on to face the obstacle of life that they had because the obstacle of life

was a lesson to arrange their bad character be good character. They also should have


34 Drawing

Graffiti has a theme like drawing is a tool of conveying expression that people

use to scratch something in the wall spaces. This theme has one datum. It is a picture

of poultry. The example of studying truck graffiti theme as a drawing is below.

Datum 6

S 8184 WF

Scratching graffiti form through drawing is a work which purposes to show an

art form. By drawing an art, the truck driver can create how to make increase artwork

show how to produce his work to be publicly. The truck driver draws some poultry

because there is a philosophy behind an aesthetic of it. This truck is a tool of the truck

driver undertakes to carry many poultries in everyday. Distributing poultry is a kind

of hi job. It is certainly an exciting feeling to scratch poultry as the power of drawing,

where this drawing is able to bestow on some fortune. His loving of poultry becomes

him to thanks for making his life better especially his prosperity is luckily and

fluency. Sarcasm

Graffiti has a theme like sarcasm is a tool of conveying expression that people


itself) create in the wall spaces of trucks. It is the sentences of crossness expression,

which is, the creator would like to spill anger out to public. This theme has one

datum.The example of studying truck graffiti theme as a drawing is below.

Datum 7

Image. 27


(AG 8516 WO)

This graffiti uses Javanese language which utilize hardest strata (there are three

levels of Javanese language structure; they are, softest, middle, and hardest). This

statement means “whatever with much talks, the most important is money”. Graffiti

as if indicate its personality which does not concerned about much talks that the

creator had received. Lambe Turah is one of the popular icons which are gossiping

crowd to be talked nowadays. The emerging of Lambe Turah appears recently in

purpose to be resistance in the same manner as graffiti has character.

According to Tracey graffiti is a performance of marking various points of

contact between individuals and the world whether they are a celebration of existence

or a declaration of resistance (Bowen: 2010). Lambe Turah in this topic would like



of people life. This graffiti wants to resist his existence in the same manner as people

have comfortably and peaceful life. Unfortunately, the statement which becomes

more controversial is the drawing of woman wears embrace clothes. Any longer,

representation of woman on tub – truck is exploited. The role of women who hold

much liability to handle household affairs becomes them capable to handle financial

affairs, so that is why this graffiti defines that the most important life is money

recently. Existence

Graffiti as existence is a tool of conveying language that people use to express

their opinion and commentaries according to their mind and heart. This theme has 3

data. They are “Ga Berangkat Diomelin Ga Pulang Dicari”, “Sobo Alas”, and

Exotic”. One of an example of studying trucks graffiti themes as a character are


Datum 8

Image. SOBO ALAS (S 8753 PA)

The graffiti reveals “SOBO ALAS”. It means “Live in forest habitually”. The

truck driver would like to express his personal commentary about his life. This is


continually in the forest. Passing the forest certainly elicits frightened feeling by

having much problematic like journey at the dark which is sensitive with accidents.

Graffiti as an eponym is the theme of graffiti containing of language style

which has statement mining of someone name, it is used to prefer the character of

person name. This theme has two data. They are “Narimo ing Pndum” and “Fatha”.

The example of this theme is below

Datum 9

Image. 15 Fatha (B 8137 AK)

The graffiti reveals “Fatha”. It prefers to the name of the beautiful Islamic

woman in India. Character of Fatha could be an exemplary of woman personality

against receiving of strange culture behavior, which is, to be a woman should be

selective to imitate or exemplify other culture. The truck driver utilizes truck graffiti

with the character of Indian woman because India drama has become performance

popularly so that many people fad to watch India drama on television media. This fad


38 Expression of Love

Graffiti as an expression of love is the theme of graffiti containing of loving

expression and uttering. This theme has one datum. They are “Terlanjur Sayang”.

The example of this theme is below

Datum 10

Image. 14 TERLANJUR SAYANG (W 7075 SH)

The graffiti shows “Terlanjur Sayang”. It means “Already in Love”. This

expression love is uttered by truck driver to release his loving to his closest person/s.

By releasing love, truck graffiti can entertain him to alleviate missing sense. To be

truck driver surely have long distance with the closest person/s especially his family

because having long journey would make his life far from family. It does not like

other profession which does not worst time to work continually. Although, he could

not to send his feeling to the addressee, this truck graffiti hopes carrying `expression

of love because by having this expression would intrigue him to be happy. Not only

himself but also he wish his statement could influence the readers to have expression

of love too. Therefore, he thinks that he could share good expression, which is,

(49) Tag

Graffiti as a tag is the theme of graffiti containing of the character or marks of

graffitists itself. This theme has one datum. It is “Dzikrul Ghofilin (Ayo Tobat)”. The

example of this theme is below

Datum 11


This graffiti shows “DZIKRUL GHOFILIN TOBAT” It is the utterances of truck

driver to the readers if he wants to show his existence expression. The truck driver

gets the ideas of graffiti from his son’s name. His son name is Dzikrul Ghofilin. He

gives his son name uses Arabic language which means reminder for forgotten people

or it could be comprehend that the more fortune the more praying. That means he

(truck driver) may not too proud everything what we have done. Indeed our success is

not only our attempt but also probably it is the others endeavor. For example, his

success is result of his fight and praying but he is doing not know if there is one help

praying him. So that, he writes this graffiti as my alarm to always remember when he


40 Politic

Graffiti as a politic is the theme of graffiti containing of politic commentaries.

This theme has one datum. It is “Enak Jamanku To”. The example of this theme is


Datum 12

Image. 30 ENAK JAMANKU TO….. (S 8978 SN)

This graffiti shows “ENAK JAMANKU TO…..” It means “What the Best

Comfort after My Era?” The truck driver would like to share commentaries about

politic information. He considers the government system between in the past and

nowadays. At the past, the condition of government system was fluency at the

Soeharto’s era especially in economy aspect. Economy policy which applied

appropriate with most of people’s livelihood in Indonesia, it is, agriculture engineers.

Indonesia is agriculture country, where the nation should utilize availability of natural

resources so that the necessary of nations were fully saved. By having their own job,

they could enrich their life. When he viewed backward in Suharto’s president era, the

condition of politic Indonesia did not chaotic like nowadays. All president certainly


peaceful than others. He concluded there was an available self – sufficient food

program, family planning program, etc.

4.1.2. Language Function

Graffiti as the spot of language development certainly shows variation of tools

to covey function of language. Language function explains all of languages that

people used were have meaning and purpose. There are two major function of

language, transactional and interactional (Brown & Yule, 1983: 1). Based on the data

analysis, trucks graffiti attach 2 language functions. Those function categorization

was appropriated based on the George Yule’s theory, they are, transactional and

interactional views.

Table. 4.2. Finding of Language Function

From the taken data in table 4.1.trucks graffiti which contains of transactional



13 times out and 65 % of frequency. Then, the second highest number of data is

transactional view. Transactional View

Transactional view becomes the second highest number of language function

on trucks graffiti. There are 13 data containing of transactional view, they are datum

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 5, Image 6, Image 9, Image 7, Image 13, Image

12, Image 11, Image 18, Image 19, and Image 16. An example language function on

trucks graffiti as a transactional view is below.

Datum 13

Image. 1 JAGA JARAK (W 9004 UY)

Language function on trucks graffiti as a transactional view is exemplified in

this image. It revels “Jaga Jarak”. It means “Keep Distant”. For example, at the jump

traffic and all the drivers drive creepily, the driver who is in the behind this truck.

After he reads that is information on truck graffiti, he is going to decrease the speed

directly so he can keep away from that is truck.

Looking at the behavior of the driver, the language function of this graffiti is in


content actually (Heather, Hewitt: 2002). It is about the rule of driving activity.

However, the driver conducts and implements commando without both of the truck

driver or the driver utter speech. Trucks graffiti as the form of transactional view is

mostly supposed explicit transactional features, because the content of some

information are conveyed clearly and based on the nature message of truck drivers.

In conclusion, this language function should be applied by the drivers View

Interactional view is the dominant function of language on trucks graffiti. There

are 7 data containing of interactional view, they are datum Image 14, Image 17,

Image 8, Image 10, Image 11, Image 20, and Image 15. An example language

function on trucks graffiti as an interactional view is below

Datum 14


(W 7075 SH)

This picture is an example of language function as interactional view. It

scratches “Terlanjur Sayang” It is one of loving expression sentence that would like

to express for special someone. It could be his special someone, his wife, his child,



Looking at the statement above, language function could be called interactional

view. The main goal of graffiti is not only for conveying some information according

to the content but also for interaction. The graffitist makes a literary loving

expression through popularly language style is the effort of graffitist to be interactive

with other drivers. The driver seems only to be focused on expression of trucks

graffiti. The method of graffitist to show an expression of social relationship is

included in interactional view (Kalaja P & Lepannen S: 1991). Trucks graffiti as

interactional view can have explicit or implicit features, because some information is

not denotation somehow.

In conclusion, this language function can be comprehended by the receivers,

either through the content or interaction.


The findings reveal that the themes of trucks graffiti and that language function.

As has been mentioned that language function is the way language conveyed. It is

function of what language uses. Theme is the main idea of topic transcription. Part of

communication could significantly acquired by understanding the theme of

transcription such as writing, drawing, marks, symbol and others is significant part of


In Wicandra and Angkadjaja, they focus on what are the motivation and the

reasons of graffitist to create graffiti. They collect the data used qualitative approach

and conducted the grounded theory. In the result of their study, they explained the


was to give some aesthetic on the wall spaces and the second motivation was to be

graffitist should have vandalism character. Meanwhile, the reasons were by letting the

white wall did not give some aesthetic, it just keep clean the wall. Looking at the

social culture, this study did not influence social culture effect yet.

As the writer mentions in the previous chapter, there are two study topics, they

are themes of trucks graffiti and language function that was proposed by George

Yule. Firstly, there are five themes of trucks graffiti, they are, expressions of love,

advice, communication, politic, drawing, tags, invocations, allusions, eponym, urban,

self - expression, and character. Secondly, trucks graffiti are analyzed use one of

theory on linguistic device, it is language function.

Connecting to the previous study, this study undertakes to continue the

suggestion from Wicandra & Angkadjaja (2006) analysis, which is, would like to

present how is graffiti form can influence social – culture. All the language basically

has relationship with social and culture. Social is the activity which relates to society.

Then, culture is all the form of human activity by having notions and behaviors. So,

social – culture is all the activity of human language which comes from notions or

behaviors in the society scope. Here, trucks graffiti is as an intermediary of graffitists

to explore their language which purposes to publish to society. The interpretation

meaning of trucks graffiti found is also depend on the themes of the data used.

Communication theme supplies trucks graffiti by containing of transportation

communication. It certainly conducts between truck drivers and other drivers. This

theme rather seem gives an advantage because the conveying information which has



join participates to convey about some information of traffic rule. This theme

undertakes an operation about the solution of problem which appears on the driving


Indeed, both graffiti on trucks as the collection and as driving suggestion are

the truck drivers’ necessarily. Although, there are some direction of guidance and

information of traffic rule, for instances, many banners which posts on the road

concerning of the danger of traffic, the drivers do not obey yet. There are still the

delinquent drivers. They should hold the orderliness principle as the biggest


The official statement of safety about the traffic rules is available on the judicial

law and it should be an implementation for the traffic police. In 2009 Constitution of

the Republic of Indonesia, President and House of Representative stated that the

Constitution No. 22 about public transportation and traffic rule, it is, “All the fluency,

convenience, and orderliness of traffic, to the drivers’ should be given guidance,

widely information, they who have relation with the prescriptions on traffic rule. The

official traffic should properly give some direction of guidance and information on

the traffic” (2009 Constitution: No. 22).

Availability of official statement of traffic safety gives some direction to the

drivers. Realizing the importance of keeping the safety of road is the main pocket.

Self – awareness should really implemented by the official traffic, either for the

traffic police or the drivers. Why should also the traffic policemen have a self –

awareness? Because some of them also undertake a delinquency by withdraw an


policemen and the drivers. The explanation of the delinquency which writes on the

statement above is part of factual account occur generally on the road.

The theme is not only having transcription creation as well as the rule has but

was also having invoking of emotional response rule properly. One of the examples

of invoking of emotional response in this trucks graffiti theme could be seen when the

drivers obey and implement what are graffiti would like to do. In result, may theme of

trucks graffiti as communication could be comprehended and implemented by the

drivers so they get safety to the destination.

Advice theme is rather seem gives much advantages because it represents all

trucks graffiti form which views shoddy notions for children receipt. By having this,

trucks graffiti will not fully have supposing indecent meaning and disrupt notion and

behavior continuer generation.

Character and existence theme are commonly common appear in the data. The

interpretation of those themes is still followed by the character of Indonesian exactly,

it is relying on togetherness. Having relying on togetherness has similarity with

homogeneous character especially for touch of sense affairs.

Then, the conclusion of interpretation of trucks graffiti themes are acquired by

several themes, they are, graffiti as a mode of communication and graffiti as a mode

of communication. The interpretation of a mode of communication theme is still

influenced by other graffiti theme, for instance, there is a mode of communication

graffiti which is followed by trucks graffiti as an existence. It is not fully supplies



feeling, commentaries and emotional. Actually, the character of those graffiti is

available on graffiti as an existence.

Further, the interpretation of trucks graffiti theme as a political expression is

democratic. Democrat is government system which all the nations have opportunity

to express their mind and heart. In this case, the truck drivers want to voice their

expression through graffiti on trucks.

The result of the findings is answers for the two research problems that have

been mentioned in the chapter one. However graffiti is a part of language. There is

particular meaning and function. Therefore, the writer analyze the data with the

linguistic device, it is language function. The writer would like to understand and

comprehend the scope of graffiti especially on trucks.

In conclusion, whatever the function of language itself, using of language

should supply its predominance. One of them is using language with the politeness

language for communication so that it makes interaction fluently. There is a verse of

Muslim’s Holy Book (Qur’an), which supplies of using politeness language for

interaction with others. There is in the Al – Qalam Surah verse 4.

ﻢﯿﻇ قﻟﺨ ﻰﻟ ﻟ ﻚﻨ اﻮ


And indeed You (Muhammad) are really have noble right nature (Qalam verse 4)

That verse explains about the personality of Muhammad Saw who has a noble,

virtuous, and generous temper. None has compete likes His right nature. At least,


If people use language for well function, perhaps it can handle the producing of


Table. 2.1. Graffiti Gadsby’s Classification
Table. 1 Techniques of Data Collection
Table 3.2. Classifying of Trucks Graffiti on Language Function
Table. 4.2. Finding of Language Function


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Pekerjaan : Pengembangan Kawasan Merapi sbg Center of Excellence Penanganan Bencana Tahun Anggaran : 2011.. HPS : Rp

Bukti- nya, orang tua rajin mendorong dan mengirim putera-puteri mereka mengikuti aneka kegiatan les dan kursus ini-itu dengan biaya yang tidak sedikit baik yang diselenggarakan

Alasan yang mendukung bahwa program bimbingan lebih dikembangkan di jenjang pendidikan menengah dibandingkan dengan jenjang pendidikan lainnya karena peserta didik di

Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dalam penelitian ini dimaksudkan agar dapat mengetahui dan menggambarkan apa yang terjadi ditempat penelitian dengan lugas dan

Karena itu, tulisan ini ingin memberi tekanan pada peran keluarga Kristen untuk membangun karakter Kristiani anak sehingga mereka dapat berpikir, bersikap dan

Secara umum bila dilihat dari histogram Gambar 2 di atas bahwa nilai rata-rata derajat keasaman ikan tongkol asap cair cangkang pala dengan konsentrasi 6% dengan lama

Mengapa kita perlu mengembangkan cinta-kasih kepada orangtua? Karena orangtua telah melahirkan kita semua. Dan ketahuilah bahwa badan kita ini mulai dari rambut