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Wangsajaya's Weblog | Semangat berbagi untuk peningkatan kompetensi para siswa, guru dan masyarakat umum. Salam sukses dan tetap semangat


Academic year: 2017

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Ilmu yang mendeskripsi (secara genetis) bentuk-lahan dan proses-proses yang mengakibatkan

bentuknya bentuklahan ter-sebut serta mencari antar hubungan antara proses-proses dalam susunan



Kajian tentang

bentuklahan (landform)

yang menyusun

permukaan bumi dengan

tekanan utama pada

sejarah asal mula

(genesis). Dalam

mengkaji genesis tidak

dapat lepas dari kajian

mengenai material

penyusun dan

proses-proses yang bekerja

selama pembentuklahan



1. Proses-proses dan hukum-hukum fisik yang

sama yang bekerja sekarang bekerja pula pada

waktu geologi, walaupun tidak selalu dengan

intensitas sama seperti sekarang,

2. Struktur geologi merupakan faktor pengontrol

dominan dalam evolusi bentuklahan dan stuktur

geologi dicerminkan oleh bentuklahannya’

3. Proses-proses geomorfik meninggalkan

bekas-bekasnya yang nyata pada bentuklahan dan


4. Karena perbedaan tenaga erosi yang bekerja

pada permukaan bumi, maka dihasilkan urutan

bentuklahan yang mempunyai karakteristik

tertentu pada tahap dan perkembangannya,

5. Evolusi geomorfik yang kompleks lebih umum

dibanding dengan evolusi yang sederhana,

a. Simple form


6. Sebagian kecil relief bumi lebih tua dari

Tersier, dan kebanyakan dari relief tersebut

lebih muda dari Pleistosen,

7. Interpretasi bentanglahan yang sekarang

tidak mungkin dilakukan tanpa


8. Apresiasi iklim dunia adalah perlu untuk

mengetahui bebagai kepentingan suatu

proses geomorfik yang berbeda’

9. Walaupun geomorfologi menekankan

pada bentanglahan sekarang, namun


Tujuan Klasifikasi Bentuklahan

Menyederhanakan bentanglahan di permukaan bumi yang kompleks menjadi unit-unit sederhana yang

mempunyai kesamaan dalam sifat dan perwatakannya.

Sifat dan perwatakan tersebut mencakup 4 hal: 1. Struktur geologis/geomorfologis

2. Proses geomorfologi

3. Kesan topografis (daratan, perbukitan, pegunungan), 4. Ekspresi topografik (misal: kemiringan lereng, bentuk


Proses Geomorfologi

1. Endogenic Processes:

– Volcanism

– Plate Tectonics

– Diastrophism: Folding,

Faulting, Warping

2. Exogenic Systems:

– Weathering

– Mass Wasting

– Erosion, Transportation, and

Depositional Processes

– Alluvial/Fluvial (flowing water)

– Glacial (ice)

– Eolian (wind)

– Coastal (waves)







Proses Geomorfologi: Semua proses baik

fisik maupun khemis yang mengakibatkan

modifikasi konfigurasi/ bentuk permukaan


Tenaga Geomorfologi: Semua medium








Resource Distribution

– Soils and Agriculture

– Water resources

– Forest and Biological

Natural Hazards

– Monitoring

– Prediction


– Transportation

– Development






Pelapukan Mass Wasting Erosi




1. Pelapukan: pecahnya batuan akibat disintegrasi dan dekomposisi; belum ada gerakan massa (tidak

termasuk pelepasan dan pengangkutan)

2. Mass wasting: semua pengangkutan massa puing-puing batuan menuruni lereng akibat pengaruh

langsung tenaga gravitasi



Permulaan penyebab terjadinya gerak massa

batuan dan erosi’


Faktor perendahan permukaan lahan secara



Pengaruh terbentuknya berbagai bentuklahan


• Aliran lambat:  creep : soil creep. talus creep

rock creep rock glacier creeps.

 solifluction

• Aliran cepat: Earth flow Mud flow

Debris avalance Land slides:

• Slump

• Debris sloipe’

• Debris fall

• Rock slide

• Rock fall



Land slide


Debris avalance


Earth flow


Mud flow


Sheet flow


Slope wash



Hubungan timbal balik masing2

ben-tuk lereng yang dapat diukur PROSES LERENG


Kemungkinan peng-ukuran pada


1. Main slope retreat 2. Main slope decline 3. Main slope shortening

• Hal ini tergantung pada:

1. Bentuk lereng asli

2. Karakteristik internal lereng

3. Seluruh karakteristik lereng utama (internaldan eksternal)

1 2


 3 Faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan landscape (W.M Davis) 1. Struktur

2. Proses

3. Stadia (waktu)

 Dengan waktu terdapat adanya tingkat (stage) perkembangan: 1. Stadium muda

2. Stadium dewasa 3. Stadium tua


Permukaan asli Muda


Level dasar Tua

• Stadium muda: lahan masih tinggi, banyak dijumpai permukaan asli, lembah dalam, dinding terjal, erosi aktif

• Stadium dewasa: lahan mulai rendah, lembah melebar dan terjal,

interfluve membulat/ runcing. Disini terjadi “relief

maksimum” ketika lembah masih mempunyai puncak (crest)


• Stadium tua: permukaan lahan rendah, lereng datar-landai, sungai mengalir memotong dataran banjir, erosi dan deposisi dalam keadaan



Geomorphology in the rock cycle

Every part of

the rock cycle

that occurs at

the Earth’s


Relevance of geomorphology

• Geomorphology is important because people live on landforms and their lives are affected (sometimes catastrophically) by

geomorphic processes:

• Slope determines whether soil accumulates and makes arable


• Slope stability controls landslides

• Mountains drastically affect the weather: rainshadows,


• This is also a two-way process: Human action is one of the major processes of geomorphic evolution:

• People have been building terraced hillsides for thousands of


• People dam rivers, drain groundwater, engineer coastlines

• People plant or burn vegetation on a huge scale

• People are paving the world


Geomorphic Concepts

• Important: a mountain is a feature of relief, not elevation (a high area of low relief is a plateau)

– Slope controls the local stability of hillsides and sediment transport

– Relief controls the regional erosion rate and sediment yield

– Elevation directly affects erosion and weathering only

through temperature, however, high elevation and high relief are generally pretty well-correlated

• Elevation: height above sea level

• Slope: spatial gradients in elevation

• Relief: the contrast between minimum and maximum

elevation in a region


Geomorphic Concepts


– vertical motions of the crust (i.e., of material points)


– vertical change in the position of the land surface with respect to material points in the bedrock.

Important: the net rate of change in elevation of

the land surface is the sum of uplift/subsidence

rate and accumulation/denudation rate




Geomorphic Concepts


– The result of Archimedes’ principle of buoyancy

acting on the height of the land surface in the limit of long timescale (fluid-like mantle below the depth of compensation) and long lengthscale (longer than the flexural wavelength of the lithosphere).

The total mass per unit area above some depth of compensation (in the asthenosphere) should be globally constant.

– Areas that satisfy the principle of isostasy are called


Geomorphic Concepts

• Variation in topography can be compensated through two

end-member mechanisms: differences in the thickness of

layers or differences in the density of layers.

– Isostatic compensation through density differences is Pratt

isostasy (in the pure form each layer is of constant thickness).

– Isostatic compensation through differences in the thickness

of layers (where the layer densities are horizontally constant) is Airy isostasy.


Geomorphic Concepts

• In reality, both mechanisms

operate together: neither the thickness nor the density of the crust is constant.

• However, since the density

contrast between crust and mantle is larger than most internal density differences within either crust or mantle, the dominant mechanism of isostatic compensation is


Geomorphic Concepts

Items for speculation:

Why is the top of the ocean crust lower than the top

of the continental crust?

– Why is Iceland above sea level?

– Are subduction zone trenches isostatically


– What controls how long it takes to achieve isostatic


– What controls the lengthscale over which isostasy


– What do gravity anomalies have to do with isostasy?

– What happens when you put an ice-sheet on a


Drainage networks and Catchment Areas

• By mapping local maxima (divides) in topography, natural terrains can always be divided, at all scales (from meters to 1000 km), into catchment areas, each exited by one principal drainage, into which surface runoff is channeled

• This is not a necessary property of any

surface…it is the result


Geomorphic Concepts

Fractal geometry

– the forces that shape landscapes are often

scale-independent and lead to hierarchical regularity across

scale, often with fractional scaling relations, hence fractals. The classic examples:

• Length of a coastline: coastlines get longer when measured

with shorter rulers.

• Branching networks: drainage channels come in all sizes,


“Process” geomorphology

Quantitative, physically based analysis of

morphology in terms of endogenic and exogenic

energy sources

Basics of process geomorphology

– 1) Assume balance between forms and process

(equilibrium and quasi-equilibrium)

– 2) Balance created and maintained by the

interaction between energy states (kinetic and potential); force and resistance.

– 3) Changes in force-resistance balance may push

the landscape and processes too far: thresholds of change exist: fundamental change of process and thus form.

– 4) Processes are linked with multiple levels of


– 5) Geomorphic analysis occurs at multiple spatial




• An example of

a quantifiable process:

hillslope evolution

• What controls

stability of a slope?


Hillslope evolution:

qualitative approach

Some rocks are resistant to erosion (they form cliffs),

some are weak (they form slopes).

Resistant and weak are qualitative terms, but useful for



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