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What Is the Best Protein Supplement


Academic year: 2017

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What Is the Best Protein Supplement? Word Count:

319 Summary:

This is a question that experienced bodybuilders are commonly asked by those who are just starting out, and it is a question that really doesn’t have a simple answer or does it?


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Article Body:

This is a question that experienced bodybuilders are commonly asked by those who are just starting out, and it is a question that really doesn’t have a simple answer or does it? The truth is that the best protein supplement is usually one that you make yourself, usually with a combination of other protein supplements. Furthermore, the best protein supplements are those that are consumed immediately after your workout.

Don’t listen to the carb hysteria! Carbohydrates are very important to bodybuilders. They will not make you fat, as long as you are taking in the right carbs, at the right time, in the right amounts. In fact, without carbs, your body will burn protein for fuel, and you need that protein to feed your muscles. Let carbs fuel your body instead. The best protein supplement will contain about 25 of your daily intake of protein, post workout. Whey protein is the best protein for this purpose. You must add glutamine! While you have your insulin levels high, this is the perfect time to restore the amount of glutamine in your body. This glutamine plays a vital role in muscle repair. 2 to 5 grams of glutamine needs to be added to the best protein supplement for your post workout. You’ll be amazed at how great your feel.

Hopefully, you understand that creatine is important pre-workout, but you also need to realize that it plays a vital role post workout as well. When used with water, which should be a part of your post workout protein supplement, creatine flows into your muscle cells, and helps to rehydrate them. It also starts up stimulating anabolic processes. 3 to 10 grams of creatine are recommended, post workout. There you have it. The best protein supplement, used after your workout, will contain all of the previous mentioned nutrients. Again, finding one product that does it all is just about impossible. Learn to mix products for the best results.

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