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Change Requests | OGC


Academic year: 2017

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Change Request #:


Assigned OGC Document #:


Name: *Reinhard Erstling

Organization: *interactive instruments GmbH Email: *erstling@interactive-instruments.de Document


*Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification / 1.1.0

OGC Project Document:


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Title: *Add hatching to se:Fill Source: *SLDSE.swg

Work item code:

Category: * C (Functional modification of feature)

Reason for change:


Cross hatching is a method of area filling which is used so often and has so simple parameters that it should be established as another Fill variety.

Summary of change:


Add a new optional element to se:Fill (such as se:HatchedFill), which combines an se:Stroke, an angle, a distance value and a reference point.


Consequences if not approved:

Cross hatching cannot be done using SE in a way conventional in cartography.

Clauses affected: *

11.2.2 Fill

Additional Documents affected: Supporting Documentation:


Status: Assigned

Assigned To: SLDSE 1.2 SWG

Disposition: Refered


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