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Academic year: 2017



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Muhammad Indra Umar Pratama Reg. Number 4103332020

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Firstly, writer said thankfulness to Allah SWT. that always give rahmat

and hidayah so writer can finished this thesis. This thesis submitted to fulfill the requirement for getting the degree of sarjana pendidikan with title is “The Influence of the Discovery Model Learning Toward The Student's Achievement,

Creativity and Cooperation in Teaching of Salt Hydrolysis".

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express the thanks and great

appreciation to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si. as my thesis supervisor for his valuable

time spent in giving guidance, advices, motivation and suggestion during

completing this thesis. The writer also thanks to Prof. Albinus Silalahi, M.S, Drs.

Eddiyanto, Ph.D., and Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si. as reviewer conselor for this thesis

that giving me advises, suggestion, guidance and constructive comment for this thesis’s completeness.

The writer also say thanks to Pro. Motlan, M.Sc., as the Dean of

Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Medan,

Prof.Dr.rer.nat Binari Manurung, M.Si., as the coordinator of Bilingual

Department, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., and Mr. Samsudin as administrator of

Bilingual Office for their advices and other necessary administrative business. The

great thanks are also given to Marudut Sinaga M. Si., as my academic supervisor

for his guidance during my academic process in this University. The writer also

say thanks to Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si., and Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., as instrument’s validator in this research.

The author appreciation also given to Principal of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri

2 Tanjung Pura, Sugiono, MA, and Also Asmil Khoir, S.Si as the Chemistry

teacher and also all teachers who give me chance to do the research there.

A deepest love, appreciation and thanks also goes to them my dearest

parents, Ramdhan And Silvia Muliati Nidar Siregar, also my dearest brothers

Fadli Yusuf Dwi Putra, and my entire family also my mate Helda Febriani that

always become inspiration, motivation, strength and for their prayers and financial



Special appreciation are given to all my classmate in Bilingual Chemistry

2010 that always gives me the best memory in my education process, especially

for wika, yasir, lina, melisa, debby, rabiah, rudi sofi, anggi for their kindness in

my academic process from first semester and spending time with me in many

times of our unoccupied time. And special thanks to ilmi for her acts, thinking,

words, that make me realize that the mistakes are not always bad, it can turn us

into good and good person, thanks for making me feel that way. The writer also

would like to say thanks to everyone whose names cannot be mentioned one by

one for your support and helping in my thesis process.

Writer realize that this thesis is still not being perfect yet. Therefore,

Writer hopes the suggestion and critic from the reader for perfection this thesis.

Perhaps this thesis can be useful and give many function and knowledge to the

reader especially about subject matter which is researched in this thesis.

Medan, July 2014


M. Indra Umar Pratama









M. Indra Umar Pratama (Reg. Number 4103332020)


The research of the influence of discovery learning model toward the student’s achievement, creativity and cooperation in teaching of salt hydrolysis was be done. This research purposed to know whether discovery model can influence the student’s achievement and also can develop creativity and cooperation character. The population of this research is all Senior High School Students Grade XI who have been given the curriculum 2013 and the sample were students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 (MAN 2) Tanjung Pura Grade XI. The sample were 2 classes, experiment class that taught with discovery learning model and control class that taught with conventional method. The instrument that used in this research consist of instrument test and non-test. The instrument test contain 20 questions in the form of multiple choice that has been standardized by statistical method by using t-test in Microsoft Excel 2007 Program with validity ; r-count > 0.361, reliability test ; 0.888 > r-table with category is high. The instrument also has been tested by using difficulty level test and different index test to make instrument good. Then, the result data was analyzed with normality test and homogeneity test by using SPSS v.17.0 program. The normality test was done with One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a significance level of 0.05. the normality test done for all the data, pretest experiment class, pretest control class, posttest experiment class, posttest control class, gain experiment class, and gain control class with value are 0.083, 0.075, 0.083, 0.399, 0.718, 0.958 that show all data are normal distributed. Homogeneity test was performed by using Levene’s test, if sig. > 0.05, the data is homogeny. The value of pretest, posttest, and gain are 0.675, 0.285, 0.307 and all data can be said as homogeny (9.788>1.672), can be concluded refusing Ho and accepting Ha. It means student achievement that be taught by discovery learning model is significantly higher than student achievement that be taught by conventional method. The result of observation in developing creativity and cooperation character also show good result in every meeting the character increase with the %average score of creativity value is 68.98 and for cooperation character is 70.28, means discovery learning model can develop both creativity and cooperation character.





Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Contents vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Formula xi

List of Appendix xii


1.1. Research Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 5

1.3. Problem Limitation 6

1.4. Problem Formulation 6

1.5. Research Objective 6

1.6. Research Benefit 7


2.1. Concept Learning and Learning Model 8

2.2. Discovery Learning Model 10

2.3. Conventional Method in Teaching Chemistry 13

2.4. Student’s Achievement 14

2.5. Character Building Through Science Teaching And Learning 15

2.5.1. Creativity 15

2.5.2. Cooperation 16

2.6. Salt Hydrolysis 16

2.6.1. Understanding Salt Hydrolysis 17


vii Salt from Strong Acid and Strong Base 17 Salt from Strong Acid and Weak Base 18 Salt from Weak Acid and Strong Base 18 Salt from Weak Acid and Weak Base 19

2.6.3. Salt Hydrolysis in Daily Life 20

2.7. Hypothesis 21


3.1. Location and Time Research 22

3.2. Research Population and Sample 22

3.3. Research Variable 22

3.3.1. Independent Variable 22

3.3.2. Dependent Variable 22

3.4. Research Instruments 23

3.4.1. Instrument test 23

3.4.2. Observation Sheet 23

3.4.3. Questionnaire 23 Validity Test 24 The Difficulty Level 24 Different Index 25 The Reliability 25

3.5. Type and Design Research 28

3.5.1. Type of Research 28

3.5.2. Research Procedures 28

3.5.3. Research Flow Diagram 29

3.6. Data Collection and Analysis 30

3.6.1. The Normality Test 30

3.6.2. Homogeneity test 30

3.6.3. The Hypothesis test 30

3.6.4. The Percentage of Character 30




4.1. Result 32

4.1.1. Analyze of instrument test 32 Validity Test 33 Difficulty level of instrument (P) 34 Different Index 34 Reliability test (r-11) 35

4.1.2. Result Data of Research 36 Pretest 36 Posttest 36

4.1.3. Data Analysis of Research 37 Normality Test 37 Homogeneity Test 38 Hypothesis Test 39 Percentage of Character 40 Percentage of Creativity 40 Percentage of Cooperation 40 Relationship between Character and Student’s Achievement 41 Analysis of Question of Experimental and Control Class 42

4.2. Discussion 43


5.1. Conclusion 47

5.2. Suggestion 47








Page Table 2.1. Summary on The Topic of Salt Hydrolysis 20

Table 3.1. The Distribution of The Test 26

Table. 3.2. The Lattice of Observation Sheet 27

Table 3.3. The Research Design Form 28

Table 3.4. Research Time Table 31

Table.4.1.Result Calculation of Instrument Test Validation 33

Table 4.2 Result of difficulty level 34

Table 4.3. The Result of Analysis of Instrument Test 35

Table 4.4. The Result of Pretest 36

Table 4.5. The Result of Posttest 37

Table. 4.6. Result of Normality Test 38

Table.4.7. The Result of Homogeneity Test 38

Table. 4.8. The Result of Hypothesis Test 39

Table. 4.9. The Result of Creativity Character 40

Table. 4.10. The Result of Cooperation Character 41





3.1. Formula of Validity Test 24

3.2. Formula of Difficulty Level 24

3.3. Formula of Different Index 25

3.4. Formula of Reliability Test 25

3.5. Formula of Standard Deviation 26





Appendix 1. Syllabus of Chemistry Subject 50

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan for Experimental Class 55

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan for Control Class 66

Appendix 4. Salt Hydrolysis Worksheet 76

Appendix 5. The Distribution of Test 79

Appendix 6. The Instrument Test 80

Appendix 7. Calculation of Validity Test 88

Appendix 8. The Result of Validity Test 89

Appendix 9. Calculation The Difficulty Level Test 93

Appendix 10. The Result of Difficulty Level Test 94

Appendix 11. Calculation of Different Index Test 97

Appendix 12. The Result of Different Index 98

Appendix 13. Calculation of Reliability Test 102

Appendix 14. The Result of Reliability Test 103

Appendix 15. Result of Analysis of Instrument 105

Appendix 16. The Instrument Test (Had been Valid) 106 Appendix 17. Result of student achievement of Experimental class 110 Appendix 18. Result of student achievement of Control class 111

Appendix 19. The Calculation of Normality Test 112

Appendix 20. Homogeneity Test 113

Appendix 21. Hypothesis Testing 115

Appendix 22. The Lattice of Observation Sheet 116

Appendix 23. Observation Sheet to Observe the Character

Values Creative and Cooperation 118

Appendix 24. Data And Calculation for Creativity Character



Appendix 25. Data And Calculation for Cooperation

Character Per-Meeting 125

Appendix 26. Questionnaire to Observe the Character

Values Creativity and Cooperation 130

Appendix 27. Relation between Character and student’s Achievement 132 Appendix 28. Analysis of Question of Experimental and Control Class 134



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background

Education in Indonesia is under the spotlight because of the quality of

education in Indonesia is still low and become a problem for the government.

Government efforts to improve the quality of education such as making changes

in the educational curriculum, improve teacher quality and improvement of

facilities and infrastructure that supports the education.

Many problems that occur in education in Indonesia, started from

educational facilities, quality of teachers, curriculum and educational costs.

Education facilities in Indonesia, especially in rural areas of Indonesia is very

inadequate. The lack of attention from the local and central government. Then a

lot of teachers who do not have the experience and well trained.

One way which done by the government to improve the quality of

education is by enhance the curriculum from KTSP become curriculum 2013.

Curriculum in Indonesia has been progressing since the period before 1945 the

curriculum in 2006 which is valid until the end of 2012. During the process of the

curriculum change there is no other purpose than to enhance the the quality of

learning and the learning in school design. According to some experts, curriculum

changes from time to time, whether in Indonesia or in other countries, due to the

needs of people which every year are always evolving and the demands of the

times which is likely to change. The development of curriculum is considered as a

determinant of the future of the nation. Hence, a good curriculum would be

expected to be applied in Indonesia so that will generate a bright future for student

which has implications for the progress of the nation.

The function of curriculum in the educational process as a tool to achieve

the purpose of education. In this case, it means that the curriculum as an

educational tool has critical components and as a support to support its operations

properly. Forming components are inter-related to each other. curriculum



component methods, and evaluation components. Components are related to each

other (Kusuma, 2013).

In Indonesia, the new curriculum will be implemented in 2013 they are a

character-based curriculum. There are 18 national character, they are religious,

honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic,

curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, recognizing excellence, friendship /

communicative, love peace, love reading, caring environment, social awareness,


Associated with the implementation of Curriculum 2013, a teacher is not

only required for mastery of materials, but also had to have the ability to manage

the quality of learning in order to be able to present an attractive , creative,

challenging, and fun learning for students. And further how important is the

teacher can provide meaningful learning for students means how to cultivate a

sense of excitement for students to learn, cultivate self-awareness of students to

learn because he felt that learning is a must and not a necessity which very useful

for the future. The teachers are required to learn, improve and strive to develop

their creativity in presenting learning by using a variety of approaches, strategies,

methods and models which vary in the learning so the learning objective is

expected to be achieved. (Herawati, 2013)

Learning chemistry in school is less precise if only pay attention on

product without considering the process that takes place in every learning. It

happens due to the lack of constructivist learning models that are applied in high

school, most of learning is still dominated by the teacher (teacher-centered), so

non-cognitive skills are less honed. With this model students will become passive


The conditions that exist in Madrasah Aliyah 2 Tanjung Pura does not

match between expectations with reality, as evidenced by the low of chemistry

study results show the students are still not optimal, under KKM or still low. It is

seen from results of pure value of midterms (UTS) or final exams (UAS) on

academic year 2013/2014 from three classes the average value of class XI IA-1 is



highest 80 lowest 35; class XI IA-3 average value of 60.38 and the highest 75

lowest 40 with KKM is 65 (Data was getting from the direct observation or

information from teacher).

The success of a teacher in performing teaching in the classroom can be

measured by the success of delivering students to achieve good performance. It is

influenced by various factors, such as the selection and the use of media in

learning, mastery learning material by teachers, facilities and infrastructure which

supports, as well as the readiness and motivation of students to receive the


Results of research carried so far (Sunyono, 2005), is the student learning

outcomes are generally low because of students have difficulty in solving

problems related to the chemical reaction and chemical materials, because the lack

of understanding of chemistry concepts and lack of interest from of students for

lessons of chemistry. Moreover, the teachers failed to provide concrete examples

from reactions that exist in the environment. Therefore, it required an effort to

optimize learning chemistry in the classroom by applying appropriate approaches

and methods.

In developing the ability of students, educators should be able to manage

learning process. Good learning process and the qualified has a function and

purpose to enhance students' understanding of the lessons in class. Learning is

said to be successful and qualified, if the student are actively involved in learning

process in the classroom, and enhance students' understanding in the classroom.

To improve the understanding and activity of students in the classroom, it is

necessary to make a good lessons plan.

To solve this problem, learning chemistry in high school needs to change

its orientation, from teacher-oriented (teacher-centered) student-oriented

(student-centered). One of the student-centered learning is the method of discovery. Bruner

assume that discovery methods accordance with the search of knowledge actively

by humans. Starts to look for solutions and the accompanying knowledge,



The discovery meant that students find the concept through the guidance

and direction of teachers because in general most students still need the basic

concepts to be able to find something. Teachers have the most important influence

on the progress of students in the learning process. In the method of guided

discovery, teachers act as facilitators who guide students through the questions

that lead students to connect prior knowledge with the knowledge that he is

getting. Students are encouraged to think independently, analyze its own, that can

find the concepts, principles, or procedures based on learning materials that have

been provided by the teacher.

With this method, the teacher recommends students to make educated

guesses, intuition, and trial and error. Through conjecture, intuition, and trial and

error is expected that students not only receive direct concepts, principles, or

procedures that already exist in the teaching and learning activities, but students

are more focused on aspects of seeking and finding concept, principle, or

mathematical procedures. (Effendi, 2012)

To generating an invention (discovery), students should be able to connect

mathematical ideas they have. To connect these ideas, they can represent the idea

through pictures, graphs, symbols, or words that become simpler and easier to

understand. Familiarizing students with discovery learning, indirectly also

familiarize students representing information, data or knowledge to generating an

invention (discovery). (Effendi, 2012)

The research about discovery learning model toward chemistry subject not

many be found. Research was done by Hilmina (2011) shows that this model of

teaching is good to increase the achievement of student in MAN 12 west Jakarta,

In this research, she got the research result that the achievement of the student is

significantly increase. The result show that the average of student who have taught

by using discovery learning model increase from 68,09 % to 74,81 % in the

teaching of colloidal system. Another research was done by sulistyowati (2012)

The analysis result of chemistry problem solving ability show experimental group



while control group 41%. Based on the result of research can be concluded that

guided discovery learning effective toward to chemistry problem solving

Research about salt hydrolysis in Indonesia for educational aimed have

been done by researchers. One of the research is Wahyuni (2012) with the title “The Effect Of Learning Cycle Teaching Model And Worksheets Toward Chemistry Learning Outcomes Of Students”. Based on the results it could be

concluded that the learning outcomes of students who receive learning cycle

teaching model and worksheets is higher than students who receive learning with

conventional method, which the increases of learning outcomes in experimental

class is 73% and in control class is 60.98% .

Based on the description above, the researcher is interested to focus on

conducting the educational research with the aim to know the influence of

discovery learning model. Therefore, the researcher conduct the study with the

title “The Influence of Discovery Learning Model Toward The Student’s Achievement With Creativity And Cooperation In Teaching of Salt Hydrolysis “.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background above, we can identify some problem such as :

1. Is the quality of education in Indonesia still low ?.

2. Does teachers tend to use methods lectures which make the learning process

very monotonous and boring ?.

3. Is Teaching and learning activities is focused on teacher (Teacher centered)

and cause less social interaction with students in other words only after

achievement of curriculum goals alone ?.

4. Are the teacher's teaching methods less appropriate to the material being


5. Are there still not many teachers count the character that can develop during



1.3. Problem Limitation

Problem limitation of this research as follows :

1. The model that is used in this research is discovery learning model toward the student’s achievement at second semester in academic year 2013/2014

2. The subject is chemistry with salt hydrolysis as the material in teaching and


3. The student’s achievement to be measured in this study is cognitive aspect of

level C1, C2, C3, C4

4. The student’s character which be measured in this study is creativity and


1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, problem formulation of this research are:

1. Is student’s achievement who have learning with discovery learning model

higher than student who have learning with conventional method?

2. How many percentage the character of creativity can be developed to the

student who have learning with discovery learning model

3. How many percentage the character of cooperation can be developed to the

student who have learning with discovery learning model

1.5. Research Objective

This research was conducted to know :

1. The comparison of student’s achievement who have learning with discovery

learning model and student who have learning with conventional method

2. The percentage of character of creativity can be developed to the student who

have learning with discovery learning model

3. The percentage of character of cooperation can be developed to the student



1.6. Research Benefit

The expected benefit of this research are:

1. As information for teachers about discovery learning model as model of teaching to improve student’s achievement in chemistry

2. Produce an innovative learning model that can enhance student learning activities, student’s achievement, creativity, and cooperation behavior optimally

3. For education, as an input to improve the learning process and improve the




Based on the data analysis and discussion which has been previously

described, it can be concluded :

1. Learning chemistry by using discovery learning model can improve

student achievement in teaching materials salt hydrolysis.

2. Based on observational data can also be seen that the discovery learning

model can develop creativity character and cooperation character

3. Improvement of student’s achievement in the teaching of salt hydrolysis

can be seen by the average value of the posttest of experimental class is

82.66 from the pretest is 18.00. Improvement of student’s achievement

also obtained from the gain data showing that there are significant

differences between the experiment class and control class which is shown

experiment class value is greater than the value of the control class.

5.2. Suggestion

1. For chemistry teachers should using discovery learning model in the

teaching of chemistry, especially in the teaching of salt hydrolysis because

the discovery learning model able to increase the student’s achievement

and can develop creativity and cooperation character, so that will make the learning meaningful and make student’s remembrance longer

2. For school holder in order to provide and increase the facility of school,

especially apparatus and materials for chemistry laboratory.

3. For other researcher who wants to have a research of discovery learning

model with character development must have the comparison of the

character so in next research will be known which character will be the




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Figure 3.1. Research Design Flow Diagram


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