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Academic year: 2017

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P T IN D O N ES IAN P A RAD IS E P RO P ERTY TB K (the "C ompany")


The B oard of D ire ctors of the C ompany he re b y e xte nds this invitation to the S hare holde rs of the C ompany to atte nd the A nnual & Extraordinary Ge ne ral M e e ting of S hare holde rs (the "M e e ting") of the C ompany, to b e conve ne d on:

D ay/D ate :Friday/ 12 M ay 2017

Time :14.00 W e ste rn Indone sian Time (W IB ) until finishe d V e nue :H A RRIS H ote l Te b e t-Jakarta

Jl. D r. S ahardjo N o.191 Jakarta 12960, Indone sia

W ith the following Me e ting age nda:

1.A nnual Ge ne ral M e e ting of S hare holde rs:

a.A pproval of: i) C ompany’s A nnual Re port for the Fiscal Ye ar 2016; ii) S upe rvision Re port of the B oard of C ommissione rs of the C ompany for the Fiscal Ye ar 2016; iii) Financial S tate me nt of the C ompany for the FiscalYe ar 2016whichhas b e e naudite d b y anInde pe nde nt P ub lic A ccountant’s O ffice ; as we ll as the full granting of re le ase and discharge (acquit e t de charge ) towards the C ompany’s B oard of D ire ctors and B oard of C ommissione rs for the fore going matte rs.

Elucidation: P ursuant to the provision of the C ompany’s article s of associations, and A rticle 69 as we ll as A rticle 78 of L aw N o. 40 of 2007 re garding L imite d L iab ility C ompany (“UU P T”), the C ompany’s A nnual Re port, S upe rvision Re port of the B oard of C ommissione rs of the C ompany and the C ompany’s Financial S tate me nt shall re quire approval as we ll as ratification from the ge ne ral me e ting of share holde rs (“GM S ”). The re fore , the C ompany propose s this age nda. b .A pproval for the Usage of the C ompany’s N e t P rofit for the Fiscal Ye ar 2016.

Elucidation: P ursuant to the provision of the C ompany’s article s of associations, and A rticle 71 of U U P T, the usage of C ompany’s ne t profit shall b e approve d and stipulate d b y the GM S . The re fore , the C ompany propose s this age nda.

c.L imite d Right Issue I Fund U sage ’s Re alization Re port to the S hare holde rs.

Elucidation: A s a party which carrie s out L imite d Right Issue , in accordance with A rticle 6 of Financial S e rvice A uthority (O JK) Re gulation N umb e r 30/P O JK.04/2015 re garding Re alization Re port of Fund U sage D e rive d from Right Issue , the C ompany pre se nts and take s account of the fund usage re alization of such fund in the GM S , and not to ob tain a GM S approval. The re fore , the C ompany propose s this age nda.

d.A pproval for de te rmination of re mune ration and/or honorarium of the me mb e r of B oard of C ommissione rs and B oard of D ire ctors of the C ompany.

Elucidation: P ursuant to A rticle 96 and A rticle 113 of U U P T, the amount of re mune ration and/or honorarium of the B oard of D ire ctor and B oard of C ommissione r of the C ompany, including ce rtain me chanism shall b e approve d and stipulate d b y the GM S . The re fore , the C ompany propose s this age nda.


Elucidation: P ursuant to A rticle 68 of U U P T, the C ompany’s Financial S tate me nt shall b e de live re d to a P ub lic A ccountant to b e furthe r audite d. The re fore , the C ompany propose s this age nda.

N ote s:

1.The C ompany will not se nd a se parate summon/invitation to the S hare holde rs. This S ummon shall se rve as the official summon/invitation to the S hare holde rs of the C ompany.

2.Re fe rring to the A nnounce me nt of the A nnual Ge ne ral M e e ting of S hare holde rs on 5 A pril 2017, S hare holde rs who are e ntitle d to atte nd or b e ing re pre se nte d at the M e e ting are S hare holde rs or its P roxie s whose name s are re giste re d in the S hare holde rs’ Re gistry of the C ompany on W e dne sday, 19 A pril 2017 until 16.00 W e ste rn Indone sian Time (W IB ). In re gard to the e nacme nt of 19 A pril 2017 as an e xchange holiday through the Indone sian S tock Exchange announce me nt N o. P e ng-00173/B EI.O P P /04-2017, the share holde rs who are e ntitle d to atte nd or b e ing re pre se nte d at the M e e ting are S hare holde rs or its P roxie s whose name s are re giste re d in the S hare holde rs’ Re gistry of the C ompany on Tue sday, 18 A pril 2017 until 16.00 W e ste rn Indone sian Time (W IB ). 3.S hare holde rs whom are e ntitle d to atte nd or b e ing re pre se nte d at the M e e ting are S hare holde rs or

its P roxie s whose name s are re giste re d in the S hare holde rs’ Re gistry of the C ompany on W e dne sday, 19 A pril 2017 until 16.00 W e ste rn Indone sian Time (W IB ).

4.For the account holde rs in P T Kustodian S e ntral Efe k Indone sia (KS EI) in the C olle ctive C ustody shall provide the Re giste r of S hare holde rs manage d b y such account holde rs to KS EI in orde r to ob tain C onfirme d Invitations to the M e e ting/ Konfirmasi Te rtulis U ntuk Rapat (KTU R).

5.S hare holde rs or its P roxie s atte nding the M e e ting, are re spe ctfully re que ste d to b ring along and sub mit a photocopy of the ir C olle ctive S hare C e rtificate s and a photocopy of the ir valid Ide ntity C ards (Kartu Tanda P e nduduk) (KTP ) or othe r ide ntity docume nts to S e curity A dministration B ure au (B iro A dministrasi Efe k) office r b e fore e nte ring the M e e ting room. S hare holde rs in the form of le gal e ntitie s are also re que ste d to b ring photocopie s of the ir article s of associations and its ame ndme nts, de cre e from the authoritie s, and de e d on the appointme nt of the ir incumb e nt manage me nt or othe r docume nts e vide ncing he /she /it is authorize d to le gitimate ly re pre se nt such e ntity. S hare holde rs whose share s are re giste re d in the colle ctive custody shall pre se nt KTU R made availab le b y the ir re spe ctive S e curitie s C ompany or C ustodian B ank.

6. a. S hare holde rs who are unab le to atte nd the M e e ting may b e re pre se nte d b y its P roxy with a valid P owe r of A ttorne y, in a form de te rmine d b y the B oard of D ire ctors of the C ompany. b . M e mb e r of the B oard of D ire ctors, me mb e r of the B oard of C ommissione rs and e mploye e s

of the C ompany are allowe d to act as the S hare holde r’s P roxie s at the Me e ting, howe ve r, vote s cast b y the m will not b e calculate d for voting.

c. A P owe r of A ttorne y form can b e ob taine d e ve ry day during b usine ss hours at the following addre ss:

C orporate S e cre tary P T Indone sian P aradise P rope rty Tb k

C e nte nnial Towe r, 30th Floor, Jl. Gatot S ub roto Kav. 24-25, Jakarta 12930 Te lp: (021) 2988 0466, Fax: (021) 2988 0460

d. The duly comple te d and signe d P owe r of A ttorne y must b e re ce ive d b y the the C ompany at the ab ove -me ntione d addre ss at the late st thre e (3) b usine ss days b e fore the date of M e e ting b e fore 16.00 W e ste rn Indone sian Time (W IB ).

7.The A nnual Re port of the C ompany and M e e ting mate rials are availab le at the C ompany's office as of the date of this Invitation to the date of the M e e ting and may b e ob taine d b y the S hare holde rs with a writte n re que st to the C ompany.

8.In orde r to facilitate an orde rly M e e ting, the S hare holde rs or the ir proxie s are kindly re que ste d to arrive at the Me e ting’s ve nue 30 minute s b e fore the M e e ting comme nce s.


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