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Week 2 The role of L1


Academic year: 2017

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Ref l ect i on

 Recall (reflect on) your personal experience in learning English (especially at t he early st age of your learning).

 How did your first language influence your learning?

 What influences were t hey?


Under st andi ng TERMS

 First language (L1) = mot her t ongue = nat ive language

 Second language (L2), foreign language (FL), t arget language (TL)


Behavi or i st l ear ni ng t heor y:

 Learning is a habit format ion: a habit is


Per cept i on about habi t

 Old habit s inhibit /prevent t he learning of new habit s. Thus, L1 int erferes SLA.


t r ansf er

 Ellis (1994): “ L1 t ransfer refers t o t he

incorporat ion of feat ures of t he L1 int o t he knowledge syst em of t he L2 which t he


t r ansf er

[t ransfer is] t he use of t he nat ive language

(or ot her language) informat ion in t he

acquisit ion of an L2 (or addit ional


Gass (1996: 321)

[t ransfer is] influence t hat t he learner

s L1

exert s on t he acquisit ion of an L2


Tr ansf er Real i zat i on

 Facilit ation  Avoidance

 Over use (overgeneralisat ion)


Negat i ve t r ansf er


Posi t i ve t r ansf er


Posi t i ve t r ansf er

is transfer which makes learning easier, and may occur when bot h t he nat ive language

and t he t arget language have t he same form.  E.g., bot h French and English have t he word

t able, which can have t he same meaning in bot h languages.


Negat i ve t r ansf er / i nt er f er ence

The use of a nat ive-language pat t ern or rule

which leads t o an ERROR or inappropriat e form in t he TARGET LANGUAGE.

E.g. : a French learner of English may produce t he incorrect sent ence

I am here since Monday.

inst ead of

I have been here since Monday


Di f f er ences of L1 and L2


Er r or s

 Errors should be avoided. Errors are evidence of non-learning.


Cont r ast i ve anal ysi s

 St rong form: all errors can be predict ed by ident ifying t he differences bet ween L1 and L2.


Resul t s of compar i son:

5. No similarit y bet ween L1 and L2


Or der of di f f i cul t y

 In t erms of learning difficult y, 1 t o 6 above are ordered from zero t o great est . (Is t his t he


Cr i t i ci sms of CA hypot hesi s

 Empirical research

 Theoret ical crit icisms: Chomsky’s at t ack on t he behaviorist t heory


CA: Reappr ai sal

 The learning difficult y predict ed by CA might be realized as avoidance inst ead of error

 Int erference is more likely t o occur when t here is some similarit y rat her t han when t here is a t ot al difference


Avoi dance

 when speaking or writ ing a second/foreign language, a speaker will oft en t ry t o avoid using a difficult word or st ruct ure, and will use a simplerword or st ruct ure inst ead.


Avoi dance St r at egy

a st udent who is not sure of t he use of t he

relat ive clause in English may avoid using it and use t wo simpler sent ences inst ead:

That ’s my building. I live t here. inst ead of



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