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Do s and Don ts of Wearing Perfume


Academic year: 2017

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Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Perfume Word Count:

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Looking for that perfect perfume fragrance? Here are some do’s and don’ts of wearing perfume...


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The perfume fragrances you wear can cause people to be attracted to you or, unfortunately, to flee from you! You should carefully choose perfumes that enhance the space around you. Be careful not to offend others with fragrances that are too strong. Here are some quick perfume tips on choosing and wearing fragrances. Choosing a Perfume Fragrance

Find a fragrance that complements your skin and natural aroma of your body. The scent should be subtle enough to not invade anyone else’s "personal space" but pleasant enough that others will want to stay around you. Perfume is meant to enhance your personality, attire, and overall being.

When you visit the fragrance department in a department store, sample perfumes by spraying a couple of fragrances on your skin in areas located far apart from one another. For example, spray one type on your hand and the other on your upper arm. Don’t try spraying on more than two fragrances in a single trip. Then, leave the store or at least the perfume section for a few minutes to smell the fragrances on your skin. This will allow you to smell the scents without them blending with others from the fragrance section. Try each scent directly on your skin to be sure it’s the perfect match. The fragrance should blend well with your normal body aroma, as well as the scents of your clothing detergent, shampoos, and makeup.

If you think you’ve found the perfect perfume for you, wait a day before buying. Try on a sample of only that particular perfume from the department store and then leave it on for a day. Be sure it doesn’t lose its scent during the day, change scents, or cause any allergies or headaches. Wearing it for a day should reveal all of these. Do’s of Wearing Perfume

If you have dry skin, wear extra perfume. The oils in your skin, or lack thereof, can enhance or weaken the scent. When it’s cold out, wear extra perfume. Cold weather tends to weaken the scent as well. When, buying new perfume, don’t base your decision on what works for someone else. Try it out on your own skin first. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to a scent. The best time to apply perfume is right after a shower or bath. After bathing, your skin pores will be open and will soak up the perfume’s fragrance. Also when bathing, use non-deodorized soap where the perfume will be applied. Soaps and deodorants can affect how the perfume will smell on your skin; the mixture won’t always be pleasant!

When applying perfume, dab it in unusual places where it will stay warm and keep its scent longer. It can be applied on the inside of the elbow, on the wrist, neck, stomach, cleavage, and back of the knees. Don’ts of Wearing Perfume

While there are many positives to wearing perfume, there are few things to avoid. One involves perfume and jewelry. Certain types of jewelry, such as costume or pearl jewelry, can become discolored due to perfume alcohols. Some jewelry can also be stripped of its outer coating. When wearing perfume with this type of jewelry, apply it away from the jewelry. Don’t use only one perfume year round. Test out various perfumes during seasonal changes to see which ones work best in the hot or cool temperatures. Different fragrances are affected by temperatures when it comes to scent intensity.

Never apply perfume behind the ears. It can blend with skin secretions and create a bad smell. Also, don’t spray perfume onto light-colored clothes because it can turn the fabric yellow.

When buying perfumes online, try out the same brand and scent in a local store first to be sure it’s right for you. You can often find great perfumes and men’s colognes such as Adidas, Antonio Puig, Anucci, Byblos, Britney Spears, Bulgari, Chanel, Capucci, Cartier, and more at online shopping stores. These stores carry a wide supply of fragrances, even at wholesale prices. You can also shop for other great items while you’re there including sporting goods products, computers, DVDs, pet supply items, office supply products, tools, car items, electronics, jewelry, and more.

Use these tips to find that perfect perfume for you and start drawing people to you with your lovely scent!

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