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1. Definition of Perception - Ali Muhtadin Jihad Nashrulloh CHAPTER II


Academic year: 2019

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Talking about „perception‟, one‟s mind will automatically be led to

certain nature of human being that is his/her psychology feature. According to

the sciences, there are some definitions of perception. Jalaludin (1999:51)

says that perception is the experience of the object, incidents or the relation

which comes from the conclusion or information and to interpret the


1. Definition of Perception

Perception is a process which starts from the sense of organ. That is a

process related to acceptance of message or information by human brain

Sudarno (2001:53) as cited in Rochayati (2010). Further it is said that during

the process a person continually interacts with their environment. In the

interaction they use five senses those are vision, hearing, taste, smell, and

touch. Peoples sees, hears, tastes, smells, and touches things around them.

Those things may give stimulation to the people senses. Then, their brain

registers the stimuli and sends them to nervous system. By some experts, this

process is called sensation. The next process are thinking, analyzing, and

reasoning in order to archives the meaning of the object. In line with the

process, it can describe that perception is the process by which a person brain


Mahmud (1994:41) as cited in Rochayati (2010) defines perception

as the direct stimuli from receiving information, or the process of person

to know the phenomenon from their five senses. Thus, he states that we

receive everything around us by our five senses, the process is called

sensing, but our perception toward this word is not only the result from

our process of sensing, but there is an interpretation toward the receiving

stimuli. These stimuli that make us think about our environment.

The perception‟s process happens when we use our sense to start

the process of stimulating which is called sensation. Sensation is a part of

perception. Perception is the process by which we take raw sensations

from environment and interpret the using knowledge and understanding

of the world, so that they become meaningful experiences.

Any one‟s perceptual experience will be determined by personal

and situational factor. Jalalludin Rakhmat(2001:51) illustrate that

perception is an experience about object, phenomenon or connections in

way to conclude information and to interpret the message.

Based on such thought, Davidoff as cited in Walgito (1997:55)

defined perception as a complex process that depends on both

surrounding world and the perceiver. Chaplin (1971:143) as cited in

Walgito (2010) states that „perception‟ is a process of recognizing an


2. Process of Perception

According to Belch (2007) as cited in Walgito (1997) there are four

stages in the process of perception. The four stages are exposure,

attention, comprehension and retention. Below are the descriptions:

1. Exposure is the stage where someone begins receiving information

through the senses possessed. Information obtained by seeing or

hearing directly about a particular thing.

2. Attention is the stage where someone begins to put the received

information into stimuli. The information began to be digested

through someone mind.

3. Comprehension is stage where someone begins to interpret the

information that goes into a specific meaning. The information

becomes more advanced and make perceptions are different between

each individual who receives such information.

4. Retention is the stage where someone had started not remembering

the entirety of what they read, see, or hear even though they are

already interested and able to interpret this information.

Rather, Moskowitz, and Orgel in Walgito (1997:54) explained that

perception is a complex process. They divided the process into three.

Those are physical, physiological, and psychological.

a. Physical: an object arouses stimuli that are caught by a receptor. This

is what some expert call sensation.


c. Psychological: the brain processes the stimuli. Then, the individual

realizes what is received by their brain.

3. Factor that influence people perception

Walgito (1989:75) divides factor that affects ones‟ perception into

two. They are as follow:

a. Internal Factors

Internal factor is a factor which comes from an individual,

especially depend on psychological factors such as: thoughts,

feeling, willingness, needs, sex, motivation, and attention. Every

human being has different characteristic and temperament which

influence individual behaviors. The different characteristic and

temperament also shaped by individuals‟ family and individuals‟


b. External Factors

This factor which comes from outside an individual, the

external factors also affected someone‟s perception, and stimulus is

an internal factor in monitoring process. The process of stimulus will

through the sense of organ receptor such as: sight, sounds, hearing

etc. It can be concluded that the individual‟s sense organ is as a

connector between individual and the world.

Bower (1989:99) states that traditionally, perception defined as

an organism‟s conscious awareness and categorization of objects and


organism‟s senses organs. Thus he expands the definition and states

that perception refers to the entire process by which eternal stimuli

influence whatever thoughts and behaviors of the organism

immediately follow those stimuli.

B. Assignment

1. Definition of Assignment

Assignment is the exercise(s) to support and strengthen the

students‟ understanding of the material given by the teachers or lecturers.

According to Kusuma (2013:220) as cited in Bayu and Beni (2015) the

student‟s success to reach a good output is determined by some factors

such as assignment given to students routinely, appropriate teaching and

learning method, and lecturer‟s good model for the students.

Generally, students are studying only in school, in their house they

just do what they want. Practically most of the students didn‟t study in their houses. Therefore, in the next meeting the students aren‟t

understand the previous material that might be still have corelation with

the next material. This is what causes passive teaching and learning.

Interaction between lecturers and students became passives. The lecturer

is active in giving the material but the response from the students aren‟t as expected by the lecturer, because they aren‟t understand the material.

Assignment is one way to make the students active in teaching and

learning process. Assignments is considered to supportthe students in


students for studying.By using assignment, the lecturers are able measure

how far the students understanding. Lecturers also believe that giving

assignment to the student will give crucial role in student learning,

achievement, and skill development. (Xu & Yuan, 2003 cited by

Galloway, Conner and Pope, 2013) Method of giving assignment is often

done by the lecturers.

Giving assignment to the students can increase their responsibility

in their learning. Assignment also can be used to develop or demonstrate

students' personal skills. There are various kinds of assignments that can

be used to develop or demonstrate students' higher-order thinking skills,

writing skills, presentation skills and/or collaborative and interpersonal

skills such as essay that used to assess student comprehension over

specific content and the ability to explain the material in their own words,

presentation used to assess oral presentational skills, understanding of the

content, and ability to organize and structure material, and group

assignments to assess interpersonal, communication, and collaborative

skills of students. Sapri (2013), Sumantri, (2003: 15) as cited in Bayu and

Beni (2015) said that assignment is used as a way of teaching and

learning interaction which is signed by giving assignment and done by

the students at collage or at home, individually or in a group. So the

students should not only complete the assignment but also they should

understand what they have done in the assignment. It is the evidence that


assignment from the other students. This is alsothe evidence that the

student was studying while they tried to completing the assignments. So

the lecturers‟ don‟t only check at the student work, but also the studentsunderstanding related to the assignment. Students that do the

assignments should understand what they have done in the assignment.

Teacher can give some questions based on the assignment to check

students understanding.

2. Type of assignment

According to Wingkel (2005:227) as cited in Darminto (2012),

giving assignment can be divided into three, they are:

a. Instructional purpose that should be achieve, especially if it looked

from the type of behavior, such as cognitive, affective and


b. According to how many students should do the assignment? It is

individual assignment that the student should do the assignment by

themselves or group assignment that the student should work in a

group to complete the assignment. Whether it is a small group or a

big group.

c. According to the learning technique, it is discovery learning that the

students work by themselves without any clue from the

teacher/lecturer, or expository learning that the teacher/lecturers


According to that statement giving assignment is the activity that is

given by the teacher as some assignment, then the students completing

the assignment and also should have their responsibility in the

assignment to prove the understanding of the material that has delivered

by the teacher.

3. The steps of giving assignment

Giving assignment is considered from the mindset which

assignment would make the students study. The lecturer could make the

schedule in giving assignment that not burdening the students, because

giving assignment could increase the students‟ responsibility toward their

study especially homework assignment.

The steps of giving assignment that should be followed according

Syaiful Bahri and Aswan Zain (2006: 89) cited in Darminto (2012) are

three phase, that is:

a. Planning phase (process of giving assignment from the lecturers or

teachers) the assignment which will be given to the student should


i. The goal that should be accuired

ii. The kinds of the assignment should be clear and precise, so that

students could understand what should they do in the assignment.

iii. The assignment should be appropriate with their ability.

iv. The assignment should have a guide note or references that vould


v. The lecturers or the teachers should give enough time for the

students to completeing their assignment.

b. Giving assignment phase

i. Should be given and supervised by the lecturers or teachers.

ii. The lecturers or the teachers should motivate the students to

comlete the assignment

iii. Individual assignment should be complete by themselves.

iv. The lecturers or the teachers should supervised the students to

write their result well and systemathically.

c. Responsible of the assignment phase

i. The students report whether in written or spoken form from what

they have done in the assignment.

ii. There should be question and answer session and discussion in

the class

iii. Research the result by testing them or other method.

Beside that, giving assignment according Moh. Uzer Usman and Lilis

Setiawati (1993: 128) cited in Darminto (2012), there are:

a. Decide the goal of giving assignment, this is needed in order to make

easy in deciding the kind of assignment that will be given to the


b. Decide the kind of assignment that will be given to the students.

c. Explaining the methods to do the assignment.


e. Implementation the assignment by the students.

f. Resistation phase (responsible) the assignment that given to the

students‟ whether in writen or oral form.

4. Good assignment requirement

Assignment needs some aspects to be a good arranged assignment,

according to (Suprihadi Saputro, 2000:76) as cited in Darminto (2012),

good arranged assignment are:

a. Should be clear and firm

b. Should be accompanied with the difficulties that will be faced

c. Should be related with the material that has learned

d. Should be discussed by teachers and students

e. Should be adjusted with the students capability

f. Should be done by the students itself

g. Should be adjusted with the time that the students have

According to that statement, the teacher/lecturer should pay

attention to those aspects before giving the assignment to the student, in

order the student should be able to complete the assignment and they can

take the responsible to their assignment. Teacher/lecturer also should

correcting the assignment that has been done by the students to measure

the level of students understanding in mastering the material, by giving

reward and positive feedback hopefully the students can be more active


Kinds of assignment stated by Roestiyah (2008:133) as cited in

Darminto (2012), “assignment can be given in form of question lists

about the course or by giving some order that should be discussed with

discussion or the students should looking at course book to get the

answer, can be written or spoken, collecting something, making

something, observing about something or doing experiment”.

According to the statement bellow can be conclude that assignment

form that teacher/lecturer gave to the students can be in the form of

question, tasks, written, spoken, homework etc. Good assignment should

be followed by feedback from the teacher, feedback can make student

more understand the material and the purposes of the assignment.

Feedback also can make an exiting experience that will make the students

have a wish to repeat response from the teachers or lecturers.

C. Relevance of the Research

1. Bayu Adi Sulistyo and Beni Rizki Setiawan (2014), with the research

“Students‟ Perception On The Support Of Assignment To Their

Learning”. The result summarize that most of the students felt burden in

preceiving the assignment. The data showed that 8,4 % like the

assignment, 39,58 % students didn‟t like the assignment, and the rest

52,08 % students consider that assignment was a common thing. In

addition, 41,67% students consider that assignment was kind of

forcefulness, 14,58% students consider that assignment was not kind of


forcefulness or not. It is affected by some factors such as irrelevant

assignment with the material, the assignment is so theoritical, the time

submission didn‟t balance with the amount of the assignment, and some

of the students were less-appreciate by the lecturers.

2. Darminto (2012), with the research “Pengaruh Intensitas Pemberian Tugas Rumah Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Kelas X Peserta Didik Teknik

Kendaraan Ringan Di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta”. The result

summarize that (1) According to average calculation of the intensity of

giving homework, showed that SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta has

62,4 more intensity of giving homework than SMK Muhammadiyah

Prambanan that the score was 57,6. (2) According to the achievement of

study, showed that SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta has 73,5 more

achievement of study than SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan that has

average 67,7. (3) The intensity of giving assignment has influence to the

achievement of study of he students. It is showed by the differences of

the achievement of the study, which the students that has more the

intensity of the assignment has more achievement from their study beside


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