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Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh




Harry Susanto, Urai Salam, Wardah

Teacher Training and Education Faculty English Education Study Program of Tanjungpura University

Email: hs.mytears17@yahoo.co.id

Abstract: This research attempts to identify the thesis topics on listening: particularly it focus on, methods, research focus (teaching technique and media) and the educational level within the thesis. The appropriate method of this research is the descriptive method in which it provides information about the thesis written by English department students. The students’ theses on listening are selected based on ranging year from 2010 to 2014. The findings shows that (1) Classroom Action research is the most preferable method (2) 13 studies focused on teaching media and nine others on teaching technique, two theses without specific focus and a thesis focused on both. (3) 11 studies conducted in the senior high, eight were in the junior high and while playgroup, elementary and university share the exact same number, two theses on each educational level. This research may help the other students decide other potential methods, focuses and educational level as their main concerns for their future studies.

Keywords: thesis on listening, research methodologies, focus of research, educational levels.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tesis dalam menyimak: metode, fokus penelitian (teknik mengajar dan media) dan tingkat pendidikan di dalam tesis. Metode yang tepat dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif yang memberikan informasi tentang kondisi dan peristiwa yang terjadi di masa sekarang. Tesis dalam menulis dipilih di mulai dari tahun 2010 hingga 2014. Temuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Penelitian Tindakan Kelas adalah metode yang paling banyak (2) 13 penelitian difokuskan pada media pengajaran dan sembilan penelitian pada media pembelajaran, sementara tiga tesis difokuskan pada teknik mengajar dan teknik penbelajaran, ada dua tesis tanpa fokus pengajaran dan satu tesis memfokuskan pada teknik dan media pembelajaran (3) 11 penelitian dilakukan di SMA, delapan berada di SMP, sementara untuk tingkat TK, SD dan univesitas masing2 terdapat dua tesis. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa lain memutuskan metode-metode potensial lainnya, teknik dan media pembelajaran serta tingkat pendidikan karena untuk penelitian lebih lanjut.


2 he last requirement in order to finish the Sarjana Degree is thesis writing. hesis writing is a long essay involving a personal research. Personal research in the thesis writing has become an essential part of the thesis itself. In other word the research is needed to be conducted by students, in order to write down their thesis. The students of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty should conduct the research in their thesis writing based on the educational research types.

As the students of English Education Study Program, most of the studies conducted by the students are focused in the four main skills of English, i.e. speaking, writing, reading and listening. The students conduct the research based on their own interest of a particular skill and also based on the problems found during their teaching practice and the academic environment during their study in the university.

Based on the writer observation, some students have conducted the research on listening as their preference to fulfil the requirements for the Sarjana Degree. The writer then found out several reasons of the students preference to conduct the research on listening skill. First is because listening is the first language skill to be acquire, one should listen and comprehend well before they could response or give accurate feedback to other speaks. Second reason is found from the experience during the Teaching Practice subject in schools where most of the apprentice students of English Education Study Program discovered that the school students were having difficulties in listening skills.

Listening skill is categorized as the receptive skill in English language teaching because students do not need to produce language to do reading and listening; the students merely receive and understand the language. But listening to understand requires more than decoding what is heard. As Lundsteen (in Literacy Gains: 2008) notes, the crucial difference between hearing and listening is thinking. As is the case for reading and writing, the complex, active process of listening requires prior knowledge, attention and intentional cognitive activity before, during and after listening. So, while listening involves the physiological activity of hearing, it also involves predicting, hypothesizing, checking, revising, and generalizing skills (Ronald and Roskelly, in Malkawi: 2010), holding information in memory, focusing attention, forming images, interpreting, comparing, and evaluating.

To listen well, listeners must have the ability to decode the message, the ability to apply a variety of strategies and interactive processes to make meaning, and the ability to respond to what is said in a variety of ways, depending on the purpose of the communication. Listening involves listening for thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Doing so requires active involvement, effort and practice (Shen, Guizhou, Wichura, Kiattichai, 2007).


3 all day, they will improve their listening comprehension skill through the experience. The fact that listening has been neglected or poorly taught may have stemmed from the belief that it is a passive skill and that merely exposing students to the spoken language provides adequate instruction in listening comprehension (Call in Gilakjani, 2011).

This phenomenon piques the writer’s interest to investigate the students’ studies on listening skill. The writer would like to discover more about the research on listening skills in the English Education Study Program. A further investigation is needed to study those research in order to learn about the students methods and technique applied when they conducted the research on listening skill. This investigation is expected to be able to give explanation and providing the data about research on listening for future reference.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting research to analyse studies on listening skill, the methodologies and focus of the research, also the educational level where the research were conducted. Here the writer will analyse the students’ research on listening through: (1) the title of the research, (2) the methodologies used in the research, (3) the focus of the research, both approaches used (techniques and media) and the educational level.

Furthermore, this research will be conducted by analysing all students’ theses research in listening of the English Education Study Program during the period of 2010-2014. The data will be taken from the thesis enlisted in UPT Perpustakan Tanjungpura University. The writer will use the title, methodologies, the technique and media used and also the educational level from the data taken to create a list of researchers on listening skill.


In order to achieve the aim of this research, it is necessary to apply a suitable method to fulfilling the needs to obtain the information of the data and variables. This research aimed to investigate the studies listening, so a descriptive method will be applied in research. This study designed to find out the studies on listening conducted by the students’ of English Education study program. This method is appropriate because it can describe or present existing phenomena. The function of analysis is to describe studies in listening, methodologies, techniques, media and educational level used in thesis listening.

The data collected in this research focused on the thesis written by the English students of FKIP Untan within the period 2010-2014. The writer analyzed the data into into four classifications, they are: method of research, techniques and media used, and educational level. The subject of this research is the theses listening from English Education Study Program in the period of 2010-2014 with total 25 theses.


4 The Implementation of the Research: Analysing the data from the observation sheet (table 1).

The Final Step

a. Analyze the data gathered.

b. Describe the data analysis and give the conclusion as the answer of research question.

c. Construct the research report.


The findings of this research is classified into three categories, which are method of the research, focus of the research (technique, strategy and media) and the level of study of the research

1. Analysis of the Method Used in the Students’ Thesis on Listening.

The method used in the students’ thesis on listening is shown in the table below:

Table 1

No. Title Method of

Research 1. Improving Both of Students Listening and Speaking Basic

Skills Using Imperactive by Total Physical Response (TPR) Technique: A Classroom Action Research on Handayani Playgroup (Kelompok Bermain) Pontianak in Academic Year 2012/2013

Classroom Action Research

2. Improving Students' Listening Comprehension of Spoof Text by Using Dictogloss Technique: A Classroom Action Research to The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012

Classroom Action Research 3. The Use of Animation Video in Improving Students'

Listening Comprehension: A Classroom Action Research to the Grade XI Students of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang in Academic Year 2011/2012

Classroom Action Research 4. Improving Students’ Listening Skill Through Audio Media

Story: A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Bina Utama Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012

Classroom Action Research 5. Improving Students' Listening Through Pictures Ordering:

A Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade Students of SD Pasifikus Pontianak in Academic Year 2010/2011

Classroom Action Research 6. The Use of Movies in Improving Students' Ability in

Listening : A Classroom Action Research To The Eleventh Grade Students Class IPA2 of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang In Academic Year 2010/2011

Classroom Action Research 8. Teaching Listening to Improve Students' Listening Ability

Through Story Telling: A Classroom Action Research at


5 Joyful Kindergarten School for Kinder 2 Students In

Academic Year 2011-2012

Research 9. Improving Students' Listening Skill by Using Audio

Recording With Pictures: A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Class B Students of SMP LKIA Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012

Classroom Action Research 10. Developing Students Listening Ability Through Dictation:

A Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade B Students of SDN 35 Pontianak in School Year 2009/2010

Classroom Kemala Bhayangkari Kabupaten Kubu Raya in Academic Year 2010-2011

Descriptive Study

12. Factors Influencing Inference Making Difficulty of Listening Comprehension: A Descriptive Study to The Language and Art Education Department of Teacher Training And Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

Descriptive Study

13. The Use of Language Laboratory in Teaching Listening to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 Singkawang in Academic Year 2008/2009

Descriptive Study 14 Evaluating Samples of Listening Comprehension Material

Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the Second Semester of the Tenth Grade Students at Senior High School

Developmental Research

15. Designing Samples of Listening Comprehension Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach For The Second Semester of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri I Ketapang

Developmental Research

16. Designing Listening Material Samples Based On Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach: A Developmental Study in the Second Semester of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak


18. Teaching Listening Comprehension on Dialogue Using Information Transfer Technique: A Pre-Experimental Research to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Mempawah Hilir in Academic Year 2012/2013)


6 19. Increasing Students Listening Comprehension by Using

VOA: Special English Video: A Pre-Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade Students Accounting Class B of SMK Mandiri Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

Pre- Experimental

20. Improving Students Listening Comprehension of Descriptive Text By Using Spotlight Radio Program: A Pre-Experimental Study on the First Semester of Grade VIII Students of SMPN 9 Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

Pre- Experimental

21. Teaching Listening Through Jazz Chants to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Sekayam Kabupaten Sanggau in Academic Year 2010/2011

Pre- Experimental 22. Teaching Listening Skill Through Descriptive Audio: A

Pre-Experimental Study on the Seventh Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sira Ul Ulum Pontianak in Academic Year 2010/2011

Pre- Experimental

23. The Use of Video in Improving Students' Listening Comprehension: A Pre- Experimental Study to the Third Semester Students of Regular English Class of English Department at Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University in Academic Year 2009/2010

Pre- Experimental

24. The Use of Static Audio Visual Media in Teaching Listening Comprehension: A Pre-Experimental Study to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 3 Pontianak in the Academic Year 2012/2013

Pre- Experimental

25. Teaching Listening Comprehension By Using K-W-L Strategy : A Quasi Experimental Study To The Grade Students Of SMA St. Petrus Ketapang In Academic Year 2010/2011


Table 1 explains that from 25 theses on listening, there are ten (10) theses used Classroom Action Research as the methodology, three theses with descriptive methodology, three other used developmental research as the methods, eight theses used the Pre-experimental method, and the last used quasi-experimental methods.

And to find the percentage of each methodology used in the students’ thesis on listening the writer used this formula:

%ES = ∑x

𝑁 x 100%

%ES = the percentage of the each method used in students’ thesis on listening


7 And the percentage method used is as follow:

Research Method Number of Theses Percentage

Classroom Action Research 10 40 %

Descriptive Study 3 12 %

Developmental Research 3 12 %

Pre-Experimental 8 32 %

Quasi-Experimental 1 4%

2. Analysis of the Focus of the Research (Technique and Media) used in the Students’ Thesis on Listening.

The classification of research focus (teaching technique and teaching media) used in students’ theses on listening is shown in table below:

Table 2

No. Title

Focus of Research

Teaching Technique

Teaching Media

1. Improving Both of Students Listening And Speaking Basic Skills Using Imperactive by Total Physical Response (TPR) Technique : A Classroom Action Research on Handayani Playgroup (Kelompok Bermain) Pontianak in Academic Year 2012/2013

Total Physical Response


2. Improving Students' Listening Comprehension Of Spoof Text By Using Dictogloss Technique : A Classroom Action Research To The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak In Academic Year 2011/2012

Dictogloss Technique

Spoof Text

3. The Use Of Animation Video In Improving Students' Listening Comprehension : A Classroom Action Research to the Grade XI Students of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang in Academic Year 2011/2012

- Animation


4. Improving Students; Listening Skill Through Audio Media Story: a Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Bina Utama Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012

- Audio

Media Story

5. Improving Students' Listening Through Pictures Ordering: a Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade Students of SD Pasifikus Pontianak in Academic Year 2010/2011

- Pictures

6. The Use of Movies in Improving Students' Ability in Listening : A Classroom Action Research To The Eleven Grade Students Class IPA2 Of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang In Academic Year 2010/2011


8 7. Improving Students Listening Comprehension By

Applying Bottom- Up Technique: a Classroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pontianak in Academic year 2011/2012

Bottom Up Technique


8. Teaching Listening To Improve Students' Listening Ability Through Story Telling: A Classroom Action Research at Joyful Kindergarten School for Kinder 2 Students In Academic Year 2011-2012

Story Telling


9. Improving Students' Listening Skill by Using Audio Recording With Pictures: a Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Class B Students of SMP LKIA Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012


Audio Recording

with Pictures

10. Developing Students Listening Ability Through Dictation: A Classroom Action Research on the

12. Factors Influencing Inference Making Difficulty of Listening Comprehension: A Descriptive Study to The Language and Art Education Department of Teacher Training And Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

- -

13. The Use of Language Laboratory in Teaching Listening to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 Singkawang in Academic Year 2008/2009

- Language


14. Evaluating Samples of Listening Comprehension Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the Second Semester of the Tenth Grade Students at Senior High School

CTL Approach


15. Designing Samples of Listening Comprehension Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach For The Second Semester of

16. Designing Listening Material Samples Based On Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach: a Developmental study in the Second Semester of the eleven grade Students of SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak

CTL Approach


9 17. Teaching Listening by Using Recorded Fable: a

Pre-Experimental Research to the Eight Grade Students of SMP Katolik Santo Gabriel Sekadau in Academic Year 2010/2011

- Recorded


18. Teaching Listening Comprehension on Dialogue Using Information Transfer Technique: A Pre-Experimental Research to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Mempawah Hilir in Academic Year 2012/2013

Information Transfer Technique


19. Increasing Students Listening Comprehension by Using VOA: Special English Video: A Pre-Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade Students Accounting Class B of SMK Mandiri Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

- Video

20. Improving Students Listening Comprehension of Descriptive Text By Using Spotlight Radio Program: A Pre-Experimental Study on the First Semester of Grade VIII Students of SMPN 9 Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

- Kabupaten Sanggau in Academic Year 2010/2011

- Jazz Chants

22. Teaching Listening Skill Through Descriptive Audio: A Pre-Experimental Study on the Seventh Grade Students of Madrasyah Tsanawiyah Sira Ul Ulum Pontianak in Academic Year 2010/2011

- Descriptive Audio

23. The Use of Video in Improving Students' Listening Comprehension: A Pre- Experimental Study to the Third Semester Students of Regular English Class of English Department at Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University in Academic Year 2009/2010

- Video

24. The Use of Static Audio Visual Media in Teaching Listening Comprehension: A Pre-Experimental Study to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 3 Pontianak in the Academic Year 2012/2013

- Static Audio Visual


10 %ES = ∑y

𝑁 x 100%

%ES = the percentage of the each technique and media used in students’ thesis on listening

∑y = the sum of the thesis with each focus of the research specification. N = the total of students’ thesis on listening

And the percentage focus of the research is as follow:

Focus of the Research Number of Theses Percentage

Have No Technique/Media 2 8 %

Technique 9 36 %

Media 13 52 %

Technique and Media 1 4 %

3. Analysis of the Educational Level in the Students’ Thesis of Listening. The educational level of the students’ thesis on listening is shown in table below:

Table 3

No. Title Educational Level

1. Teaching Listening To Improve Students' Listening Ability Through Story Telling: A Classroom Action Research at Joyful Kindergarten School for Kinder 2 Students In Academic Year 2011-2012

Play group

2. Improving Both of Students Listening And Speaking Basic Skills Using Imperactive by Total Physical Response (TPR) Technique : A Classroom Action Research on Handayani Playgroup (Kelompok Bermain) Pontianak in Academic Year 2012/2013


3. Improving Students' Listening Through Pictures Ordering: a Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade Students of SD Pasifikus Pontianak in Academic Year 2010/2011


4. Developing Students Listening Ability Through Dictation: A Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade B Students of SDN 35 Pontianak in School Year 2009/2010


5. Improving Students; Listening Skill Through Audio Media Story: a Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Bina Utama Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012

Junior High


11 Recording With Pictures: a Classroom Action

Research at the Eighth Grade Class B Students of SMP LKIA Pontianak in Academic Year 2011/2012 7. Teaching Listening by Using Recorded Fable: a

Pre-Experimental Research to the Eight Grade Students of SMP Katolik Santo Gabriel Sekadau in Academic Year 2010/2011

Junior High

8. Teaching Listening Comprehension on Dialogue Using Information Transfer Technique( a Pre-Experimental Research to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Mempawah Hilir in Academic Year 2012/2013)

Junior High

9. Improving Students Listening Comprehension Of Descriptive Text By Using Spotlight Radio Program: A Pre-Experimental Study on the First Semester of Grade VIII Students of SMPN 9 Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

Junior High

10. Teaching Listening Through Jazz Chants to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Sekayam Kabupaten Sanggau in Academic Year 2010/2011

Junior High 11. Teaching Listening Skill Through Descriptive

Audio: A Pre-Experimental Study on the Seventh Grade Students of Madrasyah Tsanawiyah Sira Ul Ulum Pontianak in Academic Year 2010/2011

Junior High

12. The Use of Static Audio Visual Media in Teaching Listening Comprehension: A Pre-Experimental Study to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 3 Pontianak in the Academic Year 2012/2013

Junior High

13. Improving Students' Listening Comprehension Of Spoof Text By Using Dictogloss Technique : A Classroom Action Research To The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak In Academic Year 2011/2012

Senior High

14. The Use Of Animation Video In Improving Students' Listening Comprehension : A Classroom Action Research to the Grade XI Students of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang in Academic Year 2011/2012

Senior High

15. The Use of Movies in Improving Students' Ability in Listening : A Classroom Action Research To The Eleven Grade Students Class IPA2 Of SMAN 1 Sungai Ambawang In Academic Year 2010/2011

Senior High

16. Improving Students Listening Comprehension By Applying Bottom- Up Technique: a Classroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pontianak in Academic year 2011/2012


12 17. The Listening Ability of the Students of SMA

Kemala Bhayangkari: an Analysis on the Achievement and Problems Faced by the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Kemala Bhayangkari Kabupaten Kubu Raya in Academic Year 2010-2011

Senior High

18. The Use of Language Laboratory in Teaching Listening to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 Singkawang in Academic Year 2008/2009

Senior High 19. Evaluating Samples of Listening Comprehension

Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the Second Semester of the Tenth Grade Students at Senior High School

Senior High

20. Designing Samples of Listening Comprehension Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach For The Second Semester of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri I Ketapang

Senior High

21. Designing Listening Material Samples Based On Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach: a Developmental study in the Second Semester of the eleven grade Students of SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak

Senior High

22. Increasing Students Listening Comprehension By Using VOA: Special English Video: A Pre-Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade Students Accounting Class B of SMK Mandiri Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012

Senior High

23. Teaching Listening Comprehension By Using K-W-L Strategy : A Quasi Experimental Study To The Grade Students Of SMA St. Petrus Ketapang In Academic Year 2010/2011

Senior High

24. Factors Influencing Inference Making Difficulty of Listening Comprehension: A Descriptive Study to The Language and Art Education Department of Teacher Training And Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012


25. The Use of Video in Improving Students' Listening Comprehension: A Pre- Experimental Study to the Third Semester Students of Regular English Class of English Department at Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University in Academic Year 2009/2010



13 two theses in the elementary educational level, eight theses in the level of junior high, eleven theses in the senior high educational level and two others theses in the university educational level.

To find the percentage of the educational level used is calculated by using this formula:

%ES = ∑z

𝑁 x 100%

%ES = the percentage of the each educational level in students’ thesis on listening

∑z = the sum of the thesis with each educational level specification. N = the total of students’ thesis on listening

And the percentage of educational level is as follow:

Educational Level Number of Theses Percentage

Playgroup 2 8 %

Elementary 2 8 %

Junior High 8 32 %

Senior High 11 44 %

University 2 8 %


Through the analysis of data collected above, the writer concluded that the students’ thesis on writing could be divided into three main elements, first the method of research, the focus of the research (teaching technique and teaching media) as the second element and the last element is the level of study.

The first element of students’ thesis writing is the research methodologies, from the data collected, it is found that there are five kinds research method used in the thesis writing, which are: classroom action research, descriptive study, developmental research, pre-experimental study, and quasi-experimental study. The classroom action research is used as method in 10 theses or about 40% from the total 25 theses on listening. The second favorable method used in the research is pre-experimental study; this method is used in eight students’ theses of writing or about 32% of the total theses. The third method used in the students’ thesis on listening is the descriptive study, there are three theses used this methodology. The fourth method is the developmental research; there are also three theses with this method or about 12 % of the total theses. experimental study. The last methodology is the quasi-experimental study. This methodology is used in a thesis only 4% on the total theses. Hence the classroom action research was the most favorite method used by the students in writing their thesis. It showed that most of the students try to finding out what works best in the classroom so that they can improve student learning process.


14 Here, there are 36% or nine theses implemented the different teaching technique without the media of teaching as the focus of the research. While there are 52% or 13 theses used specific media in the teaching learning process without specific teaching technique. There only one theses which have both teaching technique and teaching media used in the research. There are also two theses without specific teaching technique and teaching media, these two theses are theses with descriptive methodology, where it specifies different case or problems that occur and found in the classroom.

The last element of students’ thesis of writing is the educational level, through the data collected; the writer classified five different educational level, which are playgroup, elementary, junior high, senior high and university. Based on the table above, most of the students chose senior high level as the favorable level to conduct the research, there are 11 theses in this educational level or about 44% from the total 25 theses. While only eight theses in the level of junior high and the other three educational levels shared the same numbers of theses, there are two theses of each level (playgroup, elementary and university level).

Beside those three elements in the students’ thesis on listening, the writer also found that in 2010 there are only three theses on listening, these theses used different methodology, such as Classroom Action Research, descriptive and the last one used Pre-Experimental Study as the method of the research. While in 2011, the number of students theses on listening were significantly increased, there are only eight theses about listening, two theses used the Classroom Action Research, three theses used the pre-experimental study, a thesis used descriptive study, one other used developmental research, and the last used quasi-experimental study as methodology. In 2012, the numbers of students’ theses were slightly increased, in this year there are nine theses on listening. The classroom action research was the most favorable methodology chose by students, there are six theses with this methodology. The pre-experimental study used by two theses in this year and the last thesis used descriptive methods. Further in 2013, the number of students’ thesis on listening was significantly decreased. At this year, there are only five theses on listening with the classification: two theses used developmental research, two theses used the pre-experimental methodology, and the last thesis used the classroom action research as the method of research. For the year 2014, the writer found there is no entry on students’ theses on listening.


15 From the 25 total numbers of students thesis on listening, the writer find out that there are similarities among them, for example there are three theses used the same methodology and teaching technique, the thesis entitled “Designing Samples of Listening Comprehension Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach For The Second Semester of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri I Ketapang” used the same title thesis with “Designing Listening Material Samples Based On Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach: A Developmental s\Study in the Second Semester of the Eleventh grade Students of SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak”. These two theses were also published in the same year, in 2013. The difference within these theses is only in the school location where the writers conduct the research.

While the other one, thesis entitled “Evaluating Samples of Listening Comprehension Material Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for the Second Semester of the Tenth Grade Students at Senior High School” used the same methodology and teaching technique, this thesis was published in 2011.




16 Suggestion

Considering the finding of this research, the writer would like to propose some suggestions as follows: (1) For the elementary level, teachers could use story telling or dictation technique to improve students listening comprehension. For the Junior and Senior high level, teachers could maximize the use of language lab in school to give the students the experience of listening recorded dialogue or conversation from native speakers. (2) Based on the students’ preference of research methodologies, Classroom action research is the most favorable method used. However, the next students could conduct the research with other methods.

Finally, the writer also wants to give some recommendation for further research related to this issue, as follows: (1) The present study has investigated students’ thesis of listening in year range 2010-2014. Therefore, further studies can conduct similar study but in different preference of English skill; reading, speaking and writing. (2) As mentioned above, this study has investigated students’ thesis on listening in English department. However the others language department could conduct similar research to investigate students’ thesis. (3) This study may help the other students to decide other potential method, focuses and educational level as the main concerns for the future studies.


Gilakjani, A.P., M.R. Ahmadi. 2011. A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners' English Listening Comprehension and the Strategies for Improvement. (online) retrieved March, 17 2014 from : www.academypublication.com/ issues/past/jltr/vol02/05/05.pdf

Literacy GAINS. 2008. Connecting Practice and Research: Listening Guide. (online) retrieved March, 17, 2014 from www.edugains.ca/resourcesLIT/.../ Improving.../Handout_3_ListeningGuide.pdf.

Osada, Nobuko. (2004) Listening Comprehension Research: A Brief Review for A Past Thirty Years. (online) retrived March 17 2014 from talk-waseda.net/dialogue/no03_2004/2004dialogue03_k4.pdf

Malkawi, Abeer H. 2010. Listening Comprehension for Tenth Grade Students in Tabaria High School for Girls. (online) retrieved March, 17 2014 from: www.academypublication.com/issues/past/jltr/vol01/06/03.pd


Table 1 explains that from 25 theses on listening, there are ten (10) theses
Table 2 Focus of Research
Table 3 explain that from 25 total numbers of the students’ thesis on listening, there are two theses in the playgroup educational level, there are also


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