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Academic year: 2018



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Inavonna1, Gagoek Hardiman2, Agus Budi Purnomo3


Lecturer, Department of Architecture, University of Trisakti, JAKARTA, inavonna@yahoo.com 1

Student, Department of Architecture, University of Diponegoro, SEMARANG 2

Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Diponegoro, SEMARANG, 3

Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Trisakti, JAKARTA, agusbp@trisakti.ac.id


Outdoor space is important in a city because it accommodates pedestrian traffics, and other activities, which significantly contributes to urban livability and vitality. This is a comprehensive discussion on the review of literature relating to thermal comfort of the physiological and psychological phenomena of the outdoor space user in the urban areas. Many studies assess thermal comfort which are merely measured the physiological approach that represents a physiological thermoregulation mechanism when the human body responds to climatic conditions and various environmental factors include air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. The importance of psychological aspects of an individual in considering the external environment needs to be observed as well. Contradiction between psychological behaviors and physiological thermal can be correlated within the theory of environmental behavioral learning.. The process of social learning, such as observation and education, is reflected in the psychological perception (fear of heat and sun exposure) and behavioral adjustment (using umbrella or seeking shade). Therefore, psychological phenomenon and unique behaviors cannot be directly explained by physiological mechanism of thermoregulation. Various models on how to assess thermal comfort will be discussed in a general framework, in order to develop an accurate model. The model can be used as a criterion in determining functional, healthy, and comfortable design of outdoor.

Keywords: thermal comfort, physiology, psychology, behavioral, outdoor space


Ruang luar penting untuk sebuah kota karena mengakomodasi lalu lintas pejalan kaki dan kegiatan lainnya, dan berkontribusi besar terhadap kelayakan huni warga kota dan vitalitasnya, Ulasan ini secara komprehensif akan membahas literature ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan nyaman termal baik dari fenomena phisiologi maupun psikologi pengguna ruang luar diperkotaan. Banyak penelitian yang menilai kenyamanan termal hanya dinilai dengan pendekatan fisilogis yang merupakan representasi mekanisme termoregulation fisiologis ketika tubuh manusia merespon kondisi iklim dan berbagai factor lingkungan termasuk suhu udara, kelembaban udara, kecepatan angin, dan radiasi matahari. Pentingnya aspek psikologi seorang individu memandang lingkungan luar juga perlu dikaji Kontradiksi fenomena aspek perilaku psikologis dengan fisiologis termal dapat dijembatani dengan teori pembelajaran perilaku lingkungan (Environmental behavioral learning theory). Proses pembelajaran social (social learning processes), seperti observasi dan edukasi, tercermin dalam persepsi psikologis (ketakutan panas dan paparan sinar matahari) dan penyesuaian perilaku (membawa paying atau mencari tempat teduh). Oleh karena itu, fenomena psikologis dan perilaku yang unik tidak dapat langsung dijelaskan oleh mekanisme termoregulasi secara phisiologis .Berbagai model tentang bagaimana menilai nyaman termal yang akan didiskusikan dalam suatu kerangka umum, yang hasilnya akan dikembangkan dan dapat menjadi model yang akurat. Model tersebut dapat menjadi kriteria dalam menentukan disain ruang luar yang fungsional,sehat dan nyaman untuk beraktifitas.

Kata kunci: nyaman termis, phsiologis, psikologis, perilaku, ruang luar



between the area of outer space with space in his extremely dominant. The number of recreational and leisure activities carried out in outdoor space, where the user space directly exposed to sunlight, the thermal comfort of open space is also an important research area (Spagnolo and de Dear, 2003; Lin et al. 2011; Eliasson et al., 2007; Lin, 2009; Nakano and tanabe, 2004; nikolopoulou et al., 2001; thorsson et al., 2007; thorsson et al., 2004: Lin TP, 2014). It can be said that the effectiveness of the use of outdoor space influenced a wide range of factors, where thermal comfort is one of them. Some research suggests that the use of outdoor space are the convenience associated with thermal significant (eliasson et al., 2007; Lin, 2009; Nakano and tanabe, 2004; nikolopoulou et al., 2001; thorsson et al., 2007; thorsson et al., 2004: Lin TP, 2014).

Air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, solar radiation and a factor that became a barometer of climate indicators in the macro. Micro-climate is a climate barometer in units of extents within a few square kilometers. (Santamouris, M. Asikmakopoulos, D. 1996). The micro climatic conditions affecting the use of outdoor space among the many factors that determine the quality of outdoor space, the micro-climate is an issue important enough (Chen, Liang. Edward Ng. 2011). The micro climatic conditions affect the value of the thermal comfort. thermal comfort is defined as the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment (for example, by the combined effect of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and thermal radiation) and assessed and evaluated subjectively (ASHRAE 2004; Tung CH, Chen CP, Tsai KT, Office N, Hwang RL, Matzarakis A, Lin TP. 2014). Thermal comfort is subjective psychological perception of the person based on a physiological thermoregulation mechanism and also when the human body is exposed to a combination of a variety of environmental factors including air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. (Tung CH, Chen CP, Tsai KT, Office N, Hwang RL, Matzarakis A, Lin TP. 2014). Thermal comfort is the value from the response of the user space is a representation of the microclimatic conditions of the space.

The influence of thermal comfort in outdoor activities is a complex problem which consists of aspects of climate and behaviour; (Chen, Liang. Edward Ng. 2011). of research reports during this informs that in thermal comfort rated in outdoor space is not only a quantitative approach with just enough. Microclimate parameters greatly influence the thermal sensation, but cannot fully explain the magnitude of the variation between the evaluation of comfort in objective and subjective, psychological adaptation, whereas it seems to become increasingly important (Steemers, Koen Marialeha Nikolopoulou, 2003).

According to the existing literature, a lot of discussion of outdoor space thermal comfort with the approach of psychology or physiology. Besides typology of users of space such as cultural background, economic and social climate influence the perception of thermal comfort. This paper will explore how the research as long as it is done in getting the value of the thermal comfort in the outdoor of the physiology as well as the psychology of the user space. The discussion will also observe at the background and the typology of users of space beyond



Thermal comfort is defined as the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment (ASHRAE 1966; Fanger 1972; Parsons 2003; Vanos camshaft ISO7730 2005, 2010). Thermal comfort is subjective psychological perception of the person based on a physiological mechanism on thermoregulation also when the human body is exposed to a combination of a variety of environmental factors including air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and radiation (Tung CH. 2014). It can be said that thermal comfort is the level of satisfaction of the human condition in responding to the thermal environment both physically and psychic. This applies both to the thermal comfort in the room or in the room outside. Thermal comfort in outdoor space, the microclimate is very decisive. Very different from indoor space, where users in the room outside of direct contact with the surrounding natural environment without physical restrictions or protective as there is in the indoor space.

How to measure an important step that is to be able to determine an accurate value for thermal comfort. Research on thermal comfort so rapid in some recent years, indeed only from some methods there is less suitable when used for measurement in outdoor space. One method of measurement often used was Perdicted Mean Vote Index (PMV) and the Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD) (Fanger, 1982. Chen, 2012) is standard in The ISO International Organization for Standardization (ISO, 1994). Comfortable thermal measured using a scale (+ 3 = hot, + 2 = warm, + 1 = slightly warm, 0 = neutral,-1 = slightly cool = cool,-2,-3 = cold). PMV is a model that links between thermal sensation by combination of two personal variables and four climatic variables (Fanger, 1982. Sugini, 2014). Two variable metabolic rate is the personal views of the activity and the level of insulation as seen from how to dress. Are four climatic variables are: air temperature (ta), the temperature of the radiation (tmrt), humidity (rh) and the movement of air (v). (1982 Fanger. Sugini, 2014).


developed by Mayer & Hoppe, 1987 (Chen, Liang. Edward Ng. 2011). PET is the "temperature dimension index" which is measured in units of Celsius (° C). PET was developed of Munich Energy-balance Model for Individuals (and). Tung (2014) in his research of thermal comfort Index uses as OUT * SETS * and PET index has been the primary designed for outdoor use (Spagnolo and de Dear 2003; Lin 2009: Tung 2014). PET are recommended in the VDI-Guideline 3787 (Germany Association of Engineers) (VDI 1998) and has been used in several studies regarding outdoor space thermal environment and thermal comfort (Andrade and Alcoforado 2007; Oliveira and Andrade 2007; Office et al. 2012a, b; Nastos Matzarakis and 2013; Tung 2014).

Lin et al.; Vanos (2010) found that Rayman will model to accurately predict the PET at any hour. The actual sensation of an individual is assessed using a thermal index has a strong positive relationship with Ta, as found by Metje. (2008); (Vanos, 2010), which is used as an index of their psychological thermal PMV. Emmanuel et al. (2007) used the models Met-learning ENVI urban shading in Sri Lanka; However, the shortcomings found in the models, which include: (1) building has no thermal mass; (2) a constant room temperature and albedo of the building; and (3) the thermal transmision of wall and roof is the same for all buildings. ENVI-the Met also has the ability to simulate the sea breeze in their model, which is an important component for urban ventilation (Emmanuel et al. 2007; Vanos. 2010).


Macro climate as the average weather conditions at a particular period of time. The influential factors of forming the climate is air temperature, solar radiation, humidity and wind. Variations of the number, intensity and spatial distribution in certain parts in all climate types such as forming climate tropical, sub tropical (Santamouris. 1996). Micro climate formed of climate patterns on a small scale and influence just a few kilometres away. Microclimate is affected by some aspects such as: topography, soil structure, ground cover and urban forms. The climatic conditions in the mountains can be called micro-climate, that is because the difference in character with the climate in the area of the beach.

Each area/site has characteristics that describe the uniqueness of the local climate. Factors that affect the microclimate include: (1) the topography: the piece, slopes, hills and valleys, the soil surface conditions, etc. (2) the vegetation: height, shape, silout, texture, location, growing patterns. (3) building forms: conditions around the buildings, the condition of the surface.

Urban areas have growth rates and a high population density. Most buildings in the city made of concrete, steel, brick, glass, and asphalt, which is a bad heat proofing media. They cause and keep hot. Density and configuration of the building may inhibit the movement of the wind. On a humid, hot climate of air movement required to vaporize water aerial. With such conditions, in designing a urban region is absolutely essential for the microclimate of the area. Micro-climate is often overlooked in the urban design (Carmona, 2003). Planners can have little influence on the overall conditions and climate situation and macro except on a very broad footprint or planning new settlements, they only have little influence on some of the aspects that affect climate on a small scale. Several aspects include the condition of the natural elements surrounding the and topography such as hills and valleys.


Thermal comfort with the physiological approach will not be detached from the climate aspect that directly affects the value of thermal comfort be it indoor or outdoor space. The parameters of micro-climate would determine how we can control the thermal comfort especially in the room outside. The body is very sensitive to the environmental conditions around with trying to maintain body temperature even though the temperature of its surroundings changed much. Physiological adaptation approach in this regard is the approach of heat balance (Balance) which in this case are comfortable thermal achieved when the flow of heat into and out of the human body balanced and the temperature of the skin as well as the level of sweating bodies exist in the comfortable range. In the process of physiological adaptation will occur by relying on work physiological thermoregulatory. The basic concept of the occurrence of thermal comfort is the occurrence of heat balance (head balance). In the process of body metabolism occurring by products in the form of body heat. Hot bodies were continuously will be dumped into the environment. Body heat production speed and the speed of the exhaust heat to the environment agency should be balanced. With the condition of such people will experience the process of heat balance (Fanger, 1982. Sugini 2013). Shape heat dissipation in the form of radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation (Guyton, 1992. Sugini, 2014). Heat balance and normal body temperature occurs when body metabolic heat production speed is offset by the speed of the heat loss to the environment (Kukus, Supit,Lintong. 2009).


into a convective heat loss (C), evaporative heat loss (E), conductive heat loss (K) exchange of radiation (R), and metabolic heat production in the body (M) (Brown and Gillespie 1986). Energy budget equation, developed from the principles of heat transfer and human physiology.


Many of the results of the study determined that the approach is not enough to just physiology reflecting conditions of thermal comfort in the indoor and outdoor and are advised to pay attention to the "thermal history" and "memory and expectation". Nikolopoulou and Steemers (2003), with the same case study results were discussed that the result is a three-level adjustments to formulate thermal adaptations: "physical, physiological, and psychological". (Nikolopoulou and Steemers (2003), in: l. Chen, e. Ng (2012). They explained that only 50% of the difference between objective and subjective that can evaluated and described the condition both physically and physic. They assume that there is another psychology factors which influence such as: "naturalness, past experience, perceived control, time of exposure, environmental stimulation, and expectations". B. Chen, e. Ng (2012) developed a network that connects the factors that influence each other in the thermo adaptive psychologically. Thermal comfort is a condition of mind that express satisfaction with the thermal environment. In Thermo-adaptive approach – psychological, achievement of comfortable thermal conditions will be related to thermal neutrality. Thermal neutrality is a condition that causes a person to prefer on circumstances that no warmer or cooler than not that condition (Sugini, 2001). In the process of physiological adaptation process will occur, the psychological work by relying on good behaviour of termoregulator overt behavior or covert behavior. Auliciems describe the behavior of termoregulator work. According to Evans et al. (1987) in Sugini (2014), the variables that influence the individual assessment results the trajectories of coping with individual characteristics including first, age and gender. The variables include individual characteristics is vulnerability and sensitive as well as hardiness. Hardiness include komitmen, trends in assessing a counter-claim as a challenge, and self-efficacy. Age and gender influencing will determine the vulnerability and sensitive. Gender in determining the response to a stimulus is also in accordance with the opinion of the Hedge (1982). However, specifically for thermal stresor Fanger (1982), Moore (1993), De Dear (1993) found that age and gender did not significantly affect the assessment of thermal comfort. Related to this then concludes that the psychological sensitive and vulnerability (including age and gender) is not a variable that determines the thermal comfort assessment room (Sugini,2014).

This is contrary to the opinion of Tung CH (2014) stating that gender is a variable that determines the thermal comfort assessment. Comfortable thermal is a condition of psychological subjective perception of someone who happened upon the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation when the human body responds to climatic conditions and a variety of environmental factors including air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. The research of declared before that women have a low tolerance for reply against the conditions of heat and sunlight exposure will avoid. This contrasts with the results of this study which physiologically thermal physiological tolerance women have higher than men. These findings can be understood by looking at the from the psychological side. By learning the behavior of the environment (Environmental behavioral learning theory) then this phenomenon is contradiction between the phenomenon of psychological behavior with physiological aspects of thermal autonomously. Women desire luminous skin tone through a process of social learning (social learning processes), such as through the process of observation and education, which are then reflected in the perception of their psychological (fear of heat and sun exposure) and behavioral adjustment (bring an umbrella or seeking shade). Therefore, the phenomenon of a unique psychological and behavior can not be directly explained by physiological mechanisms of termoregulation autonomy.



can be used as a generic framework which describe valuations comfortable outside in the room based on the thermal aspects of behaviour (Chen 2012). This common framework can be effective if followed by the local micro-climate conditions in order to be connected with the sensation of thermal and use of space in the context of spatial use of the duration and effectiveness of these spaces. It can be said of the physical and physiological world characters should be measured and modeled effectively to be able to provide "climate knowledge", and the character of social/behavioral and physiological world requires observation and field interviews in a comprehensive manner to be able to define "human knowledge".


Based on the above literature review, then it can be inferred that determine the value of the thermal comfort of someone not quite simply from the physiological approach, where comfortable thermal is a condition of psychological condition of subjective perception of someone who happened upon the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation when the human body responds to climatic conditions and a variety of environmental factors including air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. On further research found (Tung. 2014) that there is contradiction between the assessment of thermal comfortable results obtained from physiology and this approach can be understood if seen from the psychological side that represents the condition of social and behavioral background. Opportunities to get the method approach that can assess comfortable thermal comprehensively and holistic still wide open and the result can be a guide in planning and design in the world of architecture as well as urban areas.


We would like to thanks to Trisakti University in Jakarta, who gave the task of learning on a doctoral program in urban architecture and Engineering Graduate School of the University of Diponegoro in Semarang, Central Java.


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