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Game PC Monster Jam docx


Academic year: 2018

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Monster Jam | Game Monster Jam | Game pc Monster Jam |

Monster Jam PC Game | Game Monster Jam Full Version

Experience serious huge truck motion as you capture significant air, crush cars and

trucks, carry out nuts tricks, damage anything with your route, ethnic background towards

complete brand and even more. Challenge via stadium races, freestyle contests in addition to

outdoor world tracks on your way to be able to becoming the particular Creature Quickly pull

globe success.

20 in the biggest names inside huge pickups: Serious Digger, Highest Destruction,

Creature Mutt, Glowing blue Magic, Resources Seeker and even more. Authentic Creature

Quickly pull motion – Be competitive inside 9 various stadiums around the Creature Quickly

pull trip as you be competitive inside stadium rushing, stadium world in addition to stadium

freestyle contests. It’s such as operating actual cigarettes – Make use of several steering wheel


Placed the particular pedal towards metal along with turbo raise to be able to capture

significant air in addition to speed up previous levels of competition as well as via materials.

Contest your truck outdoors – Acquire your truck out of the stadium in addition to fight towards

complete brand upon 12 outdoor world tracks. Contest upon one of a kind tracks including the

airport terminal graveyard, any shipyard docks, any construction area, along with a snowboard

location. Eliminate your setting – Just about every ethnic background observe in addition to

freestyle occasion features numerous completely destructible materials in addition to

obstructions as well as university chartering, gas stations, construction trailers, luxurious private

yachts, rich semi-trailers and many more. ( Source : http://dvdgames.in )


 Minimum System Requirements

 OS: Windows XP/Vista

 Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz or Athlon Equivalent

 Memory: 256 MB (512 MB for Vista)

 Hard Drive: 5 GB Free

 Video Memory: nVidia GeForce 6200/ATI Radeon 9600

 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

 DirectX: 9.0c

 Keyboard & Mouse


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