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Factors affecting Kawashima Masayuki`s paranoid schizophrenia in Ryu Murakami`s PIERCING.


Academic year: 2017

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ELLYSA GUSNIATI SIMATUPANG. Factors Affecting Kawashima

Masayuki’s Paranoid Schizophrenia Seen in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013.

As a field of study, psychology can be connected into the sphere of literature, because both of them have, more or less, the same purpose as a mirror of life and self-reflection. Being put together, those purposes will save values of humanity. In this study, literature is concluded as a way to express ideas through the language and writing, emerged from feeling and thought. Although seemingly connected, the roles of psychology and literature in this study are still distinguished according to their field. While psychology studies more about phenomena seen from human behavior, literature is used as a tool that can give knowledge through the experience so that people can read the social values of the novel. This is exemplified in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing that is presented in the theme of psychology.

Three issues are carried out in order to accomplish the objectives of the study. The first one is the characteristics of Kawashima Murakami; second is the reflections of Kawashima’s characteristics toward his mental illness as a paranoid schizophrenic; and third is the factors that influence Kawashima’s mental condition.

Some theories were used as the groundwork of the analysis. These theories covered theory of character and characterization, the theory of schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia, a family theory in perspective of schizophrenia and psychological factor in schizophrenia, and a theory about the relation between psychology and literature.




ELLYSA GUSNIATI SIMATUPANG. Factors Affecting Kawashima

Masayuki’s Paranoid Schizophrenia Seen in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013.

Sebagai salah satu bidang ilmu, psikologi juga dapat dihubungkan ke dalam lingkup sastra karena keduanya sedikit banyak memiliki tujuan yang sama, yaitu sebagai cermin kehidupan dan refleksi diri. Apabila disatukan, tujuannya akan menyimpan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Sastra sendiri, dalam studi ini, disimpulkan sebagai cara pengungkapan gagasan melalui bahasa dan tulisan yang muncul dari perasaan dan pemikiran. Dalam analisis studi ini, peran psikologi dan sastra tetap berbeda sesuai dengan bidangnya. Psikologi lebih mempelajari sebuah phenomena yang terjadi dilihat dari perilaku manusia, sementara sastra dapat dinilai sebagai alat yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan melalui pengalaman-pengalaman yang tertulis dalam sebuah karya sehingga, orang - orang dapat memetik nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam karya sastra tersebut. Hal ini contohnya terlihat dalam novel Piercing karya Ryu Murakami, yang disuguhkan dalam tema psikologi.

Tiga rumusan masalah dimunculkan guna tercapainya tujuan dari studi ini. Masalah pertama adalah karakteristik Kawashima Masayuki; yang ke dua adalah pengaruh karakteristik Kawashima terhadap penyakit mentalnya, paranoid schizophrenia; dan yang ketiga adalah penyebab yang mempengaruhi kondisi mental Kawashima.

Beberapa teori digunakan sebagai landasan analisis. Teori-teori ini meliputi teori karakter dan karakteristik, teori tentang schizophrenia dan paranoid schizophrenia, teori keluarga dalam pandangan schizophrenia dan faktor psikologis dalam schizophrenia, serta teori tentang hubungan antara psikologi dan sastra.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Ellysa Gusniati Simatupang

Student Number: 064214074









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Ellysa Gusniati Simatupang

Student Number: 064214074





-Albert Einstein-



-Mahatma Gandhi-






This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to

My Beloved Father and Mother

My Grandfathers and Grandmothers



First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ Almighty for all blessings

and strength during this undergraduate thesis writing. My big gratitude is

dedicated to Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum., my advisor, for her time,

understanding, advice, support, and patience. My thanks also go to my co-advisor,

Linda Valentina Budiman, S.S., M.Hum., who willingly spent her time to read,

corrected and gave valuable suggestions for the improvement of this thesis. I also

thank all the lecturers of English Letters Department, staff, especially Mbak Nik.

My gratitude goes to my beloved father, Gurasa Simatupang, and also my

beloved mother, Sherly M. Gultom for their prayers, patience, encouragement and

being my motivator. I owe my gratitude to my lovely sister, Purnama, and my

brothers, Gerry and Debby, for their supports, and being my best friends; my

handsome nephew Amos Dian, who always knows how to make me smile and


Big thanks, kisses and hugs go to Tafira, Rosa, Anissa, Saverin, Itok,

Rintan, Denty, Sonson and Ariata for encouragement and friendship they have

given to me. I also should thank my rock-n-roll friend, Janu Satmoko, who always

supports and reminds me to finish this writing. Big thanks are also dedicated to

Prayudi, Widi and Shintia for their advices and helps. Finally, I would like to

thank all buddies whose names I cannot mention one by one for all the supports in

helping me finish this undergraduate thesis.



Lembar Pernyataan Persetujuan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah... v


3. The Relation between Literature and Psychology ...13

4. Theory of Schizophrenia ...14

5. Theory of Paranoid Schizophrenia ...19

6. Family Theory in Perspective of Schizophrenia ...21


B.Paranoid Schizophrenia Reflected from the Characteristics ...44

1. Delusions ……... 46

2. Hallucinations ...50

3. Egocentric Individuals...53

4. Violent ...55

C.Factors Affecting Kawashima Masayuki’s Paranoid Schizophrenia ...58

1. Psychological Factors ...59

a. Mental Abuse ...59

b. Physical Abuse ...61

2. Environmental Factors ...64






ELLYSA GUSNIATI SIMATUPANG. Factors Affecting Kawashima

Masayuki’s Paranoid Schizophrenia Seen in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013.

As a field of study, psychology can be connected into the sphere of literature, because both of them have, more or less, the same purpose as a mirror of life and self-reflection. Being put together, those purposes will save values of humanity. In this study, literature is concluded as a way to express ideas through the language and writing, emerged from feeling and thought. Although seemingly connected, the roles of psychology and literature in this study are still distinguished according to their field. While psychology studies more about phenomena seen from human behavior, literature is used as a tool that can give knowledge through the experience so that people can read the social values of the novel. This is exemplified in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing that is presented in the theme of psychology.

Three issues are carried out in order to accomplish the objectives of the study. The first one is the characteristics of Kawashima Murakami; second is the reflections of Kawashima’s characteristics toward his mental illness as a paranoid schizophrenic; and third is the factors that influence Kawashima’s mental condition.

Some theories were used as the groundwork of the analysis. These theories covered theory of character and characterization, the theory of schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia, a family theory in perspective of schizophrenia and psychological factor in schizophrenia, and a theory about the relation between psychology and literature.



ELLYSA GUSNIATI SIMATUPANG. Factors Affecting Kawashima

Masayuki’s Paranoid Schizophrenia Seen in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013.

Sebagai salah satu bidang ilmu, psikologi juga dapat dihubungkan ke dalam lingkup sastra karena keduanya sedikit banyak memiliki tujuan yang sama, yaitu sebagai cermin kehidupan dan refleksi diri. Apabila disatukan, tujuannya akan menyimpan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Sastra sendiri, dalam studi ini, disimpulkan sebagai cara pengungkapan gagasan melalui bahasa dan tulisan yang muncul dari perasaan dan pemikiran. Dalam analisis studi ini, peran psikologi dan sastra tetap berbeda sesuai dengan bidangnya. Psikologi lebih mempelajari sebuah phenomena yang terjadi dilihat dari perilaku manusia, sementara sastra dapat dinilai sebagai alat yang dapat memberikan pengetahuan melalui pengalaman-pengalaman yang tertulis dalam sebuah karya sehingga, orang - orang dapat memetik nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam karya sastra tersebut. Hal ini contohnya terlihat dalam novel Piercing karya Ryu Murakami, yang disuguhkan dalam tema psikologi.

Tiga rumusan masalah dimunculkan guna tercapainya tujuan dari studi ini. Masalah pertama adalah karakteristik Kawashima Masayuki; yang ke dua adalah pengaruh karakteristik Kawashima terhadap penyakit mentalnya, paranoid schizophrenia; dan yang ketiga adalah penyebab yang mempengaruhi kondisi mental Kawashima.

Beberapa teori digunakan sebagai landasan analisis. Teori-teori ini meliputi teori karakter dan karakteristik, teori tentang schizophrenia dan paranoid schizophrenia, teori keluarga dalam pandangan schizophrenia dan faktor psikologis dalam schizophrenia, serta teori tentang hubungan antara psikologi dan sastra.





A.Background of the Study

Psychology is an important aspect in literature. The ideas of psychology

can be found in literary works like novel (Coleman 1976: 8). Both literature and

psychology teach us to see the real world because literature and psychology can

mirror human’s life and teach people about human values. Besides, according to

Cummings and Simmons in the Language of Literature: A Stylistic Introduction to

the Study of Literature, a literary work can be used “as a device for imaginative stimulation, a way to find out what we’re thinking or feeling or who we are”

(1983: 1).

From the above quotation, every moment and experience happening in

one’s life can teach someone to be wiser and more critical in facing a life. It can

be concluded that literary work helps us understand situations and conditions

around us in everyday life and make us more sensitive toward something that we

read and see in front of us.

In this study, the writer explains further about the mental illness that the

main character suffers from, that is, paranoid schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is one

of many mental illnesses. In psychology, schizophrenia is classified into some

types: catatonic type, paranoid type and hebephrenic. Furthermore about


The symptoms of schizophrenic patients can be organized into disturbances in several major areas thought, perception and attention, motor behavior, affect or emotion, and life functioning (1986: 337).

People who suffer from schizophrenia usually show some bizarre

behaviors because they probably cannot control their fear and anxiety because of

disturbances of thought and emotion inside them. Most of them cannot distinguish

between hallucination and reality. People who suffer from schizophrenia are

illogical. Usually, their perception and attention are usually wrong. In this novel,

the mental illness is caused by some past problems or bad experiences. That is

why, considering the correlation between literature and psychology, a study of

psychological aspects in literature is worth doing. In short, this study is to analyze

the psychological aspect in a novel entitled Piercing.

Well-written by Ryu Murakami, Piercing is a story about the life of Kawashima Masayuki, the main character. During his childhood, Kawashima had

always been abused by his mother. She always hit and said inappropriate things to

him until it left trauma in Kawashima’s life. All bad experiences he had gone

through slowly disturb his emotion and psychology. Every time he remembered

about his mother, he would feel angry, anxious and afraid that finally made him

felt strong drive of adrenaline and big anger. If it happened to him, usually those

feeling would disturb his mind until they forced him to stab someone using an ice


From Kawashima’s experiences, it is concluded that children easily


experiences make people develop and build their own characters and emotion to

make them feel safe and comfortable. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that

attitude, information and knowledge that children get can bring significant

influences for the formation of their personality and behavior. As it can be seen in

Piercing, Kawashima, who had always been abused and ignored by his mother during his childhood, later realized that what she did to him had make him

become insane in some ways.

According to Kawashima Masayuki’s case in Piercing, this study focuses on the psychological condition of the main character. The physical abuse is one of

two abuses that Murakami presented in Piercing. In this study, the writer also explains further about the factors that make Kawashima suffer from Paranoid

schizophrenia. In the story, Kawashima’s emotion and thought that always change

made him switch personality easily from a good person, husband and father, into

someone else that likes violence. Being violent is the only thing that can satisfy

him and enable him to overcome his fear. That is why from this novel, there are

still some clumsy things in Kawashima’s behavior that show his mental illness.

This can be seen from his behavior, thought and emotion.

The phenomena that the main character had gone through make Piercing interesting to be analyzed because many forms of abuses still exist until now.

Kawashima gradually got various influences from the society around him,

especially in family through his relationship with his mother. Here, all events that


chooses this novel to be analyzed. The purpose of this study is to find out the

factors that made Kawashima suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to reach a conclusive point of analysis and to focus the

explanation, three problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are the characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki as seen in Ryu

Murakami’s Piercing?

2. How do Kawashima’s characteristics as described in this novel reflect his

paranoid schizophrenia?

3. What factors affect Kawashima’s paranoid schizophrenia?

C. Objective of the Study

There are three objectives of the study. The purpose of the undergraduate

thesis is to find out the answer of the questions mentioned in the problem

formulation. First, the study tries to describe Kawashima Masayuki’s

characteristics in Ryu Murakami’s Piercing. The second objective is to find out how the characteristic of Kawashima Masayuki can describe and prove that he

suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. The last objective is to find out the factors


D. Definition of Terms

To avoid any misunderstandings about the content of this research, there

are some important keywords that are listed as follows:

1. Schizophrenia

According to Gary R. Vandenbos in APA Dictionary of Psychology, schizophrenia defined as “a psychotic disorder characterized by disturbances on

thinking (cognition), emotional responsiveness, and behavior” (2007: 815).

From the above quotation, the writer finds out that people who suffer from

schizophrenia sometimes find difficulties in communicating because when their

thoughts are disturbed by imaginations and false believe that they made, they

cannot control their behavior. In short, they trust more what is in their mind

instead of the reality.

2. Paranoid Schizophrenia

Taken from APA Dictionary of Psychology, paranoid schizophrenia is defined as follow:

In DSM-IV-TR, a subtype of schizophrenia. Often with a later onset that other types, characterized by prominent delusions or auditory hallucinations. Delusions are typically persecutory, grandiose, or both: hallucinations are typically related to the content of the delusional theme. Cognitive functioning and mood are affected to a much lesser degree than in other types of schizophrenia. The DSM-III designation was paranoid type schizophrenic disorder (Vandenbos, 2007: 670).

From the above quotation, people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia

have almost the same symptoms as those who suffer from paranoid. The


paranoid schizophrenia, not only do the patients feel suspicious toward something

or someone, but they are also stuck in their imagination like hallucinations and

delusions that lead them into becoming violent or to commit suicide. People who

suffer from paranoid schizophrenia totally cannot differentiate which one is real





In this chapter, the writer explains some theories which are considered to

be related to this study. There are three parts that will be explained further. The

first part is the review of related studies containing some previous studies which

are related to this study. The second part is the review of related theories to be

applied to this study. And the last part is the theoretical framework which explains

further about the function of those studies and theories and how they apply in this


A.Review of Related Studies

In the beginning scene of the novel, Kawashima Masayuki became

paranoid when he saw his wife murmuring something to his baby. What he saw

between his daughter and wife suddenly made him became afraid and anxious.

Murakami gets to his trademark grit on impact, with Kawashima Masayuki watching his newborn daughter sleep in her crib in the middle of the night. three pages, he is caressing her cheek with an ice pick. Imagining what it would feel like to puncture the baby’s skin. Instead of following his brutal instincts, he makes himself a promise: He will instead stab a prostitute with the ice pick. Get it out of his system, and save his little family. Kawashima begins filling a notebook with elaborate plans involving gloves, a change of clothes, a falsified accent, and the size, shape and skin color of the victim (http://christalawler.com/2010/09/02).

The related study above shows that the emotion and the thought of

Kawashima Masayuki are disorganized. On one hand, he wanted to stab his


left or lonely caused him to be unable to control his desire to hurt someone

because his bad experiences had already affected his social life.

Another related study is taken from an undergraduate thesis written by

Agatha Maria W.S.P who summarized about mental illness and schizophrenia.

Most times mental illness in general and schizophrenia in particular comes the public attention’s only when behaviours are bizarre or violent, but there is still a long way to go in helping educate families and remove the stigma. However people with such illness are still human. (Palupi, 2004: 50)

Agatha Maria tried to say that everybody has the same right to be treated

as a human although that person has mental illness. She believed that there is still

a way to help patients with mental illness or schizophrenia and that is why she

tried to find a way to change people’s mind into thinking that mental illness is

something that can be cured.

In this novel, Kawashima is described as a sick, insecure, and violent

person. Below is another study that is written by Irene Wanner,

From here, the two limited-third-person points of view interweave, gaining speed as the narrative moves from one mind to the other, building tension. Kawashima -- paranoid, frightened and uncertain -- has met his match in

during childhood influences behavior and attitude of someone in adults’ life. The

fear of being rejected had already tore up Kawashima’s confidence and figures of


time he saw and believed that his girlfriend or his wife would leave or ignored

him. Usually his paranoid would lead him into committing violence.

The last literary study that supports this study is related to schizophrenia.

Here, a schizophrenic patient wishes that everything must go the way s/he wants.

Below is the appropriate evidence to introduce little about schizophrenia.

Events and situations in someone’s life may affect one aspect or more in his life to change. The changes can positive, negative or even both. In Nash’s case, schizophrenia has the role in developing his character into better and worse. Somehow, the development is just a process he has to live with and it cannot always be the same as he wants it to be. (Bhirowo, 2004: 57)

Environment affects someone’s psychological stance and can build a

positive or negative characteristics and behavior. Here, Bhirowo wanted to say

that bad experiences that have happened will usually be easy to remember because

it left trauma in people who faced it. Besides, bad experiences also contribute in

shaping one’s character.

B.Review of Related Theories

This subchapter consists of some theories that will be applied in the

analysis. They are theory of literature and theory of psychology that are discussed

as follow.

1. Theory of Character

According to M.H. Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms, character can

be identified and interpreted by the reader through the speech and action that is


Character are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interested by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue – and by what the do – action (1993: 23).

Based on the quotation above, the writer concludes that to understand a character,

the readers need to understand how to describe the character in the novel or play.

There are two ways that must be concerned about: showing and telling. To

analyze the character, the author must be concerned to the actions and expressions

of the character because automatically they are dealing with the characteristic and

the behavior of its character.

2. Theory of Characterization

The theory of characterization is important in analyzing the characteristic.

M.J. Murphy in Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English Poetry and English Novels for Overseas Students stated that there are nine ways that the writer usually uses.

a. Personal Description

Personal description is one of many steps in analyzing the character. “The

author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes” (Murphy, 1972: 161).

From the personal description, the reader can conclude and imagine the physical

appearance of the character.

b. Character as Seen by Another

Physical appearance is not the only thing that needs to be analyzed.

Besides, the second way to analyze a character in a literary work is by noticing


Instead of describing a character directly, an author can describe it through the

eyes and the opinions of another character. “The reader gets, as it were, a reflected

image” (Murphy, 1972: 162). It shows the reader how to understand a character

by analyzing deeply through other people’s opinion. So the author of a literary

work tries to give an opinion to the reader by putting an idea through his choice of

words and phrases that s/he writes.

c. Speech

The third way is speech. Through the speech in conversation, the reader

will usually find the personalities of the character that will be analyzed.

The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving us some clue to his character (Murphy, 1972: 164).

From the above quotation, speech also holds an important role because

from verbal action, it will be easy for the reader to decide the characterization of

the character that will be analyzed.

d. Past Life

By knowing the background and the past life of the character, it will be

easy to see what kind of person that the writer wants to describe.

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person (Murphy, 1972: 166).

From the above quotation, the writer concludes that past life constitutes the

characteristics of someone at present. Good or bad experiences happening to the


e. Conversation of Others

The fifth way is to ask the reader to see and to analyze the character

through the things that are said. Through the conversation in the story, the reader

will get a clue about what kind of person s/he is. “The author can also give the

reader clues to a person’s character through the conversations of other people and

the things they say about him” (Murphy, 1972: 167).

f. Reactions

In a story, there is a situation that will affect the readers’ perception in

understanding the character. Reaction is one of the important things that the

readers need to notice. “The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character

by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events”

(Murphy. 1972: 168). Every reaction that is shown will show further about the

characterization of the character that will be analyzed.

g. Direct Comment

“The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly”

(Murphy, 1972: 170). Here, the author is free to comment on his character in order

to get a better and clear understanding of the character.

h. Thoughts

The thoughts of the reader in reading and understanding a literary work are

important. “The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking

about” (Murphy, 1972: 171). This quotation means that the thoughts can only be

seen by the readers. The readers usually will feel it, think about it and safe it in


i. Mannerisms

Mannerisms are the last way that Murphy wants to share. Mannerisms hold

an important role in understanding the character. “The author can describe a

person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies which may also tell us something

about his character” (Murphy, 1972: 173). So, mannerisms usually will show the

reader a deeper understanding about the personality of the character itself.

3. The Relation between Literature and Psychology

In literature, people can learn about psychology, like they can in

psychology. As already known, literature is a part of art. There are always

meanings, reasons, moods and feeling of the artist or the authors, hidden behind

all literary works.

A good novelist can communicate the feelings of his fictional characters and make them seem more life-like than the real people whose behavior the psychologist attempts to describe. Writers can use the understanding provided by psychologists to enrich their stories, and psychologists can gain in their understanding of human behavior by drawing from the deep sensitivity of good authors (Kalish, 1972: 8).

The above quotation shows that psychology and literature are connected to

each other. Both literature and psychology learn about phenomena happening in

the past and nowadays. Usually, a work of literature can be analyzed from many

points of view, which are, from the character, the situation that the author

describes and also from the biography of the author him/herself.

Seeing literature from psychological aspect leads the writer to conclude

that both literature and psychology have the same purpose, that is, as a mirror for


learning to be wiser in facing the life and doing something. Besides, psychologists

believe that people cannot be separated from the cause and effect.

4. Theory of Schizophrenia

Before the writer goes and explains further about the symptoms of

paranoid schizophrenia, it is important to know what schizophrenia is.

Schizophrenia is a disorder with a range of symptoms involving disturbances in content of thought, form of thought, perception, affect, sense of self, motivation, behavior, and interpersonal functioning (Halgin, 1994: 276).

From the above quotation, the writer found that schizophrenia is generally

a type of mental illness that attacks emotion, thought and sense in general. Here, a

person who suffers from schizophrenia usually has bizarre behavior every time

s/he feels anxious or fear. It happens because the stimulation that comes to

schizophrenic has already disturbed his thought until it makes her/him not able to

think logically anymore. A person who suffers from schizophrenia does not

realize that s/he is sick. In most cases, a schizophrenic person cannot control what

just appears in her/his mind.

To know whether someone gets schizophrenia or not, it is important to

know the symptoms first. According to G. Terence Wilson, “delusions,

hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior

and negative symptoms” are classic symptoms of schizophrenia (1996, 416).

Although he said there are five symptoms of schizophrenia, he also said that to

identify that someone really suffers from schizophrenia or not, the writer only


a. Delusions

Delusions usually appear to a schizophrenic person. “Delusions are false

believe. Person with schizophrenia often express unusual beliefs that are not

shared by others in their culture” (Wilson, 1996: 417). From this quotation, the

writer concludes that schizophrenic patient believes in something that is not real.

He believes what he thinks is real although the real condition is not. Here, a

schizophrenic creates and builds that perceptions only in her/his mind. That is

why delusions usually will lead a schizophrenic into becoming suspicious toward

something in front of her/him.

In schizophrenia, there are four types of delusions that should be known

i. Delusions of Persecution

Person who gets delusions of persecution usually believes that someone is

trying to hurt her/him or believe that someone is against him/her. “People

are out to get me” (Wilson,1996: 417).

ii. Delusions of Grandeur

Person who gets these delusions usually think that s/he is a famous person

and have special power and control everything (Wilson, 1996: 418).

iii. Delusions of Control

A schizophrenic who gets these delusions believe that his/her thought or

actions are controlled by external factors (Wilson, 1996: 428).

iv. Delusions of Romance (Erotomania)

People who get these delusions believe that someone is in love with or


b. Hallucinations

People who suffer from schizophrenia usually will get hallucinations.

“Sensation experienced by an individual that are not experienced by others”

(Wilson, 1996: 419). This quotation means that only a schizophrenic who can feel

and see it while other people around her/him cannot.

According to James C. Coleman, there are five types of hallucinations.

They are auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, olfactory hallucinations,

gustatory hallucinations and tactual hallucinations. Below are further explanations

about those types of hallucinations.

i. Auditory Hallucinations

People who suffer from schizophrenia usually will hear voices that others

cannot hear.

Hallucinations involving the sense of hearing: the individual may hear voices telling him what to do, commenting on or criticizing his actions, or warning him that he will be punished unless he repents (Coleman, 1976: 296).

From the above quotation it is obvious that the voice that a schizophrenic

hear is only in his head and is not real. Usually a person who gets these

hallucinations will easily accept what the voice told them. The voice that

exist in her/his head will influence her/his action and thought in everyday


ii. Visual Hallucinations

In visual hallucinations, usually a schizophrenic will see thing that other

people cannot see. “Hallucinations involving the sense of sight” (Coleman,


patients can see something in front of them like it is really happened and

exist which actually only appear in their mind. That is why schizophrenic

patients cannot differentiate reality and hallucinations.

iii. Olfactory Hallucinations

These hallucinations are closed to human sense. “Hallucination involving

the sense of smell” (Coleman, 1976: 296). Usually people who get this

hallucinations will smell bizarre things every time they are under a

depressing condition or a dangerous situation.

iv. Gustatory Hallucinations

These hallucinations still connects to the sense, that is, the sense of taste

(Coleman, 1976: 296). Here, people who suffer from schizophrenia will

think that someone is trying to kill them. They become worry toward food

and drink that they consume and usually believe that their food and drink

are poisoned.

v. Tactual Hallucinations

Still related to the human’s sense, usually people who get this

hallucination believe and feel that something touches them. They imagine

that what touches them is real.

c. Disorganized Speech (Derailment)

People who have this symptom have difficulty to relate a question and the

answer. Most of all, there is no connection between question and answer. “A


1996: 420). This person is easy to change topics without any confirmation, so it

looks like s/he is answering a question that is out of topic.

d. Grossly Disorganized Behavior and Catatonic Behavior

In grossly disorganized behavior, usually people who have this symptom

will do an inappropriate behavior. “It seen in childlike silliness or highly agitated

behavior” (Wilson, 1996: 420). From this quotation, the writer concludes that

people who suffer from schizophrenia will do a bizarre thing in inappropriate

place and situation.

Grossly disorganized behavior is different from catatonic behavior. In

catatonic behavior, people who have this symptom will look like they have

problem with their motor abnormalities. Person who have this symptom usually

like peculiar postures, usually soldier. “Catatonic behavior refers to marked motor

abnormalities, including motor immobility, excessive motor behaviors and the

maintenance of fixed postures over long periods of time” (Wilson, 1996: 420).

This quotation shows that this symptom will make schizophrenic patients look

helpless because it looks like they need other people to help them. In short, this

symptom makes them passive that can be seen from their lack of energy.

e. Negative symptoms

There are three negative symptoms according to G. Terence Wilson. First

is flat or blunt affect which shows that a person who has this symptom will show

flat expression in their emotion, second is little speech (alogia) which shows that a


drive (avolition) which means a person who has this symptoms shows no interest

in activity (Wilson, 1996: 421).

5. Theory of Paranoid Schizophrenia

In theory of schizophrenia, the writer finds that paranoid schizophrenia is

one of the main type of schizopherenia. Here, the symptoms that are found in

paranoid schizophrenia is triggered from symptoms of schizophrenia. But, in this

theory, paranoid schizophrenia has particular symptoms which cannot be found in

schizophrenia. “Paranoid schizophrenia are agitated, argumentative, angry, and

sometimes violent” (Davison, 1986: 343). People who suffer from paranoid

schizophrenia will always feel insecure and think that somebody is going to go

against them. That is why, when they face a bad situation, their reaction will

appear spontaneously.

After knowing what paranoid schizophrenia is, there are many kinds of

symptoms that are better to be known.

Paranoid patients are suspicious, sensitive, egocentric individuals whose lives revolve about the theme of persecution. They imagine that people are against them and in devious ways are maltreating or plotting against them. At first their delusions of persecution are limited and fairly well systematized and their attitude toward the world is one of emotional aggressiveness (Page, 1947: 254).

The above quotation shows that people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia

have a sensitive feeling so it makes them fragile. Their fears already affect their

perception, thought and emotion. Another symptom to identify whether or not


brave voice that makes them follow the direction of hallucinations that s/he sees

or hears.

“Some diagnosed schizophrenics often behave quite normally” (Alloy,

1996: 355). It means that people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia are

sociable in her/his environment and community. Besides, “a paranoid person is

usually capable of self-management in the community, but on occasion their

persecutory ideas may render them dangerous” (Page, 1947: 184). It means that

while on one hand a paranoid person is capable of living a normal life with a good

interaction and relationship, on the other hand s/he can hurt her/himself or hurt

people around her/him.

To give strong evidence to show that someone suffers from paranoid

schizophrenia or not, below are some information that will help the writer in

identifying this mental illness.

In rare instances a paranoid patient may become dangerous and kill or injure someone. In such an instance the patient’s feelings connected with his delusions had probably become very intense so that the violent assault seemed to him the only solution to this person. To this person it was seen very likely as a matter of kill or be killed (Strange, 1965: 313).

From the above quotation, the writer concludes that paranoid schizophrenia

patients become dangerous if they start to feel delusions or hallucinations in front

of them. Besides, the delusions and hallucinations that appear in paranoid

schizophrenics mind will make them do something inappropriate and illogical


6. Family Theory in Perspective of Schizophrenia

Family has an important role in the development of children psychology.

Every single moment, situation and treat in family’s life, children usually can

easily record all actions that they see and words that they hear. Therefore, all

things that happened and learned from the family will influence the children’s

psychological stance in the future.

According to family theorists, psychological tensions in the home may also be a stress factor in schizophrenia, and not just for the children of schizophrenic mothers (Alloy, 1996: 395)

From the above quotation, it can be concluded that every condition and

situation in the home will influence someone psychological stance in their social

life. It also shows that family life is a main factor that can affect someone become

schizophrenic. Not only is this condition faced by children of schizophrenic

mothers, but also all people who have unstable family life.

In family theories, there are two theories that will answer the reason why

someone suffers from schizophrenia. First is expressed emotion (EE). This factor

is related to the relatives in the family. This theory tries to show that

schizophrenogenic mother or schizophrenia-causing mother has a role to affect

her children’s psychological stance until they suffer from schizophrenia. “Mothers

who were cold, domineering, rejecting, and at the same time overprotective could

induce schizophrenia in their children” (Alloy, 1996: 395). Usually, most of

schizophrenics who have schizophrenogenic mother become dependent toward


The second theory is communication deviance. It focuses on the matter of

communications between parents and children. Here, there are usually some

misinterpretations in receiving words said between parents and children. Actually,

most of that communication is caused by the contradictory message. Usually, to

say and top express their message in verbal, they like to use a rejection and

affecting but the aim of the use of them is as a complement. (Alloy, 1996:396).

7. Psychological Factor in Schizophrenia

Psychological factor is one that affects someone to become schizophrenic.

Trauma that was felt during childhood usually will affect someone’s personality

and behavior.

Karl Menninger has provided a vivid picture of the defenses – and special vulnerabilities – of adolescents and young adults who have suffered deep hurts and have come to view the world as a dangerous and hostile place (Coleman, 1976: 316).

The above quotation shows that children who had some bad past

experiences usually will build their own defense to avoid the deep hurts in them

appear. Besides, people who were tortured and ignored when they were children

will see the world as a dangerous and hostile place. It happened because words

and actions that children see and hear will be easily recorded in their mind.

Children who suffer from schizophrenia will usually be sensitive and

fragile. Trauma in them does not make them make a distance with their social life

but they do the opposite. Here, they want to make a relation with people although

they cannot hide their anxious and fear every time they found a stimulation that


In some instance the outcome seems to be a “stormy” personality. Here, instead of withdrawing, the individual tries aggressively to relate to people. He is highly vulnerable to hurt, however and his existence is usually an anxious one (Coleman, 1976: 316).

C.Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on factors that make Kawashima Masayuki suffer from

Paranoid schizophrenia. The theories that are already explained above will support

the analysis of Kawashima Masayuki’s characteristics and what makes him suffer

from paranoid schizophrenia.

In this study, the writer puts theories of intrinsic element of a literary

work, which are character and characterization, to analyze the characteristics of

Kawashima Masayuki. Murphy’s theory of characterization states that there are

nine ways that the writer can choose to find out the characteristics of the character

that want to be analyzed in the novel. Some ways that the writer chooses to

support the analysis in this study are speech, past life, reactions and thoughts.

These four ways are significant to be used in analyzing and answering the first

problem formulations.

Theory of schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia, then, are used to

prove whether Kawashima suffers from paranoid schizophrenia or not. It is used

to answer the second problem formulation. The theory of schizophrenia focuses

on the general symptoms of schizophrenia until it leads to a conclusion that the

main character has mental illness. Besides, theory of paranoid schizophrenia is

used to differentiate this type of schizophrenia with other types of schizophrenia


from paranoid schizophrenia. Theory of paranoid schizophrenia will show deeply

about the specific symptoms shown in a paranoid schizophrenic patient.

The last theory that is also important to answer the third problem

formulation in this study is family theory in perspective of schizophrenia,

psychological factors in schizophrenia and the relation between literature and

psychology. These theories will help the reader to find the factors that make

Kawashima suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. These three theories will also

show the reader the details about phenomena that happen in the story, therefore

the writer will analyze it from the background of the main character because what

the main character faced in their past life had left a big trauma in him. Besides,

Kawashima Masayuki’s background can also be learned from the characteristics





A.Object of the Study

The object of this study is Piercing, a novel written by Ryu Murakami, a Japanese novelist and filmmaker. This novel was published by the Penguin

Group, Penguin Group (USA) Inc, New York, in January 2007, translated by

Ralph F. McCarthy. The novel consists of 11 chapters with 185 pages. The genre

of this novel is psycho thriller.

The writer thinks that this novel is interesting because it is related to

human values. Negative and positive attitudes will influence someone in seeing

and facing the world and life. From this novel, the writer also thinks that abuse in

family not only happens in people’s imagination but in real life. That is why it

cannot be ignored anymore.

Through this study, the writer wants to open people’s mind through the

messages that the writer shares in this research, that actually every action taken

both consciously and unconsciously will influence our environment, relatives or

friends. That is why the writer thinks that Piercing can be a good example to show

the reason why someone has psychological problem in her/his life.

The first scene is opened with the appearance Kawashima Masayuki who

in 10 days always tried to find a way to stab his own daughter, Little Rie.

Kawashima was a graphic designer, a husband and a father. He had a normal life


Ginza, for the first time he met a woman named Yoko. Kawashima fell in love

with her. Shortly, a year and eight months after their first meeting in Ginza, they

decided to get married and finally have a baby named Little Rie.

After short introductory about Kawashima’s family, the story began with

Kawashima taking bath with his baby. After they finished taking a bath, Yoko

usually dries his baby, and when Yoko was drying Little Rie, Kawashima saw

Yoko murmuring something to Rie. After he saw his wife murmuring something

to Rie, he felt something burning inside him and it made him anxious. Since then,

he became suspicious and wanted to stab his daughter. Every time his anxiety

came, he became sweating, then continue by smelt something weird like a

pungent whiff of something organic burning, and so on.

Every time Kawashima tried to stab his baby, there was a doubt in him. In

one side he realized that he was Rie’s father but on the other side he felt that he

must stab her because he thought that the baby was a threat for him. Since that

night, he could not sleep, so he decided to go outside. He thought that he would

rather enjoy the cold than staying at home. When he was enjoying night, he

suddenly stopped at a shop to buy some diapers and when he already in, he

suddenly saw his other self standing before the shelves two or three paces ahead

of him. It pointed to the picture of a baby on the package and grinned at

Kawashima. No longer after that, it told him that the only way to overcome his


B.Approach of the Study

The focus of this study was to analyze the factors that make Kawashima

suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and to prove that he has problems with his

psychological condition. The psychological approach was used in this study. This

approach focused on the behavior of the main character like symptoms, and

reasons why he can be categorized as having a mental illness like paranoid


To know deeper about the mental illness in the Piercing and relate it to the

writer’s analysis, the writer applied the psychological approach by Mary

Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, Jr. in Reading and Writing About Literature. “Psychological involves effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent

patterns” which “draws on a different body of knowledge” (1971: 13).

Psychological approach would help the writer to understand human

behavior such as problems related to learning, perception, emotions, motivations,

and thinking. Those behaviors usually are written as an object. In short, the

psychological approach was used because it was related to the problems and

factors that affect the main character in the novel.

C.Method of the Study

The data collection was done through a library research. In this study, the

writer took the data from literary books, psychological books and dictionary, and

some internet sources. There were two parts of sources that the writer used in this

study. The primary data is Piercing, written by Ryu Murakami in 2007 in English


support the analysis in this study were taken from books related to the character,

some previous undergraduate theses, psychology and literary books, and articles

from the internet

In this study, the writer took some steps in the analysis. The first step was

to read and reread Ryu Murakami’s Piercing to gain a better understanding about

the story until the author found an interesting topic to be studied. The second step

was to determine the problem formulation. The third step was to start to find out

the previous undergraduate theses, literary books, such as theories and approach

to support the analysis, internet sources to find some reviews to get better

understanding about the topic that would be analyzed.

The fourth step was to analyze the data by using those books and internet

sources. From those books, the writer tried to prove and answer three problems

that have already been formulated. The last step was to report and make a

conclusion until it became a good research and useful for other future researchers

that took the same topic.

In this study there were some books that the writer used to gain better

understanding and to complete the information that was needed. The analysis of

the character was taken from Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H. Abrams, and in

analyzing the characterization, the writer used M.J. Murphy’s theories about

characters and characterization in his book entitled Understanding Unseens: An introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Student.


Writing About Literature by Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, Abnormal Psychology And Modern Life Fifth Edition by James C. Coleman Abnormal Psychology An Experimental Clinical Approach by Gerald C. Davison and John M. Neale, APA Dictionary of Psychology by Gary R Vandenbos Phd, Abnormal

Psychology: The Human Experience of Psychological Disorders by Richard P Halgin and Susan K Whitbourne, Abnormal Psychology : Current Perspectives by

Lauren B. Alloy, Joan Acocella and Richard R. Bootzin, The Psychology of Human Behavior Third Edition by Richard A Kalish, The Language of Literature: A Stylistic Introduction to the Study of Literature by Michael Cummings and Robert Simmons, Abnormal Psychology: Understanding Behavior Disorders by

Jack Roy Strange, Abnormal Psychology Integrating Perspectives by G. Terence




This chapter discusses the answer to the problems formulated in the first

chapter. There are three main parts that are discussed. The first part is about the

characteristics of the main character in Piercing. Here, the writer explains and give detail information about the characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki.

The second part discusses how the characteristics of the main character

can be categorized as having paranoid schizophrenia. This part presents the

description of paranoid schizophrenia’s symptoms in Kawashima’s characteristics

in order to reveal the details of this mental illness.

The last part discusses the factors that influence the main character to

suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. This part will observe some events that had

happened to Kawashima Masayuki. Here, the writer will analyze it through his

past life, environment and his psychological stance as the important factors that

cause him to suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.

A.The Characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki

Kawashima Masayuki is the main character in Piercing. He is the central

person in the story because from the beginning to the end of the story, the author

described him in detail. Murakami wrote his story starting from Kawashima’s past

life when he was a kid until he had became an adult. According to M.H Abrams,

the most important or central person in the story is the major character, and it goes


man with a normal life, but having bad childhood experiences. Here, he is

described as a husband of Yoko, a father of a daughter named Little Rie and

worked as a graphic designer.

In this story, there are several characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki. The

writer analyzes those characteristics using the theory of characterization by M. J.

Murphy. In this theory, there are nine ways that can be used to find the

characteristics of the main character. But, in this analysis, only four ways are

used. They are speech, past life, reactions, and thoughts. These four ways are

considered the most significant ones that will support the analysis of the

characteristics of the main character. They will help to analyze the characteristics

of the main character seen from the mental or personality point of view.

Based on the analysis, there are six characteristics that are appropriate to

describe Kawashima Masayuki. The six characteristics are suspicious, anxious,

fearful, spiteful, violent and in doubt. To understand further about Kawashima

Masayuki’s characteristics, the explanation is as follows.

1. Suspicious

In Piercing, Kawashima is described as a suspicious man. He became suspicious toward something that tried to hurt him, although it only appeared in

his mind. Things that triggered his suspicion are feeling that someone knew his

wicked plan to stab a woman, someone would ignore and leave him, and so on.

Here, Kawashima’s feeling comes as a product of his childhood life, when his

mother used to treat him badly. That is why when he felt comfortable with


he wanted to be. For him, it could be a threat. Below is the evidence that shows

the reason that caused Kawashima to be suspicious toward his daughter, Little


“Ten nights ago. He was in the bathtub with the baby, having just finished washing her. He handed her over to Yoko, who was waiting with a fluffy bath towel, and then he leaned back in the tub, leaving the pebbled-glass shower door partially open. Yoko was murmuring to the baby as she dried her, and he was aware of himself smiling at them. And then, with no prelude or warning, a thought came percolating up into his brain and he felt the muscles of his cheeks twitch and freeze” (Murakami, 2007: 16).

After he saw Yoko murmuring something to his baby, Kawashima smiled.

Actually behind his smile, he hid fear and suspicion. As the writer already

explained in the previous page, Kawashima was always afraid of losing someone

he loved, liked and cared about. Kawashima became suspicious because he

thought that Yoko was getting closer to his baby. In Kawashima’s mind, what he

had just seen between his wife and his baby was something that terrified him.

That is why he became suspicious toward his baby.

In the story, he thought that his baby could take Yoko away from him.

Actually, Yoko only did what she must do as a mother, but Kawashima thought

the opposite. Looking back to Kawashima’s background and his bad experience,

the writer assumes that the reason he became suspicious is his fear of losing

Yoko’s attention and love. Here, he found Yoko very kind and patient. For him,

Yoko was the only one who could comfort him, while his baby could not. That is

why Kawashima thought that Little Rie was a threat that could decrease Yoko’s


Other evidence that also shows his suspicious characteristic can be read

when he thought that Sanada Chiaki had already read his notes, the note that

contained his planned to stab someone in order to release his fear of stabbing his


“Kawashima grunted agreement and stood up. It was then that he noticed his overnight bag lying on its side against the opposite wall, and his open notebook beside it. His blood turned ice. She must have read the notes, he thought, and a shiver emanating from his bitten finger rippled through every cell in his body. He experienced a surge of nausea and looked over at the girl, who had turned her back to him and was climbing into her slip. I have no choice now, he thought, and the chill and the nausea merged with a peculiar, bubbling excitement. I have no choice but to kill her” (Murakami, 2007: 117).

From the quotation above, Kawashima Masayuki thought that Sanada had already

read his plan. He was afraid that she would go away after she read it. Here,

Kawashima was suspicious toward things that he did not know whether it was

right or not. He played with questions and suspicions in his mind until that feeling

made him feel insecure and led him to one choice, that was to kill her. At that

time, he believed that Sanada would tell all his plans to stab a woman to anyone.

Facing that situation, he became suspicious and it drove him to stab her before she

left him or turned against him.

Same as the previous paragraph, and still in the same situation, between

the conversation of Sanada and Kawashima, below is the quotation that the writer

finds as other evidence that proves Kawashima as a suspicious person.

“Hey,’she said softly, smiling up at him. ‘What hotel are you staying at really?

Kawashima’s body stiffened.

I knew it, Chiaki said to herself – he’s a secret rich man.


2. Anxious

In the story, Murakami described Kawashima Masayuki as an anxious

person. The following quotation will prove that he is anxious. His anxiety began

when he saw his wife murmuring something to his baby.

“The mental and emotion torment of the old cycle of anxiety – unable to bear being alone, wanting someone always near but growing anxious when someone does get close, fearing that if they get any closer there’s no telling what might happen, until the fear itself becomes unbearable and solitude seems the only solution – had seemed to be fast becoming a thing of the past” (Murakami, 2007: 14-15).

In the story, seeing Yoko murmuring something to the baby made

Kawashima anxious. According to Murphy, the appropriate way to describe

Kawashima Masayuki’s anxiety is reaction. From the quotation above, the writer

concludes that the reaction when he saw his wife murmuring something to his

baby is the evidence that shows he was anxious. Here, it also can be summarized

that at the time he became closer to someone, or when someone got closer to him,

he would feel anxious. His fear made him anxious, and his anxiety disturbed his

thought and emotion.

In this novel, the writer sees that what Yoko did to Little Rie made

Kawashima afraid. He felt that there was a strong tension in him. In this case,

Kawashima did not want to be alone but he could not let someone get closer to

him, either. The writer sees that there is a trauma left from his past life in

Kawashima’s self. Whether he realized it or not, he became insecure and that

feeling made him aware of and suspicious toward everything that happened to

him. The reaction that appeared from the quotation above is one of the effects


worried about what would happen to him if Yoko became closer to Little Rie.

That is why the author concludes that he is anxious.

Still explaining about the quotation above, Kawashima became anxious

when he faced a certain situation and condition related to someone he loved, cared

about and liked. He became anxious toward something vague in front of him. The

following quotation will show how Kawashima Masayuki became anxious when

he was disturbed by his own thought. Here, he felt anxious when the tension in

him increased. At the time when his emotion and thought were in tension, some

questions appeared in his mind and it ended into fear and anxiety that were united

to disturb his own thought.

“Yoko had awakened but hadn’t seemed to notice anything, and for the moment, standing on the empty street of their neighborhood in Kokubunji, away from the room with the sleeping baby, he felt a certain degree of relief.

It’s just my neurosis, he reasoned with himself. I just get freaked out imagining I might stab the baby. It’s not as if I actually want to stab her. Who doesn’t imagine things that make them anxious?” (Murakami, 2007: 20).

The above quotation shows how anxious Kawashima Masayuki was. His

emotion and thought made him think clearly toward all acts and imaginations that

he wanted to do. Here, his anxiety appeared every time he got closer to his baby,

which caused him to sweat and at the same time, the desire to stab his baby

increased and then continue to imagine that he might stab his daughter.

The imagination that appeared in Kawashima Masayuki’s mind is caused

by the reaction that he felt and thought of. Through this novel, the writer sees that


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