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Staffsite STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita DP_11_1


Academic year: 2017

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Dim, Public, Private, Static dan As adalah keyword atau reserved word(kata kunci atau kata simpan), yaitu kata yang telah didefinisikan sehingga tidak boleh

• The Oracle database software will transform recorded/stored data and statistics into useful pieces of information.. • Data: Each student’s test score is one

database or retrieve email learn SQL, an application has all of the SQL (and other coding languages) pre-programmed into it.. • With a few mouse clicks, users have access to all

• The request is then sent to the Oracle Server (a database running on a computer), the request is processed and the data returned is displayed. SQL statement

the WHERE clause or the join condition is invalid, the Oracle Server returns the Cartesian product of the two tables. • This is a combination of each row of one table with

CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement, the constraint is automatically enabled (enforced) by Oracle unless it is specifically created in a disabled state using the DISABLE

• If a statement does not use the full name of an object, the Oracle server implicitly prefixes the object name with the current user's name (or schema). • If user Scott queries

When User A issues an insert, update, or delete operation to the database, the Oracle server takes a snapshot (copy) of the data before it is changed and writes it to an