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Dental Implants Information


Academic year: 2017

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254 Summary:

Dental implants are ideal to replace broken or damaged teeth. Be advised that these dental implants can be a costly procedure as well as lengthy procedure.


dental implants, dental implants cost, dental implant procedures

Article Body:

Dental implants are ideal to replace broken or damaged teeth. Be advised that these dental implants can be a costly procedure as well as lengthy procedure.

Typically, dental implants have a starting cost around $1000 dollars for each tooth. If you have dentures, bridges, broken or damaged teeth dental implants could be a great investment for your smile. This procedure has very low failure rates. If a failure was to occur, chances are that there was an undetected bacterial infection during the install of the implant. Timeframes needed to complete the dental implant procedure have a few contributing factors. One such factor is state of the jawbone. If the doctor needs more jawbone to work with, bone grafting may be required. This process must be completed and healed before the dental implant can be installed.

Osseointegration is a process where a titanium post is screwed into the jawbone. This must be left for 3-6 months so that the bone can fuse around it. A plate style implant may be used between the gum and the jawbone if the bone integrity is not ideal. Once the healing has completed, the doctor will make a cast of the mouth. Then a ceramic tooth will be made to match the existing shape and color of the teeth.

It is always advisable to consult your dentist regarding dental implants. In some cases, they may be able to offer you a finance plan to have the procedure done. Be sure to ask any and all questions about dental implants with your.

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