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Personalized Gifts A New Trend In Gift Giving


Academic year: 2017

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So what do you get the person who has everything? A good question and one that plagues tens of thousands Christmas gift buyers every year. The same is true for those who aimlessly wander the isles of the local big box store in search of an inspiration and a birthday gift all at the same time. What do you get for someone who has a lot of money, does not really need anything, or whose rather eclectic or expensive hobbies you cannot possibly afford to support? What about the per...


birthday gift ideas, personalised gift ideas

Article Body:

So what do you get the person who has everything? A good question and one that plagues tens of thousands Christmas gift buyers every year. The same is true for those who aimlessly wander the isles of the local big box store in search of an inspiration and a birthday gift all at the same time. What do you get for someone who has a lot of money, does not really need anything, or whose rather eclectic or expensive hobbies you cannot possibly afford to support? What about the person whom you do not know all that well, but whose invitation has left you feeling obligated to come with a gift in hand, since appearing empty-handed is indeed an impolite thing to do? Many a time in the past you have probably given in to the Siren song of the gift card, and you have succumbed to the promise of ease in gift giving by simply purchasing a little piece of plastic that entitled its bearer to purchase anything they liked as long as it was $25 or less. Sure, when your card was opened you felt a pang of guilt and a moment of shame at your open capitulation and admission that you could not think of anything that the recipient of your gift card would have enjoyed. Fortunately there is a way out of this dilemma! Personalized gifts are a new trend in gift giving and they threaten to outdo those who shop from the gift card rack every holiday that comes along. Personalized gifts have two very distinct advantages: they have the ability to combine the mundane with the extravagant. For example, a towel is an ordinary towel, yet a towel with the recipient´s monogram or perhaps even name embroidered on it is a rare gift. Sure, not everyone will enjoy receiving a towel for her or his birthday, but let´s think baby gifts! Did you know that a towel, blanket, and bib make for an okay gift, but have the child´s name embroidered and embossed on these items, and you have an automatic keepsake! Golf balls are another good example, for the avid golfer in your family or circle of friends, a sleeve of Maxfli is still just a small assortment of balls, but with her or his name, and perhaps even birth date, anniversary date, or retirement date engraved on them, suddenly this humble gift becomes one of thoughtful contemplation and a well wish all of their own! For those whore are minimally artistically inclined, a plastic breakfast tray, a box of crayons, and a coloring book can become an art station for a tot if the breakfast tray were to receive the child´s name stenciled on it.

As you can see, the possibilities of personalized gifts truly are endless, and many a gift giver has already recognized the potential of this avenue. It is no wonder that these gifts are beginning to outsell even the ever popular gift cards!

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