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Contrasting the main character on Sleeping Beauty's short story written by Charles Perrault and film by Walt Disney.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Sarjana Degree in English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Jualita Masruro Reg. Number : A93213154



Masruro, Jualita. 2017. Contrasting the Main Character on Sleeping Beauty’s Short Story Written by Charles Perrault and Film by Walt Disney. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Arts and Humanities. State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Thesis Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag.

This study focuses on contrasting the main character description in the Sleeping Beauty short story by Charles Perrault in 1697 and Sleeping Beauty film by Walt Disney which is directed by Les Clark, Eric Larson, and Wolfgang Reitherman under supervision of Clyde Geronimi, released on 29 January 1959. Sleeping Beauty is a classic fairy tale which involves a beautiful princess, a sleeping enchantment, and a handsome prince. Sleeping Beauty tells about Princess who was cursed by the witch and she could only awakened by Prince charming.

The method of this study is descriptive qualitative in analyzing the short story and film. The objective of this study is to find out the differences of the main character description in the Sleeping Beauty short story and Sleeping Beauty film. The writer collects the data which are suitable with the statement of problems. The collected data analyzed using new criticism.

The result shows that the description of the main character in the short story is beautiful, smart, and brave. The description of the main character in film is beautiful, smart, obedient, and dreamer. So the difference is in the short story, Princess is brave, while in film, Princess is obedient and dreamer.



Masruro, Jualita. 2017. Contrasting the Main Character on Sleeping Beauty’s Short Story Written by Charles Perrault and Film by Walt Disney. Skripsi. Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag.

Studi ini berfokus pada deskripsi karakter utama dalam cerita pendek Sleeping Beauty oleh Charles Perrault pada tahun 1697 dan film Sleeping Beauty oleh Walt Disney yang disutradarai oleh Les Clark, Eric Larson, dan Wolfgang Reitherman di bawah pengawasan Clyde Geronimi, yang dirilis pada tanggal 29 Januari 1959. Sleeping Beauty adalah dongeng klasik yang

melibatkan seorang putri cantik yang sedang tidur, dan seorang pangeran tampan. Sleeping Beauty bercerita tentang Putri yang dikutuk oleh penyihir dan dia hanya bisa terbangun oleh pangeran tampan.

Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dalam menganalisa cerita pendek dan film. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan deskripsi karakter utama dalam cerita pendek Sleeping Beauty dan film Sleeping Beauty. Penulis mengumpulkan data yang sesuai dengan rumusan masalah. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan new criticism.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa cerita pendek adalah cantik, cerdas, dan berani. deskripsi karakter utama dalam film adalah cantik, cerdas, patuh, dan pemimpi. Bedanya dalam cerita pendek, Putri itu lebih berani, sedangkan di film, Putri itu lebih patuh dan pemimpi.









MOTTO ... viii



ABSTRAK ... xii


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 4

1.4 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.5 Significance of Study ... 5

1.6 Method of the Study ... 5

1.7 Definition of the Key Term ... 7


2.1 New Criticism ... 8


2.2.2 Characterization ... 12

2.2 Previous Study ... 14


3.1 Main Character in Sleeping Beauty Short Story ... 16

3.2 Main Character in Sleeping Beauty Film ... 21

3.3 The Differences of the Main Character Description ... 24


4.1 Conclusion ... 33

4.2 Suggestions ... 34


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This part is centered on discussing the theory which is going to be used as a

guide of conducting this research. The theory is new criticism which focuses on

character and characterization to help finding out how the main character in the

short story and movie are characterized.

2.2 New Criticism

New criticism is a formalist movement in literary theory. It emphasizes

close reading and focuses on objectively evaluating the text. Readers’feelings or

opinions about a text produce by some personal association from past experience

rather than by the text (Tyson 135). By reading the text human may change their

perceptions about literary work, human may assume, critic and conclude, but the

literary text is same. Readers have an authority to interpret the literary text based

on their experience and imagination as their creativity.

According to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren inTheory of Literature,the natural and sensible starting-point for studying a literary work is based on the

interpretation and analysis that directly toward the work (139), they not only laid

the basic notion that any literary research should begin with the understanding and

learning of its own matter, but also gave power to the elements within the work


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Tyson has mentioned that formal elements of new criticism are elements

forming the literary text. Those elements include images, symbols, metaphors,

rhyme, meter, point of view, setting, characterization and plot (138). The ways

knowing the evidence of author’s intention or give reader’s interpretation is by

reads the text and understands all the evidence provided by the language of the

text: its images, symbols, metaphors, rhyme, meter, point of view, setting, plot,

and characterization.

From new critical perspective, a reader begins the journey of discovering a

text’s correct interpretation by reading a literary work and its relationship to the

text. Since new criticism relates with characterization, this research is focus on the

character development which can be noticed from several ways: showing

character’s appearance, displaying character’s action, revealing character’s

thought, letting the character speak and knowing the character from other’s

reaction toward the character base on the text (138). From Tyson starting point,

the writer decides to explore the thesis analysis by applying new criticism theory

which is focused on the character and characterization.

2.2.1 Character

Character has important role in a story, besides as a means of story

that makes the story alive, character also represents a person becomes

something interested in the story. According to Bennett and Royle,

characters are the life of literature. They are the objects of our curiosity and


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characters are the technique that an author uses to reveal the personality and

characteristic of a person in a story.

The technique to create a power in character itself will make the

reader sympathy and antipathy through the characters and they can become

part of the character in the story itself (Bennet and Royle 60). Character

attracts the attention of audiences by making the role of character in a story

is simply a copy of a person in a real life through action, speech,

description, and commentary, authors portray character that are worth caring

about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you

may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

According to Kennedy and Gioia,there are some types of characters.

They are flat, round, major, minor , protagonist, and antagonist (78). While

Madden states that when characters lack the development that seems to

bring them to life, lack the complexity that lets us know them as we know

people in our own lives, and seem to represent “types” more than real

personalities, they are called flat or stock characters (66). They are

especially convenient for writers of commercial fiction: they require little

detailed portraiture, for we already know them well. Although stock

characters tend to have single dominant virtues and vices, characters in the

finest contemporary short stories tend to have many facets, like people we

meet (Kennedy and Gioia 77). Sometimes we know even judge the


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Abrams says, a round character is complex in temperament and

motivation and is represented with subtle particularity; such a character

therefore is as difficult to describe with any edequacy as a person in real

life, and like real persons, is capable of suprising us (33).

“Round charcterization, like “dynamic,” requires space and emphasis;

is obviously usable for characters focal for point of view or interest;

hence is ordinarily combined with “flat” treatment of background

figures the “chorus”. (Warren and Wellek 227).

It means that a round character has attitude and personality in complex. It is

more complex than flat character. Kennedy and Gioia states that flat

characters tend to stay the same throughout a story, but round characters

often change (78). So, a flat character is known the character has his or her

virtuous and vices from the start the story tell about than a round character.

Moreover DiYanni, the major character is sometimes called a

protagonist whose conflict with an antagonist may spark the story’s conflict.

Supporting the major character are one or more secondary or minor

characters whose function is partly to illuminate the major characters. Minor

characters are often static or unchanging: they remain the same from the

beginning of a work to the end (55). Madden says, when we find a character

or characters who seem to be a major force in opposition to the protagonist,

that character or characters is called the antagonist (66). So, there are some

types of characters, namely: flat, round, major, minor, protagonist, and


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By studying character in a novel, someone can acquire the knowledge

about character types of human being since character is representation of

human life. Character becomes a prominent thing in this study since it focuses

on the main characters named Princess inSleeping Beautyshort story and

Aurora or Briar Rose inSleeping Beautyfilm.

2.2.2 Characterization

The purpose of characterization is to help the readers know and

understandmore about character’s strength and weakness. It is easy to

presume that successful characterization involves taking the reader to the

heart, the inner core, of an imagined person (Muller 84). It primary explains

about the real character in the story that has same aspect in real life. The

realist characterization presupposes a mimetic model of literary texts

whereby what is primary or original is a real person, and a character in a

book is simply a copy of such a person. Such a model does not allow for a

reversal of this relationship: it does not allow for the possibility that, for

example, a person in“real life‟might be convincing to the extent that he or

she resembles a person in a book (Bennet and Royle 63).

Characterization is an essential component in writing a good fiction

because characterization has ability to characterize the people of one's

imagination successfully (Holman,75). Thus, character is not enough to

build a story. It must be clear how the author imagine the character in order

to be more alive in a story. So characterization is how character described in


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Holman said that characterization can be seen in the explicit

presentation by the author through direct expression. It can be seen in the

presentation of the character’s action or inside of the character itself (75).

The characterization can be seen through the physical appearance, the dialog

that character said, the action that they did, and also from their thought and


Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the

personality of a character. For examples, beautiful, obedient, smart, etc.

Characterization is revealed through direct characterization and indirect

characterization. Direct characterization tells the audience what the

personality of the character is, for example; “He is handsome”. Indirect

characterization shows things that reveal the personality of a character.

There are five different methods of indirect characterization;

1) Speech - What does the character say? How does the character

speak?; 2) Thoughts - What isrevealed through the character’s private

thoughts and feelings?; 3) Effect on - What is revealed through the

character’s others (others effect on other people? How do other feel

about the characters feel or behave in reaction to the character?; 4)

Actions - What does the character do? How does the character

behave?; 5) Looks - What does the character look like? How does the

character dress? (Holman 76).

Characterization is important because it is a part of making story. In order to

make the reader interested in the character, they need to seem real. The author

achieves it by depicting them as real human. A good characterization gives


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character alive and believable. This study will explore the thesis analysis by

applying new criticism theory which is focused on the character and

characterization. Itwill be focused to analyze the main character description inSleeping

Beauty’s short story and film.

2.3 Previous Studies

This study refers to previous studies related to the topic. The first related

study is a graduating paper entitled“Main Character Alteration of Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty intoMaleficent Movie”written by Nur Halidasia, 2016, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. This study focuses on the main

character alteration from Sleeping Beauty film (1959) into Maleficent movie

(2014). The study is a qualitative method by Vladimir Propp’s narrative analysis

to deermine the position of the main character. The result is motivations changed

that Maleficent may become a villain-heroin, but Disney is only willing to stretch

the boundaries ofSleeping Beautyso far.Maleficenttries to common ideology

and fit the same positive frame into the original story as what postmodernism


The second related study is a journal paper entitled“Sleeping Beauty or Rebellious Antagonist–Passive and Active Stereotypes in Fantasy and

Fairytales”weitten by Emma Norlin, 2009, Lulea University of Technology. In

this study, Emma discovered that the passive themes, in a way, are more obvious.

Eventhough all themes, e.g. sleep, appear on different levels, it is still easier to see


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characters have of powerful women. This makes it difficult to determine whether

or not a fictional character exist within the bounds of a certain stereotype. As with

everything, it is easier to state that a character may portray certain traits of a

stereotype, and to conclude that stereotype exist, for better or for worst.

The similarity between this study and those previous studies is about the

analysis of the main character. However, what makes this research different is that

this research also analyzes about differences of main character description in

Sleeping Beauty’sshort story and film, while the previous researchers just


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1.1 Background of the Study

In literature, there are many ways to express ideas, especially in a literary work

such as prose, poem, drama, or film. Literature creates imagination and does not

always present as a fact or a reality. However, it may be created based on true story.

Literature serves imaginative story. Literature commonly aims to entertain the readers

with its pleasure story. It allows to draw on existing ideas to create new interesting


The common literary work nowadays is adaptation from written text to another

media such as film. Adaptation of this kind is often described as deeply problematic;

it is a real and common phenomenon that nevertheless constitutes a problem. In the

transference of a story from one form to another, there is the basic question of

adherence to the source, of what can be lost. The early writings about the relationship

between literature and film are valuable in identifying some of the core issues at the

heart of the adaptation process (Maria 491). Adaptation is the transformation of

literary text to film. Texts adapted by reworking it to suit a new purpose, audience

and cultural context to emphasise a perspective or theme that was overlooked in the

original text. An adaptation involves reworking the characters, plot and language of a

text in a new medium or text type to make it simpler or more relevant to a new


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One of story which is commonly adapted into movie is fairy tales. Disney

adaptations of fairy tales are particularly interesting to an intertextuality of children’s

literature because, as touchstones of popular culture, they reflect the way in which

each generation’s retellings have assumed and foregrounded the dominant

socio-linguistic and cultural codes and values at a particular moment in history (Hunt, 133).

This cannot be separated from pop culture ideas that is the media favored by society

and the profitable ones that will be produced.

Sleeping Beautyis one of known fairy tale. The 1959 animated Disney classic

called Sleeping Beauty was an adaptation of Charles Perrault's.Sleeping Beauty collected by the Brothers Grimm was an orally transmitted version of the originally

literary tale published by Charles Perrault in 1697.Sleeping Beautyis a classic fairy

tale which involves a beautiful princess, a sleeping enchantment, and a handsome

prince.Sleeping Beautytells about Princess who cursed by the witch and she could only awakened by prince charming. Both of the story are similar, but there are several

differences between them.

In Sleeping Beauty short story, when the Queen gave birth to a baby princess,

seven fairies came down and gave the infant blessings. However one evil fairy set a

curse that would make the princess prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel

and die. Seventh fairy set a magic on the princess that she would sleep, instead of

dying, for a hundred years until a prince comes and awakes her from her sleep. At the


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prince goes into the castle and finds the princess asleep, she awakes, and they fall in

love with each other. The princess and the prince marries and the princess gives birth

to a daughter and a son, and they live happily ever after.

In Sleeping Beauty film, When a new princess is born to King Stefan and his

wife, the entire kingdom rejoices. At a ceremony, three good fairies - Flora, Fauna,

and Merryweather - bestow gifts of magic on the child. But an evil sorceress named

Maleficent shows up, and because of a rude remark by Merryweather, she places a

curse on the princess - that she will die before sunset on her 16th birthday after

pricking her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle. Merryweather turns things around

by casting a spell that will allow the princess - named Aurora - to awake from an

ageless sleep with a kiss from her true love. The fairies take Aurora to their cottage in

the woods to keep her away from the eyes of Maleficent, and raise her as their own

child, named Briar Rose. On her 16th birthday Aurora meets Prince Phillip, the son of

a king whose own kingdom will soon merge with King Stefan's - and falls in love.

Maleficent manages to kidnap the Prince and her horrible prophecy is fulfilled when

she tricks Aurora into pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and

falling asleep. Realizing that the Prince is in trouble, the three good fairies head to

Maleficent's castle at the Forbidden Mountain, and spring the Prince loose. But the

Prince soon finds himself up against Maleficent's army of brutes, and the power of

Maleficent's evil spells - which include a thorn forest as thick as weeds around King


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with the prince, who won the battle with the help of the three good fairies and a

magic sword they gave to him. And then, when the evil witch was finally dead.

Phillip and the fairies get inside the castle and up to the tower, where Aurora lies on

her bed. Phillip slowly walks towards her and gives her a faint kiss on her lips.

Aurora awakens, sees Phillip and begins to smile. Then, everyone in the kingdom

awakened too, and Princess Aurora and Prince lived happily ever after.

Based on short story and filmSleeping Beautyabove, both of them there will be

found similarities and differences in the description of characters. This study will

focus on the differences in description of the main character inSleeping Beauty’s

short story and film. The writer using new criticism as the theoretical framework

which focused on character and characterization.

1.2 Statement of Problems

1. How is the main character described in theSleeping Beautyshort story?

2. How is the main character described in theSleeping Beautyfilm?

3. What are the differences of the main character description in theSleeping Beautyshort story andSleeping Beauty film?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems, the objectives of the study aimed to:


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2. To describe the main character in theSleeping Beautyfilm.

3. To find out the differences of the main character description in theSleeping Beautyshort story andSleeping Beautyfilm.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

To avoid a broad discussion, this study focuses onthe main character’s

description in the short story and film. This study will stand on the scope of

contrasting the main character onSleeping Beauty short story by Charles Perrault in

1697 andSleeping Beautyfilm by Walt Disney which is directed by Les Clark, Eric Larson, and Wolfgang Reitherman under supervision of Clyde Geronimi, released on

29 January 1959 especially on the differences.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this study will be useful for the readers especially

students who are majoring in literature. The writer divides the significance into two

categories, the theoretical and the practical ones.

Theoretically, the results of the study are expected to give some contribution

to develop the theory and analysis on literary study related to new criticism in the

short story and film especially in character description. Practically, the writer hopes

that this study can be helpful reference for the english students who are interested in


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1.6 Method of the Study

This study is a descriptive qualitative research. This study usesSleeping Beautyshort story by Charles Perrault in 1697 andSleeping Beautyfilm by Walt

Disney which is directed by Les Clark, Eric Larson, and Wolfgang Reitherman under

supervision of Clyde Geronimi, released on 29 January 1959 as the main source data.

Thus, through qualitative method this study wants to get a valid description about the

differences of the main character description betweenSleeping Beautyin the short story andSleeping Beautyin film. This study collects the data from many sources;

they are film, books, e-books, and also online sources to get better understanding.

There are some steps that this study used in order to present the analysis:

a) Reading and understanding the short story carefully.

b) Watching the film to understand it.

c) Collecting and selecting the data about the main character and

characterization in the text and film..

d) Classifying sentences and dialogues which show the similarity and the

difference characterization in the short story and film.

e) Analyzing the data that have been collected based on the statement


f) Finding the difference characterization of the main character in the

Sleeping Beauty’s short story andfilm.


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1.7 Definitions of the Key Term

Adaptation : a concept that derived by postmodernist Linda Hutcheon. She said

that adaptations are everywhere today on the television and movie

screen, on the musical and dramatic stage, on the internet, in novels

and comic books, in our nearest theme park and video arcade

(Hutcheon 2)

Fairytale : A fanciful story written for or told to children, usually containing

at least one supernatural element (magic, dragons, elves, ghosts,

hobgoblins, witches, etc.) affecting people, animals, and/or things.

Most fairy tales are based on the traditional folklore of a specific

culture. (Shores 1)

Short story : a piece of prose fiction which can be read at a single sitting.

(Menrath 1)

Movie : the source of entertainment, attracting the audience as it is made

according to the liking of the audience. It is aimed for the maximum

profit. (Arnheim 6)

Film : a picture which is not aimed for profit but it is a piece of art

conveying the information and lesson to the audience. It is mostly

liked and watched by artist type people or the people who belongs

to the literature. Film resembles painting, music, literature, and the

dance in this respect—it is a medium that may, but need not, be


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In this chapter, this study discusses the statement of problems. The first

analysis are description of the main character in theSleeping Beautyshort story. The second analysis are description of the main character in theSleeping Beauty

film. The third analysis are the differences the main character description

between theSleeping Beauty’s short story andfilm. Inside this analysis process,

this study uses new criticism theory to expose the differences description of the

main character in difference literary works.

3.1 Main Character inSleeping BeautyShort Story

In theSleeping Beautyshort story by Charles Perrault is a fairytale published in 1697. This short story tells of a Princess who was cursed asleep for

100 years and then awakened by a king's son. They married and had two children.

There are several characters involved in Perrault's Sleeping Beauty story. The

characters are Princess, Prince, King, Queen, Seven Fairies, Old Fairy (Witch),

Ogress (Mother in law), Morning, and Day.

Princess is the main character in theSleeping Beautyshort story.She considered as the main character because in the story the narrator always mentions

Princess's name and she always becomes the center of the story. Main character is


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uses one person to narrate the story. Princess also belongs to a protagonist as the

main character. There are the description of Princess:

3.1.1 Beautiful

Kant said in “Analytic of Beauty” thatdefinition of the beautiful is

deducible from the foregoing definition of it as an object of delight apart from any

interest (5). It means beautiful depends on the logical judgment that is influenced

by culture that defines beauty itself. For examples, beautiful for Indonesian with

African are different. Beautiful for Indonesian are fair-skinned and dark-haired,

while for African are black and curly-haired. It is just a difference of perception in

perceiving beauty physically. However, beauty is not just physically visible,

personality beauty is also important in interpreting beautiful itself. For example

beautiful in thought, beautiful in behavior, beautiful in skill, beautiful in

appearance, etc.

InSleeping Beautyshort story, Princess is described as a beautiful figure. Beautiful can be found from the narrator's description in the following quotation:

“By this means the Princess had all theperfections imaginable” (Sleeping Beauty

1).Perfections is a relative description because everyone has different descriptions

based on their respective cultures. Although the exact gifts are insignificant to the

story, the narrator is interesting as a representation of the culture which the story

comes. Rewards are awarded to Princess representing feminine traits. The

following gifts are significant for this reason:

“In the meanwhile all the fairies began to give their gifts to the Princess.


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in the world; the next, that she should have the wit of an angel; third, that

she should have a wonderful grace in everything should did; the fourth

dance perfectly well; the fifth, that she should ding like a nightingalee; and

the sixth, that she should play all kinds of music to th utmost perfection.”

(Sleeping Beauty 2)

“Most beautiful person in the world”is the physical beauty. Physical beauty

is important things for female characters. The race of human has been obsessed

with physical beauty. However, this gift is given first which implies that Princess

will be beautiful.

“Wit of an angel”, wit is intelligence and cleverness. This is the second gift

and it placement shows that it is an important trait in making a virtually perferct

woman. “Wonderful grace”, grace is charm and elegance. Princess must have

grace to be pleasant person. “Dance perfectly well”, dancing is importan in the

royal court especially in fairy tales. Princess must be able to dance well to present

herself positively in public.“Sing like a nightingale”, singing is another talent

which will increase the Princess’ range of talent. People with beautiful voices are

held in high esteem. “Play all kinds of music”, like beautiful voices, the ability to

perform music was held in even higher esteem.

“One would have taken her for a little angel, she was so very beautiful; for

her swooning away had not diminished one bit of her complexion; her

cheeks were carnation, and her lips were coral; indeed, her eyes were shut,

but she was heard to breathe softly, which satisfied those about her that she


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This quotation describes the physical beauty of Princess on sleeping. It

shows that Princess has pink cheek and coral lips which natural color. The story

aims to convince readers that the Princess is sleeping and in good health.

3.1.2 Smart

Smart is having or showing a quick-witted intelligence (Oxford). Princess

described as a smart person though in the short story is unsignificant. At the

beginning of the story when she was rewarded by the fairy, one of them is a wit of

an angel which means intellegence and cleverness (see 3.1.1).

"What are you doing there, goody?" said the Princess.

"I am spinning, my pretty child," said the old woman, who did not know

who she was.

"Ha!" said the Princess, "this is very pretty; how do you do it? Give it to me,

that I may see if I can do so." (Sleeping Beauty 3)

In the quotation, Princess looks curious about new things. She learns

spinning to Old Woman who does not know that she is a princess. It is just a

picture in a short story that shows that she is a curious person about new things.

3.1.3 Brave

Brave is ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage

(Oxford). Princess is not described implicitly that she is a brave woman, but from

the telling story she is a brave woman. This is evidenced by when she was sixteen

years old, she went out of the kingdom by herself.

“...the young Princess happened one day to divert herself in running up and


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into a little room on the top of the tower, where a good old woman, alone,

was spinning with her spindle. This good woman had never heard of the

King's proclamation against spindles.”(Sleeping Beauty 3)

Later when Princess woke up from her long sleep becauseKing’s soncoming, she

was not afraid of the stranger she had just seen.

And now, as the enchantment was at an end, the Princess awaked, and

looking on him with eyes more tender than the first view might seem to

admit of:

"Is it you, my Prince?" said she to him. "You have waited a long while."

(Sleeping Beauty 9)

Later when Princess married Prince and had two children. Princess has to face her

mother-in-law, Ogress who is a cannibal. When Ogress will eat her children, she

boldly protects her children until Prince comes to save them.

"I have a mind to eat little Morning for my dinner tomorrow."

"and will eat her with a sauce Robert."

"I will sup on little Day."

"I will eat the Queen with the same sauce I had with her children." (Sleeping

Beauty 11-12)

"Do it; do it" (said she, stretching out her neck). "Execute your orders, and

then I shall go and see my children, my poor children, whom I so much and

so tenderly loved." (Sleeping Beauty 13)

3.2 Main Character inSleeping BeautyFilm

In theSleeping Beautyfilm by Walt Disney, all of the characters has their


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King Hubert, Maleficent, and Three Good Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and


The main character inSleeping Beautyon film is the same withSleeping

Beautyon short story who became the main character is Princess Aurora or Briar Rose. There are the description of Princess Aurora:

3.2.1 Beautiful

Beautiful is pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically (Oxford). Beautiful

has abroad meaning as described in the previous explanation (see 3.1.1). Beautiful

in text and film has difference description because in the text the readers rely on

the personal imagination influenced by each other's knowledge, while in film

without being described in detail, the audiences will know the physical description

of the characters by looking at the visualization.

Princess Aurora as the main character described as the most beautiful one

that was given by Flora:

Flora: Each of us the child may bless with a single gift. No more, no

less. [at the cradle] Little princess, my gift shall be the gift of


Choir: One gift, beauty rare

Full of sunshine in her hair

Lips that shame the red red rose

She'll walk with springtime

Wherever she goes (script 4)

This quotation shows that Aurora has blond hair and red lips. Physically


M a s r u r o |22

appear in the film based on western culture which means that people are said to be

pretty is blond and fair-skinned. This shows that the film wants to impress the

audience with the physical appearance of a Princess. Aurora also has a beautiful

voice. In the film, there is a singing conversation that shows the beautiful voice of


Obedient is complying or willing to comply with orders or requests;

submissive to another's will (Oxford). Obedient is obey the rules made by others.

In this film, Aurora lives with three good fairies for 16 years. The three fairies

provide rules that should not be violated by Aurora. Aurora is very obedient to the

rules of three good fairies who look after her that she considers her aunts.

Merryweather: Want you to pick some berries.

Flora: That's it, berries!

Briar Rose: Berries?

Fauna: Lots of berries.

Briar Rose: But I picked berries yesterday.

Flora: Oh, we need more, dear.

Fauna: Lots, lots more.

Flora: Yes!


M a s r u r o |23

Flora: Now don't hurry back, dear.

Merryweather: And don't go to far.

Flora: And don't speak to strangers. (Script 14)

Based on the quotation, Aurora is obey to her aunts’srules respectfully,

although she may disagree with them. When Aurora meets Prince Phillip in the

forest, she still remembers her aunt's rule.

Briar Rose :“...No, I'm really notsupposed to speak to strangers…”

3.2.3 Dreamer

Dreams are defined as the mental activity of the sleeper in so far as he is

asleep (Freud 38). Dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring

in a person's mind during sleep. Dreamer is a person who dreams.

Aurora is a dreamer because she feels her dream is hindered by the rules

who made by the three fairies who take care of her. She wanted to meet a prince

whom she dreamed of.

Briar Rose:

Oh, a prince. Well, he's tall and handsome and ... and so

romantic. Oh we walked together, and talked together, and just

before we say goodbye, he takes me in his arms, and then ... I

wake up. [the animals sink their heads]

Briar Rose:

Yes, it's only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a thing

more than once, It's sure to come true. And I've seen him so


M a s r u r o |24

In the quotation, Aurora or Briar Rose telling her dreams to the animals that

she meet a prince. But it was only a dream that she woke up.

3.2.4 Smart

In this film, the main character also smart. Smart is quick to understand,

learn, and devise or apply ideas (see 3.1.2). Aurora is aware of her surroundings,

That proved when she was told to go to the forest to pick berries by her aunts.

Merryweather: Want you to pick some berries.

Flora : That's it, berries!

Briar Rose : Berries?

Fauna : Lots of berries.

Briar Rose : I picked berries yesterday.

Flora : Oh, we need more, dear. (Script 14)

This quotation shows that her aunts push her out of the cottage to pick

berries, she stops, looks back, smiles, and then moves on. Aurora analyzes the

situation, she knows they are throwing her out so they can decorate for her


3.3 The Differences of the Main Character Description in the Sleeping Beauty’s Short Story and Film

This part discusses the differences of the main character description in short story


M a s r u r o |25

3.3.1 Beautiful

In short story and film, the main character is described as the most

beautiful and physically perfect girl. The difference between the two

beautiful depictions is the description of the main character in the story. On

the short story, princess’ beauty is not described in detail, just mentioned

that she is the most beautiful person in the world. While in the film,

Aurora’sbeauty is described in detail because it supported by image.

“By this means the Princess had all theperfectionsimaginable.”

(Sleeping Beauty 1)

“In the meanwhileall the fairies began to give their gifts to the

Princess. The youngest gave her for gift that she should be the most

beautiful person in the world;”(Sleeping Beauty 2)

“One would have taken her for a little angel, she was so very

beautiful; for her swooning away had not diminished one bit of her

complexion; her cheeks were carnation, and her lips were coral;

indeed, her eyes were shut, but she was heard to breathe softly...”

(Sleeping Beauty 4)

In film:

Flora: Each of us the child may bless with a single gift. No more, no

less. [at the cradle] Little princess, my gift shall be the gift of


Choir: One gift, beauty rare

Full of sunshine in her hair

Lips that shame the red red rose

She'll walk with springtime (Script 4)


M a s r u r o |26

Another difference that describes the beauty of the main character of

the short story and the film is non physical beauty. In the short story, the

princess is rewarded by seven fairies who in the prize are given wit of an

angel, dance perfectly, sing like a nightingale, and play all kinds of music to

the utmost perfection (Sleeping Beauty 2). While in film, there are only

three fairies who give gifts to Aurora of beauty and song. Aurora has a

beautiful voice, she sang until all the animals in the forest follow the strains

of singing. Her voice was heard by Prince Phillip who falls in love with


Phillip:“...There was something strange about that voice. Too

beautiful to be real. Maybe it was a mysterious being, a wood

sprite ...”(Script 17)

However, the other beauty portrayed in the film isAurora’s delight,

though she only shares her story with the animals in the forest.

3.3.2 Smart

In the short story, the main character is described as someone who is

smart because she has been blessed by one of the fairies that is wit of an

angel. One day she goes to a tower and meets an old woman, she wants to

learn spinning, her curiosity makes her pierced needle and she has been

sleeping for a long time because of a curse since she was a baby.

"What are you doing there, goody?" said the Princess.


M a s r u r o |27

"Ha!" said the Princess, "this is very pretty; how do you do it? Give it

to me, that I may see if I can do so." (Sleeping Beauty 3)

In the film, Aurora's intelligence is visible when she gets his sixteenth

birthday. Her aunts is preparing a surprise for her, so as not to get caught,

they tell Aurora to go to the forest to pick the berries.

Merryweather : Want you to pick some berries.

Flora : That's it, berries!

Briar Rose : Berries?

Fauna : Lots of berries.

Briar Rose : I picked berries yesterday.

Flora : Oh, we need more, dear.

Actually, she knows they are throwing her out so they can decorate for

her birthday.

The smart differences depicted in the story are sensitivity. In short

story, main character is curious to learn spinning. While in the film, main

character is aware to her surrounding environments.

3.3.3 Dreamer

In short story, the main character is not described as a dreamer or what

she wants. While in the film is different from the main characters on the

short story. In film, the main character is the big dreamer. Her dream is to

meet a prince who will take her to a magnificent palace. She wants to have

someone beside her.

Briar Rose : Oh, a prince. Well, he's tall and handsome and ... and so


M a s r u r o |28

just before we say goodbye, he takes me in his arms, and

then ... I wake up. [the animals sink their heads]

Briar Rose : Yes, it's only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a

thing more than once, It's sure to come true. And I've seen

him so many times!

The difference is the path traversed by the main character. In the short

story, the main character's dream is not described. While in the film, the

desire of the main character is delivered directly in front of his animal

friends that she wants to meet a Prince who will take her to a great empire.

3.3.4 Obedient

Obedient is to obey the rules made by someone. In the short story, the

obedient is shown by patrialkal. When Princess was married to the Prince.

She obeys to her husband. Princess followed what the Prince said that he

returned to his kingdom without bringing Princess and their children. Then

Prince took them when his father was dead and left them again when going

to war for several days. Princess followed what the prince said, she lived

with her mother in law in a Prince’s house.

“..the Princess had no occasion; and the Prince left her next morning

to return to the city, where his father must needs have been in pain for

him.” (Sleeping Beauty 10)

He was obliged to continue his expedition all the summer, and as soon

as he departed the Queen-mother sent her daughter-in-law to a country


M a s r u r o |29

It different with the film, Aurora is very obedient to the rules of three

good fairies who look after her that she considers her aunts.

Briar Rose : Oh dear, why do they still treat me like a child.

Owl : Who?

Briar Rose : Why, Flora and Fauna and Merryweather. They never

want me to meet anyone. [to the animals] But you know?

I fooled 'em. I have met someone! (Script 16)

Aurora is obedient to her aunts and usually obeys their rules

respectfully, although she may disagree with them. Since she was raised not

to talk to strangers, Aurora was naturally startled and apprehensive when the

handsome Prince Phillip appeared in the forest.

Merryweather: Want you to pick some berries.

Flora: That's it, berries!

Briar Rose: Berries?

Fauna: Lots of berries.

Briar Rose: But I picked berries yesterday.

Flora: Oh, we need more, dear.

Fauna: Lots, lots more.

Flora: Yes!

[The fairies push Briar Rose out of the house]

Flora: Now don't hurry back, dear.

Merryweather: And don't go to far.

Flora: And don't speak to strangers. (Script 14)

The differences in obedient characters on short stories and movies are


M a s r u r o |30

the main character is obedient to Prince as her husband. While in the film,

the main character is obedient to the rules of the three fairies he calls aunts.

3.3.4 Brave

Brave is exhibiting courage (see 3.1.3). In short story, Princess is

brave because she described it with some events that make it look brave.

First, in the story Princess goes to a tower alone and meets the old women.

Second, Princess faces the curse of an evil fairy she does not know and slept

for a long time and she awaken by King’s son which she did not know.

Third, after Princess was taken to Prince's kingdom, she had to face the

cruelty of mother in law who wanted to eat herself and her children when

Prince was not home.

First: “...the young Princess happened one day to divert herself in running

up and down the palace; when going up from one apartment to

another, she came into a little room on the top of the tower, where a

good old woman, alone, was spinning with her spindle. This good

woman had never heard of the King's proclamation against

spindles.” (Sleeping Beauty 3)

Second, Princess woke up from her long sleep becauseKing’s soncoming,

she was not afraid of the stranger she had just seen.

And now, as the enchantment was at an end, the Princess awaked,

and looking on him with eyes more tender than the first view might

seem to admit of:


M a s r u r o |31

Third : "I have a mind to eat little Morning for my dinner tomorrow."

"and will eat her with a sauce Robert."

"I will sup on little Day."

"I will eat the Queen with the same sauce I had with her children."

(Sleeping Beauty 11-12)

"Do it; do it" (said she, stretching out her neck). "Execute your

orders, and then I shall go and see my children, my poor children,

whom I so much and so tenderly loved." (Sleeping Beauty 13)

It different with film, Aurora as the main character in film is not too

complicated shows her brave as told in short story. Aurora is confronted

with the rules of three fairies and the curse of sleep against her. Aurora lived

ini the woods with three fairies and animals until sixteen years.But Aurora is

not brave enough to break the rules by her aunts because Aurora love them.

Briar Rose : Oh dear, why do they still treat me like a child.

Owl : Who?

Briar Rose :“Why, Flora and Fauna and Merryweather. They never

want me to meet anyone..” (Script 16)

When Aurora begins to meet someone, the three fairies explain what

actually happened to the Aurora. Aurora must accept that she must return to

her parents in the kingdom, so she must give up not to meet with Phillip.

The prominent difference in both stories is the problem facing the


M a s r u r o |32

the film, the main character in the short story is told as a princess who is

cursed asleep and awakened by the king's son and as a wife who was saved

by Prince from the mother in law which cannibal. In the film, the problem is

not as complicated in the short story, the main character is only told as a

princess who was cursed asleep and awakened by true love kiss of a prince,


✝✞✟✠✡✠☛ ☞✌ ✌



4.1 Conclusion

In this study, the writer focuses on the differences of the main character

description in theSleeping Beauty’s short story and movie.The first part of the

analysis discusses about description of the main character in theSleeping Beauty short story by Charles Perrault. In this part, Princess described beutiful, tough, and

smart. Description of Princess in short story is more complex than in the film

because they have different need and plot. Perrault described the character as a

strong woman. Perrault did not finish the story with "Happily Ever After" like in

the Disney version. The story was probably to remind young ladies that even if

wait a hundred years for prince to come, there still will be some obstacles you will

have to face as a couple.

The second part of the analysis discusses about characterization of the main

character in theSleeping Beautyfilm by Walt Disney. In this part, Princess

Aurora described beautiful, obedient, smart, and dreamer. Description of Princess

in the film is more simple than in the shor story because they have different need

and plot. Disney described the character based on children need. So Disney

changed several part of the story makes more simple story.

The result shows there are the main character description in the story. The


✍✎✏✑✒✑✓ ✔✕ ✖

dreamer. Although they have similar description, but in telling the main characters

in short story and film are different. The difference description of the main

character shows the different struggle faced by main characters in short stories

and film. The description of the main character in short story is brave. While the

description of the main character are obedient and dreamer.

4.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusion, the suggestion for the next researchers who

conduct the similar research are contrasting the main character onSleeping Beauty. There are two suggestions for the readers. First, the readers can take moral value from the study. Do not revenge, because revenge behaviour will lead

to disputes and prolonged hostility, Allah and His Messenger SAW hate people

who revenge. Allah recommends to forgiveness the fellow associate. Allah says in

the Quran Ali Imran verse 133-134:

The meaning:

“And hasten so forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens


✗✘✙✚✛✚✜ ✢✣ ✤

The meaning:

“Who spend (in the cause of Allah) during case and hardship and who restrain

anger andwho pardon the people and Allah loves doers of good;”(Ali Imron,

verse 134).

Revenge behaviour will harm youself or someone else, besides hated by the

people it is also hated by Allah and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad:

“The most hated God is a vengeful man”. (HR. Bukhari)

Second, the readers must be selective to take a quotation from another

research which are not available including in this research, because this research is




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