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Index of /ProdukHukum/kehutanan ASFN 2nd 08 Welcome


Academic year: 2017

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Welcome Address by

Director of Bureau of Community Forest Management Royal Forest Department

(Mr. Chonlatid Suraswadi)

opening Speech, 2ndASEAN Social Forestry Network Meeting

August 27-29, 2007

Delegates of ASEAN members, Representatives of partner organizations, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Royal Forest Department of Thailand, I warmly welcome all ASEAN delegates and honorable participants to attend the Second ASEAN Social Forest Network Meeting in Bangkok.

It is a great opportunity for me to be here today as a representative of the Director General of The Royal Forest Department who are on the official trip to Europe today. It is also a historic moment when government representative from ASEAN countries and partner organizations come together to affirm their commitment to work in terms of social forestry networking.


taken into account for the policy and programme implementation related to social forestry network within ASEAN region. Expected achievement of the implementation can be ensured since well cooperation from all related governmental agencies, partner organizations, and non-government organization have become apparent. However, with limitation of each country for the policy and programme implementation, this meeting would be a good opportunities for knowledge sharing and experience exchange from each country. Outcome of the meeting will be helpful for enhancing effective management for social forestry network.

I am confident, given the caliber of delegates and participants, that the meeting will give rise to solid and thought provoking information on country experience and good practices that can assist us in achieving sustainable forest management for the benefit of our countries, our peoples and our forest resources. To our visitors from abroad, please make time to see more of Bangkok and enjoy unique Thai hospitality and friendliness.

With this, Ladies and Gentlemen and all honorable guests, I here by declare this meeting officially open and wish you all a fruitful meeting.


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