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Letrozole Femara Non Steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor


Academic year: 2017

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Letrozole-Femara - Non-Steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor Word Count:

333 Summary:

Letrozole-Femara is a type of hormone therapy drug to treat breast cancer in women who have had their menopause. Letrozole-Femara works by blocking up an enzyme called `aromatase´ which in turn reduces the oestrogen quantity inside the body.



Article Body:

Letrozole-Femara is a type of hormone therapy drug to treat breast cancer in women who have had their menopause. Letrozole-Femara works by blocking up an enzyme called `aromatase´ which in turn reduces the oestrogen quantity inside the body.

Letrozole-Femara is also known as `aromatase inhibitor´. Some of the other aromatase inhibitors available on the market include include Arimidex® (anastrozole) and Aromasin® (exemestane). The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved `Letrozole-Femara´ for treating local and metastatic breast cancer.

The fertility doctors have been using Letrozole-Femara for ovulation induction since 2001. A Canadian study presented at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine 2005 Conference proposes that it may raise the chances of birth defects compared with a control group. But a more elaborated review discovered no basis for worry when Letrozole-Femara is used for ovulation induction. Letrozole-Femara shrinks estrogen levels by 98% while lifting up testosterone levels. This soaring percentage point permits jocks and musclemen to use Letrozole-Femara during or after a steroid cycle to annihilate the gynecomastia related breast tissue. Letrozole-Femara is also very effective in delaying the fusing of hand bones in young people.

Another study conducted on both letrozole and tamoxifen, proved letrozole´s effectiveness over tamoxifen. Letrozole-Femara notably brought down the recurrence risk by 19 percent than tamoxifen (8.8% versus 10.7% recurrence rate, a 1.9% absolute difference). On the other hand, Letrozole-Femara also reduced the metastasis risk by 27% compared to tamoxifen (4.4% versus 5.8%, a 1.4% absolute difference). Letrozole-Femara has the potency to affect the body´s hormonal balance. The other side effects linked to Letrozole-Femara are increase in weight, vaginal bleeding, blood clotting, flushing, depression, mood swings, lethargy, loss of bone density, allergic reactions, temporary thinning of the hair, vaginal dryness, itching and headache. Its permanent use may cause osteoporosis.

Letrozole-Femara is taken once a day. It doesn´t matter whether this is in the morning or the evening. Its daily usage of 2.5 mg per day will kill sex drive and above 5mg/day may cause kidney problems. Often, Letrozole-Femara is taken for several months or years.

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