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9 Silvia The Significance of enrichment program


Academic year: 2017

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International Joint Seminar on The contribution of education institution to ASEAN Economic Community, ISBN : 978-602-95864-9-7

Johor Bahru, February 1st, 2016

The significance of enrichment program to the students’ achievement

on English language study

Learning is basically a process of educational interaction between teachers and students. In many schools there is an activity that can help a student to develop talents and interests outside the academic field which is called Extracurricular Activities. This activity has one goal to improve student achievement. This activity preferably in the field of English language studies because it is a foreign language, in English there are four language skills : listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Keywords : Extracurricular, Student achievement, English Language


Education is an attempt to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students play an active role to develop the potential to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills. Learning is a process of interaction between educators and learners with the learning resources in a learning environment. Regarding the quality of education can not be separated from the learning process. Teachers must be able to carry out his duties and role.

Student success in learning can be known of student achievement. Schools as educational institutions require formal education learning English as a compulsory subject in accordance Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). In meeting the shortage of school learning organized learning activities outside of school hours is commonly called Extracurricular Activities. Extracurricular activity is an activity outside of school hours, its not limited by time. Learning achievement is very important factor in obtaining the desired results (achievement) based on grades.

Influenced by several factors: Physiological factors (medical students) and psychological factors (motivation of students to achieve). Language is a verbal tool to communicate in daily life - today. English has an important role in the International communication especially in the fields of development, technology, economy, and education. English lessons are given intensive education and continuous to the learners. English is a tool to communicate orally and in writing. There are 3 levels in English language education to be achieved:

(1) Functional Level that communicate orally and in writing

(2) The level of Informational namely preparations to be made by the Junior High School (SMP / MTS) to continue their education to college.

(3) The level of Epistemic that English serves as a Foreign Language.


160 The significance of enrichment program... Silvia Rosmaida. A

International Joint Seminar on The contribution of education institution to ASEAN Economic Community, ISBN : 978-602-95864-9-7

Johor Bahru, February 1st, 2016

approach in the form of listening and mimicking techniques. Basic Theory Extracurricular Activities in school is very important function in order to improve the achievement of learners. Morgan (1978) defines that "Learning is a relatively permanent change of attitude in behavior that occurs as a result of training or experience ˮ .

According Pennycook (1995: 40) that "English has become a tool that is crucial for the continuation of education, employment and social status". According Oteng Sutisna (1983) argues that "Extracurricular activities are an additional lesson activities and student activities are done in school, not as an addition or as a stand-alone activity". According to Rusli Lutan (1986: 72) "extracurricular program is an internal part of the learning process that emphasizes on meeting the needs of students". According to Big Indonesian Dictionary (2002: 291) that "An activity that is written in the program beyond the curriculum such as leadership training and coaching students."

According Techonlyib (2009: 2-3) "function Extracurricular activities there are some of them:

(3) Recreational, namely the function of extracurricular activities to develop an atmosphere of relaxed, fun and enjoyable for the learners to support the development process.

(4) Career preparation, which is a function of extracurricular activities to develop the career readiness of learners ".

According to Ridwan (2008) that "Anyone who does the learning process will undergo a change in him." According to Big Indonesian Dictionary (2001: 895) "The learning achievement is the acquisition of knowledge or skills developed by the subjects indicated by test scores or numeric value assigned by the teacher". According Ma'mun (1998: 111-112) "learning achievement can be interpreted in the form of learned behavior changes such as:

(1) Gain knowledge of facts - facts, information, principles - principles, or rules - rules, procedures - procedures or work patterns or theory of value systems. (2) Mastery of a pattern - a pattern of cognitive behavioral, affective behavior and

psychomotor behavior.

(3) Changes in attitude - an attitude of personality.

According to Moh. Surya (2004: 75) that "learning achievement is the result of learning or behavioral changes related to knowledge, skills and attitude after going through a certain process, as a result of individual experience in the interaction with the environment". According Muhibbin Shah (2008: 132) "factors - factors that affect the learning achievement:

(1) Internal factors (factors from within the individual). Include: the state or condition of physical and spiritual students.

(2) External factors (factors outside the individual). Include: environmental conditions around the students.


The significance of enrichment program... 161 Silvia Rosmaida. A

International Joint Seminar on The contribution of education institution to ASEAN Economic Community, ISBN : 978-602-95864-9-7

Johor Bahru, February 1st, 2016

(1) Learners can deepen and increase the knowledge, skills in communicating in the English language properly.

(2) Learners can take advantage of English language education to be applied to daily life - the day according to the knowledge gained from the program curriculum. (3) Learners can master the English vocabulary as much as possible the use of

higher education continue to be no trouble.

In the context of psychological approach to learning English there are two, namely:

(1) Andragogic learning approach, as the learning process student-centered. (2) Learning pedagogical approach, the learning process centered on the teacher.

English learning method:

(3) Physical Response Overall, the process of learning by using direct commands such as responding physically.

(4) Method of reading, prioritizes reading in the process of learning English.

(5) Sing and play, learning to use the vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency in students. But unfortunately a lot of students who are less happy to learn English because they think these subjects are not used in everyday communication. The purpose of providing additional lessons to learners, especially English lesson to introduce linguistic structures by providing a direct example of that is around, so students will be easier to practice English. It turned out to have a positive impact, especially when the school examinations, test scores can be seen for teaching English rose significantly as well as students increasingly happy to use English.

Many other things can be developed to improve the quality of education in order to address the challenges of globalization. One is through the English extra-curricular activities are beneficial to enhance the independence and ability of learners. Need for educators to give attention to the development potential of learners.

Learning English uses the standard of competence, namely education: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Extracurricular activities or tutoring useful to assist and encourage students to be motivated to improve the quality of knowledge and simplify the task - the task given by the teacher.


Buchori. 1991. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Aksara Baru Sujanto, Agus. 2004. Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta

Sukardi. 2003. Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Belajar di Sekolah. Bandung: Usaha Nasional

Surya, Moh. 1999. Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda Karya Sutisna, Oteng. 1983. Administrasi Pendidikan Dasar Teoritis Untuk Praktek


162 The significance of enrichment program... Silvia Rosmaida. A

International Joint Seminar on The contribution of education institution to ASEAN Economic Community, ISBN : 978-602-95864-9-7

Johor Bahru, February 1st, 2016


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