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Academic year: 2017



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Language and Literature

Written by:

Fajar Subekti Zulkarnain









Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya

Nama : Fajar Subekti Zulkarnain

NIM : 11211141004

Program Studi : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negri Yogyakarta




menyatakan bahwa karya ilmiah ini adalah hasil pekerjaan saya sendiri. Sepanjang

pengetahuan saya, karya ilmiah ini tidak berisi materi yang ditulis oleh orang lain,

kecuali bagian-bagian tertentu yang saya ambil sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti

tata cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim.

Yugyakarta,23 Februari, 2016




in themselves.” -QS Ar Ra’ad (13): 11

“If you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of


vi To my Parents

For their endless love, supports, and their blessing in every choice that I take,

To my Brothers and Sister

Who always support me to finish my study although they do not really know



Almighty, The lord of the Universe, who gives me His guidance to finish this

thesis. In completing this thesis, I owe many people for their support, guidance,

help and prayer. Therefore, I would ike to express my deepest gratitude to the

following parties:

1. Titik Sudartinah M. A., my first supervisor as well as my academic

advisor and Nandy Intan Kurnia M. Hum., my second supervisor, who

have given me their valuable time, knowledge, and guidance in

composing this thesis;

2. to all lecturers and staff of English Education Department who have

given me their knowledge and helped me during my study;

3. to my family, who have motivated me with their love and comfort to

finish this thesis;

4. my friends in English Language and Literature 2011, particularly my

classmates in SASING A and linguistics class for their accompaniment

in all these years;

5. Efa Nuryani and Fahma Chimayasari for their help and patience as my

peer reviewer in composing this thesis, and

6. everybody whose name I cannot mention one by one, who



readers, especially to those who are interested in linguistics and pragmatics.

Yogyakarta, February 23, 2016



MOTTOS ... v





ABSTRACT ... xii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Research Focus... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 7

D. Significance of the Study ... 7


A. Literature Review ... 9

1. Pragmatics ... 9

a. Definition of Pragmatics ... 9

b. The Scope of Pragmatics ... 10

2. Speech Acts ... 12

a. Locutionary, Illocutionary, Perlocutionary Act ... 12

b. Classification of Speech Acts... 13

1) Assertive ... 13

a. Politeness Strategies and the Realizations ... 17

1) Bald on Record ... 18

2) Off Record ... 19

3) Positive Politeness ... 20

4) Negative Politeness ... 22

b. Factor Influencing the Choice of Politeness Strategies... 24

5. The Lottery TV Series ... 26

B. Previous Study ... 27

C. Conceptual Framework ... 29


A. Research Type ... 31

B. Forms, Context, and Source of Data ... 31



B. Discussion ... 40

1. Types of Politeness Strategies ... 40

a. Bald on Record ... 41

b. Off Record ... 43

c. Positive Politeness ... 45

d. Negative Politeness ... 47

2. The Realizations of Politeness Strategies ... 48

a. Non Minimization ... 49

b. Inviting Conversational Implicature ... 50

c. Claiming for Common Ground ... 52

d. Conveying that Both Participants are Cooperators ... 53

e. Being Direct ... 55

3. Factor Influencing the Choice of Politeness Strategies... 56

a. Social Distance ... 56

b. Relative Power ... 57

c. Ranking of Imposition ... 59


A. Conclusions ... 74

B. Suggestions ... 77



A. Data Sheet of Politeness Strategies of Command in the first season of The Lottery TV Series ... 81



Figure 1. The Poster of The Lottery TV Series Season 1 ... 26

Figure 2. Analytical Construct ... 30


Table 1. Sample Data Sheet of Politeness Strategies of Command in the First

Season of The Lottery TV Series ... 32

Table 2. Types, Realizations and Factors of Politeness Strategies Performed by



Fajar Subekti Zulkarnain


This research investigates the use of politeness strategies of command performed by Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes in the first season of The Lottery TV Series. It aims to describe three major problems. The first is to describe the types of politeness strategies of command. The second is to describe the realizations of politeness strategies of command. The third is to describe the factor influencing the performance of politeness strategies.

The research employed descriptive qualitative method and use pragmatics as the approach to analyze the data. The data were in the form of utterances and the context of data was the dialogues which involve Vanessa and Darius. The source of data were five episodes of the first season of The Lottery TV Series and the transcript. Triangulation was used to obtain the credibility and the reliability of the data.

The results of the research are stated as follows. (1) All types of politeness strategy of command are used by both Vanessa and Darius in The Lottery TV Series. They are bald on record, off record, positive politeness and negative politeness. Bald on record politeness strategy becomes the most frequent strategy since the speakers get the advantages for being direct in giving commands. (2) There are only five out of nine realizations used by the characters to perform politeness strategies of command. These five realizations are non minimization, inviting conversational implicature, claiming for common ground, conveying that both participants are cooperators, and being direct. Vanessa mostly performs the utterances with non minimization by 11 data out of 20 utterances in order to serve three different purposes. It is used to threat the hearer, to warn the hearer and to avoid ambiguity in the utterances. On the other hand, Darius mostly realizes politeness strategies in the form of claiming for common ground by 4 data out of 10 utterances. By claiming for common ground, the addressees tend to follow the order without any complaint since they feel the same way as the speaker. (3) All three factors of politeness influence the speakers to perform certain strategies. These factors are social distance, relative power and ranking of imposition. Both Vanessa and Darius are mostly influenced by the relative power in uttering their command. It is because the characters mostly deliver their command to someone who works for them. Therefore, they need to show their power over the addressee.


1 A. Background of the Study

Communication is an interaction between two or more people in order

to achieve certain goals. Therefore, to make the process of communication

running, at least there are two participants needed as a speaker and the

addressee. Moreover, both participants should have the ability to understand

each other since the process of communication is like playing ping-pong

which means that each participant has an opportunity either to be a speaker or

a hearer.

There are several elements which are possible to affect the

understanding among participants in a communicative event. The first

element is a language speaking society, the process of communication will be

running easier when both participants use the same language. An

understanding toward language will help them understand the topic and the

theme. Moreover, it also makes them easy to take their turn whether to speak

or to listen. The second element is the setting of a communication process.

For example, in setting A, the participants are students. They gather in a

cafeteria and they talk to each other informally. On the other hand, in setting

B, the participants are the members of an organization. They have an


situations will influence the way participants produce utterances in order to

adapt to the circumstances. Therefore, the understanding toward the setting is

crucial. They will experience problems in communicating if they fail to

understand the setting. The third element is an understanding toward the

social norms. There are rules in the society that the participants should

understand in communications. They should be able to avoid taboo words and

they also have to be polite by producing an appropriate utterance based on the

social norms. The last element is the purpose of the communication itself.

The participants usually have certain purpose in communication such as

greeting, requesting, or commanding. The purpose will strongly affect the

speaker’s utterances and hearer’s responses toward the speaker’s wants. Since

different purpose of communication will give different impact toward the

addressee, therefore, a speaker needs to perform certain strategies in order to

create an intended impact toward the addressee.

There are some strategies that can be used to accomplish the purpose of

communication and one of them is called politeness. Basically, politeness

strategy has two opposite functions. It can be used to soften the bad impact

toward other’s public image. However, it can also be used to intentionally

attack or threat other’s public image. It is interesting to analyze the use of

politeness strategy in a society, especially when the purpose of

communication is to give a command.

In linguistics, a command is a part of speech act which has a function to


1979:13-14). Similar to command, request and suggestion has the same

function which is to make the hearer do something for the speaker, but they

have less power to force the hearer compared to a command. When the hearer

gets a request or a suggestion, he has more power to obey or reject it.

However, when it comes to the act of command, the hearer has a less chance

or even he has no chance to reject it. It is because the speaker who has power

to give a command must be more powerful than the addressee. For example,

the president of an organization has a full authority to give a command to his

staff. In contrast, a staff has no power at all to force his boss to do something

for him. Thus, politeness strategy of command is an interesting linguistic

phenomenon to be studied further since it can be used to soften or even

damage the addressee’s public self image. In this research, the first season of

The Lottery TV Series was taken as the object of the analysis for two reasons.

First, after watching all the episodes, the researcher found some

linguistic phenomena in The Lottery TV Series related to the study of

pragmatics and sociolinguistics. Second, reason is that the prominent

characters in The Lottery TV Series season 1 have significant political

positions which make them have power to perform the speech act of


The researcher limits the investigation on the two most prominent

characters of The Lottery TV Series, Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes. There

are three prominent characters in this TV series, Vanessa Keller as the Chief


Commission, and Dr. Allison Lennon a scientist who becomes the head of the

Department of Humanity (DOH). As a scientist, Dr. Lennon has less power

compared to Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes who are officers of the

government. That is the reason why the researcher decides to choose Vanessa

Keller and Darius Hayes.

B. Research Focus

There are two types of communication: verbal and non-verbal

communication. Both are found in The Lottery TV Series season 1. The verbal

communication can be seen through the dialogues or conversation among the

characters in order to deliver their intentions, while non-verbal

communications can be found in the form of written language which

functions to provide additional information to the audience. Related to both

types of communication, there are some linguistic phenomena found in The

Lottery TV Series season 1.

The first problem is related to speech act phenomenon. There are many

utterances expressed by the characters to convey their intentions such as

thoughts and feelings. In order to achieve the purpose of communication, they

perform various types of speech act. According to Yule (1996:53), there are

five types of speech act: declarations, representatives, expressives, directives

and commissives. Speech acts which are performed by the characters are in

the form of apology, complaint, compliment, promise, invitation or


The second phenomenon is politeness strategies. It is a strategy of

communication which is usually used by a speaker in order to soften the

damage to the hearer’s public self image although it can also be used to

intentionally damage the public image of the hearer. The speaker has a full

control to do any communication strategies including politeness to convey

their feeling and thoughts.

The third problem is politeness principles. According to Leech

(1983:132), there are six types of politeness principles: tact maxim,

generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim,

and sympathy maxim. In communication, participants tend to follow certain

maxims in politeness principles in order to get more advantages. For

example, a speaker follows the maxim of agreement, therefore, he will seek

agreement and tries to avoid disagreement with the addressee in the process

of communication. In the first season of The Lottery TV Series politeness

principles can be investigated through the utterances of the characters.

The last problem is the use of taboo words. Taboo is anything which

people usually avoid in a society because it can cause anxiety,

embarrassment, or shame the members of the society. Thus, the performance

of taboo words can be considered as an impolite behavior. In The Lottery TV

Series season 1, some characters utter taboo words in certain conditions and

purposes, such as to show dislike toward others or to emphasize something.

Since there are many linguistic phenomena found in the first season of


problems in a single work. Thus, in this study, the researcher focuses on

investigating two main issues only. These issues are politeness strategies and

directive speech act of command. The researcher limits the discussion into

three points. First, it focuses on investigating the types of politeness strategies

of speech act of commands performed by both Vanessa Keller and Darius

Hayes. Second, it focuses on describing the way politeness strategies are used

by Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes to perform speech act of command. The

last focus is on revealing the possible factors which influence the speakers to

perform certain politeness strategies in expressing speech acts of commands.

Based on the limitation of problems, the researcher formulates the

problems as follows.

1. What are the types of politeness strategies of commands performed by

Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes in the first season of The Lottery TV


2. How are politeness strategies realized in Vanessa Keller and Darius

Hayes’s speech acts of command in the first season of The Lottery TV


3. What are the factors which influence Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes to

choose certain types of politeness strategies to perform speech acts of


C. Objectives of the Study

In relation to the formulation of the problems, the objectives of the

research are stated as follows:

1. to identify the types of politeness strategies of commands performed by

Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes in the first season of The Lottery TV


2. to describe the realization of politeness strategies used by Vanessa

Keller and Darius Hayes to perform speech act of commands in the first

season of The Lottery TV Series, and

3. to reveal the factors which influenceVanessa Keller and Darius Hayes to

perform certain types of politeness strategies in performing speech act of

commands in the first season of The Lottery TV Series.

D. Significance of the Study

Regarding the background and the objectives, it is expected that this

research can gives some contributions for the readers. In relation to the study

of linguistics and pragmatics, this research has two major significance listed

as follows.

1. English Department

For English Department, this research gives contribution as an

additional teaching resource to the study of pragmatics, especially on

politeness strategies of directive speech act of commands.


This research has two significance for the students of English

Department. First, for students of English Department in general and

those who focus on studying linguistics, this research gives deeper

understanding on the study of pragmatics especially politeness

strategies of command. The second, This research can be used as an

additional reference for students who want to conduct a research

under the same topic.




1. Pragmatics

a. Definition of Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics study. According to Yule

(1996:03), there are four definitions of pragmatics. First, he defines it as a

study which concerns with the meaning of speaker’s utterances and how it is

interpreted by a listener. Second, it is a study of contextual meaning. In

human communications, a single word can have multiple meanings. It means

that a particular context will influence how the speaker produces utterances

and how the listener interprets them. Third, he states that pragmatics is the

study of relative meaning. A very short utterance may have multiple

meanings and sometimes even a silence or an eye contact is meaningful. The

last definition is that it is the study of relative distance.

In line with Yule, Leech (1983:6) argues that pragmatics is the study of

relative meaning since it is influenced by the context of communication.

Similarly, Mey (2001:6) considers pragmatics as the study of human language

in use which is connected by the context in a society. Thus, it can be conluded

that the study of pragmatics covers two main aspects in communication. First,

it concerns on how the speaker produces utterances. Second, it also concerns


pragmatics is the study of meaning in communication which is influenced by

the sociological context.

b. The Scope of Pragmatics

As a branch of linguistics study, pragmatics covers several domains.

They are deixis, presupposition, implicature, speech acts and politeness.

First domain is deixis. The term deixis is taken from Greek word which

has an original meaning of “pointing or indicating” (Levinson, 1983:54). In

line with Levinson, Yule (1996:9) states that in pragmatics, deixis is an

expression which is used by by the speaker to point or indicate something.

Yule (1996:9) adds that any utterance used to point is called a deictic

expression. Further, he classifies deixis into three types. The first type is

personal deixis. It is a linguistic form used by a speaker to point or to indicate

the existence of a person such as the pronoun he’ to indicate a male person or

‘she’ to indicate a female person. The second type is spatial deixis. It is a type

of deixis used to point to a location such as the term ‘here’ to indicate any

places near to him. The last one is temporal deixis. It is an expression used to

indicate time is called as temporal deixis. Terms such as ‘now’, ‘today’, and

‘yesterday’ are the examples of temporal deixis because they are pointing

something related to the time.

The second domain is presupposition. According to Yule (1996:25), a

presupposition is something that the speaker believes to be the background in

making an utterance. Similarly, Caffi (2006:759), defines presupposition as a


In this case, the speaker assumes that there is certain information which

already known by the listener before he produces an utterance. Yule (1996:

26) gives the example, when the speaker says “Mary’s dog is cute” it means

that he assumes that the listener knows that Mary has a dog.

The third domain is implicature. Grice (in Chapman 2005:102) draws

important and clear distinctions between two points, a speaker meaning and a

sentence meaning. There is a distinction between what a speaker means and

what a sentence or another expression means. For example, the speaker utters

“Your book” then he puts the book on the table. The expression of “your

book”can mean that the book is the listener’s book. Yet, it is possible for the

speaker to convey a meaning more than what he said. The expression of

“your book” can mean “this is your book, I give it back to you” or it can also

mean something else. According to Yule (1996:36), implicature is defined as

process of interpreting the speaker’s intention.

The fourth domain is speech acts. Communication is an inferential

process. When a speaker produces utterances, the addressee will interpret

those utterances based on the speaker’s reference. To speak a language is to

express ideas or thoughts in the form of utterances by following a set of

linguistic rules. According to Capone (2006:1015), in communication, there

are expressions which have the function to change the current state of things

known as speech act.

The last domain is politeness. According to Yule (1996:60), politeness


Further, he explains that in pragmatics, the public self image is known as

“face”. Thus, in communication people try to respect and fulfil the others face

wants in order to maintain a good social relationship.

2. Speech Acts

a. Locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary act

Austin (1962:94) defines locutionary act as the act of producing

utterances. Similarly, Yule (1996:48) adds that the speaker may perform a

locutionary act by uttering a purposeful utterances or expressions.Further, he

adds that when people form an utterance, there must be certain functions in

their mind known as illocutionary act. When a speaker performs a speech act,

it consist of locutionary act as the utterance and illocutionary act as the

function of the utterance. Moreover, there is a consequential effect after the

performance of speech act known as perlocutionary act. As stated by Cruse

(2006:168), perlocutionary act is an act performs by the adressee as the

effects of the speaker’s utterance. In short, it can be said that locutionary act,

illocutionary act and perlocutionary act are related to one another. Thus, it is

possible that these three different act found in a single utterance. For

example, when a speaker says “close the door”, it consist of these three acts.

First, the locutionary act is the utterance itself. The second, the illocutionary

act or the function in mind of the utterance is commanding or requesting the

addressee to close the door. Finally, the perlocutionary act or or the effect of


b. Classifications of Speech Acts

Searle (1979:12-20) classifies speech acts into five classes. They are

assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, and declaration.

1) Assertive

It is a kind of speech act which is used to express the speaker belief

(Searle, 1979:12). Further, he says that the purpose of assertive class is to

express the speaker belief which contain facts or something being the case.

For example, when a speaker says “it is raining”, it contains the fact that the

rain is falling. Stating, boasting, deducing, and concluding are some verbs

that belong to this class.

2) Directive

Directive is various acts which consist of the fact that a speaker

attempts to make the hearer do some future actions (Searle, 1979:13). Further,

he adds that the speaker can perform directive speech acts in various degrees.

For example, the utterance “I suggest that you should give up on smoking

immediately” and “I command you to stop smoking immediately” have a

different impact to the hearer although they convey the same basic function

Both utterances attempt to make the hearer stop smoking. However, the

second utterance has a stronger illocutionary force since it contains a

command. The verbs that denote the member of this class are asking,


3) Commissive

It is a kind of speech act used by a speaker to make himself does some

future actions (Yule, 1996:54). For example, the speaker promises to his

friend by uttering “I’ll be back” which means that he commits himself to do a

future action which is coming back to pick up his friend. Thus, commisives

are the expressions of a speaker’s intention. The expression such as promise,

threat, and refusal are parts of this class.

4) Expressive

According to Searle (1979:15), expressives are the expressions of a

speaker’s psychological state. It is a kind of speech act which expresses the

speaker’s feeling. It can be the expression of pleasure, pain or sorrow. The

expressions which belong to this class are the expression of regret,

condolence,and gratitude. For example, a speaker says “I’m really sorry” to

express his feeling when he made a mistake. Another example is when a

speaker expresses his gratitude by saying “Thank you so much”.

5) Declaration

It is a type of speech act that can be used by a speaker to change the

current state of world via his utterance (Yule, 1964:53). Cruse (2006: 62)

gives the example, when a priest succesfully points the hearer as a husband

and wife by stating “I now pronounce you as a husband and wife” then

automatically they will be husband and wife. This utterance can only be


c. Speech Act of Command

Speech act of command is a part of directive class of speech act. Since

directive speech act has the basic function to make someone do some future

action for the speaker, therefore, command possesses the same function.

According to Searle (1979:3), command and request have the same

illocutionary point or purpose. Both attempt to make someone do something.

However, they differ in terms of their illocutionary force. When a speaker

performs a command, he assumes that the hearer has the duty to carry out the


In summary, a command can only be performed by someone who has

the duty or authority over the addressee(Cruse, 2006:62). Moreover, it should

be performed in the right circumstances. There are certain expected or

appropriate circumstances for the performance of speech act which are

technically known as felicity condition (Yule, 1996:50). Since speech act of

command may threat the hearer’s face, the application of politeness strategies

are therefore needed to redress the negative impact.

3. Face

According to Goffman (1967:5), face is a positive social value of a

person that he claims for himself. It is an image of self that a person shows to

fulfill the social norms. Yule (1996:60) adds that the term face refers to the

public self image which contains both emotional and social sense that


In everyday interactions, people generally behave according to their

expectation on how they want their public image to be accepted or

recognized. They behave in a certain way in order to show others how their

self image or face looks like. This desire of showing image of self is known

as face wants. Additionally, the act of saying or doing something which

represents threat to addressee’s face is known as face threatening act. On the

other hand, the act of doing or saying something in order to lessen the impact

of a threat toward a speaker’s face is known as face saving act. Further,

Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:62), assume that every individual has

two types of face. They are negative face and positive face.

According to Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:61), negative face is

the basic claims of territories, personal preserves, and right to non-distraction.

In contrast, positive face is the desire of being appreciated and approved by

interactants. Similarly, Yule (1996:62) argues that positive face is a need to

be accepted by others as the same member of a certain social group.

4. Politeness

According to Lakoff (in Watts 2003:50), politeness is defined as a set of

values or rules in societies which is used to develop the social harmony in

communications. Similarly, Leech (in Watts, 2003:50) states that politeness is

a strategy to avoid any conflict in a process of communication. Basically

people tend to avoid threat to other face or they will choose to employ a

certain strategy to minimize the impact because people face are vulnerable


politeness is a strategy to minimize face threatening into a very minimum.

Moreover, Holmes (2006:711) argues that politeness is a matter of linguistic

choices that can be used by the speaker to convey his needs or wants.Thus, it

can be concluded that politeness is a linguistic strategy in communication

which has two possible impacts on the hearer’s face. First, it can be used to

threat participant’s face want. Second, it can also be used to minimize the

threat on participant’s face want. However, it is mostly used to establish and

maintain a good social relationship among participants.

a. Politeness Strategies and The Realizations

According to Brown and Levinson, there are four types of politeness

strategies in interactions. They are bald on record, off record, positive

politeness, and negative politeness (Brown and Levinson in Goody, 1978:69).

Politeness strategies are applied by a speaker when the circumstances in

communication force him to perform a face threatening act. In doing so, he

can choose the strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson. First, he can go

on record baldly without any means of minimizing the negative impact on

addressee’s face want. Second, he can go on record with redressive action by

taking the addressee’s positive face wants which is known as positive

politeness strategies. Third, a speaker can also perform negative politeness

strategies by going on record with redressive action to minimize the threat on

the addressee’s negative face want. The last strategy is being off record, or


1) Bald on Record

According to Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:69), bald on record

is the most direct, clear, unambigous, and concise strategy in politeness. It is

an explicit face threatening act without any effort to minimize the impact on

the addressee’s face. Moreover, the realization of bald on record strategy is in

the form of non minimization of the face threat.

Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:95-97) state that there are some

possible circumstances which make the speaker chooses to perform non

minimization of face threat. First, the speaker is powerful and not afraid of

non cooperative action from the hearer, or he does not care about the hearer’s

face. Second, it is performed by a speaker when the maximum efficiency is

very important. Another possibility is that the speaker wants to be rude and

does not care about the other face wants. For example, a wife calls her

husband to inform something very important. Yet, the channel is not very

good, then she shouts “Come home right now!” (Brown and Levinson in

Goody, 1978:97). In this example, the circumstances of communication show

that the maximum efficiency is needed for two reasons. First, the information

is very important. Second, the channel is not good, so the husband cannot

hear her voice clearly. Therefore, she chooses the most direct, concise, and

efficient utterance by saying “Come home right now!”.


2) Off Record

According to Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:69), off record

means the act of saying something by saying or doing something else.

Further, they explain that off record can be in the form of metaphor, irony,

rhetorical question and all kinds of hints that indicate the speaker’s intention.

Furthermore, there are two sub strategies which can be use as the realization

of off record politeness strategies. They are inviting conversational

implicature and being vague or ambiguous.

First is inviting conversational implicature. It means the act of saying

something which is indirectly related to a speaker’s intention (Brown and

Levinson in Goody, 1978:213). Further, they add that a speaker can invite

conversational implicature in two ways, by giving hints and giving

associated clues. For example, there are students in a class, then one of them

says “It’s cold in here”. When he says that, it can mean more than one

meaning. It is possible that he only wants to convey that it is really cold in the

class. However, it is also possible that he wants the addressee to respond by

doing a certain act, such as closing the window, or switching off the air

conditionioner. In this example, it can be seen that the speaker already gives

the hint and an associated clue to convey his intention although he does not

say it directly.

Second is being vague or ambiguous. According to Brown and

Levinson in Goody (1978:225) it means stating something unclearly which


establish an efficient communication processs, participants will avoid

obscurity and ambiguity of expressions. They explain further that participants

tend convey their intention in a brief and in an order manner in order to

makes communication process running. Thus, being vague or ambiguous

means violating the need of being clear in communication. For example,

when a speaker gets a headache and he tries to ask an aspirin to his friend by

saying “oh damn, a headache...” rather thanoh damn, I get a headache, can

you help me?” or “oh damn, I get a headache, get me your aspirin please”,

this incomplete utterance leaves more rooms of interpretations for the

addressee. Yet, the context of communication will help the addressee

understand the speaker’s intention. Since both participants know that the

addressee has an aspirin, the hearer will understand that the the speaker wants

to ask an aspirin to reduce his headache.

3) Positive Politeness

According to Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:70), possitive

politeness is a strategy which is oriented to satisfy the hearer’s positive face

wants. It leads the speaker to seek a common goal or even friendship (Yule,

1996:64). This strategy appears when a speaker tries to recognize the

addressee’s positive face wants in order to soften the face threatening act.

Brown and Levinson classify positive politeness strategy into two sub

strategies. They are claiming for common ground and conveying that both


Claiming for common ground is a strategy when a speaker performs an

action which indicates that both participants in communication belong to the

same social group and they share the same specific wants, goals, and values

(Brown and Levinson in Goody, 1978:103). Further, they elaborate that one

of the strategy to claim for common ground is attending or noticing the

addressee’s interests or wants. For example, a speaker says to his staff in an

office “Jim, you’re really good at solving computer problems, I wonder if you

could just help me with a litle formating problem I’ve got” (Watts, 2003:89).

In the first utterance, the speaker recognizes the addressee’s positive face

wants by praising his skill in solving computer problems. Yet, he shows his

real intention in the second utterance by directly demanding the addreessee to

help him. Other strategies to show the common ground are exaggerating

(interest, approval, and sympathy to the hearer), using in-group identity

makers, seeking agreement, avoiding disagreement, and presupposing the

common ground.

According to Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:125), there is a

condition when both speaker and addressee want to show that they are

cooperators in communications. The realization of this strategies can be in the

form of offering and promising utterances. For example, when a speaker says

to his wife “I’ll take you out to dinner on Saturday. If you’ll cook the dinner

this evening” (Watts, 2003:90), the speaker wants to ask his wife to make a

dinner this evening. Yet, in order to soften the face damage on his wife, he


show how the speaker conveys that both participants can get a mutual benefit

in the interaction by being cooperative. Moreover, conveying that both

participants are cooperators can be performed in five more strategies. They

are presupposing the hearer wants, being optimistic, including the participants

in the same activity, giving or asking for a reason, and giving gift to the

hearer (goods, sympathy, understanding, and cooperations).

4) Negative Politeness

Negative politeness is a strategy that concerns on the addressee’s

negative face wants. Thus, to perform this strategy a speaker has to realize the

addressee’s negative face wants and takes them into consideration (Brown

and Levinson in Goody, 1978:70). The realization of negative politeness

classified into four sub strategies. They are, being direct, not presuming or

assuming, avoiding to coerce the addressee, and the last one is

communicating the speaker’s want to not impinge on the addressee.

First realization is being direct. According to Brown and Levinson in

Goody (1978:130), it is a combination between on record strategy and the

need to minimize the negative impact on the addressee’s face. Thus, the result

of this strategy can be seen when a speaker states his intentions indirectly on

record which also known as conventionaly indirect strategy. For example,

when a speaker wants to ask about a particular time to a stranger or someone

who has a higher authority or status than him, he will perform a polite


the addressee’s negative face because it does not directly damage the

addressee’s face. However, the second utterance is clearer and direct.

However, it can harm the addressee’s face.

The second realization is not presuming or assuming. Brown and

Levinson in Goody (1978:144) say that a speaker can respect the addressee’s

negative face wants by avoiding to presume or assume the addresse’s wants

or desires. In other words, to performs this strategy means the speaker

keeping a certain distance in communication with the addressee. The

realization of this strategies can be in the form of questions and hedges. For

example, a speaker states “I wonder wheteher if I could just sort of ask you a

little question” (Watts, 2003:90). The speaker wants to ask a question to the

addressee, yet he is afraid to bother the addresse’s negative face wants. Thus,

in this utterance, the speaker shows his respect by not performing any effort

to assume the addressee’s wants.

The third realization is avoiding to coerce the addresse. Brown and

Levinson in Goody (1978:172) argue that a speaker may redress the face

threatening act toward the hearer’s negative face by avoiding to coerce the

addresse’s response on his utterance. The realizations of this strategies are in

three forms. They are being pessimistic, minimizing the imposition, and

giving the deference. Being pessimistic means a speaker expresses his doubt

in the performance of his speech act. For example, a speaker says “If you had

a litle time to spare for me this afternoon, I’d like to talk about my paper”


shows that the speaker hesitates whether the addresse wants to help him or


The fourth realization is communicating the speakers’s want to not

impinge on the addressee. Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978:187) explain

that there are two ways that can be used by a speaker to covey his intention to

not impinge the addresse’s negative face wants. They are apologizing and

impersonalizing the speaker and addressee. A speaker can lessen the face

threat by performing an apology or avoiding to use the pronoun “I” and

“You”. It is intended to show that the participants are not alone but they are

only inclusive of a certain group. For example, a speaker says “Sorry to

bother, but can I borrow your money?”. In this utterance, the speaker wants to

borrow the money, yet, he starts his utterance by apologizing to show that he

does not force the addressee to grant his request.

b. Factor Influencing the Choice of Politeness Strategies

The circumstances where a communication occurs also influence the

participants to perform politeness strategies. Brown and Levinson in Goody

(1978:74) recognize three fundamental sociological variables in relation to

the relative weight of different face threatening acts. These three sociological

variables are, the social distance among participants, the relative power that

the addressee has over the speaker, and the ranking of imposition expressed in

the utterance.

Holmes (2006:713), explains that each of sociological variable


Thus, the assesment of appropriate strategy or degree of politeness is needed

to express the speaker’s intended message. Holmes (2009: 713), gives the

example as illustrated bellow.

Context : Son to Mother in the family’s living room

Son (S) : um mum, do you think um I could just possibly borrow your car?

Mother (H) : (FROWNS)

Son (S) : um just for a litle while Mother (H) : um well (FROWNS)

Son (S) : it’s just that I need to get this book to Elen tonight

The context of the conversation is that there is a boy who wants to

borrow his mother’s car. Further, Holmes (2009: 713) explains that in this

family relationship the social distance among the participants is low since

their frequency of communication is relatively high. However, in their

relationship as a family, the mother has a higher power compared to the

speaker. Moreover, he asks a big favor to borrow his mother’s car which

means the ranking of imposition is high. Based on this circumstances, he is

therefore select a more linguistically polite way of asking.

In making his request, S includes negative politeness strategies. He

avoids to assume H’s wants by performing hedges or mitigating devices

(hesitation maker “um”, modal verb “could”, particle “possibly”, and

minimizers “just” and “a litle”). Morover, S also performs positive politeness

strategies by using group identity marker “mum” and providing the reason for

a request. If the context changes, for example, if it is the mother who wants to

borrow a car from his son then the form of the utterance will be different.


rather than negative or positive politeness. It is because the addressee has a

relatively lower power compared to the speaker

5. The Lottery TV Series

Figure 1. The poster The Lottery TV Series Season 1

The Lottery is an American TV series which directed by Timothy J.

Sexton. Its first season was broadcasted on Lifetime TV network from July

20 to September 28, 2014. The story was set in 2025 when women stops to

have children due to a vertility crisis.

The invertility pandemic is firstly noticed by the world’s government in

2016. In 2019, the last six children born all over the world. All countries does

a lot of research and try to find the cure otherwise the human exsistance will

be extinct in less then a hundred years. Then, in 2025, the US Government

make a breakthrough. Dr. Alison Lennon and her team who works for the US


embryos. Soon, the president makes a meeting in White House in order to

discuss the best plan for the embryos.

The head of the US DOH, Darius Hayes, argues that the government

should keep the information secret from the outside world and involve the

U.S military to protect it. However, the chief of staff, Vanessa Keller does not

agree with him. From the political perspective, she believes that the

government should do exactly the opposite of Darius’s idea. She suggests that

the government should create the public lottery to find 100 women who will

carry the embryos. She adds, the public lottery will minimize the protests

from the citizen and it will increase the popularity of the president. Moreover,

public lottery will create a new hope for the people to have a children in the

future days. Finally, the president agrees with the idea of the lottery and

appoints Vanessa to prepare the project.

B. Previous Studies

The research on speech acts and politeness have been conducted for

several times. These research show different results since they focus on

different points. Here, the researcher presents previous research related to the

discussion on speech act and politeness. The first research is conducted by

Annisa Dewi Widowati (2012), entitled A Pragmatic Analysis of Speech Act

of Commands by the Main Character in the Film Elizabeth:The Golden Age.

The research focuses on three points. They are, identifying the types of

commands, finding the form of commands, and analyzing how speech acts of


After conducting the research, Annisa Dewi Widowati found that there

are two types of commands performed by the main character, direct and

indirect commands. According to the researcher, direct commands are mostly

used by the main character. Further, she found that there are seven forms of

commands used by the main character in the film Elizabeth:The Golden Age.

They are, base form of verb, you+imperative, present participle form of verb,

verb elipsisis, imperative+modifier, let+first person pronoun, embedded

agent, and hints. Then, at last she found that the main charater performs the

speech act of commands in four ways. They are, bald on record, off record,

positive politeness, and negative poiteness.

Another investigation is conducted by Mifta Hasmi (2013) that is A

Pragmatic Analysis of Politeness Strategies Reflected in Nanny Mcphee

Movie. This research focuses on analyzing the use of politeness strategies.

The result presents two important points. First, there are four politeness

strategies employed by the main character in the movie. They are, bald on

record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Second, in

realizing the politeness strategies, the main character utilized their own sub

strategies. Bald on record are realized by showing disagreement, giving an

advice, request, warning/threatening, and using an imperative form. Positive

politeness strategies are performed by claiming for common ground,

conveying that speaker and hearer are cooperators, and fulfilling the hearer’s

face wants. Negative politeness strategies are realized by being indirect, not


impinge on the hearer, and reddressing other wants of the hearer. Lastly, off

record strategies are realized by inviting conventional implicature, and being

vague or ambiguous.

This research is different from the previous studies since it is not only

investigating speech act of commands and politeness strategies in general.

Otherwise, the researcher tries to combine both discussions. In short, this

research observes the role of politeness strategies used by the main characters

in the first season of The Lottery TV Series to express the speech act of


C. Conceptual Framework

The object of analysis in this study is the first season of The Lottery TV

Series. The research uses pragmatic approach. The focus of the research is to

observe the role of politeness strategies as expressed in speech act of

commands performed by Vannesa Keller and Darius Hayes in the first season

of The Lottery TV Series.

In this research, the researcher formulates the objectives into three

points. First, it is to identify the types of politeness strategies of commands

performed by Vannesa Keller and Darius Hayes. The second is to describe the

realization of politeness strategies performed by Vannesa Keller and Darius

Hayes. The last is to find out the possible factors which influence the

speakers to perform certain politeness strategies. The researcher used the

politeness theories proposed by Brown and Levinson in Goody(1978) to


Figure 2: Analytical Construct

Claiming for common ground

Conveying that both participants are cooperators

Being direct/conventionaly indirect

Not presuming/assuming

Avoiding to coerce the addressee

Communicating the speakers want to not impinge on addressee

Relative power



To analyze the data, descriptive qualitative method was employed in

this research since it focused on investigating the human behavior related to

the performance of politeness strategies of command. As stated by Kothari

(2004:2-3), qualitative research is a type of research which concerned with

qualitative phenomenon such as investigating the reasons of certain human

behavior. Furthermore, descriptive method includes surveys and different

kinds of questions as the inquiry to find the fact. In addition, according to

Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:167), the purpose of qualitative research is

more descriptive than predictive. It focuses on in depth understanding of the

research participants’ point of view. In addition, quantitative method was also

used to measure the frequency of data occurance. As stated by Vanderstoep

and Johnston (2009:7), quantitative method used to specifies numerical

assigment of certain phenomena in the research study. Moreover, pragmatics

was used as the approach to analyze the data in this research.

B.Forms, Contexts, and Source of Data

The data in this research were in the form of utterances uttered by two

main characters, Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes in the first season of The

Lottery TV Series. The context of data was the dialogues among the

characters which contain politeness and the performance of speech act of


episodes of the first season of The Lottery TV Series, i.e. Pilot, Rules of the

According to Lincoln and Guba in Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:188), the

best instrument in qualitative research is human. Moreover, Merriam

(2009:15) explains that the characteristic of qualitative research includes the

researcher as the primary instrument for data collection and data analysis. As

the main instrument, the researcher had the role of planning, collecting,

analyzing and reporting the research findings.

In this research, a data sheet was used as the secondary instrument. The

data sheet was in the form of a table and was used to note the utterances that

contain politeness strategies of command performed by Vanessa Keller and

Darius Hayes in the first season of The Lottery TV Series. The model of data

sheet is shown as follows.

Table 1: Sample Data Sheet of Politeness Strategies of Command in the first season of The Lottery TV Series



drugs? understand that selling counterfeit fertility drugs is a serius crime, she decides to perform bald on record politeness strategy. She directly and intentionally attacks Nick’s face want in order to warn him that selling counterfeit fertility drugs is a serious crime. The most influential factor is the social distance among them. In this conversation, Vanessa Keller goes baldy on record since

CI : Inviting Conversational Implicature VA : Being Vague or Ambiguous

CG : Claiming for Common Ground

PC : Conveying That Both Participants are Cooperators BD : Being Direct

PA : Not Presuming or Assuming AC : Avoiding to Coerce the Addressee

SW : Communicating the Speaker’s Want to not Impinge on the Addressee

D. Data Collection Techniques

In this research, content analysis was used as the data collection

technique. According to Kothari (2004:96), there are several methods of data


questionnaires and other methods which include (a) warranty cards; (b) distributor

audits; (c) pantry audits; (d) consumer panels; (e) using mechanical devices; (f)

through projective techniques; (g) depth interviews, and (h) content analysis.

Content analysis consists of analyzing the contents of documentary materials and

all verbal materials which can be either spoken or printed. Thus, in collecting the

data from the series, the researcher conducted several steps as follows.

First, the researcher watched the series. Second, the researcher

downloaded the transcripts. Third, the researcher re-watched the series and

checked the accuracy of the transcripts. At the same time, the researcher

marked all the utterances which indicated the performance of speech act of

command in the series. Last, the researcher classified the collected data into a

data sheet.

E.Data Analysis Techniques

In analyzing the data, qualitative method uses inductive approach.

According to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:168), inductive approach is a

process of reasoning where observation came first, then followed by theory,

hypothesis and interpretation.

After data collection, the researcher did four procedures in data

analysis. First, the data were classified based on the three objectives of the

research. Second, data trustworthiness was checked by consulting to the

linguistics students and lecturers. Third, the researcher analyzed, described,

and interpreted the data. Fourth, the researcher deriveed the conclusions


F. Data Trustworthiness

The researcher employed triangulation technique to create data

trustworthiness. According to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:179),

triangulation is a method of using more than one methodology to address the

same question in order to create or develop the validity and reliability of the

research data. There are four types of triangulation. They are data

triangulation, investigator triangulation, methods triangulation, and theory


In order to gain reliability of the data, this research employed an

investigator triangulation. By using investigator triangulation, the researcher

used more than one investigator to investigate the data. The researcher

discussed and consulted the data with his supervisors. Furthermore, the

researcher also asked other linguistics students to triangulate the data.

Moreover, theory triangulation was also achieved by using multiple theories

in the process of data analysis and data interpretation. Searle’s theories on

speech act and politeness theories from Brown and Levinson were used as the




This section presents the findings of the analysis of politeness strategies

of commands performed by Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes in The Lottery

TV Series. The data were classified based on the three research objectives: to

identify the types of politeness strategies, to describe the realizations of each

politeness strategies, and to identify the factors which initiate the performance

of politeness strategies. This research reveals 30 data based on the utterances

of Vanessa and Darius. Vanessa performs 20 utterances and Darius performs

10 utterances as presented in Table 2. The table presents the frequency of

occurrence of types, realizations, and factors of politeness strategies.

Table 2. The frequency of occurrence of types, realizations, and factors of politeness strategies performed by Vanessa and Darius in The Lottery TV Series

Types : Factor :

BR : Bald on Record D : Social Distance

OR : Off Record P : Relative Power

PP : Positive Politeness R : Ranking of Imposition

NP : Negative Politeness

Speaker Types and the Realization Total


Factor Total




Vanessa 11 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 20 7 12 1 20

Darius 3 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 9 1 10



NM : Non Minimization

CI : Inviting Conversational Implicature

VA : Being Vague or Ambiguous

CG : Claiming for Common Ground

PC : Conveying that Both Participants are Cooperators

BD : Being Direct

PA : Not Presuming or Assuming

AC : Avoiding to Coerce the Addressee

SW :Communicating the Speaker’s Want to Not Impinge on the Addressee

Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978) propose four types of politeness

strategies. They are bald on record, off record, positive politeness and

negative politeness. In relation to the speech act of command, each type of

politeness strategies is found in the data. Moreover, the frequency of

occurrence of each type of politeness strategies is different.

The most frequent strategy performed by the speakers is bald on record

politeness strategy with 14 data. In this strategy, Vanessa performs 11

utterances and the other 3 utterances are performed by Darius. Since there is

only one way to perform bald on record which is without minimization of

face threat, therefore, the form of bald on record politeness strategy will be

very clear without any ambiguity. Thus, the directness of bald on record

politeness strategy gives more advantages for the speakers in giving a


The second most frequent strategy is positive politeness strategy with 9

data. Six of them are performed by Darius. He performs 4 utterances of

positive politeness strategy by claiming for common ground and 2 more

utterances by conveying that both participants are cooperators. On the other


strategy and she realizes it in the form of conveying that both participants are

cooperators. By using positive politeness strategy, the speakers get some

benefits. First, both the speaker and the addressee can get a mutual benefit by

being cooperative. Second, when the speakers convey to the addressee that

they belong to the same group and have the same goals, it redresses the

negative impact on the hearer’s face.

The next most frequent strategy is off record politeness strategy by

inviting conversational implicature with 4 data, and 3 of them are performed

by Vanessa. There are two ways that can be used to realize off record

politeness strategy. Inviting conversational implicature and being vague or

ambiguous. However, the performance of being vague or ambiguous is not

found in the first season of The Lottery TV Series. Both Vanessa and Darius

perform speech acts of command by inviting conversational implicatures

when the context of the conversation is clear. Thus, they can still convey their

intention clearly although some of the utterances contain multiple


The least frequent strategy to occur is negative politeness with 3 data.

All of them are performed by Vanessa in the form of being direct. Being

direct means saying something directly on record with an attempt to reduce

the negative impact by taking the hearer’s negative face into consideration.

Therefore, the speaker can get an advantage for being polite in a certain

degree. However, there are three more realizations of negative politeness


are not presuming or assuming, avoiding to coerce the addressee, and

communicating the speaker’s want to not impinge on the addressee. There are

two possible factors which make these realizations do not occur. First, when

the speakers perform a command, most of their addressees are people who

work for them, thus, they do not have to be afraid of non cooperative actions

from the addressee. Second, to perform a command means to coerce the

addressee to do something for the speakers and most of the speakers perform

it directly in order to prevent multiple interpretations.

In relation to the third objective, Brown and Levinson in Goody (1978)

propose that there are three factors which can influence the speaker to choose

a certain strategy of politeness. They are social distance, relative power, and

ranking of imposition. All of these factors are found in the first season of The

Lottery TV Series. Relative power becomes the most dominant factor with 21

data; 12 of them are found in Vanessa’s utterances. Relative power strongly

influences the speakers since most of their audiences are people working for

them. In some utterances, the addressee is probably socially close to the

speakers but the setting and the topic is formal. The second most dominant

factor is social distance with 7 data and all of them are performed by Vanessa.

Social distance never influences Darius because he rarely performs speech

acts of command except to someone who works for him. Finally, the least

factor to occur is ranking of imposition with 2 data. Both Vanessa and Darius


Figure 1. The poster The Lottery TV Series Season 1
Figure 2: Analytical Construct
Table 1: Sample Data Sheet of Politeness Strategies of Command in
Table 2. The frequency of occurrence of types, realizations, and factors of politeness strategies performed by Vanessa and Darius in The Lottery TV Series


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