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This study is concerned with the investigation of performance of English pre-service teachers during the pre-service program and the benefits and challenge they faced during the program. This chapter discusses the background of the research, statement of the problems, the objectives of the study, the scope of the study, and the organization of the thesis.

1. 1 Background

Indonesia University of Education is one of universities in Indonesia which focuses on teacher education and has the mission to prepare teachers, as depicted in the vision and mission of Indonesia University of Education, Chapter II Article 3 (a), that is providing professional teachers. To achieve this goal, the University includes Pre-service Program (Program Latihan Profesi) as compulsory subject to take by the education students in order to get the degree. The program is aimed at preparing students to become teachers and to give them experience in teaching (taken from Kurikulum Ketentuan Pokok dan

Struktur Program, 2003).

Moreover, based on library research in Indonesia University of Education there has been no research conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the program and its effects on student-teachers’ skills in teaching. Besides that, there is no study has been conducted to investigate the performance of the pre-service teachers during the program.


materials, teaching performance: adapting and socializing with students, transferring knowledge, and supervision.

Those problems may be due to some factors such as their incapability in determining the goals of their teaching and learning activity, their incapability in managing the class: how to maintain the flow of the knowledge transfer since the pre-service teachers found that students always got bored easily, they did not pay attention when they were explaining the materials and they seem to be reluctant to grammar lesson, and ineffective supervision sessions.

Class activity basically consists of two types of activities, that is learning and teaching. Teaching itself can not be put separately from learning since they both are integrated (Brown, 2001: 13). As supported by Nathan (in Brown, 1980: 8) “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be stood on their head as to yield theories of teaching.

By definition teaching is an action of helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand (Brown, 1980: 7). On the other hand, learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience or instruction (Brown, 1994: 7). Meanwhile, Kimble and Garmez in (Brown, 1994: 7) stated that learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency is the result of reinforced practice.

The definitions imply that the interaction of teachers and students in the teaching and learning activity is very crucial, which is the thing that will determine the success of the teaching and learning process. However, the role of the teacher is the one that matter; since teacher is “the man behind the gun” (Suherdi, 2006: 74). It means that s/he is the person who decides which target to be shot and how to direct the shooting. On the other words, a teacher is the person who decides the focus and direction of students learning. Hence, s/he is responsible for the students’ learning process.


teachers. As supported by Leigh (2002: 1): Teachers’ knowledge and skills are the most vital in-school factors influencing children’s learning.

Regarding those issues, the ability in teaching or transferring knowledge is an important skill which should be possessed by teachers and that skill is not mastered all at one. Novice teachers who lack of experience might find that teaching is not an easy task to do. Moreover, it requires understanding of theories and principle of teaching and practice. As stated by Walls, et.al (2002):

Knowing how effective and ineffective teacher behave does not provide a prescription for shortening or easing the route to proficiency and excellence in teaching. There must be balance between formal knowledge of educational practice and the application of concept of effective teaching. This can be achieved by giving pre-service teacher multiple opportunities to teach in progressively more complex, multidimensional, and realistic environment. (Walls, et.al in Lang, R. Hellmut, 2006: 4)

That idea indicates that pre-service program is needed as an opportunity for student-teachers to apply theories they got and to make it more meaningful by taking them into practice. Therefore, this study aims to investigate English pre-service teachers’ performance during the pre-service teaching program and the benefits of the program, as challenges faced by students in the program.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study explored three English Pre-service teachers’ performance who conducted Professional Practice Program in Senior High School 8 in Bandung and how the program benefits for them. The problem of the study is formulated into the following research questions:

1. How is the performance of the English pre-service teachers in the pre-service teaching program?

2. What are the benefits and challenges that English pre-service teachers get from the Professional Practice Program?


Departing from the problem mentioned in the statement of the problem, this study aims to: 1. Investigate the performance of three English pre-service teachers’ performance in class. 2. To find out the benefits and challenges that the three English pre-service teachers get from

the Professional Practice Program.

1. 4 Scope of the Study

This study is intended to find out the performance of three English pre-service teachers in Senior High School 8 in Bandung. The performance is particularly the pre-service teachers’ performance in conducting teaching and learning process which include preparation, presentation stages, their instruction and classroom interaction, and interpersonal skills. Moreover, this study aims to figure out the benefits and challenges that they faced during the program. Therefore, this study is expected to lead to the enhancement of policy in education program, particularly, English education program.

1. 5 Significance of the Study

The significant of the study are:

1. This study can figure out the performance of English pre-service teachers in Senior High School 8 in Bandung which then might be used by English Department of Indonesia University of Education as a reflection and an indicator to improve its curriculum.

2. This study can figure out the benefit and challenges of the pre-service teaching program faced by the three English pre-service teachers in Senior High School 8 in Bandung. This result can be used as media to improve the effectiveness of the pre-service teaching program by Indonesia University of Education and English Department in particular.

1.6 Clarification of Terms


2. Pre-service Teaching by definition is initial teacher training before entering the classroom as a fully responsible teacher (Wikipedia, 2009). Moreover, as Darling (2005: 12) states pre-service teaching is a component of teachers education that helps teachers (student-teacher) to both understand and move beyond their personal knowledge and experience to bring to bear wider set of understanding on the problems of helping others to learn.

1.6 Thesis Organization




This part elaborates the methodology of the research. The description includes: The Research Questions, sites and participant and Research Design: Data Collection, and Data analysis.

3.1 Research Questions

The research is aimed at investigating pre-service teachers’ performance during their pre-service teaching program. This study is formulated in the following questions:

1. How is the performance of the English pre-service teachers in the pre-service teaching program?

2. What are the benefits and challenges that English service teachers get from the pre-service teaching program?

3.2 Sites and Participants

This study examined the performance of three English pre-service teachers of Indonesia University of Education who were taking Professional Practice Program in Senior High School 8 in Bandung. They were fourth year students of English Education Department who were taking the pre-service program as a partial requirement to accomplish their degree. Moreover, the school was chosen due to it is the only one of first cluster senior high schools which had the English pre-service teachers.

3.3 Research Design


study method. The case study was chosen in this study since the writer’s study has some characteristic which is the same with case study.

The first characteristic as in the case study is that this study was done in small scale and would not try to make any generalization. The second characteristic that was investigated was in the natural background: the settings of this study were classes where pre-service teaching program occurred, and the participants involved in the study were English pre-service teachers. Moreover, the focus was the participants’ perception and experiences and the way they make sense of the problems they found during the program and the study particularly is interested in understanding how those things occurred.

3.3.1 Data Collection

To get reliable findings, this study employed three kinds of data collection, which were: observation, questionnaire and interview. Observation

The observation was conducted three times for each participant: participant 1 (P1) and participant 2 (P2) on 18th, 28th April and 5th May 2008, and participant 3 (P3) on 11th, 18th April and 5th May 2008. It was intended to see the English pre-service teachers’ performance in class, how they conducted teaching and learning process and how they handled the students and what were the benefits and challenges they faced during the program. Hence, the researcher got direct data from the field and how they develop during the program. The assessment of the teachers’ performance was adopted from the criteria of good language teachers (Brown, 2000), Danielson’s teachers’ competence profile (1996), and teaching task (Reece, 2004). The evaluation of the performance was divided into four domains: preparation, presentation, instruction and classroom interaction, and interpersonal skill, such as depicted by the observation form below:



Preparation Presentation

Instruction & Classroom Interaction

Interpersonal skills

In the observations the researcher used two types or recording, which was video recording and voice recording. The video recording was used in order to capture the student-teachers’ performance and all the activities happened in the class and voice recording was used in order to get clearer voice recording. Moreover, field note was employed during the observation in order to write down the benefits and challenges they faced and also to write down something which was missed either by the voice or video recording. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was distributed to the pre-service teachers when they finished conducting the program. It was intended to figure out how they prepared and performed their teaching and to know the benefits and challenges faced by the participants during the program. Moreover, the questionnaire contained 15 questions which were related to the research questions of the study. The type of questionnaire that was used is open-ended (Patton, 1987 in Emilia, 2008). It was intended to give freedom to the participants in answering the questionnaire, and at the same time the researcher could get the expected data and understand the participants’ thought deeper. Interview


2000) and semi structured (Nunnan, 1992:149) and there were 10 questions posed to the participants during the interview. Moreover, the interviews were done faced to face and recorded. It was employed in order to give freedom to the participants in answering the interviewer’s questions.

3.4 Data Analysis

To answer the questions of the research, all the data gained from three data collections were analyzed gradually and to make the analysis easier some coding were employed. The coding as follows:

Table 3.2. Coding of Data


P1, P2, P3 Student-teachers as the participants of the research INT The data taken from the interview with the participants QT The data taken from the Questionnaire

OB The data taken from the Observation

The data from the video recording was analyzed by analyzing the performance indicators of the pre-service teachers to figure out their competence in teaching. Brown’s concept of good language teachers’ characteristics and Reece’s teachers’ task assessment, Lang’s teachers’ competence profile and the teachers’ performance assessment form of West Java Education Department were adapted for this study and used as assessment criteria of the performance. Moreover, the voice recording was transcribed, coded and then classified based on the adopted criteria. The assessment was classified into four domains that are: preparation, presentation, instruction and classroom interaction and personal characteristics.


which is in line with the questions of the problems, such as teaching stages: preparation, presentation, assessment, the benefits and challenges of the PLP, etc.

The data from the interview was analyzed step by step. Firstly, the interview was transcribed. Then, similarly with the data got from the questionnaire, the interview data was categorized based on the central them of the research (in line with the research problems). Moreover, they were interpreted and compared with theories that support this study.

The triangulation of the data was done in order to compare all the data gained from observation, questionnaire, and interview. It was done to make sure whether all the data have the same conclusion. Moreover, it is intended to conform and validate the findings of the research.

3.5 Summary of Chapter III




This chapter discusses the conclusions of the present study. There are two parts in this chapter. The first part presents the major findings of the study. The second parts deals with the suggestion for further study.

5.1 Conclusions

The present study serves as an attempt to investigate the performance of the three English pre-service teachers of Indonesia University of Education in the pre-pre-service teaching program and the benefits and challenges the three English pre-service teachers faced during the program. The focus of the performance was on the three participants’ performance when conducting teaching-learning process in the classroom. It covers four domains of teaching which are: preparation, presentation, instruction and classroom interaction, and interpersonal skills.

The findings of the study reveal that the three participants showed their competence in aspect of professional teacher: technical knowledge: subject and pedagogic knowledge, pedagogical skills, and interpersonal skills. The study concludes that the three participants fulfilled the qualities of good English language teachers and can be good and promising candidates as future teachers. This result suggests that the pre-service teaching program is still a compulsory subject for the students of the English Education Department because it provides students with rich experience of teaching for them.


The investigation of the challenges of the pre-service teaching program reveals that the participants faced many difficulties. The observation data seems to show that they faced difficulties almost in the four domains of the teachers’ performance assessment, which were preparation, presentation, instruction and classroom interaction, and interpersonal skill. Meanwhile, the questionnaire and interview data shows that the participants mainly faced difficulties in the domain of presentation, and instruction and classroom interaction. This finding suggests that the supervision of the school-teacher supervisor and collage lecturer needs to be improved since it plays significant effect to effectiveness of the program: they could provide assistance for the pre-service teachers to solve the challenges or difficulties faced by them. Besides that, the program should give opportunity to the pre-service teachers to observe the performance of the school-teacher supervisor’s teaching performance in advance in order to give them prior knowledge or point of view of the real situation of teaching.

5.2 Suggestions for Further Study

This case study investigated the performance of three English pre-service teachers in Senior High School 8 in Bandung. Thus, the result of the study can not be generalized into a large scope. Therefore, the future study is suggested to investigate the performance of the English pre-service teachers not only in one school but in two or three schools in order to see and compare the performance of the English pre-service teachers from different setting. Consequently, the result of the study can give more advices, advantages and can be more useful for the improvement of the curriculum of the English Department of Education in Indonesia University of Education.


effectiveness improvement of curriculum in English Department in the University and the pre-service program in particular.



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Table 3.1.
Table 3.2. Coding of Data


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