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profile revenue and customs assurance commercial compliance d


Academic year: 2017

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Rosa Mar

ace/date of ducation  Primary  Junior H  Senior H  Universi

raining  Border S  Compute  General  Compute

2003;  Adminis

June 200  Timor L

2004  MTCP, S

16 of Se  Technica



ria Cruz d

Birth: Man

School, SD High School

High School ity, STPMD

Service Bas er basic, IN Induction T er Course (P

stration & o 03;

Leste Custom

Senior Offi eptember 20 al officer fo t for oils, m


da Silva

nu-Fahi / So

DN Soibada , SMPN I M l, SPGN Dil D Yogyakart

ic Training, NAP, 12-16

Training at, Power point

office basic t

ms Code, Cu

cer Study-T 006;

or measuring minerals, (Té


oibada / Ma

/ Manatuto Manatuto, 19

li, 1986 – 1 ta / Indones

, Customs-D of Novemb

INAP, 22-2 t), INAP, 22

training, IN

ustoms, 12

Tour on the

g barns and écnico de m


anatuto, 06 o

o, 1977 – 19 983 – 1986 989; sia, 1989 –

Dili, 02-24 o er 2001; 26 of July 2

2 of April to

NAP, 06 of M

of June to 0


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of April 196

983; ;


of April 200

2002; o 2 of May

May to 06 o

06 of Augus

A, Malaysia,


controlo de entrepostos Aduaneiros para ólios minerais, ), 20 of November to 04 of December 2006;

 Dissemination of Civil Service Law N. 8/2004, INAP, 21-22 of July 2007;

 Professional Training (on Probation period) on the TL, Customs Adminsitration in Lisbon, Portugal, 19 of November to 14 of December 2007;

 English language training (elementary level), MoF, 10 of March to 16 of May 2008.

4) Experience

 Staff of CREP Section of Customs, 2001 – 2003

 Supervisor of External Audit Section of Customs, 13 of April 2003 to 01 of June 2009

 Head of Department of Commercial & Conpliance (Temporary), 2 of June 2009

 Head of Department of Commercial & Compliance, Since 31 of October 2009 - now

Related Information

Department for Assurance of Commercial Compliance has the following Sections:  Tariff, Trade and Valuation


 Refunds/Recovery


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