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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh





Alvin Bryan

Binus University , Jakarta, DKI Jakarta,14240, Indonesia

Raymond Wiliawan

Binus University , Jakarta, DKI Jakarta,15419, Indonesia



Binus University , Jakarta, DKI Jakarta,11430, Indonesia


Tujuan pengujian setting SAP dan testing transaksi ini adalah untuk memeriksa kesalahan yang terjadi pada setting sistem SAP kemudian melakukan perbaikan setting, dan melakukan testing

transaksi berdasarkan requirements dari BPA staff.

M etodologi pengujian setting dan testing transaksi ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode analisa proses bisnis dengan pendekatan OOAD, dan metode testing dengan UAT (User Acceptance Testing).

Hasil yang dicapai adalah pemeriksaan telah dilakukan pada client 120 dan 140 untuk bagian

finished unit, finance, sparepart, dan service berdasarkan dokumentasi setting kantor cabang PT.Astra International.Proses pemeriksaan dilakukan terhadap 145 cabang untuk finished unit, 214 cabang untuk finance ,68 cabang untuk sparepart, dan 70 cabang untuk service Ditemukan


persentase kesalahan untuk finished unit sebanyak 91,3% dari 23 tahapan setting , finance

sebanyak 71,4% dari 7 tahapan setting, sparepart sebanyak 40% dari 32 tahapan setting, service

sebanyak 30,77% dari 13 tahapan setting. Semua kesalahan yang ditemukan telah diperbaiki sehingga client 120 dan 140 menjadi konsisten. Selain itu juga dilakukan testing dengan pendekatan UAT (User Acceptance Testing) terhadap tiga cabang, sesuai dengan arahan dan perintah dari BPA staff. Tiga kantor cabang tersebut merupakan cabang yang menjadi acuan proses setting yang dilakukan, sehingga BPA staff menugaskan untuk melakukan testing

transaksi untuk bagian finished unit, finance, sparepart, dan service. Hasil testing adalah semua kegiatan transaksi pada cabang tersebut berjalan dengan baik dan lancar.

Simpulan yang didapat adalah ditemukan persentase kesalahan setting SAP pada PT Astra International yang cukup besar,perbaikan setting telah dilakukan dari temuan kesalahan, dan hasil pengujian sistem SAP pada PT Astra International yang menunjukkan sistem masih berjalan sesuai dengan harapan.

Kata Kunci : pengujian, testing, ERP, S AP, PT Astra International


Di era globalisasi ini, teknologi informasi memegang peranan yang sangat penting bagi seluruh aspek kehidupan. Dengan menguasai teknologi dan informasi, perusahaan memiliki modal yang cukup untuk menjadi pemenang dalam persaingan global, banyak yang berpendapat tidak menguasai teknologi informasi identik dengan buta huruf. M aka dari itu, sekarang ini hampir semua perusahaan berlomba-lomba untuk mengelola Teknologi Informasi yang mereka miliki agar bisa bersaing di pasar. Tentu saja fenomena ini sangat mempengaruhi hampir seluruh


proses bisnis mereka yang harus berubah menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien.

Semakin besar perusahaan, semakin kompleks pula proses dan fungsi – fungsi bisnis yang mereka miliki. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu sistem yang terintegrasi untuk dapat memberikan informasi yang real-time sehingga dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi kinerja operasional. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) merupakan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu perusahaan untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh area fungsional bisnisnya dalam satu sistem informasi yang dapat diandalkan, serta membuat sistem perusahaan menjadi real-time dan transparan.

PT Astra Internasional telah menerapkan SAP pada kegiatan bisnis yang dilakukan. PT Astra International mempunyai kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia yang berjumlah melebihi 300 kantor cabang. PT Astra International biasa menyebut modul - modul tersebut sebagai Human Resource, Finance, Service, Finished Unit, Sparepart, dan CRM.

PT Astra International mempunyai banyak kantor cabang yang memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan bisnis proses sehingga settingnya pun berbeda - beda pada Sistem SAP yang mereka terapkan. Kantor cabang yang dikelola memiliki jenis yang berbeda-beda yaitu 4 wheelers (Toyota, Daihatsu, Isuzu, UD Trucks, Peugeout, BM W), 2wheelers (Honda), Tentu saja antara kantor cabang yang satu dengan yang lain memiliki kebutuhan informasi dan peraturan - peraturan yang berbeda - beda, dan akan mempengaruhi pengaturan pada menu SAP yang ada.

Di setiap kantor cabang yang ada pasti memiliki pengaturan berbeda. Pengaturan dilakukan tidak hanya bersifat setting standard SAP saja, tetapi sudah merupakan setting dari PT Astra International. M aka dari itu, proses bisnis yang terjadi pada PT Astra International harus diketahui secara jelas dan lengkap terlebih dahulu, sehingga proses pencarian kesalahan (dalam bentuk tidak konsisten) dan melakukan pembetulan bisa dilakukan dengan baik dan benar.


2. Metodologi

Proses pemeriksaan, perbaikan, dan testing transaksi ini memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

2.1 Metode Analisa

M enganalisa proses bisnis dengan menggunakan pendekatan Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Unified Process, dengan tools Activity Diagram.

2.2 Metode testing

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

M etode ini digunakan untuk memastikan apakah sistem SAP pada PT Astra International dapat berjalan dengan lancar atau tidak. M etode ini dilakukan oleh pengguna akhir.

3. Simpulan

Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, perbaikan, dan testing yang dilakukan, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan :

1. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan pada tahapan setting dibagian

finished unit, finance, sparepart dan service ditemukan persentase kesalahan sebesar :

a. Finished Unit = 91,3% b. Finance = 71,4 %


c. Sparepart = 40%

d. Service = 30,77%

2. Telah dilakukan perbaikan setting berdasarkan hasil temuan yang ditemukan pada bagian finished unit, finance, service, dan sparepart.

3. Telah dilakukan testing kantor cabang pada T002, T267, T541 berdasarkan

requirement dari PT Astra International pada bagian finished unit, finance, sparepart, dan service. Didapatkan hasil bahwa kegiatan transaksi berjalan dengan lancar.

4. Hasil dokumentasipemeriksaan yang dilakukan terhadap 145 cabang untuk finished unit, 214 cabang untuk finance ,68 cabang untuk sparepart, dan 70 cabang untuk

service Ditemukan persentase kesalahan untuk finished unit sebanyak 91,3% dari 23 tahapan setting , finance sebanyak 71,4% dari 7 tahapan setting, sparepart sebanyak 40% dari 32 tahapan setting, service sebanyak 30,77% dari 13 tahapan setting. Di mana semua kesalahan yang ditemukan telah diperbaiki dan didokumentasikan sehingga client 120 dan 140 menjadi konsisten.Selain itu juga terdapat hasil dokumentasi testing transaksi untuk bagian finished unit,finance,sparepart,dan



[1] ([http 1]) Anonim.(n.d.). Retrieved 03 09, 2012, from

http://help.sap.com/saphelp_46c/helpdata/en/d8/89b966875511d194d40000e835339d/co ntent.htm

[2] ([ http 2]) Anonim. (n.d.). User Manual - Description. Retrieved 03 12, 2012,from


[3] ([Anonim 1]) Anonim.(2006). SAP01 Fundamental. German: SAP AG.

[4] ([Anonim 2]) Anonim. (2006). AC010 - Business Process in Financial Accounting. German:


[5]([Anonim 3]) Anonim.(2006).SCM600-Businees Processes in Sales Order Management.

German: SAP AG.

[6] ([Anonim 4]) Anonim. (2006). SCM 500 Procurement ( Materials Management ). German: SAP AG.

[7] Anderson, G. W. (2011). Sams Teach Yourself SAP in 24 Hours. Indianapolis: Pearson Education, Inc .

[8] Fajardo, J. (2007). Testing SAP R/3: A Manager's step by step Guide. Amerika Serikat.

[9] Hamadeh, S., Oldman, M ., Lerner, M ., & Pasiuk, L. (2004). Vault Guide to Top Internship. New York: Vault Inc.


Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

[11] M onk, E., & Wagner, B. (2009). Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning.

[12] Myers, G. J. (2004). The Art of Software Testing 2nd Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[13] O'Brien, J. A., & M arakas, G. M . (2006). Introduction to Information Systems.

[14] O'Brien, J. A. (2006). Pengantar Sistem Informasi Edisi ke-13. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

[15] Rainer, R. K., Turban, E., & Potter, R. E. (2007). Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[16] Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2005). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process.

[17] Stair, R., & Reynolds, G. (2010). Principles of Information Systems.(9th Edition). United States of America: Cengage Learning.

[18] Sugiyono.(2007). Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: CV Alfabeta.

[19] Wijaya, S. F., & Darudiato, S. (2009). ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) & Solusi Bisnis.





Alvin Bryan

Binus University , Jakarta, DKI Jakarta,14240, Indonesia

Raymond Wiliawan

Binus University , Jakarta, DKI Jakarta,15419, Indonesia



Binus University , Jakarta, DKI Jakarta,11430, Indonesia


The purpose of setting examination and testing transaction are to check for errors that occur in the SAP setting and then make corrections to the SAP system settings, and perform transactions testing based on requirements of the BPA staff.

Setting and testing methodologies are analysis method for business processes with OOAD approaches, and testing method with UAT (User Acceptance Testing).

The result are the examination has been done on the client 120 and 140 for finished unit, finance, spare parts, and service based on the documentation branch office setting PT.Astra International. Examinations carried out on145 branch for finished units, 214 to finance branches, 68 branches to spare, and 70 branches to service .The percentage of errors found for the finished


unit as much as 91.3% of 23 stage settings, finance as much as 71.4% of the 7 stages of settings, spare parts as much as 40% of the 32 stages of settings, service as much as 30.77% of 13 stage settings. All errors found have been fixed so that the client 120 and 140 to be consistent. It is also done testing with the approach UAT (User Acceptance Testing) of the three branches, in accordance on the directives and orders the BPA staff. The three branches are the branch is the reference when setting process is performed, so that the BPA staff assigned to perform transaction testing to the finished unit, finance, spare parts, and service. The results of testing are all transaction activities in branch going well and smoothly.

The conclusions obtained are the percentage of errors found in the SAP setting PT Astra International which is quite large, setting corrections have been made depend on the fault found, and the results of testing of SAP systems at PT Astra International which indicates the system that the system still running in line expectations

Key Words : examination, testing, ERP, S AP, PT. Astra International


In this era of globalization, information technology plays a very important for all aspects of life. By mastering the technology and information, the company has enough capital to become winners in global competition. Almost all of the companies trying to manage information technology in order to compete in the marketplace. Of course this phenomenon is affecting almost all their business processes to become more effective and efficient.


functions they have. So it required an integrated system to provide real-time information that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operational performance. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a system that can help companies to integrate all functional areas of business in a reliable information system, and create enterprise systems into real-time and transparent.

PT Astra International has implemented SAP in its business activities.PT Astra International has branches in all regions of Indonesia, amounting to more than 300 branch offices. PT Astra International has SAP modules such as Human Resource, Finance, Service, Finished Unit, Sparepart, and CRM .PT Astra International has many branches that have similarities and differences in business processes so that the setting was different.. Branch offices have run different types of 4 wheelers (Toyota, Daihatsu, Isuzu, UD Trucks, Peugeout, BM W), 2wheelers (Honda). Each branch has difference need for information and regulations, and will affect the SAP settings.

Each branch office that is sure to have different settings. Arrangements do not just SAP standard setting, but has a setting of PT Astra International. Therefore, the business processes that occur in PT Astra International to be known in a clear and complete, so that the process of finding an error (in the form of inconsistent) and perform the correction can be done well and correctly.

2. Methodology

The process of examination, correction, and testing these transactions observe the following:

2.1 M ethod of Analysis


Unified Process, the Activity Diagram tools.

2.2 M ethod of testing

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

This method is used to as certain whether the SAP system at PT Astra International to run well or not. This method is carried out by the end user.

3. Conclusion

Based on the results of the examination, correction, and testing is done, it can be concluded:

1. Based on the results of tests carried out on the stage of setting at finished unit, finance, spare parts and service found the percentage of error:

a. Finished Units = 91.3% b. Finance = 71.4% c. Spare = 40% d. Service = 30.77%

2. Setting improvements have been made based on findings that are found in the finished unit, finance, service, and spare parts.

3. Testing has been done on the branch office of T002, T267, T541 based on the requirement of PT Astra International on the finished unit, finance, spare parts, and service. Activity showed that the transaction goes smoothly.

4. Documentation of inspection results conducted on the 145 branch for finished units, 214 to finance branches, 68 branches for spare parts, and 70 branches to service the


percentage of errors found for the finished unit as much as 91.3% of 23 stage settings, finance as much as 71.4% of 7 stages of settings, spare parts as much as 40% of the 32 stages of settings, service as much as 30.77% of the 13 stages of settings. All errors have been corrected and documented, so that the client 120 and 140 become consistent. On the other hand, it also contained the results of transaction testing documentation for the finished unit, finance, spare parts, and service which showed that SAP applications run properly.


[1] ([http 1]) Anonim.(n.d.). Retrieved 03 09, 2012, from

http://help.sap.com/saphelp_46c/helpdata/en/d8/89b966875511d194d40000e835339d/co ntent.htm

[2] ([ http 2]) Anonim. (n.d.). User Manual - Description. Retrieved 03 12, 2012,from


[3] ([Anonim 1]) Anonim.(2006). SAP01 Fundamental. German: SAP AG.

[4] ([Anonim 2]) Anonim. (2006). AC010 - Business Process in Financial Accounting. German:


[5]([Anonim 3]) Anonim.(2006).SCM600-Businees Processes in Sales Order Management.


[6] ([Anonim 4]) Anonim. (2006). SCM 500 Procurement ( Materials Management ). German: SAP AG.

[7] Anderson, G. W. (2011). Sams Teach Yourself SAP in 24 Hours. Indianapolis: Pearson Education, Inc .

[8] Fajardo, J. (2007). Testing SAP R/3: A Manager's step by step Guide. Amerika Serikat.

[9] Hamadeh, S., Oldman, M ., Lerner, M ., & Pasiuk, L. (2004). Vault Guide to Top Internship. New York: Vault Inc.

[10] M cLeod.Jr, R., & Schell, G. (2007). Management Information Systems. (10th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

[11] M onk, E., & Wagner, B. (2009). Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning.

[12] Myers, G. J. (2004). The Art of Software Testing 2nd Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[13] O'Brien, J. A., & M arakas, G. M . (2006). Introduction to Information Systems.

[14] O'Brien, J. A. (2006). Pengantar Sistem Informasi Edisi ke-13. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

[15] Rainer, R. K., Turban, E., & Potter, R. E. (2007). Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[16] Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2005). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process.


[17] Stair, R., & Reynolds, G. (2010). Principles of Information Systems.(9 Edition). United States of America: Cengage Learning.

[18] Sugiyono.(2007). Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: CV Alfabeta.

[19] Wijaya, S. F., & Darudiato, S. (2009). ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) & Solusi Bisnis.


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