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No. D A F T A R •. o^-yc ^c/^/^a

T A N G G A L : Y/-/-^^-^^^^








Presented to

Muhammadiyah University Palembang In partial fulfilbnent of tbe requirement

For tbe degree of Sarjana in Englisb Language Education


Intan Mayasari NIM 372008039




Palembang, 25 June, 2012 Advisor I,

Drs. H. A. Rozi Zakaria

Palembang, 25 June, 2012 Advisor D,

HJ. Halimah Tbobir, S.Pd.


This b to certify that Sarfana's thesb of Intan Mayasari has been approved by tbe board of examiners as tbe requirement for the Sarjana degree

in EngUsb Language Education

Drs. H. A. Rozi Zakaria, Chairperson

Hj. HaUmah Tbobir, S.P(t, Member


IF Mo pain, no paBm. Mo tboms, no t&mu. Mo gaS, no gCoty. Mo cross, no cro%vn


Witb deep profonnd Covt, this tbesis is dtdkaud to:

C9 jU[nkSWt*IianiiJortkt^andyota6Cessmgtbatisg^

^ Srty beibved fatber (^armanto) and wry bebrved motber fYanti MaSa). Motbmg amtpartsU>wbattbtybavedbneform€. Ibey are my erarytbing.

^ My CoveCy brotbers fbpndi Mabendra and¥abmi Manzi) and my Covefy 6tt& sisUr (Metia ttpza). Ybanbffor pray and encourage me. I Cove you so muck

^ My bigfamdy ' 'Rpnyamicba's ¥am£'. Ybanbja Cot for your great support.

^ My bonorabCe advisors, Mr. A Zabgria and Mrs. HaBaiab Ibobir, tbanbjbr your guidance, advice, patient and encouragement mfmisbing tbis tbesis.

^ Someone m somewben, tbard§ for your support, advice, projects, cares. Carves and prays. Motbmg comparts to wbatyou ftave done and given for me,

^ !bty best fiend Vbsrttaand<DbindaUCCn6'tbatgw andcares

^ Tbe big family ofCbtssA tbanbjor your great moments and togetbemess. I'Snot fbrgetH.

^ Mmy fiends of ^BPL SM<P M^ 16 <faCem6aag and rXH .13 VCu. Tbanbjbr beautfd moments tbatyou given me.

^ A^acmater and green Campus ^ Mysefand my beautfdfuture.



Mayasari, Intan. 2012. The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang. Thesis, English Education Study Program, Sarjana Degree (SI), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University Palembang. Advisors (I) Drs. H. A. Rozi Zakaria, (II) Hj. Halimah Thohir, S.Pd.

Key words: correlation, vocabulary, reading comprehension.

This thesis is entitled "The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang". The main purpose of this study was to find out whether there is any correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang. The hypotheses of this study are, (1) there is no correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. (2) there is a positive correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The problem of this study was: is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension of the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang? The population of this study was the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang. The sample of this study was 80 students which were taken cluster random sampling from two classes. To conduct this study, descriptive method was used. The data were analyzed by using, (1) percentage analysis, and (2) Pearson Moment Product Coefficient. The results of the data analysis, it showed that the average score of the eighth year students in doing vocabulary test was 70.75 %, and the average of reading comprehension test was 64.5 %, it means that the students' vocabulary mastery was good and the students' competency in reading comprehension was fair.

Based on the finding, it was found that the correlation coefficient obtained is 0.99. It shows that there is a positive and highly correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. It means that the students who get high score in vocabulary mastery also gets high score in reading comprehension, and the students who get low score in reading comprehension also gets low score in vocabulary mastery.



Alhamdulillahirabbiralamin. Praise to ALLAH SWT who has given his

blessing so that this thesis could be finished. The title of this thesis is "The

Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the

Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang. It was also fully aware that this

thesis can never be finished without the help of others during the process of writing.

Therefore, in this occasion the deepest gratitude and appreciation to her advisors:

Drs. H. A. Rozi Zakaria as the first advisor and Hj. Halimah Thohir,S.Pd. as the

second advisor who have given her their guidance and encouragement in writing

this thesis and all of the lecturers who had been taught during studying at the

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University


The great appreciation to Drs. Usman, M.M. the Headmaster of SMP Negeri

16 Palembang, all the staff members, the teachers and especially for the eighth year

students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang who contributed a good deal to collect the

data for this thesis. The deepest love is dedicated to my beloved parents Hermanto

and Yanti Mala, my lovely brothers and sister for their loving, praying and

supporting, also extended all of who helped to complete this thesis.

This thesis is very far from being perfect. Therefore, comments and creative

criticism are always welcome. Finally it is hoped that this thesis may given some

benefits for all us.

Palembang, June 2012

The writer










1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problems of the Study 7

1.2.1 Limitation of the Problem 7 1.2.2 Formulation of the Problem 8

1.3 Objective of tbe Study 8 1.4 Significances of tbe Study 8

1.5 Hypothesis 9 1.6 Tbe Criteria of Testing Hypothesis 10


2.1 Tbe Concept of Correlation Research 11 2.2 Tbe Concept of Vocabulary Mastery 12 2.3 Tbe Concept of Reading Comprehension 13 2.4 Tbe Definition of Reading Comprehension 14

2.5 Previous Related Study 16

2.5.1 Tbe Similarity 17 2.5.2 Tbe Differences 17



3.4 The Population 21

3.5 Sample 22 3.6 Techniques for Collecting Data 23

3.7 Technique for Analyzing Data 24

3.7.1 The Validity of Test 27 3.7.2 The Reliability of Test 27 3.7.3 Correlation Formula 28 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND INTERPRETATION

4.1 Findings 29 4.1.1 Tbe Result of Students' Test in Vocabulary and

Reading Comprehension 29 4.1.2 Tbe Result of Vocabulary Test in Filling in the

Blank and Match Test 30 4.1.3 The Result of Test Score of Reading Comprehension

In Multiple Choice Test 34 4.1.4 The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery (X)

And Reading Comprehension (Y) 38

4.2 Interpretation of tbe Study 42 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

5.1 Conclusions 44 5.2 Suggestions 45 5.2.1 Englisb Teachers 45

5.2.2 Students 46 5.2.3 School Authority / Government 46




Tables Page 1. Tbe Population of the Samples 22

2. Number of tbe Sample of tbe Investigation 23

3. Conversion of Score Range 25 4. The Degree of Correlation Coefficients 26

5. Tbe Result of Vocabulary Test in Filling in tbe Blank and

Match Test 30 6. The Result of Test Score of Reading Comprehension in

Multiple Choice Test 34 7. Tbe Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery (X) and

Reading Comprehension (Y) 38


Appendices Page Appendix A Instruments 49

Appendix B Key Answer of Vocabulary Test 54 Appendix C Key Answer of Reading Comprehension Test 55

Appendix D tbe Pearson Product-Moment Correlation

Coefficient Distribution 56 Appendix E Students' Score in Vocabulary Test and Reading

Comprehension Test 58 Appendix F Surat Keputusan Dekan FKIP 62

Appendix G Surat Usui Judul dan Pembimbing Skripsi 63 Appendix H Surat Riset dari FKIP Muhammadiyah 64 Appendix I Surat Izin Penelitian dari Diknas Palembang 65

Appendix J Surat Keterangan Telab Meneliti 66 Appendix K Permohonan Untuk Simulasi Proposal Skripsi.... 67

Appendix L Undangan Simulasi Proposal 68 Appendix M Daftar Hadir Simulasi Proposal 69 Appendix N Surat Persetujuan Skripsi 72 Appendix O Kartu Bimbingan Skripsi 73 Appendix P Laporan Kemajuan Bimbingan Skripsi 74



This chapter consists of 1) background, 2) problems of the study, 3)

objectives of the study, 4) significances of the study, 5) hypothesis and 6) the

criteria of testing hypothesis

1.1 Background

Mastering a foreign language is one of the important things that are needed in

modem society and globalization era. Because language is one of instrument this is

important function in communication. The importance can be seen from some sides

of life, for example job requirement, one of the requirements is language

competence, both of spoken and written form. Then, there are a lot of education

books that are written in foreign languages so it can be said that mastering foreign

language is very important to survive in life.

As it is known, there are so many kinds of foreign language. English is one

of the important foreign languages. It has been discussed before foreign language

has many functions, so has English. It has a function as a bridge for all aspects of

human life, such as trade, communication, education, science, technology, society,

and culture.


In education, English is one of the foreign languages used to improve

students' ability. As quoted in Undang-Undang Sisdiknas (2003: 15) "Foreign

language can be used as the language of instruction in a particular educational

unit to support foreign language learners". That is the most important reason why

English is learned at school.

Actually, teaching English at junior high school is extremely important

because it is still the basis for the higher level. Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (1992:

23-24) define some reasons for starting to learn a foreign language earlier. First,

teaching English to young students is aimed at increasing the total number of years

spent learning language. Second, the indisputable fact those young learners have a

greater facility for understanding and imitating what they hear than adult. Third, the

aim of early foreign language learning is to prepare young learner linguistically,

psychologically, and culturally for language learning.

Singleton in Brumfit (1997: 7) also defines some reasons for teaching

English at primary level, they are:

1) The need to expose children from an early age to understanding of

foreign cultures so that they grow up tolerant and sympathetic to others.

2) The need to link communication to imderstanding of view concepts.

3) The need for maximum learning time for important languages, the earlier



4) The advantage of starting with early second language instruction so that

later the language can be used as a medium of teaching.

From some statements above, it can be concluded that studying foreign

language, especially English language, at junior high school is very important. By

learning foreign language earlier, it prepares young students to make a link of

communication to understand concept of communication it self.

It also maximizes learning time for learning foreign language, the earlier

they start the more time they get. They will more understand what they have

learned. For enhancing all aspects in foreign language, especially English skills

(listening, speaking, writing, and reading), the students need something to do.

Firstly, the students need to understand the meaning of words. The words here

means as vocabulary. For beginners, vocabulary mastery is the basic knowledge in

learning English. Coady and Huckin (1998: 5) say that vocabulary is the central to

language and of critical importance to language learning for the young learners.

Vocabulary supports all of the English skills. It should not be neglected by anyone

who learns a language. Then, knowing words is the key for understanding and being

understood. So it can be concluded that vocabulary takes the important aspect to

master English well as a foreign language. Knowing more words in English

language, it will make other person understand or make ourselves understood easily.

The importance of reading in many of the other pages of advice on this site


concerned. However, there is a further, very important reason why ESL students

should try to develop their reading skills: Educational researchers have found that

there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success.

In other words, a student who is a good at reading is more likely to do well

in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak at reading. Good readers can

imderstand the individual sentences and the organizational structure of a piece of

writing. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments, and detect implications.

They know most of the words in the text already, but they can also determine the

meaning of many of the unfamiliar words from the context - failing this, they can

use their dictionary effectively to do so.

In summary, good readers can extract from the writing what is important for

the particular task they are employed in. And they can do it quickly! Educational

researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary

knowledge. In other words, students who have a large vocabulary are usually good

readers. This is not very surprising, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary

is to read extensively, and if you read extensively you are likely to be or become a

good reader! So if you want your child to be successful at school encourage him or

her to read. Reading non-fiction in English is probably the most important, but

English fiction and any reading in the mother tongue if done extensively will help

your child develop the reading competence that is essential for academic



"Research findings in applied linguistics and reading research consistently

show a strong correlation between reading proficiency and academic success at all

ages, from the primary school through to university level: students who read a lot

and who understand what they read usually attain good grades." Pretonus, E.Paul

Shoebottom 1996-2012.

Reading is indeed very important in learning a foreign language. To give

reading its due importance in Indonesian system of language learning, it is a dire

need of time to understand the importance of reading in second language learning

with particular to learning English as a second language. Language skills are usually

grouped as receptive skills i.e. reading and listening, and productive skills i.e.

speaking and writing. "People who use a language have a number of sub - skills

within each of the four main skills." ( Lucantoni, 2001: 4)

The basic purpose of reading in first language learning is somehow different

from that of second language learning. "In FL (Foreign Language) learning, reading

is often used for purposes which are different from those found in mother - tongue.

The most typical use of reading in a foreign language class is to teach the language

itself." In this way, vocabulary, structures and other things can be learnt through

reading in a foreign language and to extend command over that particular language

(Nuttall, 1982: 19).

"Everything we do with language to improve our comprehension of what we


accuracy and power of expression are important. Likewise language is learnt

through talking and listening to others. Any improvement in spoken language helps

with the written language as well. Everyday life experiences enhance vocabulary

development. All this in a way or the other, contribute towards understanding of

written language. The natural sequence of learning a language is that first it is

listened and spoken, and then it is read and written. In case of English in

Indonesian, it is first read and written, and then some attention is paid towards the

speaking of it. The global need of communication however emphasizes that one

should be fluent in speaking and to listen to it with fiill comprehension.

However, the importance of reading skill nevertheless is minimized with

this change in global perspective. Rather, it has increased the importance to develop

reading skill manifold. Nobody denies the importance of a properly learnt reading

skill for learning of other language skill.

Based on the statement above, reading English is very important. It is

important to improve the reading mastery of vocabulary as one the influencing

factors in learning English as foreign language. It is clear that mastery of vocabulary

plays an important role the students learning as a foreign language.

Beside vocabulary, the students of junior high school level also have

problem in reading comprehension. Based on the description above, the researcher



vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension faced by the eighth year students of

SMP Negeri 16 Palembang.

The result must be useful for teachers of English in improving students'

vocabulary. The problems are necessary to be investigated and the result will be

written in a scientific report in the form of thesis entitled

"The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the

Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang"

1.2 Problems of tbe Study

This study is about the correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading

comprehension achievement in learning reading to the eighth year students of SMP

Negeri 16 Palembang. It is formulated as follow: Is there a correlation between

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension to the eighth year students of SMP

Negeri 16 Palembang?

1.2.1 Limitation of tbe Problems The problems are limited to:

1) The subject of this investigation is only the eighth year students of SMP

Negeri 16 Palembang

2) The theme of the reading comprehension investigated is only about


1.2.2 Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research is: Is there any correlation between vocabulary

and reading comprehension of the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 16


1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether there is any correlation between

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension of the eighth year students of SMP

Negeri 16 Palembang.

1.4 Significances of tbe Study

Hopefully, the result of this study may be useful to the teachers, students and


a. Teachers

This research is expected to provide the eighth students' the information

about vocabulary and reading comprehension, in which the teachers will help their

students facing some problems in mastering both of them.

English teachers can use the result of the study as feedback on teaching

reading activities so that the objectives of the English teaching program (especially



b. Students

By learning reading comprehension, the students can take some information

to identify their problems in mastering both vocabulary and reading comprehension.

Furthermore, they can also increase their ability in vocabulary and reading


c. Institution

It is expected that reading the final project will have not find any difficulties

in understanding the vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension.

d. The researcher

By doing the research it is hoped that she can study and get information to

identify the problem in mastering both vocabulary and reading comprehension.

Besides, the research will get new experience and knowledge for the future of her


1.5 Hypothesis

According to Arikunto (2010:113), hypothesis is a tentative answer to

research problem. The hypothesis of this research consists of two hypotheses: they

are the null hypothesis (Ho) and the altemative hypothesis (Ha). The hypotheses are

stated below:

Ho : There is a negative correlation between vocabulary and reading


Ha : There is a positive correlation between vocabulary and reading


1.6 The Criteria of Testing Hypothesis

For testing the hypotheses formulated above, the critical value will be used.

The critical value presents a table for Pearson Product Moment correlation.

A correlation can differ from degree or strength of relationship (with the

Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient that correlation in linear). "Zero"

mean have high correlation between the two variable and r=0.99. Note: the symbol

(r) coefficient for sample the Greek letter rho (r) was used for population the



This chapter discusses, (1) The Concept of Correlation Research, (2) The

Concept of Vocabulary Mastery, (3) The Concept of Reading Comprehension, (4)

The Definition of Reading Comprehension, (5) Previous Related Study.

2.1 The Concept of Correlation Research

In general, a correlation study is a quantitative method of research in which

you have 2 or more quantitative variables from the same group of subjects, & you

are trying to determine i f there is a relationship (or co variation) between the 2

variables (a similarity between them, not a difference between their means).

Theoretically, any 2 quantitative variables can be correlated (for example, midterm

scores & number of body piercings!) as long as you have scores on these variables

from the same participants; however, it is probably a waste of time to collect &

analyze data when there is little reason to think these two variables would be related

to each other. Try to have 30 or more participants; this is important to increase the

validity of the research.

Your hypothesis might be that there is a positive correlation (for example,

the number of hours of study & your midterm exam scores), or a negative

correlation (for example, your levels of stress & your exam scores).


A perfect correlation would be an r = +1.0 & -1.0, while no correlation

would be r = 0. Perfect correlations would almost never occur; expect to see

correlations much less than + or - 1.0. Although correlation can not prove a causal

relationship, it can be used for prediction, to support a theory, to measure test-retest

reliability, etc.



2.2 The Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

According to Burton (1982:98), vocabulary helps expressing the ideas

precisely, vividly without repeating a certain word and can not do well

comprehension questions. Vocabulary is a sum or stick of words employed by a

language, group, and individual or in relation to subject. Furthermore, Napa

(1991:6) says: "vocabulary is one of the components of language and that no

language exists without words. Words are signs or symbols for ideas.

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that vocabulary consists

of a number of a word and component of a language. In teaching vocabulary, the

teacher should make the students more understand with the words or knowing of



As we know that students' vocabulary mastery is very important to develop

their language skill. Therefore, it is necessary to mean some ways to handle the

vocabulary mastery.

It can be said that vocabulary is all the words of language. It is one of the

language aspects that are important in language skill, such as reading. Knowing the

meaning of the words can make the students easy to understand the context of

reading text. One of the weaknesses of students is that they do not have a lot of

vocabulary stocks in English. It is difficult for them to comprehend reading texts

because they do not know the meaning of words and the words are not familiar for


23 The Concept of Reading Comprehension

According to Cooper et al (1988:3), reading is a process of constructing of

developing meaning to the printed text. He further states that to do this, the reader

brings his prior knowledge or experience to the text. The clues in the text cause the

reader's experience related to the topic. The reader uses the clues from the text in

combination with prior knowledge to form meaning. The use of these two elements

together is the interaction between the reader and the text. Furthermore, Womoke

(1985) cited in Yesi (1999:3), defines that reading can not be separated from


According to Procter (1993:54), comprehension is the process by which a

person understands the meaning of the written or spoken language. Comprehension

is often defined as understanding new information in light of what is already

known (Temple, 1998:24). Moreover, comprehension is even that take place in

mind (Finn, 1985:2)

Reading comprehension means understanding what has been read. It is an

active thinking process that depends not only on comprehension skill. Reading

comprehension involves understanding the vocabulary seeing relationship among

words and concept, organizing the author's purpose, making judgment and


According to Berber (1970:61-65), reading comprehension is a product of

level of cognitive, the process of application by the reader when requires

information fi-om printed media which involves into another one level build on the


2.4 The Definition of Reading Comprehension

The definition of reading comprehension consists of:

1) Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the language skills which are learned by intensively by the

English education study program students. Brunner (1978; 150) stated that "Reading



ideas gain through an interaction between readers and author." Furthermore, it can

say that reading comprehension means reading with power of understanding of the

printed symbols.

Generally, the main purpose of reading is to understand the contents of the

text that someone reads. In summary, reading is the process which requires

comprehension and interpretation of the ideas represented by graphic symbols.

2) Definition of Comprehension

Comprehension is a process of thinking in order to understand written and

spoken material. Gunning (1992:188) states that comprehending the text is an

interactive process between the readers' background knowledge and the text. The

readers understand more or less about what they read according to what they already


According to Harris et al (1981: 74), comprehension means the process of

getting the meaning of a communication, as in a personal letter, speech and sign

language. Comprehension refers to understanding the ability to get the meaning of

something, the meaning of one word series of words presented in the printed form

(Rubin, 19993:193).

3) Comprehension Questions

According to Saleh (1994:44 - 45 cited in lin Jauhari) testing reading can be


categories in term of forms multiple choice questions. A multiple choice question

consists of 5 items which present a problem situation, several options, which

provide possible solution the problem.

In the term of the objective of the question, there are knowledge,

comprehension, application and analysis, synthesis, and evaluation question. The

objective of knowledge questions is to find the information explicitly stated in the

passage. Furthermore, the objective of comprehension questions is to understand the

information implicitly stated in the passage.

In addition, the objective of an application question is to apply the

information he or she has read to another situation. And the objective of a synthesis

question is make predictions to solve problems. Find the objective an evaluation to

make a solution.

2,5 Previous Related Study

This study can be related to the of Ria Andriani's thesis is " The

Competency of Eleventh Grade students in Reading Comprehension and

Vocabulary Mastery at SMA Muhammadiyah 2" written in 2006.

The method used is descriptive method. The population was 148 Eleventh

Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Palembang in Academic year



The average of reading comprehension score was 74. 2% and the average

vocabulary mastery score was 69. 5% it means that the students' competency in

reading comprehension was good and the students' competency in vocabulary

mastery was fair.

2.5.1 The SimUarity

The similarity of those previous studies with the studies is using of the same

independent variable. Those are vocabulary and reading.

2.5.2 The Differences

The differences of those previous studies from this study are:

1) The location of the research

In previous study, the location of the research is at SMA Muhammadiyah 2

Palembang. In this study, the location of research is at SMP Negeri 16 Palembang.

2) The sample of the research

In previous study, the samples of the research were 40 students. In this

research, the samples of research were 80 students.

3) The objective

In previous study, the objective of the research is to know the ability of

students in reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery at SMA


whether there is any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading




This chapter presents (1) method of research, (2) variable of the study (3)

operational definition, (4) population, (5) sample, (6) technique for collecting data,

and (7) technique for analyzing data.

3.1 Method of Research

This part uses descriptive method. According to Best (1989:76) states that "a

descriptive study describes and interprets what it is. It is concerned with conditions

or relationship that exist, opinions that are held. Processes that are going on, and

affect that are developing. It is primarily concerned with the present, although it

often considers past events and influences as they are related to current condition.

In short, the word descriptive is derived from the word "describe" which

means say somebody or something is like. The data will be obtained by giving the

written text to the students.

3.2 Variable of the Study

Variable is defining as something that varies from one case to another. The

dependent variable is variable which one observes and measures to determine the

effect of the independent variable.


Independent variable (the major variable) is the variable which is selected

manipulated and measured by the researcher (Arikunto, 2010:164). In this research

there are two variables, they are: independent variable (X) and dependent variable

(Y). Independent variable is a variable that is presumed to influence another

variable. Dependent variable is a category that is influenced by another category or

that is the consequent (Kerlinger, 1979:21). In this research the dependent variable

is vocabulary mastery (X) and the independent variable is reading comprehension


33 Operational Definition

This study has operational definition as follows:

1) Correlation

Correlation means relationship and study which are similar with research

correlation considered in which the relationship between two variable in this

research, the vocabulary and reading comprehension.

2) Vocabulary

While Hornby (1984: 523) says that mastery is the complete control or

knowledge. Here, mastery is the whole power or ability to direct knowledge. It

means mastery is the ability to combine skill and knowledge in one certain area.

The certain area in teaching means a lesson taught. It is usually arranged by a



Homby (1984: 523) says that vocabulary is series of words in foreign

language used to express meaning in form of symbols of groups of letter, either a

physical object or an idea and it also can be constructed as an ability to combine

skill or knowledge of words that used to express meaning, in case of the physical

object or idea, in form of symbols of group of letter in a single or more one word.

3) Reading Comprehension

Students are people, over the age of 10, who are studying at junior high

school. Ability means power as skill required to do something. The students' ability

in reading comprehension means the power of people over the ages 10, who are

studying at senior high school in understanding the message the reading materials.

3.4 The Population

Population is the total number of the subjects of an investigation.

According to Hannagan in Selinger (1988; 431) "Population is a group of people (or

items) about which information is being collected" The researcher concludes that

population is a number of group interest to the research, a number of group which


TABLE 1: The Population of the Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 16 Palemhang Years 2011/2012


No Classes Males Females Total

1. VIII. 1 17 22 39

2. VIII. 2 20 19 39

3. VIII. 3 18 22 40

4. "1 r 1 TT A VIII. 4


20 19 39

5. VI1I.5 20 20 40

6. VIII.6 19 21 40

7. VIII.7 18 21 39

8. vin.8 20 19 39

9. V1I1.9 20 20 39

10. VIII. 10 20 20 40

Total 192 203 395

Source: SMP Negeri 16 Palembang Year 2012

3.5 Sample

Arikunto (2010) says that a sample is a small group that is observed.

Arikunto (2010: 177) states that in taking the number of sample, i f the number of



enough to take 25-30 percent from the total number of population that have been


TABLE 2: The Sample of the Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 16 Palemhang Year 2012


No Classes Males Females Total

1 VIII. 9 20 20 40 2 VIII. 10 20 20 40 Iritai 40 40 80

The samples of investigation were 80 students. The sample 80 students were

taken cluster random sampling from two classes.

3.6 Techniques for Collecting Data

As presented above, the data of this research from the test are taken from the

score of students' ability in reading and their mastery vocabulary. Then, they were

computed to find out if there was correlation between reading comprehension and

vocabulary mastery.

1) Data Collection

In this research, there are two instruments which utilized to obtain the data.

There are vocabulary test and reading comprehension test. The eighth year students


2) Procedure of Data Collection

The procedure of data analysis has been arranged as the following steps:

a. Preparing

1) Checking the students name and identify

2) Checking the data completeness

3) Checking the data content

b. Tabulating

1) Scoring the students works

2) Giving codes the students errors

3) Coding with the correlation of data process on computer screen

3.7 Technique for Analyzing Data

a) Percentage Analyzing

The data obtained would be analyzed by using percentage analysis to

know the students' ability in using reading comprehension and vocabulary in

individual score.

The formula as follows:


X= - 100%


X= Total Correct Answer

T= Number of Items



To conversion of the percentage analysis is shown in table 3.3

TABLE 3: Conversion of Score Range

No Score Criteria

1 75-80 Excellent

2 70-74 Good

3 55-69 Fair

4 45-54 Poor

5 40-44 Very poor

Source: Lecture Notes

In analyzing the data, the Person Product Moment Coefficient was used and

the coefficient correlation is:

n Q : X Y ) - ( Z X ) Q : Y )

> / i< 2 x T^ ^ G X) 5 '| n( 2 Y 2 ) - Q: Y) 2

r = Correlation Coefficient

n = Number of the Sample X = Vocabulary


The following table shows the degree of correlation coefficients

TABLE 4: The Degree of Correlation Coeffieients

Goeiiicieni iniervai uegree oi Gurreiauon

0.00-0.199 Very weak

0.20 - 0.399 Weak

0.40 - 0.599 Fair

0.60 - 0.799 Strong

0.80- 1.000 Very strong

Source: Sugiyono, 2001 cited in Evit, 2006: 27

Correlation coefficients whose magnitudes are between 0.80 and 1.000

indicate variables which can be considered very highly correlated. Correlation

coefficients whose magnitudes are between 0.60 and 0.799 indicate variables which

can be considered highly correlated. Correlation coefficients whose magnitudes are

between 0.40 and 0.599 indicate variables which can be considered moderately

correlated. Correlation coefficients whose magnitudes are between 0.20 and 0.399 indicate variables which have a low correlation. Correlation coefficients whose



3.7.1 The Validity of Test

According to Sugiyono (2011:173) "Validity means the instrument can

be used to measure what it should be measured". Validity is the most important

quality to consider on the preparation and means that the test must be appropriate in

term of the objective (Gronlund 1993: 19). According to Richard, et al, (1985:61)

"Validity of the test materials is checked through the content validity, it is a form of

validity which is based on the degree to which a test adequately and sufficient

measures that a particular skills or behaviors it sets out to measure."

To take the tests has a high degree of content validity to conform the test

items in accordance with the specification table of the test.

3.7.2 The Reliability of Test

According to Tinambunan (1988:14) "reliability refers to the consistency of

the test scores. That is, how consistent the score or other evaluation results are from

one measurement to another. "The reliability of the test material was evaluated

through the internal consistency reliability. " The reliability also the test score is

typically report's by means of reliability coefficient or the standard error

measurement "(Richard, et al, 1985:146). Thus reliability also means the


3.7.3 Correlation Formula

According to Arikunto (2010: 319) the Person Product Moment Coefficient

was used in analyzing the correlation:

y N E X Y - ( Z X ) ( E Y )

' ^ I —

^ { N E X ' - ( S X ) ' } { N E Y ' - ( S Y) 7

r = Correlation Coefficient

N = Number of the Sample

X = Vocabulary



This chapter discusses (1) the findings of the study and (2) interpretation of

the study.

4.1 Findings

The findings of the study were (1) the result of vocabulary test, (2) the result

of reading comprehension test, and (3) the correlation between vocabulary mastery

and reading comprehension.

To find out the correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading

comprehension, the number of tests had been administrated to the eighth year

students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang. The result of the tests given to do the

samples of the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang shows that scores

varied from 50 up to 80. The highest score of vocabulary mastery was 80 and the

lowest score was 50. While the highest scores of reading comprehension was 80 and

the lowest score was 50.

4.1.1 The Result of Students' Test in Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension The test for vocabulary is filling in the blank consisting of 5 items and

matched form consisting of 5 items while for reading comprehension test is


multiples choice form consisted of 10 items. The time allocated for the students was

30 minutes. The total numbers of the sample in this research were 80 students.

The students' scores in vocabulary test can be seen in table 4.1 and the

scores of the students in reading comprehension test can be seen in table 4.2

TABLE 4.1.2 The Result of Vocabulary Test in Filling in the Blank and Match Test

Number of Number Number of Answer Score (%) Sample of Item Correct Incorrect

1 10 o 6 2 80

2 10 0 2 80

3 10 6 4 60

4 6 4 oO

5 10 7 3 70

6 10 7 3 70

7 10 6 4 60

8 10 8 2 80

9 10 6 4 60

10 10 8 2 80

11 10 7 3 70

12 10 7 3 70

13 10 8 2 80

14 10 8 2 80

15 10 8 2 80

16 10 6 4 60


08 Z 8 01 pp

02 £ 2 01 £P

02 £ 2 01 ZP

02 £ 2 01 IP

08 Z 8 01 OP

09 f 9 01

09 P 9 01 8£

09 P 9 01

02 £ 2 01

08 Z 8 01

08 Z 8 01

02 i 2 01 ££

09 P 9 01

02 £ 2 01

08 Z 8 01 oe


08 Z 8 01 63

02 £ 2 01 83

08 Z 8 01 23

08 Z 8 01 93

08 z 8 01 sz

08 z 8 01 PZ

02 £ 2 01 £Z

08 Z 8 01 33

02 £ 2 01 13

08 Z 8 01 03

09 P 9 01 61


c 1 01 89


09 V

A 7 01 U I 29 AO

Us C


5 01 99

7 7 AC




c 01 C9

7 7 A/



t 01 t'9

l'7 AA

09 F



01 fQ



7 O


01 70

C/7 AA

09 4*




01 TO



7 O

5 01 00




L Q 8 01 6C

U 7


UL C t OT 07





0! oc



7 Q S OT cc


A /

UL L 2


U l F7

09 i_ F n



U l CC


08 c o 8 AT



08 6


8 AT U l T C IS

08 3 8 01 AC


08 3 8 01 6P

02 £ 2 01 HP

09 9 01 LP

09 9 01 9P



72 10 7 3 70

73 10 6 4 60

74 10 7 3 70

75 10 5 5 50

76 10 7 3 70

11 10 6 4 60

78 10 6 4 60

79 10 8 2 80

80 10 8 2 80

Total 80 566 238 56600

The result of the students' average percentage of vocabulary was


X= X 100%



X= —X 100% 800


TABLE 4.1.3 The Result of Test Score of Reading Comprehension in Multiple Choice Test

Number of Number Number of Answer Score (%) Sample of Item Correct Incorrect

1 1 f\


1 70 / O

Z 1 (\ 1 •5 /o

3 l U 0 4 4

A 1A l U £ O 4 A 60



1A l u Q o 7 £ 80

o i n 4




7 i n 7 7 70


o i n

c J



0 i n

l U


O 7 £ 80

o u

i n £ O 4


60 uu


11 i n l U

7 7 70

/ u

1 7 i n 7 7 70

/ u

17 i n 7 7 70


14 i n i U

7 7



15 10 6 4 60

16 10 6 4 60

17 10 7 3 70

18 10 5 5 50

19 10 7 3 70

20 10 6 4 60

21 10 7 3 70

22 10 7 3 70


o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

O o




o - J o Ov o o


O o o


O On



o o o




o o


o o

0 0





o - J

o ON o o






m f*9 r9 r*9 »ci (N m (N V m V V




V NO V in CO



in o NO NO







NO in




78 10 6 4 60

79 10 7 3 70

80 10 7 3 70

Total 80 516 284 51600

The result of the students' average percentage of reading comprehension was



— 7 ^ 100%


Y - -P^x 100%


Y= X 100%



TABLE 4.1.4 The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery (X) and Reading Comprehension (Y)

Number of

Sample X Y Y^

Cross Product (X.Y)

1 80 70 6400 4900 5600

2 80 70 6400 4900 5600

3 60 60 3600 3600 3600

4 60 60 3600 3600 3600

5 70 50 4900 2500 3500

6 70 60 4900 3600 4200

7 60 50 3600 2500 4200

8 80 70 6400 4900 6400

9 60 50 3600 2500 3000

10 80 60 6400 3600 4800

11 70 60 4900 3600 4200

12 70 60 4900 3600 4200

13 80 80 6400 6400 6400

14 80 60 6400 3600 4800

15 80 80 6400 6400 6400

16 60 50 3600 2500 3000

17 80 70 6400 4900 5600

18 60 60 3600 3600 3600

19 60 70 3600 4900 4200

20 80 70 6400 4900 5600

21 70 60 4900 3600 4200

22 80 70 6400 4900 5600



24 80 80 6400 6400 6400

25 80 70 6400 4900 5600

26 80 60 6400 3600 4800

27 80 70 6400 4900 5600

28 70 70 4900 4900 4900

29 80 70 6400 4900 5600

30 80 70 6400 4900 5600

31 70 60 4900 3600 4200

32 60 50 3600 2500 3000

33 70 60 4900 3600 4200

34 80 70 6400 4900 5600

35 80 70 6400 4900 5600

36 70 60 4900 3600 4200

37 60 50 3600 2500 3000

38 60 60 3600 3600 3600

39 60 50 3600 2500 3000

40 80 70 6400 4900 5600

41 70 60 4900 3600 4200

42 70 60 4900 3600 4200

43 70 60 4900 3600 4200

44 80 70 6400 4900 5600

45 70 70 4900 4900 4900


47 60 60 3600 3600 3600

48 70 60 4900 3600 4200

49 80 70 6400 4900 5600


51 80 70 6400 4900 5600

52 80 80 6400 6400 6400

53 60 60 3600 3600 3600

54 70 60 4900 3600 4200

55 80 70 6400 4900 5600

56 70 60 4900 3600 4200

57 60 70 3600 4900 4200

58 70 60 4900 3600 4200

59 80 70 6400 4900 5600

60 80 70 6400 4900 5600

61 60 60 3600 3600 3600

62 80 70 6400 4900 5600

63 60 50 3600 2500 3000

64 70 70 4900 4900 4900

65 50 60 2500 3600 3000

66 80 60 6400 3600 4800

67 60 70 3600 4900 4200

68 70 70 4900 4900 4900

69 70 70 4900 4900 4900

70 80 70 6400 4900 5600

71 60 60 3600 3600 3600

72 70 80 4900 6400 5600

73 60 50 3600 2500 3000

74 70 70 4900 4900 4900

75 50 60 2500 3600 3000

76 70 80 4900 6400 5600



78 60 60 3600 3600 3600

79 80 70 6400 4900 5600

80 80 70 6400 4900 5600

Total 5660 5160 400600 417080 416100

The total X :5660

The total Y :5160

The total :400600

The total Y^ :417080

The total XY :416100

In analyzing the data, the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient was used.

The coefficient correlation is:

N S X Y - g X j g Y )

V{ N I ; X2 -Q ; X) 2 } {N I; Y2 - ( 2 Y)2

_ 80.416100-5660 X 5160

V{80 X 400600-(5660)2 } {80 X 417080-(5160)2



— 25876800 ~ V12400X 6740800

= 25876800 V6728400

_ 25876800



Correlation 0.99 means high correlation, indicating variables which can be

considered very highly correlated.

The percentage of the total correct answer on the vocabulary mastery test was:

X = -^^x 100%


= 70.75 %

The percentage of the total correct answer on reading comprehension test was:

Y = - ^ ^ x 100% 80x10

= 64.5 %

4.2 Interpretation of the Study

From the analysis, the average score of the eighth year students in doing

vocabulary test was 70.75 %, and the average of the eighth year students in reading

comprehension test was 64.5 %, it means that the students' vocabulary mastery was

good and the students' competency in reading comprehension was fair.

In doing vocabulary mastery test the students who get 80 score was 32

students, 70 was 24 students, 60 was 22 students and 50 was 2 students. In reading

comprehension test, the student get 80 score was 6 students, 70 were 33 students, 60

were 32 students and got 50 were 9 students. In short, the highest score was 80 and



Based on the finding, it was found that the correlation coefficient obtained

was 0.99. It shows that there was a positive and highly correlation between

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. It means that the students who get

high score in vocabulary also gets high score in reading comprehension, and the

students who get low score in reading comprehension also gets low score in


This chapter presents the conclusion of the study followed by suggestions to

English teacher, students and school.

5.1 Conclusions

From the data gathered during the research. There are three conclusions that

can be made. First, the average of vocabulary mastery score was 70.75 %. It can be

concluded that the students' competency in vocabulary was good. Secondly, the

average of reading comprehension score was 64.5 %. It can be concluded that

students' reading comprehension was fair, it is based on the test items given to the

eighth year students of SMP Negeri 16 Palembang.

In doing vocabulary mastery test the students who get 80 score is 32

students, 70 is 24 students, 60 was 22 students and 50 was 2 students. In reading

comprehension test, the students who get 80 score is 6 students, 70 are 33 students,

60 are 32 students and got 50 are 9 students. In short, the highest score is 80 and the

lowest one is 50.

Finally, it was found that correlation coefficient obtained was 0.99.

According to the average of reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery scores,



it indicated that there is a positive correlation between their vocabulary and reading


The students getting high score in vocabulary also get high score in reading,

and the students getting low score in reading, also get low score in vocabulary. But,

it is denied i f the students' vocabulary and reading comprehension are also

influenced by other factors, such as: the students' grammar and pronunciation.

5.2 Suggestions

To improve the students' command in English, there are some suggestions to be considered.

5.2.1 English Teachers

English teachers are suggested to:

Q Give more practice in vocabulary and reading

tX Teach more effectively, interesting and motivate the students in learning

vocabulary in the class room,

n Create an interesting lesson which is relevant to the students' needs

especially vocabulary in reading.

Q Teach reading comprehension and vocabulary, and explained as clearly

as possible and also give the students homework


5.2.2 Students

Students are suggested to:

n Increase reading activities in English

tX Have dictionaries in reading lesson

tt Listen carefully and pay attention to the teacher's explanation

D The students should ask to the teacher i f there is something that they don't understand

n The students are hoped to be active and creative in enriching their


5.2.3 School Authority / Government

The school / government should provide:

n More facilities, such as library with sufficient books, news paper, and

dictionary so the students can get a lot of knowledge and enrich their

vocabulary and improve their reading ability.

Q Media to the English teacher in teaching English like pictures, globes,




Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek ,


Rineka Cipta.

Brewster, Jean and Ellis Gail. 1992. The Primary English Teaching Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brumfit, C. Moon, J and Tongue, R. 1997. Teaching English to Children. From Practice to Principle. Collins ELT: Longman.

Burton, 1982. Mastering English Language. New York. The Mai Million Press Ltd.

Coady, James and Huckin, Thomas. 1997. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. London: Cambridge University Press.

Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. 2003. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.

Fraenkei, Jack R and Norman E. Wallen. 1993. Educational Research: A Guide to the Process. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Haryadi, 2011. Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi. Palembang: FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah.

Hatch, Evelyn and Anne Lazaraton, 1991. The Research Manual Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistic. Los Angeles: Newbury House Publishers.

Heaton. J.B and Methold. K.1973. Reading with Understanding. Yogyakarta. Kanisius.

http://mol2006busan.org/58/importance-of-reading-comprehension-in-second-language learning. Palembang: March 8, 2012.


Jauharri, Tin. 2005. The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Ability of the First Year Students at SMP Nadatu! Ulama Palembang.

Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, Palembang. FKIP, University PGRI Palembang.

Margono, S. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Komponen MKDK. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Saleh, Yuslizal. 1992. Technique of Teaching as Foreign Language.

Unpublished Monograph Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Sriwijaya.

Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan ( PendekatanKuantitatif, Kualitatif and R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.



I. Reading Test Textl


A man had a parrot. It was a very beautiful bird and every day the man talked

to it.

"Pretty Polly", he said. "You are a pretty Polly".

"Pretty Polly", the parrot said. "You are a pretty Polly".

Every day the man spoke new words to the parrot. "Hallo", he said and "goodbye".

One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man came to the room and saw the parrot."What are you doing?" he said.

"What are you doing?" the parrot said.

The man laughed. Then he went out to visit his friends.

That evening a thief came to the house. He walked round the house and looked into the windows. There was no one at home. The thief broke open the door and entered the house. First he went into the sitting-room. In the sitting-room he found some books and papers. He put them into a bag. Then he went into the bedroom. In the bedroom he found a gold watch and some money. He put these into the bag, too. He stole many things from the house and put them into his bag.

The bag was soon full. The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked out. There was no one there.

"What are you doing?" a voice said.

The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his bag. Then he ran out of the house and down the road.


B. A man C. A thief

D. A beautiful bird

2. Whom did the man visit? A. His friends

B. A thief C. No one D. A funny man

3. What did the thief try to steal in the bedroom? A. A gold watch and some money

B. The parrot

C. The key to the door D. Some books and papers

4. Whom did the thief hear? A. A policeman

B. The owner of the house C. The parrot

D. The owner's friends

5. Why did the thief run out of the house? A. Someone saw him


Text 2


A farmer had a very fierce dog. The dog ran round the farm all day and all night. It barked and growled at everyone. Sometimes it bit people. One day bit a small boy.

"Your dog bit my son" the boy's mother said to the farmer.

"What was your son doing on my farm?" the farmer asked.

"He was only going for a walk. He wasn't doing anything wrong".

" I did not ask your son to walk on my farm", the farmer said.

" I don't know your son. My dog doesn't know your son. It always bites people it doesn't know".

Another time the dog bit a young girl. The girl's father was very angry.

"Your dog bit my daughter", the man said to the farmer.

"What was your daughter doing on my farm?" the farmer asked.

"She was only getting her ball. She was playing in the road and her ball went into your field".

The farmer laughed. " I did not ask your daughter to come into my field. I don't know your daughter. My dog doesn't know your daughter. It always bites people it doesn't know".

The people of the village did not go near the farm after this. They didn't went the dog bite them.

One day a stranger went to the farm. He wanted to speak to the farmer. He opened the gate and walked in. the fierce dog ran up and bit his leg. The stranger ran back to the village.

"The farmer's dog bit me", the stranger said.

"It bites everybody", the people in the village said.


But nobody gave the money to the farmer because of the dog. They gave it to the poor.

Choose tbe correct answer. Write only A, B, C or D for each answer. 6. What did the dog do all day and all night?

A. It bit people

B. It barked and growled C. It ran round the farm D. It helped the farmer

7. Why did the dog bite the boy? A. Because he hit it

B. Because the farmer told it to do this

C. Because the boy was doing something wrong D. Because it did not know the boy

8. Whose leg did the dog bite? A. The farmer's

B. The young girl's C. The stranger's D. No one's

9. Why did the stranger want to see the farmer? A. To tell the farmer about the dog

B. To tell him to wait for someone C. To give him some money D. To give him his address

10. Why did no one give the stranger's money to the farmer? A. The people did not know the farmer

B. They were afraid of the dog



II. Vocabulary Test

Put tbe correct word the following list in place of each set stars. Remember to write the verb in tbe correct tense.

1. I ... my uncle last night and had a long talk with him. 2. The teacher ... the classroom and the students stood up. 3. The careless servant... the book.

4. I left my pen on my desk but it is not here now. Someone . 5. Ali and Amat are ... to a film tonight.

. it.

Find tbe correct meaning in List B for each word in List A. each word must have the same meaning which it has in the passage.

List A

6. Fierce

7. Bite

8. Angry

9. Frightened

10. Red-faced

7 u ListB

A. Very afraid

B. Tame

C. Shy

D. Very annoyed

E. Savage

F. In a bad temper


2. A

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. D

8. C

9. C



1. Visited

2. Entered

3. Dropped

4. Stole

5. Going

6. Fierce —> Savage

7. Bite —> Cut with one's teeth

8. Angry —»In bad temperature

9. Frightened —> Very afraid


d f - « - 2

Level of Significance (Q)for Two-Tailed Test


1 80 70

2 80 70

3 60 60

4 60 60

5 70 50

6 70 60

7 60 50

8 80 70

9 60 50

10 80 60

11 70 60

12 70 60

13 80 80

14 80 60

15 80 80

16 60 50

17 80 70

18 60 60

19 60 70

20 80 70



OA 08 PP

09 OA iP

09 OA ZP

09 OA \P

OA 08 OP

09 09 6£

09 09

09 09 A£

09 OA 9€

OA 08 99

OA 08 Pi

09 OA ii

09 09 Zi

09 OA M



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