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Teeth Whitening Gels


Academic year: 2017

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Teeth Whitening Gels have been proven to be one of the best chemicals to whiten teeth. Teeth whitening gels come in many different levels of concentration. Concentration levels for teeth whitening gels ranges from 5% to 36%. The higher the concentration for the teeth whitening gels, the better and quicker the results.


Teeth Whitening, Teeth Whiteners, Tooth Whitening, Tooth Whiteners, Professional, Teeth Whitening, Professional Tooth Whitening, Teeth Whitening Gels,

Article Body:

Teeth Whitening Gels have been proven to be one of the best chemicals to whiten teeth. Teeth whitening gels come in many different levels of concentration. Concentration levels for teeth whitening gels ranges from 5% to 36%. The higher the concentration for the teeth whitening gels, the better and quicker the results. The most popular form of teeth whitening gels is the 22% carbamide peroxide gel, which is used in most dental offices nationwide and at home individuals. The level of concentration you use depends on the level of strength your gums and mouth can handle. High levels of concentration can make your teeth very irritated. The level of irritation is the main reason why professionals recommend 22% carbamide peroxide gels. That level of teeth whitening gel is safe and efficient and in most cases pain free. Another Form of teeth whitening gel is hydrogen peroxide. This is the tooth whitening gel used in place of carbamide peroxide. A popular form of hydrogen peroxide is a white strip, which comes in many brands and can be purchased at any retail store nationwide. Professionals and individuals nationwide recommend carbamide peroxide over any other form of teeth whitening gel.

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