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Helpful Tips in Finding Legitimate Pharmacies Online


Academic year: 2017

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Even though there are a lot of legitimate pharmacies on the Internet today that efficiently facilitate cheap drugs delivered right on your doorstep for free, there are still a number of rogue sites that illegally operate and sell medicines to consumers. As such, it is a must for consumers to learn how to determine which sites are legitimate or not. In line with this, the article provides tips that can help consumers in finding legitimate pharmacies online.


cheap drugs delivered right on your doorstep for free

Article Body:

Buying medications via the Internet is probably one of the easiest and the fastest ways to get prescription medicines. Nothing beats the convenience of having your ordered cheap drugs delivered right on your doorstep for free. Online pharmacies are truly the best options for you if you do not have the time to go to local drugstores near you or if you are physically unable to go out and buy the medicines that you need.

Despite the popularity of online pharmacies to Internet consumers today, there are still a number of websites established online that do not require prescriptions from their clients. These websites, according to the United States’ Food and Drug Administration, are conducting unlawful services of dispensing drugs or medications. Remember that distributing medicines without proper prescriptions is illegal, hence, the medications these websites offer may be counterfeit and harmful to your health. With this, it is very important for you to know as a consumer to detect which sites are legitimate and illegitimate. Below is a list of helpful tips that can guide you in finding legitimate pharmacies via the Internet:

1. Make sure that your prospect online pharmacy is registered or licensed to operate.

Before you order or buy medications via the Internet, it is best to check if your prospect site is a licensed online medication distributor of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. This way, you’ll instantly know if the site that you’d like to buy medications from is legal or not. If your chosen site has accreditation or seal of approval of either Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Associations, then that site is good to go. 2. Look for the website’s contact details.

If your prospect online pharmacy does not post its contact details on its website, then that site is most likely operating against the US’s FDA law. You cannot trust websites that do not have return addresses or contact details, for it will be very difficult for you to get in touch with these online pharmacies once problems in the orders occur. Legitimate websites should have contact numbers, e-mail addresses, and main office addresses of the sites’ land-based drugstores. 3. Check if the online pharmacy of your choice only requires prescription on consumers before facilitating order and purchase.

Another way of determining if an online pharmacy is legitimate or not if it requires prescriptions on its clients. Selling or distributing drugs without proper prescriptions is illegal. Avoid websites that merely ask online consumers to answer questionnaires as basis of their recommended medications. Remember that prescribing medications for any health condition should not be based from answered questionnaires only. 4. Stay away from online pharmacies that contain many adverts.

There are no medicines or medications that can provide instant cure to any form of health condition. Hence, better stay away from sites that strongly advertise such promises, for these are more or less fake or rouge websites. Advertising superficial benefits buy rogue websites more chances of luring first-timer consumers to their websites.

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