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Labor Pain Relief for New Moms


Academic year: 2017

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Labor causes a lot of pain especially for new moms that are unprepared for the process of repeated contractions and dilations. This article provides insight on common triggers of labor pain and some tips to get labor pain relief to help ease the process of giving birth.


abor pain relief

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Having a baby is an exciting period especially for first-time moms. But alongside this excitement is the looming uncertainty of what they will experience during childbirth. According to experts, giving birth is easy enough ˘ it is the labor that hurts the most. Drugs can deaden the pain but if natural childbirth is preferred, Lamaze classes and seminars can certainly help. There are other ways to achieve labor pain relief but their efficiency largely depends on the cause of the labor pain. Causes of Labor Pain

Generally, labor pain is classified into three: functional, physiological, and emotional. Identifying and determining the cause of the pain is half the battle won during labor and childbirth so it is important for new moms to keep calm. Functional pain

During labor, vaginal muscles dilate and contract repeatedly which can certainly cause some degree of pain. Physiological pain

The baby’s position may deviate from normal (head first) which can cause difficulty during labor. Posterior babies often require alternative methods like back labor or the caesarian method to be delivered safely. Emotional pain

Most cases of labor pain are classified as emotionally driven. This can be caused by lack of childbirth information or fear in the mother. Intense emotions can cause mothers to tense up and fight the contractions; actions that serve no purpose except to heighten labor pains. Tips to Relieve Labor Pain

Relief from labor pain is the fruit of careful preparation both from the new mothers and those that support and care for them. Below are some tips to minimize labor pain:

1. Entrust the birth to a considerate practitioner. New moms can choose between midwives and doctors but the bottom line is that the practitioner they chose to assist them in giving birth must be supportive of their want to experience a natural birth and has the expertise to provide them with the necessary care.

2. Choose a well-equipped birth setting. In this case, well-equipped means that the place should have all the equipment necessary to facilitate the birth and a support team to assist the practitioner and the new mom. New moms can opt to give birth in their own homes, birthing centers, or hospitals. Each setting has advantages and disadvantages that new moms must discuss with their chosen practitioner. 3. Get the services of a professional doula. If a new mom can afford it, hiring a professional doula during the pregnancy term, labor, and postpartum period to provide physical and emotional support. Although family and friends can serve the same purpose, a doula is knowledgeable and experienced in childbirth so she can give new moms professional and expert help.

4. Study labor positioning and other labor techniques. There are several positions new moms can choose to assume during labor. Standing and walking or simply sitting are just some of the positions new moms can try during labor. These positions help mothers to tolerate the contractions and align babies so they can be delivered easily. Aside from determining the cause of labor pain and learning techniques to relieve it, new moms also need the support of their partners, families, and friends. Regular exercise and balanced diet can also help minimize labor pain by keeping new moms fit and healthy.

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