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Latvia 2017 OECD economic Survey boosting productivity and inclusiveness


Academic year: 2017

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Boosting productivity and inclusiveness

September 15th 2017, Riga Latvia


Main messages

The Latvian econom y is growing strongly, underpinned by

progress with econom ic reform s.

Deeper integration into international trade is necessary to

catch up with high-incom e countries.

Poverty and unem ploym ent are still high. Access to jobs,


Growth has been strong

Latvia Estonia Euro area

Re a l GD P, In d e x 2 0 0 7 = 10 0


Exports have gained market share

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Econom ic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database).


Unemployment has fallen

U n e m p lo ym e n t ra te a s % o f la b o u r fo rce

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Econom ic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database).



Wages have grown more than prices

Source: OECD (2017), OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database).

Gro w th o f la b o u r co m p e n s a tio n p e r e m p lo ye e a n d co n s u m e r p rice in fla tio n


Latvia is a top reformer

Th e 2 0 17 Go in g fo r Gro w th re fo rm re s p o n s ive n e s s in d ica to r

Source: OECD (20 17) Going for Growth 20 17 edition.


Debt has fallen

D e b t a s % o f GD P

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Econom ic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database) and OECD National Accounts Statistics (database).

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

% %


The gap in productivity remains large


Poverty is high

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Social and Welfare Statistics (database).


Income inequality remains high

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Social and Welfare Statistics (database).


Higher income, better housing and better

health would raise wellbeing

Source: OECD (20 16), OECD Better Life Index- Edition 20 16.

OECD Better Life Index, from 0 (worse) to 1 (best), 2016


Income and wealth

Jobs and earnings


Work and life balance

Health status

Education and skills Social connections

Environmental quality Personal security

Subjective well-being

Latvia OECD


Credit growth is still weak

Households Non-financial corporations

Source: Bank of Latvia.


Productivity growth has slowed

Ave ra ge a n n u a l gro w th o f la b o u r p ro d u ctivity

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Productivity Statistics (database).


1995-2005 2005-2016 1995-2005 2005-2016 1995-2005 2005-2016

Total Manufacturing Business sector services


Trade could boost productivity and income

D o m e s tic va lu e a d d e d p e r w o rke r e m b o d ie d in fo re ign fin a l d e m a n d , 2 0 11




Many workers feel under-skilled at the time of


Source: CEDEFOP (20 16), “Skills Panoram a” (http:/ / skillspanoram a.cedefop.europa.eu).


Skill shortages are holding back participation

in global value chains

Source: CEDEFOP (20 16), “Skills Panoram a” (http:/ / skillspanoram a.cedefop.europa.eu).


Few firms cooperate with research institutions

Source: Eurostat (20 16), Com m unity Innovation Survey (CIS).

Th e s h a re o f firm s e n ga gin g in re s e a rch co o p e ra tio n


Low debt recovery hampers access to credit


Infrastructure lags behind peer countries

Latvia Estonia Lithuania Finland


Pro vid e m o re ge n e ro u s gra n ts fo r s tu d e n ts a tte n d in g


Unemployment is high in some regions

Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.


Latvia Pierīga Riga Vidzeme Kurzeme Zemgale Latgale




High unemployment keeps poverty high

Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.


Latvia Riga Pierīga Kurzeme Zemgale Vidzeme Latgale




Access to affordable rental housing is low

Rent (private)¹ Rent (subsidized)²

S h a re o f re n ta l h o u s in g, lo w -in co m e h o u s e h o ld s , 2 0 14 o r la te s t ye a r


Spending on active labour market policies is


Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Em ploym ent and Labour Market Statistics (database).


Out-of-pocket payments in healthcare are high

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD H ealth Statistics (database)


Workers pay high fees for private pensions

% of assets under management, 2015




Government debt is low


Informality remains high



Taxes on low wages are high

Source: OECD (20 17), OECD Tax Statistics (database) and OECD estim ate of tax reform effect. Ta xa tio n o f la b o u r in co m e , 2 0 16

% of total labour compensation, single person at 67% of average earnings without children


after tax reform


Ra is e s p e n d in g to a d d re s s p re s s in g s tru ctu ra l a n d s o cia l


For more information



OECD Economics


The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.


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