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Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Wisatawan Mancanegara Pengunjung Objek Wisata Alam Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Di Bukit Lawang SPTN Wilayah V Bahorok BTPN Wilayah III Stabat


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Wisatawan Mancanegara Pengunjung Objek Wisata Alam Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Di Bukit Lawang SPTN Wilayah V Bahorok BTPN Wilayah III Stabat"


Teks penuh


1st attachment Descriptive Analysis of questionnaires Satisfaction Analysis of Foreign Tourist Attraction

Against Nature at Gunung Leuser National Park in

Bukit Lawang"


Date of issue: Questionnaire number :

I am Christianto Y V Tarigan a college student of Management Department of Economic Faculty, University of North Sumatera, doing my thesis by collecting some datas in this research, as for my thesis is about “Satisfaction Analysis of Foreign Tourist Attraction Against Nature at Gunung Leuser National Park in Bukit


Please go through the following questionnaire and identify the appropriate responses for each of them. There is no such thing as a correct answer, therefore feel free to respond without reservation . Disclaimer: Your response via this questionnaire will be used strictly for academic purposes. There will not be any commercial solicitation or usage of the response in any kind/form whatsoever. I’m really obliged to you for your participation.


8. Occupation

a. Civil servants c. Businessman e. House wife b. Private employees d. Student/Student college f. Other ( 9. Average monthly income :

a. Less than 500 € d. 2,000 € - 2,999 € b. 500 € - 999 € e. 3,000 € - 4,999 € c. 1,000 € - 1,999 € f. over 5,000 € 10. Average monthly expenses :

a. Less than 250 € d. 1.000 € - 1.500 €

Stages of Tourists’ behavior at Gunung Leuser National Park in Langkat

District North Sumatera Province :

I. Introduction necessary 1. Who are you traveling with?

a. Alone c. Coworkers e. Husband or wife b. Family d. Friends f. Other (

2. What is your favorite thing?


3. Why are the tours interesting to you? a. supporting the environment conservation b. Tour packages

c. Educational

d. Facilities and infrastructure of attraction place e. The culture of the local people

f. Other (

4. Reasons why do you chose to come to Gunung Leuser National Park in Langkat District North Sumatera Province?

a. New environment c. Healthy e. Knowledge

b. Comfortable and the beautiful scenery d. Entertain f. Other (

5. What benefits do you expect by visiting Gunung Leuser National Park in Langkat District North Sumatera Province?


2ndattachment: Questionnaire of evaluating the level satisfaction The level satisfaction

Form instruction A. Importance level

Evaluating the contribution of attraction place’s indicators provided by Gunung Leuser National Park in Gunung Leuser National Park in Langkat District North Sumatera Province as a basic consideration visitors to visit the attraction place.

LI = less important QI = Quite important MI = Most important NI = Not important I = Important

B. Operation level

W = Worst GE = Good enough E = Excellent

B = Bad G = Good

Instruction: Mark (V) in the table below according on your choice.

No Attribute Importance level Operation level



1 Ticket expenses 2 Scenery

3 Road condition in TNGL

4 The cleanliness of attraction place

5 Facilities and infrastructure of attraction place 6 Employee appearance



No Atribute Importance level Operation level


9 The uniqueness of attraction place

10 The events are organized by tourist attractions 11 Tour packages

12 Information description 13 Feeding Time

14 Jungle Trek

15 Orang Utan Conservation 16 Rafting / Tubing

Responsive 17 Services

18 Handling complaints of visitors 19 Hospitality employees


20 Attraction place security

21 Safety assurance of games offered 22 The competences of employee


23 The directions of facilities 24 The board description

25 The cleanliness of rest area provided by tourist attractions


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