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Burung Gagak dan Burung Bangau


Academic year: 2018

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Burung Gagak dan Burung Bangau

In ancient times there lived a crow white and black stork. They are friends since childhood. One day a crow heron ask, what is the secret of his white skin shiny. Finally the crow opened its secrets in the form of a magic potion. Crow kindly provide these ingredients with a requirement in return. Stork agreed. After taking the herb, black stork and white stork yanhpg be pretty. Still, for other forest animals white crow still much prettier. After several days of crows came to see stork, bill promises to restore this ingredient. But because of his jealousy he just flush this medicine at once toward the crows. then turn black crows. He was upset. Well, on another occasion, stork evil also caught stealing a lot of fish in the river. Therefore, the deer growled and pelted with wood stork. Prak! Beautiful heron wings broken. And he can not fly again until now. So, that's the reason why the raven black and white storks but could not fly. The lesson is never time to do evil to others, but often often to do good.


The Elephants and The Rats

Quite a long time ago, there carried on a gathering of mice under a tree in peace. In any case, a gathering of elephants intersection the wilderness unknowingly crushed the homes of the considerable number of rats. A number of them were even smashed to death.

At that point, the ruler of rats chose to approach the elephant boss and solicitation him to direct his crowd through another course. Listening to the tragic story, the elephant lord apologized and consented to take another course. Thus the lives of the rats were spared.

One day, elephant seekers went to the wilderness and caught a gathering of elephants in colossal nets. At that point the elephants lord all of a sudden recalled the ruler of the rats. He summoned one of the elephants of his crowd, which had not been caught, to look for assistance from the lord of rats.



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