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Academic year: 2021



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Buku Agus Suman Catatan Perekonomian Indonesia Desain Penelitian: Pendekatan Kualitatif Ekonomika Politik dan Kesejahteraan Mengasah Jurus Ekonomi SBY-Boediono Sketsa Sketsa Ekonomi

Ahmad Erani Yustika Badai Krisis dan Jebakan Liberalisasi

Dari Krisis ke Krisis: Situasi Terkini Perekonomian Indonesia Deindustrialisasi di Tengah Pusaran CAFTA

Green economy: Menghijaukan Sistem Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi Kaleidoskop Perekonomian Indonesia: Peristiwa, Narasi, dan Analisis Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Pembangunan

Kebijakan Reformasi dan Kerapuhan Kelembagaan Ekonomi Kejahatan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam

Kerentanan Mikroekonomi di Balik Stabilitas Makroekonomi Nasionalisasi dan Liberalisasi Ekonomi

Pembangunan di Atas Pijakan Rapuh

Pembangunan Perdesaan, Pertanian, dan Ketahanan Pangan Perekonomian Indonesia: Catatan dari Luar Pagar

Perekonomian Indonesia: Memahami Masalah dan Menetapkan Arah Proyeksi Ekonomi 2014: Akankah Krisis Berlanjut?

Arif Hoetoro Small Industrial Clusters in Indonesia: Cooperation and Competition Asfi Manzilati Bahan Ajar Olimpiade Sains Nasional : Ekonomi Mikro

Ekonomi Sumber Daya Air Perspektif Islam

Kontrak yang Melemahkan Relasi Petani dan Korporasi


Buku Dwi Budi Santoso Sistem Perekonomian Indonesia Moh. Khusaini Mikroekonomi

Setyo Wahyudi Metode Penelitian

Jurnal Internasional Agus Suman Framework of religious institition contribution in community development:Lesson learned from tomohon, North Sulawesi Hierachy of management strategies in improving traditional fishers's welfare at coastal area of manado bay, north sulawesi, indonesia

How coastal development,environmental change, and adaptive behavior affects fishermen's welfare (A Study of Traditional Fishermen from the Coastal Area of Manado Bay, Indonesia)

Illegal Transaction Cost in The Reqruitment of Civil Servant

Role Analysis Of The Parties To EUCALYPTUS OIL Business Contract As Reflected In Profit Sharing In The Regency Of Buru

The Illegal Transaction Cost In The Recruitments Of Civil Servants The Role of Government, Traditional Institution, And Social Capital for Empowering Small and Medium Industries

The role of mapalus in improving the wealth of farmers in Tomohon municipality North Sulawesi

Vicious Circle Analysis of Poverty and Enterpreneurship

Ahmad Erani Yustika Analysis of Female Migrant Workers Decision to Migrate to Saudi Arabia Comparative Analysis of Transaction Cost Seaweed Farmers

Economic Independence of the Village through Institutional Village Enterprises (BUMDes)


Jurnal Internasional Ahmad Erani Yustika Exchange rate Crisis and Central Bank Instrument Preference: IndonesiaExperience Investment Institutions, and Local Economic Development: The Study of Food Security in East Java – Indonesia

Participation, Investment Institutions, and Local Economic Development: The Study of Food Security in East Java – Indonesia

Share Vvalue in Remittance Usage and Its implication on Post Working period Family earning sustainability Study on international Migrants from Bululuwang District Malang)

The Institutional Coordination of Watershed Management Arif Hoetoro Cooperation and Competition among Clustered MSEs in East Java

Social Entrepreneurship as an Instrument to Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises: an Islamic Perspective

Asfi Manzilati Illegal Transaction Cost in The Reqruitment of Civil Servant Vicious Circle Analysis of Poverty and Enterpreneurship

Candra Fajri Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Livelihoods in Batu (East java Iindonesia): SLFTApproach (Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Tourism) The Competitiveness and Economic Performance of Regency / City in East Java Indonesia

The Product Mapping Analysis of Manufacturing Industry Products in Bilateral Trade between Indonesia and China in 1995-2011

David Kaluge A Regime Switching Analysis of Indonesia's Exchange Market Pressure Does Vocational Education Matter for the Labour Market?(A Case Study in Mining Sector in East Kalimantan –Indonesia)


Jurnal Internasional Devanto Shasta P Analysis of Migrant Workers (TKW) Decision to Migrate to saudi Arabia Do Migrants Get Stuck in the Informal Sector? (With Chris Manning)

Do migrants get stuck in the informal sector? Findings from a household survey in four Indonesian cities

Does Minimum Wage Affect Hours Worked of Paid Employment in Indonesia? Does Vocational Education Matter for the Labour Market?(A Case Study in Mining Sector in East Kalimantan –Indonesia)

Minimum wage effects throughout the wage distribution

Minimum Wage Effects throughout the Wage Distribution : Evidence from Indonesia (European Journal of Economics, Finance, and Administrative Sciences, January 2012)

Minimum Wage Effects Throughout The Wage Distribution: Evidence from Indonesia

Share Vvalue in Remittance Usage and Its implication on Post Working period Family earning sustainability Study on international Migrants from Bululuwang District Malang)

The Effect of Changes in Minimum Wage on Wage and Employment : Regional Panel Data Analysis

The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Employment in Indonesia: Regional Panel Data Analysis

The Role of Networks in International Labour Migration The Role of Networks in International Labour Migration

Dwi Budi Santoso A Regime Switching Analysis of Indonesia's Exchange Market Pressure

Budget Decentralization and Economic Development Inequality Among Regions in East Java


Jurnal Internasional Ghozali Maski Labor Welfare based on the Intensity of Job Search

Study on Capital Flight and Its Impact on Economics Growth: a Case Study in Indonesia

The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Local Economics Development in East Java

The Role of Human Resources Investment on Economics Growth in Riau Province

Iswan Noor Comparative Analysis of Transaction Cost Seaweed Farmers

Economic Analysis of Poverty Alleviation through Fishery Resouces Utilization in Makasar City Coastal Region

Khusnul Ashar Determinants of Individual Muslim behaviour in acclompishing Zakah, Infaq,Shadaqah and Waqaf through Amil Institution The Meaning of Trust by Shahibul Maal and mudharib in Mudharabah Financial Contract

Vicious Circle Analysis of Poverty and Enterpreneurship

M. Pudjiharjo Analisis Dampak Pemekaran Wilayah Terhadap Pendapatan Per Kapita,Kemiskinan dan Ketimpangan antarwilayah di Provinsi Papua Analysis of Migrant Workers (TKW) Decision to Migrate to saudi Arabia

Economic Analysis of Poverty Alleviation through Fishery Resouces Utilization in Makasar City Coastal Region

Share Value in Remittance Usage and Its implication on Post Working period Family earning sustainability Study on international Migrants from Bululuwang District Malang)

The Competitiveness and Economic Performance of Regency / City in East Java Indonesia


Jurnal Internasional

M. Umar Burhan A Model of Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqf Management as CommunityBased Investment Determinants of Individual Muslim behaviour in acclompishing Zakah, Infaq, Shadaqah and Waqaf through Amil Institution

Influence of Economic, Structural, and Cultural actors on Poverty Circles in Makassar City, Indonesia

The Meaning of Trust by Shahibul Maal and mudharib in Mudharabah Financial Contract

The Spirit of Entrepreneurship in Spiritual Organization : A Study in the Business of the Tarekat of Shiddiqiyah Indonesia

Maryunani Partnership Model in Effort to Improve Public Welfare in Indonesia

Moh. Khusaini An Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Education Organizer (A Case Study atJunior High School in Mataram City – West Nusa Tenggara) An Analysis on Corruption Indication Effect toward Development in East Indonesia Region (Education, Health, and Road Infrastructure Sectors)

Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Livelihoods in Batu (East java Iindonesia): SLFT Approach (Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Tourism)

Local government planning and budgeting process: a case of districts and cities in Indonesia

The impact of Fiscal Desentralization on Local Economics Development in East Java

The Meaning of Trust by Shahibul Maal and mudharib in Mudharabah Financial Contract

The Role of Human Resources Investment on Economics Growth in Riau Province


Jurnal Internasional

Multifiah Comparative Analysis of Transaction Cost Seaweed Farmers

Determinants of Individual Muslim behaviour in acclompishing Zakah, Infaq, Shadaqah and Waqaf through Amil Institution

Economic Analysis of Poverty Alleviation through Fishery Resouces Utilization in Makasar City Coastal Region

Partnership Model in Effort to Improve Public Welfare in Indonesia Munawar Ismail A Regime Switching Analysis of Indonesia's Exchange Market Pressure

Determinants of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) in Indonesian Islamic Commercial Banks

Does Vocational Education Matter for the Labour Market?(A Case Study in Mining Sector in East Kalimantan –Indonesia)

Predicting Banking Crisis in Six Asian Countries

The Role of Natural Resources and Human Capital in The Economic Growth in Indonesia

Putu Mahardika Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Indonesian Manufacturing Industries : AnApplication od DEA Analysis Of Technical Efficiency Of Indonesian Manufacturing Industries: An Application Of DEA

Technical Efficiency and Export Determinants: A Case of Indonesian Manufacturing

Technical Efficiency and Export Performance: Evidence for Self Selection Hypothesis from Indonesian Manufacturing Sector-Level Data

The Effect of Regionalism and Infrastructure on Bilateral Trade: An Augmented Gravity Anlaysis for ASEAN

The Effect of Regionalism and Infrastructure on Evidence for Self-Selection Hypothesis from Indonesian


Jurnal Internasional Putu Mahardika The Product Mapping Analysis of Manufacturing Industry Products in BilateralTrade between Indonesia and China in 1995-2011

Sasongko Partnership Model in Effort to Improve Public Welfare in Indonesia

Setyo Wahyudi Study on Capital Fligth and its Impact on Economic Growth: a Case Study inIndonesia Study on the Capital Flight and Its Impact on Economic Growth: a Case Study in Indonesia

The Determinants of Economic Growth in ASEAN 4 Countries : An Application of Solow Swan and Mankiw-Romer-Weil Models

The Determinants of Economic Growth in ASEAN-4 Countries: An Application of Solow-Swan and Mankiew-Romer-Weil Models

The Regional Patterns of Manufacturing Industries : A Study for Manufacturing Industries in Java Region, Indonesia

Wildan Syafitri Determinant of Labour Migration Decision case study of East Java,Indonesia Migration in East Java, Indonesia: Implications for Family Welfare and Rural Development dalam buku : “Transfer from International Migration: A strategy of Economics and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level” Jurnal Nasional

Terakreditasi Agus Suman

Perdebatan Teori Rasionalitas dalam Menjelaskan Terbentuknya Biaya

Transaksi Ilegal: The Debate of Rationality Theory in Explaining the Formation of Illegal Cost of Transaction

Perdebatan teori rasionalitas dalam menjelaskan terbentuknya biaya transaksi ilegal

Self empowerment Model of The Poor in Improving Social Welfare (Studies in The District of Alang-alang Lebar Palembang, Indonesia)


Jurnal Nasional

Terakreditasi Agus Suman

Social Capital in Non-Barter Transaction Chain in Pasar Blante Kawangkoan,North Sulawesi Proverence

Tinjauan perspektif ekonomi dan nonekonomi perempuan Bali yang bekerja di sektor publik: studi konflik peran

Ahmad Erani Yustika Kebijakan Moneter, Sektor Perbankan, dan Peran Badan Supervisi Perkembangan Perbankan dan Problem Intermediasi

Asfi Manzilati Kesepakatan Kelembagaan Kontrak Mudharaba dalam Kerangka TeoriKeagenan Social Capital in Non-Barter Transaction Chain in Pasar Blante

Kawangkoan,North Sulawesi Proverence

Devanto Shasta P The effect of change in minimum wage on covered and uncovered sectors the Effect of Changes in Minimum Wage on Empoyment in the Covered and Uncovered Sectors in Indonesia

Dwi Budi Santoso Optimalisasi Peran BUMD di Jawa Timur

Ghozali Maski Intellectual Capital dan Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan (Pendekatan Dinamis Pada Panel Data)

Khusnul Ashar Social Capital in Non-Barter Transaction Chain in Pasar BlanteKawangkoan,North Sulawesi Proverence

Setyo Wahyudi The Impact of Manufacturing Concentration on Regional Inequality : A Case ofRegency in Java Region, Indonesia The Impact of Manufacturing Concentration on Regional Inequality: A Case of Regency in Java Region, Indonesia


Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Nasional Tidak

Terakreditasi Agus Suman

Analisis Ekonomi Terhadap Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja Pasar Pupuk di Jawa Timur (kasus di kabupaten Lumajang dan Ngawi)

Analisis Pengaruh Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan: Studi Pembelian Rumah Sangat Sederhana Tipe 36 Melalui KPR – BTN di Kota Administrasi Jember

Makna dan Tata Kelola Bazis Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Kelembagaan (Sebuah Pendekatan Kualitatif)

Arif Hoetoro Ekonomi Islam: Antara Teori dan Praktek

Asfi Manzilati Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat Melalui ProgramMamangun Tuntang Mahaga Lewu (PM2L) Kelembagaan Zakat dan Preferensi Muzaki. Al-Infaq

Metafora Risk And Return Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (Bmt) Yang Mandiri

Penguatan Fungsi Legislatif Dan Evaluasi Kinerja Bidang Penganggaran (Studi di DPRD Kota Batu)

Praktik Bank Thithil dan Implikasinya Menurut Pandangan Masyarakat Muslim Wilayah Perkampungan Bethek Malang

David Kaluge Analisis Peluang Penerbitan Obligasi Daerah Sebagai Alternatif PembiayaanDaerah Implementasi Kebijakan Fiskal: Pembiayaan Program Pembangunan Berbasis Rukun Tetangga (Pbrt) Di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat


Jurnal Nasional Tidak

Terakreditasi Devanto Shasta P

Usaha Tani Ikan, Sayur, Telur Organik Dan Non-Organik Dikaitkan Dengan Konstitusi Untuk Mendukung Ekonomi Masyarakat Dan Wilayah

Ghozali Maski Usaha Tani, Ikan, Sayur, Telur Organik dan Non-Organik Dikaitkan DenganKonstitusi Untuk Mendukung Ekonomi Masyarakat dan Wilayah

Iswan Noor Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Tingkat Kejahatan (Crime Rate) Antar Provinsi diIndonesia Pola Tingkat Kejahatan (Crime Rate) yang Menyertai Pembangunan Ekonomi Suatu Negara

Studi Pendahuluan tentang Penyusunan Index Komposit “Human Moral Index (HMI)

Khusnul Ashar Analisis Terhadap Kesinambungan Lembaga Pembiayaan Pedesaan danmendukung usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah

M. Pudjiharjo Analisis Ekonomi Terhadap Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja Pasar Pupuk di JawaTimur (kasus di kabupaten Lumajang dan Ngawi)

M. Umar Burhan Analisis Ekonomi Terhadap Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja Pasar Pupuk di JawaTimur (kasus di kabupaten Lumajang dan Ngawi)

Multifiah Kelembagaan Zakat dan Preferensi Muzaki. Al-Infaq

Praktik Bank Thithil dan Implikasinya Menurut Pandangan Masyarakat Muslim Wilayah Perkampungan Bethek Malang

Telaah Kritis Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Dalam Tinjauan Konstitusi Munawar Ismail The Economic Prospect Of Shoutheast In The Global Era


Jurnal Nasional Tidak

Putu Mahardika Kebijakan Upah Minimum Untuk Perekonomian Yang Berkeadilan: TinjauanUud 1945

Sasongko Analisis Benefit Cost Jalan Lintas Selatan Jawa Timur di Wilayah KabupatenMalang Tahun 2013 Pengaruh Raskinn Terhadap Pengeluaran Konsumsi dan Sosial Ekonomi Serta Kesejahteraan Keluarga Jawa Timur

Proceeding Agus Suman Clean Production and the use of natural dye as an effort to acheveenvironmentally friendly batik in Surakarta

Holding Rural-land-Owned Entreprises to Improve Indonesia’s Competition Capability in Facing Global Crisis”

Rasionalitas Memilih Transaksi Dengan Bank Syariah (Perspektif Teori Bounded Rationality)

Ahmad Erani Yustika Bank-Specific Industry-Characteristic Determinats of Commercial BankProfitability: Empirial Study for Indonesia

Institutional Innovation in Agriculture and Industry Sectors: A Case of Indonesia Arif Hoetoro Small Industrial Clusters in Indonesia: Coopetition Strategy

Asfi Manzilati “Persaingan Usaha Vertikal”; Sebuah Gagasan Awal Desain KelembagaanKontrak yang Lebih Adil (Just Price) Community Empowerment for Providing Renewable Energy: A Case Study of Biogas at Bendrong, Malang, Indonesia

Cultural Heritage and Identity for Sustainability: A Case Study of Kampong Kauman, Indonesia


Proceeding Asfi Manzilati Independensi Bank Indonesia dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah diIndonesia Islamic Entrepreneurial Character and Local Manner: The Javanesse Cultural Entrepreneur

Social Capital on Migration Behavior, Case Study in Malang City Tantangan Bank Indonesia pada Dual Banking System

Tantangan Bank Syariah pada Dual Banking System

The Implication Farming Contract with Farming Corporate Toward Farming Sustainability (Study in Corn Commodity)

The Role of Syariah Banking Retailer and The Implication on Intermediary Efficiency: A case Study on PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Branch Office Malang David Kaluge Why so Difficult for Central Bank to Meet its Targeted Inflation Rate: The Caseof the Indonesian Central Bank

Devanto Shasta P Do Migrants Get Stuck in The Informal Sector? Finding from Four Cities inIndonesia Key Indicators for Asia and the Pasific: Asian Development Bank (Special chapter: Toward Higher Quality Employment in Asia)

The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Employment in Indonesia: Regional Panel Data Analysis

The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Employment in the Covered and Uncovered Sectors in Indonesia

The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Hours Worked in Indonesia – Korea


Proceeding M. Umar Burhan Muslim Household Preference in saving and investment and its implivation onIslamic Bank Development: A Case Study in Malang Area Indonesia

Moh. Khusaini The Role of Public Sector Expenditure on Local Economic Development

Multifiah Sharia Compliance of Gold Transaction in Indonesia Islamic Banking

Putu Mahardika An Empirical Application to Regionalism on ASEAN Trade: A Temporal Cross-Section and Panel Analysis with the Gravity Model Expanding Market & Competing on Kreteks: The Case of Philip Morris Inc. In Indonesian Cigarette Industry

The Dynamics of Bilateral Trade Balance: The Role of Exchange Rate, Income and Cash Balance in ASEAN Countries

Trade Balances and Its Determinants : A Dynamic Perspective in ASEAN Trade Balances and Its Determinants: A Dynamic Perspective in ASEAN

Setyo Wahyudi The Determinants of Economic Growth in ASEAN-4 Countries: An Application of Solow-Swan and Mankiw-Romer-Weil Models

The Impact of Manufacturing Concentration on Regional Inequality: A Case of Regency in Java Region, Indonesia

Understanding the Determinants of the Geographical Concentration of

Manufacturing Industries of Developing Countries: Case of East Java, Indonesia What Drives Factor Determined the Manufacturing Industries to Concentrate in East and West of Java Region



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