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Treatment for Pediculosis


Academic year: 2017

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There are different options when treating pediculosis.


Pediculosis, pediculosis cures, pediculosis treatment

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Pediculosis is a condition in which a human is infested with some form of lice; this includes body lice, head lice and pubic lice. The most common pediculosis condition is head lice. Lice are tiny parasite insects that can be found in the hair and on the scalp of an infested human. These insects need human blood to survive; they will also stay close to the skin for warmth and moisture. Head lice move very quickly, thus the reason for how easily they move from one person to another. Anyone can have a pediculosis condition; it is not an indication of poor hygiene, and head lice do not limit themselves only to those on the lower economic level.

The main symptom of pediculosis is itching, and at times the itching can be very irritating causing excessive scratching, that in turn, leads to sores and possibly infection. Though itching of the head is a sign of head lice, be aware that it may not always show up right away, and in fact, may take weeks before the lice are irritating the scalp to the point of causing excessive itching. If you should discover someone in the family has head lice, all members of the household should be checked for pediculosis. By doing this you can stop the infestation then, instead of family members giving the lice back and forth between treatments.

The usual way in which pediculosis is treated is with shampoos and creams, containing chemicals that kill the head lice, but not the nits. With these treatments, it is important to treat the hair again within 10 days, as well as vacuuming all carpets and washing all clothes. You will also want to replace brushes, combs and other hair accessories, or soak them in very hot water for at least an hour. There are some home remedies for pediculosis that may work better without exposing your family to the toxins in the medicated shampoos. In addition to being safer, some evidence now points to the possibility that the over the counter and prescription cures for head lice are no longer 100% effective and may require several applications to produce the desired results.

If you find that someone in your family has a persistent case of pediculosis, you may want to consult your healthcare provider about alternative options for treating the infestation. This is especially true if the person with head lice is a child or a pregnant woman.

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