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Must Read Birth Control Reviews


Academic year: 2017

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There are a lot of birth control methods available today, whether these are prescription or non-prescription form of contraceptions. As such, it is quite difficult and tedious for some to determine and choose which one would work best for them. In this article, the author provides a list of birth control reviews for reference.


Birth control review

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In the United States alone, millions of people are using different types of birth control methods for protection and pregnancy prevention. In fact, young girls and women make use of birth control methods for other reasons aside from preventing unplanned pregnancy.

Majority of today’s birth control options have positive side effects to the users. Studies show that some forms of contraceptives are also effective treatments for acne, dysmenorrhea, as well as for weight control. However, the benefits brought by using birth control methods also depend on the condition of the user.

Since there are wide variations of birth control methods to choose from, some men and women find it hard to decide which ones would work best for them. Consultation to specialized doctors is one of the best ways for one to know which form of contraception to use. In the case of non-prescription options, however, deciding for the best one to use can be quite tricky for some people. Below is a brief list of birth control reviews that can be used as reference when deciding which non-prescription method to use or practice:


1. Male condom (Latex and Polyurethane)

The latex and polyurethane male condoms are among the most common types of non-prescription birth control methods widely available in drugstores. Condom is basically a type of sheath that is placed over an erect penis. The main purpose of using this type of contraception is to block sperm passage.

Condoms are convenient in the sense that these are easy to put on before the intercourse. These are also one of the best protections against sexually-transmitted diseases. The efficiency rate of condoms, however, is quite low as these do not ensure 100 percent anti-conception. Aside from its inefficiency, the use of condom also pose risk to allergic reactions and irritations. 2. Spermicide

Spermicide is available in the following forms: cream, jelly, suppository, tablet, and film. It contains nonoxynol-9 chemical that kills sperm cells. This type of non-prescription birth control also does not promise 100 percent anti-conception. Using this can also cause allergic reactions, irritations, as well as urinary track infections Also, spermicide does not have protection against STDs. Prescription

1. Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are pills that contain progestin and estrogen. These are prescribed to be taken in three month cycles that constitute 12 weeks active pill intake and one week inactive use. Since oral contraceptive is a prescription type of birth control, its efficiency rate is high.

Some risks involved in taking oral contraceptives include weight gain, irregular bleeding, and breast tenderness. Oral contraceptives do not also provide protection against STD. Despite the risks involved in using this type of birth control, it is still considered one of the surest options to consider when one is not yet ready for pregnancy. 2. Sterilization implant

Sterilization implant is a type of prescription birth control method wherein a small metallic implant is placed into a woman’s fallopian tubes. This method works by forming scar tissue that will then block the fallopian tubes, thus, preventing conception. Although sterilization implant offers 100 percent anti-conception, this type of birth control method is permanent and painful once inserted.

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