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Submitted to the English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Reg. No. 209520008





The writer states that this thesis is truly her own work. It does not incorporate any

materials previously written or published by another person except those indicated

in quotations and references. Due to this fact, she is the only person responsible if

there is any objection or claims from others.

Medan, March 2013





Fransisca. Illocutionary Act on Alex’s Dialogue in Movie Madagascar 3:

Europe’s Most Wanted. A Thesis Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2013

This thesis deals with the analysis of illocutionary act on Alex’s dialogue in movie Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. The objectives of the study are to find types of illocutionary act, the most dominant type, and the reason why the most dominant type occurs. The research on this thesis was carried out on descriptive qualitative design. The sources of data were derived from the script of Alex’s dialogue. The data were analyzed based on Yule’s theory and they were classified into five types namely; representative, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative. The most dominant type of illocutionary act used there is representative. The total percentage is: representative 42.90%, directive 38.26%, commissive 3.19%, expressive 12.75%, and declarative 2.90%. Representative becomes the most dominant type because there are many elements of representative used such as arguing, asserting, denying, informing and describing.




The writer wants to thanks and praise to the Almighty God because of his

blessing, protection, and love who has blessed the writer so that she has

completed this thesis to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain Sarjana Sastra of

English and Literature Department in State University of Medan.

The writer had gotten many supports and guidance in finishing this thesis.

Due to the problems, the writer would like to express her gratitude to these

following people who have contributed to the making of this thesis.

Great thanks to Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si. as the Rector of State

University of Medan.

Great thanks to Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of

Languages and Arts for her leadership in academic process.

Great thanks to Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English

and Literature Department for her suggestion and guidance during her

study especially in conducting this thesis.

Great thanks to Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum. as the secretary of English and

Literature Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A. as the head of Applied

Linguistics, and also to Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. as the head of

English Education for all suggestions and administrative during her study

especially in conducting the thesis.

Gratitude to Dra. Sortha Silitonga as her thesis consultant and



you for all of your advices, guidance, comments, and critics during the

process of writing this thesis.

Special thanks and greatest love goes to her beloved parents, her father N.

Bangun and her mother M. Br. Barus for everything they have given in finishing this thesis. Her beloved brothers: Davidson, Henky Gustaf and

Romulo Bangun, and her beloved sister, Natalia Efraim. Thanks for the endless love, sacrifice, pray, support and your care.

Thanks to her beloved friends especially in PKL group, her housemates in

boarding house and also to all of her classmates in Applied Linguistics A

and B, Ma’am Endah who always help her when she is in a trouble and

all of the people she can’t mention one by one who have help her, thank

you for all of your support, suggestion, care, and pray so that this thesis

had been finished.

Finally, the writer admits that this thesis is still far from being perfect,

therefore the writer would like to invite the readers to give some suggestion, and

responses for the improvement of this thesis in the future.

Medan, March 2013

The writer,


ix A. The Background of the Study ...1

B. The Problems of the Study ...5

C. The Scope of the Study ...6

D. The Objective of the Study ...6

E. The Significance of the Study ...6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Theoretical Framework ...8

B. Pragmatics ...8

C. Speech Act ...9

1. The Elements of Speech Act ...10

a. Locutionary Act ...10

b. Illocutionary Act ...11

c. Perlocutionary Act ...12

D. Illocutionary Act ...12

1. Types of Illocutionary Act ...13

a. Representative ...13

b. Directive ...14

c. Commissive ...15

d. Expressive ...15

e. Declarative ...16

E. Direct and Indirect Speech Act ...16

F. Movie ...17

G. Movie Script ...18

H. Brief Summary of the Movie ...18

I. Characters of the Movie ...19

J. Biography of the Writer ...21

K. Relevant Studies ...22

L. Conceptual Framework ...24


B. The Sources of Data ...26

C. The Technique of Collecting Data ...27




A. Data ...29

B. Data Analysis ...30

C. Research Findings ...37


B. Suggestion ...40






Table 4.1 The Data Recapitulation of Illocutionary Act ...29

Table 4.2 The Distribution List of Types of Illocutionary Act on Part 1...30

Table 4.3 The Distribution List of Types of Illocutionary Act on Part 2 ...32

Table 4.4 The Distribution List of Types of Illocutionary Act on Part 3 ...34

Table 4.5 The Total Number and Percentage of Types of Illocutionary Act ....36





A. The Background of the Study

In communication, people use language for asking or giving information,

describing elements and others. Language has a big position in our life in

communication. It becomes the main term for people in relation to the activities.

Commonly, language is the process or set of processes used to ensure that there is

agreement between the sender and receiver for meanings assigned to the symbols

and the schema for combining them in communication.

Communication is the social media in connecting some ideas in order to

convey the information and interact with others. People share their idea in many

ways such as by writing, singing, and actually by communicating directly to

whom they want to speak. That is the cause why communication is very important

for people to connect and share ideas.

Generally, people use many variations in communicating in order to share

their feelings and ideas. As we know, the communication can be performed as

direct and indirect condition. Direct communication is done by talking and sharing

our ideas directly to the receiver meanwhile indirect communication can be done

by writing ideas then the receiver read the ideas.

According to Buck (2002), there are two types of communication. They are:

verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication is

the way of communicating messages by using words as elements. Nonverbal



movements, eye contact, facial expression, or general appearances as the

elements. These two types are the general media of people to interact each other in

which the speech act occurs. Speech act is a kind of verbal communication. The

words of speech act are derived from two words are speech and act. Speech act is

the utterance that occurs and act refers to an action. That is the reason why people

have to interpret the meaning of communication or language through speech acts.

In many times, people not only saying, but also forcing the hearer to do

something. When the hearer is doing an act it means that he or she is doing

illocutionary act. The hearer tends to do action. In that conversation people are

also possible to influence the hearer (affecting effects). When the speaker

successfully affects the hearer, it means perlocutionary acts can be performed

well. In perlocutionary act, the hearer is allowed to make an interpretation on

conversation. If it happens in conversation, it means speech acts are applied.

When people communicate with others, they produce speech act. Speech act

is part of language, it concerns with what people say through the language such as

in meaning of the utterance. When they communicate, the meaning of their

language can be in semantics and pragmatics. So, the language can be analyzed

based on the aim and meaning of the speaker whether it is semantics (real

meaning) or pragmatics (contextual meaning).

According to George Yule (1996), pragmatics is the study of speaker

meaning and also studies how people comprehend and produce a communicative

act in a concrete situation in conversation analysis. Simply, pragmatics is



which is used in communication among speaker, utterance and addresser which

can’t be predicted. There are some concepts in pragmatics, such as: deixis,

reference and inference, presupposition, entailment, implicature and speech act

(locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary act).

Speech act is a subdivision of pragmatics. Speech act is a study of how the

speakers and hearers use language (Yule: 1996). Bach (1979) explains that an

action in verbal communication has message in itself, so the communication is not

only about language but also with action. According to George Yule (1996), the

action performed by producing an utterance when people speak will consist of

three related acts. They are locutionary act (utterance), illocutionary act (process

of meaning from the utterance) and perlocutionary act (utterance effect on the


We always perform speech act in our daily life. Sometimes we don’t realize

that the utterances we produce consist of speech act. We often use utterances with

indirect meaning. Speech act occurs on the process of the meaning in how the

communication occurs and how the listener perceives the aim. For example:

Claudya : "Darling, the mango in the fruit marketlooks delicious and fresh.”

Radit : "We are too late, honey!”

Claudya :"That’s ok. Let’s go home."

Locution is speech. In this condition, Claudya’sfirst statement is the locution

which shows the performance of the utterance in saying something. Notice how



delicious and fresh.”What Claudya actually said is her locutionary act (utterance)

and the illocutionary act was “We are too late, honey!”

An illocutionary act is what a person does in saying something else.

In-locution (in speaking) becomes il-In-locution through phonetic assimilation. In

saying that we are too late, Radit was telling Claudya thathe doesn’t want to buy

the mangoes exactly.

Beyond communicating the state of late time and the answer to Claudya

statement, Radit accomplished one more thing through saying "We are too late,

honey." He doesn’t want to buy the mango and ask Claudya to go home soon. A

perlocutionary act (perlocutionary, through speaking) is focused on the response

others have to a speech act. The response of the situation is that Claudya

understand of what Radit’s aim that he wants them to go home soon so she says

“That’s ok. Let’s go home.”So, the context of meaning of an utterance is depends

on how the listener get the point of what the speaker’s aim.

Illocutionary act has some different types. Yule (1996) has set up the

classification of illocutionary speech act as five subdivisions. They are:

representative, directive, commissive, expressive, and declarative. Each type has

different context and meaning. All of these types will become the media for the

writer to analyze utterances used by main character in movie Madagascar 3:

Europe’s Most Wanted.

Dialogue in movie is one of the way in communication which consisting a

written or spoken conversation between characters by two or more people.



speak each other. In this time, the writer will analyze Alex’sdialogue as the main

character in that movie.

There are many advantages in analyzing speech act especially illocutionary in

a movie because it will guide us in determining every word spoken by the cast in

that movie. In this study, the writer analyzes Illocutionary Acton Alex’s Dialogue

in Movie Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. Generally, people analyze

speech act in daily conversation on how it occurs through the contextual meaning.

It will be interested if we analyze speech act in movie because there will be a

challenge to define what context of each sentence or expression used by the

character there. It is the reason why the writer chooses movie in analyzing

illocutionary act.

B. The Problems of the Study

In accordance with reason presented above, the problems of this study are

formulated as:

1. What are the types of illocutionary act performed by Alex in movie

Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted?

2. What is the dominant illocutionary act performed by Alex in movie

Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted?

3. Why does the dominant illocutionary act occur on Alex’s dialogue in



C. The Scope of the Study

The scope that is used in this study is about pragmatics subdivision by

analyzing the types of illocutionary act, the dominant illocutionary act and why

the dominant illocutionary act occurs on Alex’s dialogue as the main character in

movieMadagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted.

D. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study are summarized as follows:

1. To find out the types of illocutionary act which are used by Alex in movie

“Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted”.

2. To find out the most dominant type of illocutionary act which is used by

Alex in movie“Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted”.

3. To find out the reason why the dominant illocutionary act occurs on

Alex’s dialogue in movie “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted”.

E. The Significance of the Study

This study covers the using of illocutionary act on movie dialogue. The

analysis of illocutionary act on Alex’s dialogue in movieMadagascar 3: Europe’s

Most Wanted is expected to be success in determining the types of the

illocutionary act, the most dominant type of illocutionary act and the reason why

the dominant type of illocutionary act occurs in the movie. The benefits of the



Theoretically, the result of the research can be a reference for the researchers

or those who want to conduct a research in literary works process in linguistics

field especially on illocutionary act.

Practically, the writer hopes that this study will be a useful input for English

Students to enrich their understanding about the illocutionary act especially in

movie, and finally for the readers who are interested in doing the linguistics

research especially for pragmatics section to give information about the





A. Conclusion

After data had been collected, classified and analyzed, conclusions were

drawn as this following:

1. Types of illocutionary act namely; representative, directive, commissive,

expressive and declarative were applied on Alex’s dialogue in movie

Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. There are five types of

illocutionary act used by Alex in movie Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most

Wanted. They are representative, directive, commissive, expressive, and

declarative. The total number of illocutionary act is 345 utterances. The

total percentage of representative is 42.90% (148 items), directive 38.26%

(132 items), commissive 3.19% (11 items), expressive 12.75% (44 items),

and declarative 2.90% (10 items).

2. After doing the analysis, it is found that representative is the dominant

type of illocutionary act used by Alex in movie Madagascar 3: Europe’s

Most Wanted in 42.90%, and then followed by directive in 38.26%,

expressive in 12.75%, commissive in 3.19% and declarative in 2.90%.

3. The dominant type of illocutionary act in the movie implies that

representative has a great role in the movie. Alex mainly uses the

statement of describing, asserting, and informing about something. In all

of his dialogue with other, he uses many terms of representative such as



representative in communicating each other in the movie such as arguing,

asserting, complaining, describing, informing, reporting etc.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusions above, suggestions are drawn as follows:

1. For the students, it is better for them to enrich their knowledge in

communication by using illocutionary act and it is suggested for them to

analyze the theory of illocutionary act widely in order to make a further

research about illocutionary act.

2. The readers, who are interested to do the study about illocutionary act

especially in movie, are suggested to analyze the problem more detail in

order to develop the analysis of illocutionary act widely.

3. It is suggested for other researcher to make a detail analysis of

illocutionary act in other movies or another field such as dialogue in




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Table 4.1Table 4.2


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