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Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2019 Diunduh dari DAFTAR PUSTAKA


Academic year: 2022

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Alzraikat, H., Taha, N., dan Salameh, A., 2016. A comparison of physical and mechanical properties of Biodentine and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate.

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 4(2): 12.

Ballal, N. V., Kundabala, M., dan Bhat, K. S., 2010. A comparative evaluation of postobturation apical seal following intracanal irrigation with maleic acid and EDTA: a dye leakage under vacuum study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 109(3):


Dammaschke, T., 2012. Direct Pulp with Biodentine Full Restoration in One Session, dalam: Septodont., Case Studies Collection (02): 10-15.

Dewi, F., Asrianti, D., dan Margono, A., 2018. Microleakage evaluation of modified mineral trioxide aggregate effect toward marginal adaptation on cervical dentin perforation. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 9(2): 10-13.

Elnaghy, A. M., 2014. Influence of acidic environment on properties of biodentine and white mineral trioxide aggregate: a comparative study.

Journal of Endodontics, 40(7): 953–957.

Erbaşar, G. N. H., Tulumbacı, F., dan Erbaşar, R. C., 2018. Evaluation of microleakage of three different retrograde filling materials in apical resection using an autocad program. Journal of Ege University School of Dentistry, 39(2), 98–104.

Fragiskos, D.F., Stefanou, E., Angelopoulou, E., Alexandridis, C., Giamarellou, H., Pefanis, A., dan Perdikaris, G., 2007. Chapter 13: Apicoectomy. Oral Surgery. Springer. Berlin Heidelberg New York, 309-326.

Gandolfi, M. G., Van Landuyt, K., Taddei, P., Modena, E., Van Meerbeek, B., dan Prati, C., 2010. Environmental scanning electron microscopy connected with energy dispersive x-ray analysis and raman techniques to study proroot mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium silicate cements in wet conditions and in real time. Journal of Endodontics, 36(5), 851–857.

Gandolfi, M., Siboni, F., Polimeni, A., Bossù, M., Riccitiello, F., Rengo, S., dan Prati, C., 2013. In vitro screening of the apatite-forming ability, biointeractivity and physical properties of a tricalcium silicate material for endodontics and restorative dentistry. Dentistry Journal, 1(4): 41–60.


49 Glickman, G.N. dan Hartwell, G.R., 2008. Endodontic Surgery, dalam: Ingle, I., Backland, L.K., Baumgartner, J.C., Ingle’s Endodontics 6, BC Decker Inc, Ontario, 1233-1294.

Gutmann, J., dan Lovdahl, P.E., 2011. Problem Solving in Endodontics Prevention, Identification and Management, 5th ed., Elsevier, Mosby, St.

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Hindlekar, A. dan Raghavendra, S.S., 2014. Comparative Evaluation of Sealing Ability of Three Root-end Filling Materials - An in vitro study, International Journal of Dental Clinics. 6(4): 1-7.

Ingle, J.I., dan Backland, L.K., 2008. Endodontics, 5thed., BC Decker Inc., Hamilton, London, 498-505.

Johnson, B. R. dan Fayad, M. I., 2016, Periradicular Surgery, dalam: Hargreaves, K. M. dan Berman, L. H. (eds.), Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp, 11th ed., Elsevier, Canada, 387-446.

Kaup, M., Schäfer, E., dan Dammaschke, T., 2015. An in vitro study of different material properties of Biodentine compared to ProRoot MTA. Head & Face Medicine, 11(1) , diakses 14/03/2018.

Kaur, M., Singh, H., Dhillon, J.S., Batra, M., dan Sain, M. 2017. MTA versus Biodentine: Review of Literature with a Comparative Analysis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 11(8): 1-5.

Khandelwal, A., Karthik, J., Nadig, R.R., dan Jain, A. 2015. Sealing Ability of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate And Biodentine as The Root end Filling Material, Using Two Different Retro Preparatin Techniques–An in vitro study. International Journal of Contemporary Dental and Medical Reviews, 48: 1-6.

Lemeshow, S., Hosmer, D.W., Klar, J., Lwanga, S.K. 1997. Adequacy of Sample Size in Health Studies. WHO. England.

Macwan, C., dan Deshpande, A., 2014. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in dentistry: A review of literature. Journal of Oral Research and Review, 6(2): 71-74.

Malkondu, Ö., Kazandağ, M. K., dan Kazazoğlu, E., 2014. A review on biodentine, a contemporary dentine replacement and repair material. BioMed Research International, 1–10, diakses 26/02/2018

Mirhadi H., Moazzami F., dan Safarzade S., 2014. The Effect of Acidic pH on Microleakage of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Calcium-Enriched


50 Mixture Apical Plugs. Iran Endod J., 9(4): 257-260.

Nagesh, B., Jeevani, E., Sujana, V., Damaraju, B., Sreeha, K., dan Ramesh, P., 2016. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evaluation of sealing ability of MTA and EndoSequence as root-end filling materials with chitosan and carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC) as retrograde smear layer removing agents. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 19(2):143-146.

Nair, U., Ghattas, S., Saber, M., Natera, M., Walker, C., dan Pileggi, R., 2011. A comparative evaluation of the sealing ability of 2 root-end filling materials:

an in vitro leakage study using Enterococcus faecalis. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 112(2):


Parirokh, M., dan Torabinejad, M., 2010. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review-part I: chemical, physical, and antibacterial properties. Journal of Endodontics, 36(1): 16–27.

Parirokh, M., dan Torabinejad, M., 2010a. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review-part II: leakage and biocompatibility investigations. Journal of Endodontics, 36(2): 190-202.

Parirokh, M., dan Torabinejad, M., 2010b. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a comprehensive literature review-part III: clinical applications, drawbacks, and mechanism of action. Journal of Endodontics, 36(3): 400-413.

Patel, S. dan Duncan, H.F., 2013, Pitt Ford Problem-Based Learning dalam Endodontologi, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, EGC, Jakarta.

Pedroche, L.O., Barbieri, N., Tomazinho, F.S.F., Ulbrich, L.M., Leonardi, D.P., dan Sicuro, S.M. 2013. Apicoectomy After Conventional Endodontic Treatment Failure: Case report. RSBO. 10(2): 182-187.

Prati, C., dan Gandolfi, M. G., 2015. Calcium silicate bioactive cements:

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Rajasekharan, S., Vercruysse, C., Martens, L., dan Verbeeck, R., 2018. Effect of exposed surface area, volume and environmental ph on the calcium ion release of three commercially available tricalcium silicate based dental cements. Materials, 11(1): 123-137.

Ratih, D. N., dan Putri, A. R., 2017. Effect of blood contamination on push-out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with different liquids. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 37(2): 262-267.


51 Roy, C., Jeansonne, B., dan Gerrets, T., 2001. Effect of an acid environment on

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Savitri, D., Suprastiwi, E., dan Margono, A., 2017. Applying glass ionomer cement to MTA flowTM and biodentineTM and its effects on the interface layer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 884: 1-5.

Saghiri, M. A., Lotfi, M., Saghiri, A. M., Vosoughhosseini, S., Fatemi, A., Shiezadeh, V., dan Ranjkesh, B., 2008. Effect of ph on sealing ability of white mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling material. Journal of Endodontics, 34(10): 1226-1229.

Samiei, M., Shahi, S., Aslaminabadi, N., Valizadeh, H., Aghazadeh, Z., Pakdel, S.M.V., 2015, A New Simulated Plasma for Assessing The Solubility of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Iranian Endodontic Journal, 10(1):30-34.

Sandhu, S. V., Tiwari, R., Bhullar, R. K., Bansal, H., Bhandari, R., Kakkar, T., dan Bhusri, R., 2012. Sterilization of extracted human teeth: A comparative analysis. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, 2(3): 170- 175.

Septodont, 2010, Biodentine Active Biosilicate Technology, Scientific File R&D Departement.

Soundappan S., Sundaramurthy J.L., Raghu S., dan Natanasabapathy V., 2014.

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Torabinejad, M., dan Chivian, N., 1999. Clinical applications of mineral trioxide aggregate. Journal of Endodontics, 25(3): 197-205.

Ultradent Product Inc. 2016. New Product Release International MTA Flow Repair Cement (South Jordan, UT: Ultradent Product Inc) MTA Flow Man Kit.

Valois, C. R., dan Costa, E. D., 2004. Influence of the thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate on sealing ability of root-end fillings in vitro. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 97(1): 108–111.

Yavari, H.R., Borna, Z., Rahimi, S., Shahi, S., Valizadeh, H., dan Ghojazadeh, M., 2013, Placement in an acidic environment increase the solubility of white mineral trioxide aggregate. J. Conserv Dent., 16(3): 257-260.


52 Zeid, S.T.H.A., Alothmani, O.S., Yousef, M.K., 2015, Biodentine and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An Analysis of Solubility, pH Changes and Leaching Elements, Life Science Journal, 12(4):18-23.


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