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Academic year: 2019



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters


HANDAYANI IKA HARTONO Student Number: 014214045




I would like to dedicate

this undergraduate

thesis to

My beloved Mom and Dad

up there

My lovely sister, and



The very first, I would like to thank and show my gratitude to my kind Jesus Christ, for all His blessings, cares, and loves for me in writing this thesis. I also want to thank Him for all the obstacles and mistakes that I made in the writing process of this thesis, so that I would always struggle to fix them. I also would like to thank my advisor, Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M. Hum., for her help, courage, and advice in writing this thesis. Also to my co-advisor, Tatang Iskarna, S.S., M. Hum, for his advice to me.


Last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends in English Letters Departments. I cannot mention their names one by one, because each of them does mean very much for me. For my lovely best sister, Mba Niken Retno, I would like to thank her for all her courage, spirits, and helps for me in finishing this thesis. For Ian, I would like to thank him very much in helping me with my computer problems. Also for my best friends in Jakarta, Byunis and Nico, I would like to thank them for all their supports for me in finishing this thesis.



B. Analysis of Point of View ……… 29

C. The Influence of the First Person Point of view to Racism…………... 39





HANDAYANI IKA HARTONO. The Influence of First Person Point of View in Emphasizing the Racism toward Chinese People in America, As Depicted in Bret Harte’s “The Heathen Chinee”. Yogyakarta: Departement of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2006.

In literary works, intrinsic elements will give some functions. One of the functions is to help the readers to know some views or thoughts in the works. The intrinsic element which will help the readers to know some views or thoughts is point of view. By knowing the point of view used in literature, the readers will know how the author or the narrator tell the story. In this thesis, the writer will try to analyze the poem in order to find out what kind of point of view is used in the poem. After knowing what kind of point of view used, the writer will try to see how this point of view can emphasize the racism toward Chinese people in America. In addition, the writer also wants to see how this point of view’s influence emphasizes the racism.

In this thesis, there are two problems to answer. The first is what point of view is used in the poem and the second is how the point of view used emphasizes the racism toward Chinese people.

In order to analyze the poem, the writer did a research method, that was desk or library research. This method was done by collecting data and information from books. The data were then divided into two, which were the primary and secondary data. The primary data were taken from the poem, “The Heathen Chinee”, while the secondary one was taken from internet sites and some related books.



HANDAYANI IKA HARTONO. The Influence of First Person Point of View in Emphasizing the Racism toward Chinese People in America, As Depicted in Bret Harte’s “The Heathen Chinee”. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2006.

Dalam karya sastra, elemen intrinsik akan memberikan beberapa fungsi. Salah satu fungsinya adalah untuk membantu para pembaca untuk mengetahui sudut-sudut pandang atau pemikiran-pemikiran dalam karya tulis. Elemen intrinsik yang akan membantu para pembaca untuk mengetahui cara-cara pandang atau pemikiran tersebut adalah sudut pandang. Dengan mengetahui jenis sudut pandang yang digunakan dalam literatur, para pembaca akan mengetahui bagaimana sang pengarang atau narator menceritakan kisah tersebut. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis akan mencoba untuk menganalisa puisi yang digunakan, untuk mengetahui jenis sudut pandang yang diguankan dalam puisi tersebut. Setelah mengetahui jenis sudut pandang yang digunakan, penulis akan mencoba untuk melihat apakah sudut pandang tersebut dapat memperkuat rasisme yang terjadi pada orang-orang Cina di Amerika. Selain itu, penulis juga ingin mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh sudut pandang ini dalam memperkuat rasisme tersebut.

Dalam skripsi ini ada dua hal yang akan dijawab. Hal pertama adalah menganalisa puisi untuk mencari tahu jenis sudut pandang yang digunakan dalam puisi tersebut. Hal kedua adalah pengaruh sudut pandang tersebut dalam memperkuat rasisme yang terjadi pada orang Cina di Amerika.

Untuk menganalisis puisi tersebut, penulis menggunakan suatu metode, yang disebut sebagai metode penelitian. Metode ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi dari berbagai buku, yang terdapat di perpustakaan. Data tersebut dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari puisi itu sendiri, yang berjudul, “The Heathen Chinee”, dan data sekunder diperoleh dari situs-situs internet dan buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan pembahasan skripsi ini.



A. Background of the Study

Literature is written in order to fulfill certain functions. Many works of literature aim as entertainments, though there are also some works of literature, which are written to teach and tell about something and becomes a media for the author to share his or her ideas. The author himself, the work, and the society have a strong relationship. His or her involvement in the society helps his or her writing process so that the content of literature may be a reflection of the author’s life or others’, the author’s surroundings, or experiences.

In literature, intrinsic elements will always play roles, in order to support the work of literature itself. Intrinsic elements will help the readers get a deep understanding of the work. Besides, the readers will also feel the atmosphere, imagine the setting of the time and place, and also know certain ideas or thoughts from the work. Based on those functions, the writer chooses point of view, as one of the intrinsic elements of literature, and relate it to the racism toward Chinese by American people.


These things are not limited only on how deep the author tell the work, but will also develop to the

author’s background of life, his or her characteristics, and, deeper, his or her personal life.

Since the writer chooses poem, as a part of poetry and as the object in this thesis, the writer thinks that it is important for the writer to know about what poetry is. In A Handbook of Literary Terms, H.L. Yelland et al. states four ideas about poetry. One of their ideas about poetry is that poetry is “expressed in words finer and more musical than any other form of human utterance, words worth preserving for their own sake apart from the meaning they convey.” (1953: 154). Based on their idea, poetry can be said as a kind of literature, whose word structure is beautiful in order to deliver some ideas or thoughts.

The poem used in this thesis is “The Heathen Chinee”, written by Bret Harte. Through this poem, the writer will try to reveal the point of view in the poem itself and racism toward Chinese people by the Americans. Bret Harte himself is an American author, who had written many works of literature, such as stories, plays, and poems. One of his poems, that is “The Heathen Chinee”, became the most favorable work in the 80s. “The Heathen Chinee” tells about a Chinese character, named Ah Sin, and his interaction with American people.


the poem really knows about Chinese people. Then, the racism will be identified from the narrator’s “knowledge” and statements about the Chinese character in the poem. Therefore, at the end of this thesis, the writer will not only know about point of view, but also racism toward Chinese by American people.

Some years ago, Chinese people were considered as an inferior group of people. It seems that all bad characteristics belong to them. In their efforts to get a better life, they faced terrible obstacles, especially from other nation, America for example. America became one of their destinations to seek a more prosperous life. Since there were many Chinese, who migrated to America, some protests and complaints were soon established from the American government and the society. They were considered as “different” group of people. It then made the Chinese isolated from the country.


racism happened, the Chinese people seemed that they did not have any safe places in their surroundings. What they could do was staying together with the “same”.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the explanation above, the writer would like to state some problems on Bret Harte’s poem “The Heathen Chinee”. The problems are formulated as


1. What point of view is used in the poem?

2. How does the point of view emphasize the racism toward Chinese?

C. Objectives of the Study


D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid a misunderstanding in this thesis, the writer would like to clarify two terms, which will be used in this thesis. These terms are point of view and racism.

1. Point of View

As it is stated by Holman in A Handbook to Literature, point of view is

A term used in the analysis and criticism of fiction to describe the way in which the reader is presented with the materials of the story or, regarded from another angle, the vantage point from which the author presents the actions of the story. If the author serves as a seemingly all-knowing maker, not restricted to time, place, or character, and free to move and to comment at will, the point of view is usually called omniscient. At the other extreme, a character within the story-major, minor, or marginal-may tell the story as he/she experienced, saw, heard, and understood it. Such character is usually called a first person narrator; if the character does not comprehend the implications of what he/she is telling, the character is called a naïve narrator…(1986: 386)


2. Racism

In The Psychology and Culture, Lonner and Malpass describes racism as “usually associated with violent behaviors. Racism includes the attitudes, practices, and policies that result from a belief that skin tone determines attributes or behaviors”. (1994: 30)

When someone or a group of people face racism, they are usually tortured, either physically or mentally. The skin color itself becomes a justification for the “superior” group of people to decide, whether the “inferior” group of people deserves to “join” their place or not. The justification covers the quality of the people in the inferior group. It means that if the skin color of the immigrants is considered different from the natives’, they will be regarded as “bad- behavior-quality person”.




In this chapter, the writer will provide some opinions and comments about the poem, “The Heathen Chinee”, and some reviews related to the study. This chapter will be divided into four parts. The first part is review of related studies, which contains information about the poem, by the experts. Then, the second part is review of related theories, which will expose some theories about the topics of the thesis, which are point of view and racism. The third part is the review on the historical background, which contains some information about Asian American and the life of the Chinese American in Los Angeles. The last part of this chapter is theoretical framework. It will expose some reasons why the theories and reviews written in this chapter are used to analyze the poem.

A. Review of Related Study

In order to support this thesis, the writer also tries to find more information about the literature and the author. It is hoped that the information may help the writing process of this thesis. As the results, there are some reviews that the writer found. In this part, the writer would like to share the information found related to the poem.


and (http://www.etext.virginia.edu/railton/roughingit/map/chiharte.html). The first site states that “The Heathen Chinee” is “a satiric poem”, while the second states that “The Heathen Chinee” was written as a parody. Its sensational popularity, being reprinted and republished, made Harte the most celebrated literary man in America in 1870.”

Both statements above about the poem are a little contradictory. The first opinion states that “The Heathen Chinee” is a satiric poem and the second states that it is written as a parody. Sometimes, satire statements will result in protest and bad relationship, while parody statements will result in entertaining and happy feeling. Whatever it is, a satire or a parody, the existence of the poem, “The Heathen Chinee”, had attracted many people’s attention at that time, which resulted in the reprinting and the republishing of the poem itself.

“The Heathen Chinee” is also said that it is a poem, in which the

whites are outsmarted in their own efforts to cheat a Chinese. This poem, which Harte called “the worst I ever wrote”, was popular world wide. However, it initiated racial discord in California against the Orientals. (Written by Victoria Henderson, a student in University of North Carolina at Pembroke).



Another source is from http://www.philaprintshop.com/heathen.html. It states that …The Heathen Chinee is the source of the most famous depictions of the Chinese in America during the nineteenth century. The poem is not really negative in its depiction of Ah Sin, and Harte probably meant it as much a criticism of the way whites looked on and treated the Chinese as anything else. However, the poem did foster an enduring caricature of the Chinese which lasted for years.

Both comments above state that “The Heathen Chinee” describes the arrogance of American people in facing the existence of Chinese people in their country. The American people were said as a superior group of people, who deserved the authority to do anything to the Chinese people there. They were also said that they acted as if they were the smartest people, so that they felt that they had the authority to resist and isolate the Chinese people there. Though Harte said that it was the worst that he ever wrote, the poem had become a description of the racism faced by Chinese people in the nineteenth century. This poem also becomes a criticism of the way how the whites treated and looked on the Chinese.


B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Racism

Racism is a term, which always becomes an “endless” topic to discuss all over the world. Its never-ending existence makes it interesting to talk about. Racism was faced by many people from many countries. Racism becomes a “big” problem for those who are the “new group of people” or called immigrants in other countries. It happens because the natives cannot accept “new” people in their place. Racism always deals with the people’s physical appearance, the skin color, especially.

Chinese is one of those many groups of people, who migrated to some other countries. Their “members” spread in many countries in the world. One of the countries, which becomes the Chinese people’s destination, is America. As it is faced by other group of people who migrated, Chinese people also experienced the same thing. In America, their effort in raising their prosperity of life faced a resistance from the American people.

Many people give comments, suggestions, and arguing about racism and the solutions, though those statements seem never to become real. The Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology Volume 3 defines racism as:


Racism has become a belief that certain physical appearances, such as skin color and facial features, determine the intellectuality, morality, and behavior of people. It will then establish a grade of quality between the subgroups of our society.

2. Theory of Point of View

M.H. Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms sixth edition defines point of view which “signifies the way a story gets told-the mode (or modes) established by an author by means of which the reader is presented with the characters, dialogues, actions, setting, and events which constitute the narrative in a work of fiction.” (1985: 165).

Point of view, according to Abrams, signifies the way of how a story is told, by presenting the readers with the characters, dialogues, actions, setting, and events, which become the characteristics of the narrator of the story, who tells it. Point of view is then divided into two kinds, based on the type of the narrator. They are third-person point of view and first-person point of view. The third-person point of view is then divided into omniscient point of view and limited point of view. It is an


In omniscient point of view, the narrator knows everything about the characters, actions, and events. The narrator will not only know about the characters, actions, and events, but also into their thoughts, feelings, and motives. An omniscient narrator has freedom to tell the story as he or she wants, whether he or she wants to remain at one character or move to another, in order to report what the characters say and do (Abrams, 1985: 166).

Next, the other subclass of the third-person point of view, that is limited point of view. It is said as a limited point of view when “the narrator tells the story in the third person, but stays inside the confines of what is experienced, thought, and felt by a single character (or at most by very few characters) within the story” (Abrams, 1985:167).

A limited narrator will also tell the story in the third person as the omniscient narrator. While the omniscient narrator tells the story based on

everything he or she knows, the limited narrator limits his or her knowledge of the characters, actions, thoughts, and feelings, so that the information, which is needed to know from the story, cannot be reported wholly.

The second kind of point of view is the first-person point of view. First-person point of view “limits the matter of the narrative to what the first-First-person narrator knows, experiences, infers, or can find out by talking to other characters” (Abrams, 1985:167).


narrator has to have a conversation with the characters in the story. Their conversation will then make the narrator able to tell the story.

The Longman Dictionary of Poetic Terms defines point of view as “the physical, mental, or personal perspective an author maintains toward the events he recounts” (Simms, 1989: 238). Then,

if the story is told in first person point of view (“I” or “we”), the speaker is a participant and has the emotional, subjective power of an involved witness. Second person point of view (“you”) allows more distance, thus more objective freedom, and carries a demanding, sometimes accusatory, tone. Third person point of view offers different kinds of freedom: (1) that of the omniscient point of view, in which the speaker freely roams in and among his characters and their thoughts and actions, either intruding with editorial comments or remaining impersonal and (2) that of the limited point of view, in which the speaker limits himself to the view of one character’s thoughts and actions, sometimes reporting objectively the state of consciousness of that character. (Simms, 1989: 238).


view. In omniscient point of view, the speaker of the poem will tell about the characters and their thoughts and actions. There will also be one or some perspectives from the author (as an interruption in the poem), which functions to explain, sum up, or add otherwise it cannot be attained by the poem. While in limited point of view, the speaker limits his or her view of one character’s thoughts and actions. Sometimes, the speaker will tell about the conscious statements by that character.

C. Review on the Socio-Historical Background

In his book, Orientals: Asian Americans in Popular Culture, Robert G. Lee discusses much about Asian American. Lee argues that

Asians in the West have always been classified as ‘Orientals’, a term so grossly misused that the images of Asian Americans have become ‘the pollutant, the coolie, the deviant, the yellow peril, the model minority, and the gook’ (Lee, 1999: 271).

Those six images of Asians have treated the Asian American as the “consummate outsider and alien body that serve no purpose except to threaten the Anglo-Saxon national family in America.” (Lee, 1999: 271). Therefore, the Asians in America were isolated from the local community. Their existence in America became a threatening factor in ruining the native community.


anti-Chinese violence in the United States during an era of virulent discrimination against the Chinese” (http://www.camla.org/history/massacre.htm)

It started by an altercation between Sam Yuen and Yo Hing. This quarrel then brought to the accidental shooting of Robert Thompson. Afterwards, it happened “a head fermenting racial and economic strife within the community and becomes directed toward the Chinese” (http://www.camla.org/history.htm). As a result, “a mob of some 500 whites go on an arson and looting spree leaving 19 Chinese dead” (http://www.camla.org/history.htm). It happened in the first Los Angeles Chinatown. This event was known as the Chinese Massacre of Los Angeles.

In Los Angeles, the Chinese worked in many fields. For example, they worked as herbalists, dentists, a doctor, a lawyer, interpreters, jewelers, a movie renter and even actors.

From the 1870s, Chinese were the dominant group in agricultural produce as growers, vendors, and market proprietors. They distributed their produce from carts around the Plaza. They also operated laundry business. Later other ran restaurants, meat markets, and sold goods from both Chinese and non-Chinese (http://www.camla.org/history.htm).


Thousands of Chinese from the Guangdong Province are recruited by Central Pacific Railroad Co to work on Western portion of transcontinental railroad., in 1865,” “approximately 3000 Chinese laborers are instrumental in completing the San Fernando Tunnel in 1876.”, and “ Chinese labor continues to be used although the construction of the San Gabriel Railroad in clashes between Chinese and white railroad workers, in 1886 (http://www.camla.org/history.htm).

Though the Chinese labors were used in many projects, it did not mean that the Chinese’s sufferings were over. They were still faced injustice and violence from the country. In 1877, for example, the

Los Angeles City Council rules that successful bidders for irrigation projects will not be allowed to use Chinese laborers.” Another happened in 1880, “the city excludes all Chinese labor from city contracts”, and also in 1881, “the convention of the American Federation of Labor adopts a resolution calling for Congress to prohibit Chinese immigration (http://www.camla.org/history.htm).

Based on those conditions above, the writer sees that the American people seemed that they did not want to get the Chinese people involved in any field works in America. It was probably because the Chinese people’s hard work in order to earn money, though they were paid in low wages. Therefore, the Chinese people would not be able to fulfill their daily needs. Then, it would result in their life in America, which might be far from a prosperous life.

D. Theoretical Framework


criticisms or opinions of some experts on the work of literature. By paying attention to those theories, reviews, and criticisms, the writer will be able to know how to make a good analysis. Since all of them consist of many kinds of information, they will contribute many important things to the writing process of this thesis. Those theories will become the writer’s basis in doing the analysis on the poem. In other words, those information will become the writer’s references in conducting this thesis.

First, the review of the related theories. The review of the related theory in this thesis is point of view and racism. This review of point of view, which the sources are M.H Abrams and The Longman Dictionary of Poetic Terms, are hoped to be the basis for the writer, in order to identify what kind of point of view used in “The Heathen Chinee” by Bret Harte. The theory of racism will be used to give a deeper understanding of what racism is and its happening to Chinese people.

Second, the review of socio-historical background. This review is used in order to give the writer more information about what were experienced by Chinese people in America. It is used to reveal the racism toward the Chinese in America through the Chinese character in the poem, that is Ah Sin. Besides, this review is hoped to be a source for the writer to see the real life of Chinese people in America and also the real life of the American people when there were Chinese immigrants in their land.



The object of the study in this thesis is the poem “The Heathen Chinee” by Bret Harte, which is also known as “Plain Language from Truthful James”. This poem was written in 1870 by Bret Harte. It has ten (10) stanzas, six (6) lines in each stanza. The poem, edited by Michael Roberts, is taken from The Faber Book of Comic Verse page 228, which was published by R. MacLehose and Company Limited, the University Press Glasgow, in 1974. The Faber Book of Comic Verse

itself has 400 pages, which contains poems from different authors.

Since its publication, “The Heathen Chinee” had absorbed many people’s attention. They read, gave comments, and even reprinted and republished it. As the writer found in (http://www.traverse.net/people/dot/harte_anxiety.html), it states that

The Heathen Chinee” is a satiric poem and it was being read on benefit nights at the theatres, and recited in good faith at Sunday-school picnics… pinned up on the walls of gin-ships, and carried furtively in the portemonnaies of Doctors of Divinity.


The scene of the poem is on a time when Ah Sin is playing card with two American gentlemen. At the beginning, Ah Sin is predicted to lose the game. It is because the two gentlemen assume that he does not understand the card game (because he is a Chinese). At the end of the game, Ah Sin proved that he understood the game by beating the two gentlemen. This scene then made the atmosphere of the poem a humorous one.

B. Approach of the Study


you to know about the facts of the black people’s life in America and the American people treatments to them. Then, the covering of the facts will become a way to avoid a misunderstanding in reading and appreciating the work of literature.

The socio-cultural historical approach is hoped to help the writer to know about what really happened to the Chinese people in America, by the presentation of some reviews of the Chinese people’s life in America. Through this approach, the writer hopes to be able to analyze the poem, by answering the problem formulation above.

C. Method of the Study

In order to complete this thesis, the writer used a method of study, that was library or desk research. Library or desk research is a method of collecting data or information from books. The data itself was divided into two, which were primary data and secondary data. The primary data of this thesis was taken from the poem itself, that is “The Heathen Chinee”, written by Bret Harte. While the secondary data was taken from some internet sites, some related books, such as Reading and Writing about Literature by Mary Rorhberger and Samuel H. Woods, A Handbook to Literature by C. Hugh Holman and William Harmon, A Glossary of Literary Terms by M.H. Abrams, and Psychology and Culture by Walter J. Lonner and Roy S. Malpass.



In this part, the writer will answer the problem formulation through the analysis of the poem. In this thesis, there are two problems to answer. First, what point of view is used in the poem; and second, how the point of view emphasizes the racism toward Chinese.

This analysis part will begin with the explication of the poem. The explication will help the writer to know what the poem is generally about. After that, the writer will analyze the poem in order to find out what kind of point of view is used in the poem. The last is the analysis on the influence of the point of view. The writer will analyze how this point of view emphasizes the racism toward Chinese people.

A. Explication of the Poem

Before the writer goes to the analysis of the problem formulation, the writer would like to explicate the poem first. In this thesis, explication is needed in order to know what the poem is generally about.


Now, the writer will analyze the content of the poem through each of its

Which the same I would like to explain. (1)

This stanza talks about the narrator’s hope to say something. Then, the narrator compared his language with the heathen Chinee’s. The narrator said that his language is plain, as the writer sees in the second line. From the third and fourth lines, the narrator said that his or her language is plain for ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain. The “ways that are dark” and the “tricks that are vain” represent the bad things occur to the narrator. While the heathen Chinee’s language is said to be peculiar, as the writer sees in the fifth line. Since the narrator said that the heathen Chinee’s language is peculiar, the narrator would like to explain it, the same as he had explained about his language, as the writer sees in the sixth line. But his smile it was pensive and child-like,

As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye. (2)


could not accept that the character’s name was Ah Sin, as the writer sees it in the second line, which is shown by the word “deny”. In the writer’s opinion, this situation shows that the narrator and Ah Sin were not in the same race. In addition, this also probably means that the narrator was in a “higher’ social status than Ah Sin. In the third and fourth lines, the narrator was still concerned with what the character’s name means, the same as the narrator concerned about the character’s name. Then, in the fifth and sixth lines, the narrator saw that the character had the same smile, which was pensive and childlike, as Bill Nye’s.

The third stanza says

It was August the third; And quite soft was the skies.

Which it might be inferred That Ah Sin was likewise; Yet he played it that day upon William

And me in a way I despise. (3)


But he smiled as he sat by the table, With the smile that was childlike and bland. (4)

This fourth stanza talks about a small game, which they were going to play. In the game, Ah Sin participated. The game they played was Euchre and the narrator said that Ah Sin did not understand. Besides, the narrator also said that Ah Sin did not know why they played Euchre. Then, in the fifth and sixth lines, Ah Sin smiled as he sat by the table, with the smile that was childlike and bland.

The fifth stanza says

Yet the cards they were stocked In a way that I grieve, And my feelings were shocked

At the state of Nye’s sleeve:

Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers, And the same with intent to deceive. (5)

This fifth stanza begins with the cards, which were stocked. When the cards were stocked, the narrator felt grief. Besides felt grief, the narrator was also shocked when he saw Nye’s sleeve, which was full of aces and bowers. It made the narrator could not believe to what he saw. Through this situation, the writer can see that Bill Nye was trying to cheat Ah Sin in the game they were going to play.

The sixth stanza says

But the hands that were played By that heathen Chinee, And the points that he made,


This sixth stanza talks about the heathen Chinee’s ability. This stanza begins with the heathen Chinee’s hands, which were playing the game. In the first line, there is the “but”, which may mean that the hands play well in the game. This was shown with the points that the heathen Chinee made, which could frighten anybody who saw it. Then, the game ended when the heathen Chinee put down a right bower. This was also what Nye had done to the narrator.

The seventh stanza says And he went for that heathen Chinee. (7)

This seventh stanza talks about Nye’s reaction. This stanza begins when the narrator looked up at Nye and Nye gazed the narrator. After that, Nye stood up and said with a sigh, “Can this be?” Then, Nye continued his statement and said that they were ruined by Chinese cheap labor. Based on Nye’s statement, the writer may say that Nye felt unsatisfied. Then, after saying that, Nye then went for the heathen Chinee.


This eighth stanza talks about the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding. This stanza begins with the scene which followed. In this scene, the narrator did not participate. In the third, fourth, and fifth lines, the narrator saw that the floor was strewed with the cards that were hidden by Ah Sin. The cards, which strewed on the floor, were like the leaves on the strand. Those hidden cards were used by Ah Sin in playing the game he did not understand.

The ninth stanza says

In his sleeves, which were long, He had twenty-four packs, Which was coming it strong,

Yet I state but the facts;

And we found on his nails, which were taper, What is frequent in tapers,…that’s wax. (9)


Chinese, was not a hard worker, since his/her nails and fingers were slender. As it is known, a hard worker should have big and rough fingers, while the Chinese character did not have it.

The tenth stanza says

Which is why I remark, And my language is plain, That for ways that are dark,

And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar Which the same I am free to maintain. (10)

This tenth stanza begins with a question of the narrator, why he paid attention to something. The narrator said that his language is plain, for the dark ways and for the tricks that are vain. This may mean that the narrator’s language was well known and that many people understand the narrator’s language. In addition, the narrator also said that many people would understand his language in the bad times happen to the narrator. In this stanza, the narrator compares his language with the heathen Chinee’s. The narrator said that the heathen Chinee is peculiar, in which the narrator would not change his opinion, the same as the narrator maintain his opinion about his language.

B. Analysis on Point of View


second person point of view, and third person point of view. When the story is told in the first person point of view, the narrator uses the words “I” or “we”. In first person point of view, the speaker is a participant and has the emotional, subjective power of an involved witness. In the second person point of view, the narrator uses the word “you”. It allows more distance, thus more objective freedom, and carries a demanding, sometimes accusatory, tone. The third-person point of view is divided into omniscient point of view and limited point of view. A literary work is said to adopt the omniscient point of view when “the speaker freely roams in and among his characters and their thoughts and actions, either intruding with editorial comments or remaining impersonal” (Simms, 1989: 238). While limited point of view is used when “the speaker limits himself to the view of one character’s thoughts and actions, sometimes reporting objectively the state of consciousness of that character” (Simms, 1989: 238).


words “I” and “we” in the poem indicates that the narrator is a participant in the poem.

Now, the writer will begin with the first stanza. It says

Which I wish to remark And my language is plain That for ways that are dark And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar, Which the same I would like to explain. (1)

This first stanza mainly talks about the narrator’s comparison, between his culture and the heathen Chinee’s. The narrator said that the American culture will still win above all bad things occur to them. The narrator also says that the Chinese have their own way in facing such conditions. Therefore, through this poem, the narrator would like to show it.


feeling of his nation. He says that his culture is better than the heathen Chinee’s culture. While in the sixth line, the using of the word “I” indicates that it is the narrator himself, who would like to explain what he means by his statement about the heathen Chinee. Therefore, the content of the poem is based on the narrator’s point of view to the heathen Chinee.

The second stanza says

Ah Sin was his name; And I shall not deny In regard to the same What that name might imply; But his smile it was pensive and child-like,

As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye. (2)

As in the first stanza, the second stanza also uses the word “I”. The writer can see it in the second line and the sixth line. The second line says: “And I shall not deny”, and the sixth line says: “As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye”. The usage of the word “I” in the second line indicates that though it is not comfortable to say a Chinese name, the narrator really has to say it, in order to explain his statements about the heathen Chinee he mentions in the first stanza.


The third stanza says

It was August the third; And quite soft was the skies.

Which it might be inferred That Ah Sin was likewise; Yet he played it that day upon William

And me in a way I despise. (3)

In this stanza, the writer can find the usage of the word “I” in the sixth line. It says: “And me in a way I despise”. From this line, the writer sees that the narrator emphasizes his statement through the word “me”. This word shows the narrator’s emotion about what he feels to Ah Sin. The usage of the word “I” here indicates that seeing Ah Sin’s coolness that day, the narrator considers him nothing; that Ah Sin’s condition at that time does not influence the narrator’s opinion to him. In addition, through this line, the writer can see that the narrator say what he feels about Ah Sin. But he smiled as he sat by the table, With the smile that was childlike and bland. (4)

In this stanza, the writer sees the usage of the word “we”. It can be seen in the first line. It says: “Which we had a small game”. The using of the word “we” here means that every character in the poem involves in the game, including the narrator. Therefore, the narrator is a participant in the story.


which say, “ It was Euchre. The same he did not understand”. From these lines, the writer sees that the narrator directly says that Ah Sin does not know about the game they are going to play. Through this stanza also, the writer sees that the narrator pays attention to Ah Sin’s smile again. The narrator says that Ah Sin’s smile is childlike and bland. Ah Sin’s smile can be seen in the last line, which says, “With the smile that was childlike and bland”.

The fifth stanza says

Yet the cards they were stocked In a way that I grieve, And my feelings were shocked

At the state of Nye’s sleeve:

Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers, And the same with intent to deceive. (5)


point of view, that is the word “my”. The word “my” here refers to the narrator, which shows the narrator’s feeling to what Nye does.

The sixth stanza says

But the hands that were played By that heathen Chinee, And the points that he made,

Were quite frightful to see, Till at last he put down a right bower, Which the same Nye had dealt unto me. (6)

The sixth stanza of the poem tells about Ah Sin’s ability in playing the game. It is told here that Ah Sin is very capable in playing that game. As the writer can see in the first line, which says: “But the hands that were played” and the second line, which says: “By that heathen Chinee”. Ah Sin’s hands are noticed by the narrator during the game. In the game, Ah Sin’s capability is proved by the points that he made, which are high. This fact has surprised the two American characters, who participate in the game. Their assumption that the Chinese character will not be able to play the game, even to understand it is impossible, has broken down by Ah Sin’s points in the game, which has made the two Americans quite afraid of it. Ah Sin’s points in the game can be seen in the third line, which says: “And the points he made” and the frightfulness of the Americans in the fourth line, which says: “Were quite frightful to see”. Then, the game ends with Ah Sin’s winning of the two Americans, by putting down a right bower. It can be seen in the fifth line, which says: “Till at last he put down a right bower”.


fifth stanza. The writer can see from all lines in this stanza. The first line, which says, “But the hands that were played”, shows that “the hands” are noticed by the narrator. “The hands” here belong to Ah Sin. Then, the second line, which says, “By that heathen Chinee”, also shows that it uses the first person point of view. Besides “the hands”, the narrator also pays attention to the character, Ah Sin, who has those hands. From this line, the writer sees that Ah Sin is called as the heathen Chinee. The third line, which says, “And the points that he made”, means that the narrator pays attention to the points, that Ah Sin made in the game. From this line, it can be seen that Ah Sin’s point absorbs the other players’ attention; that it has something special to see. Next, the fourth line, which says, “Were quite frightful to see”, shows the narrator’s feeling to the points that Ah Sin made. This line shows that Ah Sin’s point is higher than the others’. Then, the fifth line, which says, “Till at last he put down a right bower”, the writer sees that the narrator still pays attention to Ah Sin, when he put down a right bower. Though this line uses the word “he”, it does not mean that this line does not use the first point of view. It is still in the first person point of view, because the speaker is the narrator, who is a participant. It is also because in the other stanzas the writer still finds the usage of the word “I” and “we”. The last line, which says, “Which the same Nye had dealt unto me”, shows that the narrator is a participant, either in the poem or in the game they play. In summary, this sixth stanza describes Ah Sin’s ability in playing Euchre.


Then I looked up at Nye, And he gazed upon me; And he rose with a sigh, And said, ‘Can this be?

We are ruined by Chinese cheap labor,’ And he went for that heathen Chinee. (7)

In this seventh stanza, the writer can see the usage of the words, both “I” and “we”. The usage of the word “I” can be seen in the first line, which says: “Then I looked up at Nye”, and the usage of the word “we” can be seen in the fifth line, which says: “We are ruined by Chinese cheap labor”. The usage of the word “I” in the first line indicates that the narrator is a participant in the poem and has an emotional feeling toward Ah Sin. The narrator’s emotional feeling toward Ah Sin appears because the narrator and Bill Nye, who are Americans, are beaten by a Chinese in a card game, whom they think would not understand and play it.

The second line of this stanza also shows the usage of the first person point of view. It says, “And he gazed upon me”. The first person point of view in this line is explicitly used. It is seen from the word “me”. This word refers to the narrator, who is a participant in the story.


The eighth stanza says

In the scene that ensued I did not take a hand, But the floor it was strewed Like the leaves on the strand

With the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding, In the game ‘he did not understand’. (8)

In this stanza, the writer can see the using of the word “I” in the second line. It says: “I did not take a hand”. The using of the word “I” in this line indicates that the narrator does not participate in what Bill Nye is doing, but the narrator is still a participant in the story. His “absence” of participation in the scene does not influence the point of view used in the poem, because the participant in first person point of view involves mainly in the story. Therefore, in this stanza, the narrator is still a participant in the story.

And we found on his nails, which were taper, What is frequent in tapers,--that’s wax. (9)


the fifth line indicates that it is the narrator and Bill Nye, who find out Ah Sin’s trick. This line also shows that the narrator involves in the activity.

The last stanza the writer will discuss is the tenth stanza, which says

Which is why I remark, And my language is plain, That for ways that are dark,

And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar Which the same I am free to maintain. (10)

The writer sees the usage of the word “I” in the first line, which says, “Which is why I remark” and the sixth line, which says: “Which the same I am free to maintain”. The usage of the word “I” in the first line indicates that it is the narrator himself, who pays attention to the heathen Chinee. The narrator’s emotional feeling can be seen from his statement in this line, which refers to the fact that he sees in Ah Sin. The using of the word “I” in the sixth line indicates that the narrator defenses his opinion toward the heathen Chinee, no matter what has happened. He feels free to state what he wants to say, with no restriction follows.

C. The First Person Point of View in Emphasizing the Chinese Racism


Nye. The poem tells about a card game, in which every character is involved in it. As the writer sees in the poem, the card game they play is called Euchre. This card game is originated from the USA.

Euchre is played by the three characters, the narrator, Ah Sin, and Bill Nye. Since Euchre is originated from the USA, logically, American people are able to play it well. The two American characters think that as a Chinese, Ah Sin will not be able to understand and play the game, since Chinese people are considered inferior by American people. It is all because Chinese people have yellow skin, while American people have white skin.

As it is said by Simms, first person point of view is used when the literary work uses the words “I” or “we”, and the narrator is a participant, who has the emotional, subjective power of an involved witness (Simms, 1989: 238). The Heathen Chinee uses the words “I” and “we” in almost all its stanzas. The using of these words in the poem shows that the narrator is a participant in the story. The “involved witness” in the poem is Ah Sin, the heathen Chinee.


Before analyzing the poem, the writer thinks that it is important for the writer to state, whether the narrator was pro-American or pro-Chinese. By knowing this, the writer hopes to be able to show the influence of the first person point of view used in the poem, in order to show the racism toward Chinese more clearly. Based on the narrator’s statements in the poem, the writer may say that the narrator was pro-American.

In analyzing the poem, the writer will start from the title, The Heathen Chinee. From the title, the writer directly can see that Chinese people are not in the same ‘level’ as American people. The writer can see it from the word “heathen”. When someone is said a heathen, then he or she is considered that he or she is not a good quality person. As it is stated in Webster’s New Explorer Dictionary and Thesaurus, the term heathen has two meanings. The first meaning is “an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible” and the second meaning is “an uncivilized or irreligious person” (1999: 241). Based on those meanings, the heathen in the story then refers to Ah Sin, as the only Chinese character.


characters’ in the poem. Now, the writer will analyze the stanzas in the poem one by one.

The first stanza says

Which I wish to remark And my language is plain That for ways that are dark And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar, Which the same I would rise to explain. (1)

From this stanza, it is clear that the narrator said his statements himself. The writer could see from the usage of the word “I” in the first and last lines. In this stanza, the narrator said that Ah Sin was peculiar, in which the narrator would like to explain it. Based on the narrator’s statements in this stanza, the writer may say that, besides being said peculiar, the Chinese character was also said a heathen. Therefore, the racism in this first stanza is shown in the fifth line.

The usage of the word “I” in the first line, which says, “Which I wish to remark”, shows that the statement came from “I”, not from others, in which the “I” character represents the American people. Besides, the usage of the word “I” in the first line also shows a direct relationship, which means that there were only two sides involved in the action. Therefore, the writer may say that, the Americans remarked the Chinese people based on what they saw on the Chinese people.


language. It can be seen in the second line, which says, “And my language is plain”, the third line, which says, “That for ways that are dark”, and the fourth line, which says, “And for tricks that are vain”.

As the writer had said in the previous paragraph, the racism toward Chinese people is shown in the fifth line, which says, “The heathen Chinee is peculiar”. In this line, a Chinese character is said as a heathen and that he or she is peculiar. Through the usage of the word “I” in this stanza, those justifications to the Chinese character indicate that they were said by “I” himself or herself.

The second stanza says

Ah Sin was his name; And I shall not deny In regard to the same What that name might imply; But his smile it was pensive and child-like,

As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye. (2)


The usage of the word “I” in the sixth line, which says, “As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye”, shows that “I” frequent said to Bill Nye about Ah Sin’s smile, which was pensive and childlike. Based on this line, the writer may say that, “I” often paid attention to Ah Sin. This can be seen from the word “frequent”, which indicates how often “I” said to Bill Nye.


The usage of the word “I” in the second line, which says, “And I shall not deny”, shows that however, “I” had to deal with a Chinese character, whose name was Ah Sin. While through the usage of the word “I” in the sixth line, which says, “As I frequent remarked to Bill Nye”, indicates that all “I” said about the Chinese character was based on what he or she saw on Ah Sin.

The third stanza says

It was August the third; And quite soft was the skies.

Which it might be inferred That Ah Sin was likewise; Yet he played it that day upon William

And me in a way I despise. (3)

In this stanza, the narrator said that Ah Sin was calm by comparing it to the weather outside. These can be seen in the second line, which says, “And quite soft was the skies” and the fourth line, which says, “That Ah Sin was likewise”. Ah Sin’s calmness was shown to William and the narrator and the narrator hated it.

From this stanza, the usage of the word “I” can be found in the sixth line, which says, “And me in a way I despise”. Through the sentence in this line, it can be seen that “I” showed his or her hatred to Ah Sin clearly. Besides, the word “me” in this line emphasizes that “I” really felt the hatred to Ah Sin.


to deal with the other American characters. As the writer knows that usually, when a “different” person has to deal with the majority, he or she may be nervous or afraid, while Ah Sin seemed to be natural in such a situation. Based on this situation, the writer may say that, through the usage of the word “I” in the sixth line and be emphasized by the word “me”, “I’s” hatred to Ah Sin was shown based on what he or she experienced on the Chinese by him or herself.

Ah Sin’s calmness here represented the Chinese patience in living in America. They did not give up though they had to face terrible conditions in their surrounding. They lived as other Americans, by doing many possible jobs for their living. They were not afraid when they had to deal with the Americans, who treated them badly. Whenever they behaved in such a way, the Americans never value, however.

The fourth stanza says

Which we had a small game, And Ah Sin took a hand: It was Euchre. The same He did not understand; But he smiled as he sat by the table, With the smile that was childlike and bland. (4)


they would play. This can be seen in the fifth line, which says,” But he smiled as he sat by the table”.

In this stanza, the writer found the usage of the word “we” in the first line. The usage of the word “we” in the first line, which says, “Which we had a small game”, shows that “I”, together with other characters, involved in the game they were going to play. The participation of “I” made him or her could tell the players, the card game they were going to play, and how Ah Sin reacted in that situation. These can be seen in the first line, which says, “Which we had a small game”, the second line, which says, “And Ah Sin took a hand”, the third line, which says, “It was Euchre…”, and the fifth line, which says, “But he smiled as he sat by the table”.


Through the usage of the word “we” in this stanza, “I’s” feeling to Ah Sin could be expressed more clearly. It was because “I” saw what happened in that situation by himself or herself. Therefore, when he or she said the sentence in the fifth line, it was based on what he or she saw on Ah Sin. In addition, the word “we” here also shows that the American people worked together with the Chinese people to do some things, in which most of those things were for the advantage of the American people. In the poem, the writer could see it from the card game they were going to play, which was originated from America. Through the game, the writer may say, “I”, as an American, hoped that he or she could show to Ah Sin, that he or she was smarter than Ah Sin. From the history, there were many projects in America that employed Chinese labors, but their wages were very low.

From this stanza, the writer may say, there was a certain intention why they play that card game. Since the card game originated from the USA, then the two Americans think that they would win the game against Ah Sin easily. The writer could see it from the narrator’s statements in this stanza, which directly justified that Ah Sin will not be able to understand euchre.


though there were clashes between the Chinese and white labors in 1886 (http://www.camla.org/history.htm). These facts show that the Chinese were brave in facing the terrible condition in America. In addition, they also show that the Chinese were good at using the chances to work; they still did the jobs and did not care what happened to them, as long as they could earn money.

The fifth stanza says

Yet the cards they were stocked In a way that I grieve, And my feelings were shocked

At the state of Nye’s sleeve:

Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers, And the same with intent to deceive. (5)


The writer saw that the usage of the word “I” in this stanza is in the second line. This line says, “In a way that I grieve”. The usage of the word “I” in this line shows that “I’s” feeling appeared after he or she experienced what happened in the situation. This line is emphasized by the third line, which says, “And my feelings were shocked”. In this line, the word “my” strengthens what “I” said about his or her feeling. This word shows that there was not anybody, who had that feeling, but him.

In this stanza, the racism is shown in the second line, which says, “In a way that I grieve”. As the writer could see in this stanza, this sentence was stated after the cards were stocked. Therefore, the writer may say that, when the game almost started, “I” had this feeling. Through this feeling, “I” wanted to share that he or she did not want to be beaten by Ah Sin, whom he or she argued as a peculiar heathen Chinee.

The usage of the word “I” in the second line, which says, “In a way that I grieve”, shows that the grief belonged to “I”, after he or she saw how Ah Sin reacted when the card game was almost started. This feeling, which shows that “I” did not want to be beaten by Ah Sin, became strong because it was “I” him or herself, who experienced what happened in the situation. In other words, what “I” felt was based on what he or she saw in that situation.

The sixth stanza says

But the hands that were played By that heathen Chinee, And the points that he made,


Till at last he put down a right bower, Which the same Nye had dealt unto me. (6)

The sixth stanza of the poem tells about Ah Sin’s ability in playing the game. It is told here that Ah Sin is very capable in playing that game. As the writer can see in the first line, which says: “But the hands that were played” and the second line, which says: “By that heathen Chinee”. Since Ah Sin was capable in playing the game, the points that he made frightened the other characters. This can be seen in the third line, which says, “And the points that he made” and the fourth line, which says, “Were quite frightful to see”.

In this stanza, the writer could not find the usage of the word neither “I” nor “we”. However, there is still one word, which shows the using of the first person point of view, that is the word “me”. This word is in the last line, which says, “Which the same Nye had dealt unto me”. The word “me” here indicates that it was “I”, who stated this stanza. It also shows that “I” still participates in this situation.

As the writer had explained previously, the points that Ah Sin made in the game were frightening for the other players; or in other words, Ah Sin’s points were the highest ones. However, Ah Sin was still called a heathen. This situation shows a racist behavior from the narrator. Therefore, the racism in this stanza is in the second line, which says, “By that heathen Chinee”.


heathen, was stated based on what “I” directly saw what happened. This seemed that “I” could not accept that in fact, Ah Sin could play the game well.

The seventh stanza says

Then I looked up at Nye, And he gazed upon me; And he rose with a sigh, And said, ‘Can this be?

We are ruined by Chinese cheap labour,’ And he went for that heathen Chinee. (7)

In this seventh stanza, the writer could see the usage of the words, both “I” and “we”. The usage of the word “I” can be seen in the first line, which says: “Then I looked up at Nye”, and the usage of the word “we” can be seen in the fifth line, which says: “We are ruined by Chinese cheap labor”. The usage of the word “I” in the first line shows “I’s” reaction, after Ah Sin won the game, in which Ah Sin’s winning can be seen in the sixth stanza. The usage of the word “we” in the fifth line shows that “I”, together with Bill Nye felt how they were beaten by Ah Sin, who was thought could not win the game.

The second line of this stanza, which says, “And he gazed upon me” also shows the using of the first person point of view. The first person point of view in this line can be seen from the usage of the word “me”. The usage of this word makes “I’s” participation more clearly, which means that “I” experienced what happened in the story by himself or herself.


labor, he or she is usually unskilled; or in other words, he or she is not educated. Moreover, Ah Sin was said as a cheap labor, which can mean that he was not a smart person, whose “level” was not the same as the other were two characters. Based on those conditions, the usage of the words “I” and “we” in this stanza shows a “direct” participation of “I” and “we”. It means that when they felt how they beaten by Ah Sin, those feelings were based on what they experienced in the story by themselves.

The eighth stanza says

In the scene that ensued I did not take a hand, But the floor it was strewed Like the leaves on the strand

With the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding, In the game ‘he did not understand’. (8)

In this eighth stanza, the writer could see the usage of the word “I” in the second line, which says, “I did not take a hand”. The usage of the word “I” in this line shows that “I” did not participate in what Bill Nye did, which was going for Ah Sin (this action can be seen in the seventh stanza line sixth, which says, “And he went for that heathen Chinee”). Although “I” did not participate in what Bill Nye did, “I” is still a participant in the story. This can be seen in what “I” did, that was seeing the floor, which was strewed by Ah Sin’s hidden cards. These situations can be seen in the third line, which says, “But the floor it was strewed” and the fifth line, which says, “With the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding”.


who was thought that he could not play Euchre. On the other hand, he proved to other players that he, in fact, could play it well, by reaching high points, though he did it by cheating the other players. Then, the game ended when Ah Sin put a right bower, which made him win the game. Although Ah Sin had won the game, “I” still said that he did not understand it. From this line, the writer can see that “I” could not accept the fact that he or she lost the game and that the winner was Ah Sin. Through the usage of the word “I” in this stanza, what “I” said about Ah Sin became strong, which means that, when “I” said that Ah Sin did not understand the game, it was based on what “I” experienced himself or herself when Ah Sin showed his ability in playing Euchre and won it.

As cheap labors, the Chinese people were considered that they did not know many things. Their knowledge was very limited on ‘light” things, which did not need deep thinking. This opinion seemed to “stick” on the Americans, so that they always looked down upon the Chinese people. Including when they wanted to play a trick on the Chinese, they never thought that one day the Chinese would beat them. Moreover, even when the Americans were beaten by the Chinese, they could not believe it and still considered that the Chinese knew nothing about it. The Americans still argued that the Chinese did not know and understand it.


The ninth stanza says

In his sleeves, which were long, He had twenty-four packs, Which was coming it strong,

Yet I state but the facts;

And we found on his nails, which were taper, What is frequent in tapers,.. that’s wax. (9)

In this stanza, the writer found out that it uses the words ‘I” and “we”. The writer found the word “I” in the fourth line, which says, “Yet I state but the facts”. The usage of the word “I” in this line emphasizes that it was “I”, who told the story in the poem. The usage of the word “we” can be found in the fifth line, which says, “And we found on his nails, which were taper”. The usage of the word “we” in this line shows “I’s” involvement, together with Bill Nye, found that Ah Sin’s nails were taper.

In this ninth stanza, the writer found that the racism is in the sixth line, which says, “What is frequent in tapers,-that’s wax”. In this line, Ah Sin’s nails were said that they were taper and there was wax. Based on this condition, the writer may say that, although Ah Sin had won the game, his ability could not be the same as the Americans. This can be seen from the word “tapers” and “wax”. These words can mean into Ah Sin’s skin color, that was yellow, like the wax.


The last stanza, which will be analyzed, is the tenth stanza. It says

Which is why I remark, And my language is plain, That for ways that are dark,

And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar Which the same I am free to maintain. (10)


Chinee, in which his or her opinions were based on his or her experience with Ah Sin.

The racism in this stanza is in the fifth line, which says, “The heathen Chinee is peculiar”. As the writer explained previously, Ah Sin, who was considered that he could not understand the game, won it. Although Ah Sin had showed that he understood and won it, the “term” for him still stuck on him. Ah Sin’s winning seemed not to be admitted by “I” since “I” still called Ah Sin as a peculiar heathen Chinee.


table. This is because Ah Sin was a heathen Chinese for “I”. As the writer saw in


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