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Academic year: 2019



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By :

Rukhoiyah Swandani

St. Number : 121112057










By :

Rukhoiyah Swandani

St. Number : 121112057










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of

English Department, Faculty of Humanities,

Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

By :

Rukhoiyah Swandani

St. Number : 121112057







This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of

any other degree or diploma in any university. And to the best of this candidate‘s knowledge and believe, it contains no material previously published or written by

other person except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis.

Surabaya, 16 June 2015



The writer dedicates this thesis to

her beloved mother and father for

the love and sacrifice they always


Approved to be examined

Surabaya, 16 June, 2015

Thesis Advisor,

Dra. Lilla Musyahda, M.Pd.

NIP. 196612102007012001

Head of English Department,

Dra. Lilla Musyahda, M.Pd.

NIP. 196612102007012001






This thesis has been approved and accepted by the Board of

Examiners,English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas


on 30June 2015

The Board of Examiners are:

Noerhayati Ika Putri, M.A. NIP. 197807162005012002

Dra. Lilla Musyahda, M.Pd. NIP. 196612102007012001



Foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT who

always blesses my life and especially helps to strengthen me finishing this thesis.

Deepest gratitude is also expressed to Prophet Muhammad SAW who influences

me to have great spirit for finishing this thesis with his inspiring and enlightening

way of life.

I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my thesis advisor, Dra.

LillaMusyahda, M.Pd, a genius who is filled with excellent idea. Without her

supervision and constant helps, this thesis would not have been possible. I am

grateful to be one of her pupils. It is an honor for me.

Deep appreciation is also given for the lecturers of English Department,

Faculty of HumanitiesUniversitas Airlangga, for the knowledge they have shared,

especially linguistics lecturers who inspire me a lot. I learn from them how to be a

‗real human‘, not only excellent in hardskill, but also softskill.

My endless love will always be sent for my mother, Mami, and my father,

Suwani, for all your support, motivation and prayers. You are the greatest parents

I have. For my four young sisters, thank you so much for always making me smile.

My deep gratitude is also for my grandparents, Munarah and Suyono, who always

support and pray for me. I would like to thank my aunt, Indah, for all her supports

and helps whenever I need. I also feel grateful for Yuli‘s help. Thank you for

lending me your laptop when mine is broken.For Mbak Nicky who does not mind


family members who I cannot mention all, thank you for all support you have

given to me.

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you to all my friends. They are

my friends in genk NERO: Nabilah ‗qubil‘ and Kartika ‗cungkring‘, who are full with brilliant idea, Desi ‗wiwik‘ who cares me so much, Putri ‗siomay‘, and Ariel ‗upiels‘) who always cheer me up with their ‗harsh joke‘. We study hard and play

hard together. I also want to say thank you to all of my friends in EDSA 2K11. We

have been together and have shared many unforgettable moments. I also want to

thank my friends in UKM Taekwondo Universitas Airlangga who strengthen me

with their spirit and support. I love you all.

Surabaya, 16 June 2015


If they give you ruled paper,

write the other way”



Thesis Examiners‘ Approval Page vi

Acknowledgements vii

2.1 Types of Utterances and Speech Events 10


2.3 Positioning Theory 21

2.4 Review of Related Studies 22


3.1 Research Approach 25

3.2 Participants and Setting 26

3.2.1 Participants 27

3.2.2 Setting 27

3.3 Instrument 28

3.4 Technique of Data Collection 28

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis 29


4.1 Data Presentation 30

4.1.1 Assertive 31

4.1.2 Performative 34

4.1.3 Verdictive 36

4.1.4 Expressive 38

4.1.5 Directive 40

4.1.6 Commissive 47

4.1.7 Phatic 49

4.2 Discussion 51


Conclusion 60




Thesis Examiners‘ Approval Page vi

Acknowledgements vii

2.1 Types of Utterances and Speech Events 10


2.3 Positioning Theory 21

2.4 Review of Related Studies 22


3.1 Research Approach 25

3.2 Participants and Setting 26

3.2.1 Participants 27

3.2.2 Setting 27

3.3 Instrument 28

3.4 Technique of Data Collection 28

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis 29


4.1 Data Presentation 30

4.1.1 Assertive 31

4.1.2 Performative 34

4.1.3 Verdictive 36

4.1.4 Expressive 38

4.1.5 Directive 40

4.1.6 Commissive 47

4.1.7 Phatic 49

4.2 Discussion 51


Conclusion 60



Swandani, Rukhoiyah. 2015. The Analysis of Speech Acts in Medical Consultations between Midwives and Patients in BPS S.Miraningsih, Amd.Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo.


Every utterances are speech act because humans utter their utterances with intentions behind their utterances (Robinson, 2006). One of speech community which employ speech acts in their communication is midwives and patients. This study aims to find what speech acts are mostly used by the midwives and patients and why those speech acts are used. Qualitative research approach through a case study inquiry is implemented in this study. The conversation between midwives and patients were recorded for the data. In analyzing the data, the writer uses speech acts theory proposed by Charles W. Kreidler (1998). The result shows that assertive utterances are mostly used, especially by the midwives. Since it is a consultation, the midwives frequently give information to the patient based on the empirical fact while the patients frequently use assertive to report their experience. While speech act appears the least is performative type for the patients and expressive type for the midwives. The analysis leads to a conclusion that the position of the speakers are also related to the types of speech acts and the speech functions they employ.




1.1 Background of the Study

Humans are dependable creature and in order to fulfill their needs, they

communicate their thoughts and feelings. Communication, generally, is

understood as the processes in which humans construct and make meaning

together, whether it is verbal or nonverbal, spoken or written, cooperation or

conflict, and face-to-face or not (Stewart, 2002). One of elements in a

communication is language which makes a communication successful. It denotes

everything in this world, concrete and abstract things. Humans use language for

many purposes since language seems to have many different functions as there are

occasions for using language, therefore, humans call it as speech functions

(Kreidler, 1998); humans use language to tell others what they know or what they

feel, to ask questions, to thank, to say hello and goodbye, and so on. Those speech

functions will also affect its form, why they select one way rather than another to

convey their message. The form of an utterance does not necessarily coincide

with the speaker's real intention. A speaker may produce an utterance that is just

the opposite of the message he wants to convey. What makes those utterances

understandable is the context or the people being involved (Kreidler, 1998).

There are a lot of examples on how humans employ the speech functions

to interact and fulfill their needs in daily speech community, how humans convey


order to get health service. Based on Fischer and Ereaut (2012), medical

consultations can be defined differently according to their organizing principles of

purpose. In narrower sense, they might be organized around the achievement of a

diagnosis, a transaction involving the transfer of knowledge, whereas in a

complex sense means they might be organized around the development of

complex shared understanding: the creation of new knowledge for both

participants, unique to that patient. Medical profession who has right to deliver

medical consultation is a midwife, for example.

A midwife is a woman who attends women in confinement (The

American Medical Association, 1989) or she can be considered as a woman who

is educated and trained to help delivering babies and to advise pregnant women.

In Indonesia until 2013, the number of midwives is ranked at the top position with

136.489 persons compared to other medical professions (BKKBN, 2014).

Midwives outnumber doctors (42.189 persons), dentists (13.022 persons), and

specialist (38.210 persons). This is also supported with the data from Badan

Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional or BKKBN (National Family

Planning Coordination Board) in 2014 which claimed that in East Java the ratio

for doctors/people is 7,43 : 100.000, while the ratio for midwives/people is 33,48 :


The number above is also equivalent to health problems in Indonesia

because health problems in Indonesia are dominated with maternal and children

health problems which are the focus of midwives care (Wang et al., 2009). In


Development Program which established eight goals named as Millenium

Development Goals. Millenium Development Goals are eight international

development goals as the result of United Nations summit in 2000 (UNICEF,

2012). Two of the eight goals are to reduce child mortality and to improve

maternal health. Those two issues are pertinent to midwife‘s scope of activity. Those are the reason why midwives outnumber doctors in Indonesia and are still

needed in health service according to dominant health problem in Indonesia.

Interaction between a midwife and a patient includes the process of

examination and consultation. In this communication, the midwife differs from

the patient because of her roles, one of them is as a medical consultant. According

to Cohn (2003) the role of the medical consultant is to identify and evaluate a

patient‘s medical status and provide a clinical risk profile, to decide whether further tests are indicated prior to surgery, and to optimize the patient‘s medical

condition in an attempt to reduce the risk of complications. Based on the roles

(explained by Cohn above), it can be considered that a midwife, as medical

consultant, positions herself as a person who knows and gives the information

while a patient positions herself as a client who needs and receives the


All of conversation characteristics of midwives are shaped in midwifery.

In the midwifery, they are taught on how to do medical conversation with their

colleagues and their patients. They practice to communicate in accordance with

the foundation of professional conversation called as Positioning Theory proposed


position, storylines, and determinate speech acts, developing from the everyday

social interactions of professional conversations (Davies and Harre, 1990).

Furthermore, individuals manifest the concept of positioning by a certain set of

right, duties, and obligations through the story line within speech acts of the

conversation (Phillips & Hayes, 2007). Therefore, a midwife also uses different

ways to express particular speech functions to fit the context of communication

she is in and her position while she delivers medical consultation.

From the phenomenon above, the writer presumes there are some

intentions and act performed differently by the midwives and the patients through

their speech since they are involved in different role or position. In those speech

functions, several different kinds of utterances, or speech acts, will be recognized

then classified according to their general purpose. Smith et al. argued that ―the notion of speech acts is a valuable contribution to health communication research

because of the positive and negative affect certain acts can have‖ (2009, p.2).

Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing the speech acts mostly used in

medical conversation or consultation between a midwife and a patient since this

topic is valuable. The writer chooses midwives and patients as the research object

because linguistic research on medical conversation delivered by midwife has not

been conducted extensively, especially in Indonesia. In addition, it fits with

Indonesian people health need phenomenon as mentioned above.

The writer conducts this research at a private clinic or Bidan Praktek

Swasta in Geluran, Sidoarjo named BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd.Keb to be the


health facility of private sector to health facility of state sector for health cases

such as maternity (birth), childhood diarrhea, and Acute Respiratory Infection.

Moreover, a private clinic is chosen because the number of state clinic, such as

Puskesmas (Public Health Centre), is still low only 9.599 unit compared to private

clinic such as Bidan Praktik Swasta or BPS (Midwives in Private Practice) which

is 47.000 unit. Considering this number, the needs for getting health service from

midwives especially Midwives in Private Practice are high enough.

BPS is a Midwife who has Surat Ijin Praktek Bidan or SIPB (Midwives

Practice License) in compliance with medical laws, registered legally to have

private practice (Ikatan Bidan Indonesia, 2004). Therefore, BPS is always named

with the BPS owner‘s name itself because BPS refers to the midwife as the

individual. In addition, BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd.Keb is one member of Bidan

Delima. Bidan Delima is a midwife system standardization program launched by

Ikatan Bidan Indonesia or IBI (Indonesian Midwives Association) in 2003, to

educate and incentives Indonesian private midwives to meet and maintain the

standard of care. In contrast, there is still a major barrier in providing and

maintaining quality maternal health services in Indonesia because of the lack of

supervision, monitoring and evaluation of compliance with best practices of

private midwives. Thus, this clinic is trusted because it has been accredited with

Bidan Delima.

There have been many studies discussing speech acts. First is Ohtaki S,

Ohtaki. T, and Fetters MD‘s study (2003) about doctor-patient communication in


speech acts in the USA and Japan were similar. Syaifana (2007) conducted

a study titled Speech Act in Military Conversations Performed by the Indonesian

Navy’s Personnel at KRI Lambung Mangkurat. She found that performative utterances that are found in each data contain order, question, request, advising,

and warning. In addition, Amelia (2008) discussed the functions of speech acts

used by male and female preachers in a church in Surabaya and drew to a

conclusion that personal character, culture, and power-relation are determinant

factors in the use of direct or indirect language style.

Another study was conducted by Arifin (2008) who analyzed the speech

acts used by non-Madurese police officer and Madurese victims and witnesses and

revealed that representative act is the act most frequently used by police officers

and victims or witnesses and Indonesian is the chosen language in the process of

interrogation. Smith et al. (2009) conducted a research on memorable messages

about breast cancer and their speech acts (purposes of the messages). They found

that individuals who had personal and friend or relative experience with breast

cancer were significantly more possible to recall memorable messages than other

respondents and the most frequently perceived speech acts were providing facts,

providing advice, and giving hope. Hayati (2011) did an observation about speech

acts analysis of public service advertisement and found that directive function was

most frequently used. The last is Ismail (2013) who analyzed the illocutionary act

used in Jokowi‘s campaign speech using John Searle‘s speech acts theory and

found that Jokowi mostly used representative act in his campaign speech.


Almost all of studies above use the same theory that is five types of speech

acts proposed by John Searle (1969) and different participants such as between

doctors and patients in different culture, police and victim or witness, preachers,

and so on. The present study, by contrast, utilizes Kreidler‘s theory, which proposes seven kinds of speech acts as analytic tool to examine the utterances in

the medical conversation between a midwife and a patient. This study is

conducted to examine what speech act frequently appears and why it appears most.

The information about the most common used speech acts and whether those

speech acts are effective and understandable is the importance of this study. By

knowing this information, what speech acts frequently appear in the consultation

between midwives and patients, the writer hopes this study could help the

midwives to use effective speech acts for improving their service in their clinics


1.2 Statement of the Problem

According to position and role, a midwife and a patient will use different

ways to express particular speech acts. To know more about speech acts used in

consultation between midwives and patients and the relationship between speech

acts and role, problems are discussed in this study as follow:

1. What kinds of speech acts used dominantly by both midwives and patients in

consultation BPS S Miraningsih, Amd. Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo?

2. Why are those speech acts used in the consultation at BPS S Miraningsih,


1.3 Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem mentioned above, the objectives of

this study are:

1. To find the speech acts used dominantly by midwives and patients in BPS S

Miraningsih, Amd. Keb., Geluran Taman Sidoarjo

2. To find the reasons why those speech acts are used in the consultation

1.4 Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to give both theoretical and practical

significance to the society. The writer hopes it will give new insights to linguistic

studies, especially pragmatics, since it concerns speech acts. Moreover, this study

is expected to make linguistics readers, especially linguistics students, understand

about speech acts theory as important in analyzing verbal communication uttered

by each person with different role or position. Since this study is related health

service, this study can be used as references to improve a better service in medical

centers by using right speech acts to avoid redundancy and gain an effective

consultation. It is also expected to be further reading or reference for other

researchers who plan to conduct pragmatics studies, especially related to speech

act theory.

1.5 Definition of Key Terms

Medical : pertaining to medicine or to the treatment of disease (The


Consultation : a consultation with a doctor or other expert is a meeting with

them to discuss a particular problem and get their advice (Collins

COBUILD Dictionary on CD-ROM 2006, 2006).

Midwife : a woman who attends women in confinement (The American

Medical Association, 1989)




This section presents the theory applied in analyzing the intentions of

midwives and patients in their communication and the relation between their

speech and their position in a determined situation, in the context of medical

consultation. The main theory used for this study is the theory proposed by

Kreidler (1998) who categorized the speech act based on the utterances

characteristic. Furthermore, Kreidler also provides the explanation about speech

act and its categorization. Therefore, the writer uses the theory proposed by

Kreidler as the main theory for categorizing the speech acts because Kreidler

gives more specific speech acts categorization and more understandable

explanation about speech act. To gain more understanding about speech act, the

writer prefaces Kreidler‘s theory with the theory of speech acts proposed by

Austin and Searle. The last but not least positioning theory proposed by Rom

Harre which has relation with communication and position is used to see the

correlation between speech act and position.

2.1 Types of Utterances and Speech Events

Pragmatics would serve as the linguistic approach for this study, since

pragmatics is one of the major fields in linguistic that could reveal meaning in

language use or simply as a systematic way of explaining the language used in

context and situation. Leech (1983) stated that pragmatics aims to explain aspects


context in which they are uttered. Therefore, the writer confines her attention to

language utterances. There are two types of utterances proposed by Austin as cited

in Lyons (1977), constative utterances and performative utterances. Constative

utterances are statements which functions to describe some event, process or state

of affairs, and they have the property being either true or false while performative

utterances attempts to study people doing things with words rather than saying

something is true or not.

According to Robinson (2006), performativist see a language as a drama.

All participants involved in this drama have collaborated on a group of speech act.

Austin in 1962 (as cited in Robinson, 2006) also suggested that performativist see

language as made up of speech acts. The speech acts can form a speech event

(Yule‘s term) or speech situation (Robinson‘s term), and every speech event is a

little drama. Speech event is a set of speech generated from social situations

involving participants who need to have social relationships and may have a

special purpose on certain circumstance (Yule, 1996) or it is simply the

circumstances surrounding the utterance. In a speech event, it often includes a

central speech act accompanied by other utterances reacting to that central action,

but it can also exclude a central speech act. An example to explain speech event

without central speech act is proposed by George Yule (1996, p.57) as the


Him: Oh,Mary.I’m glad you’re here. Her: What’s up?

Him: I can’t get my computer to work.

Her: Is it broken?


Him: I don’t know. I’m useless with computers. Her: What kind is it?

Him: It’s a Mac. Do you use them?

Her: Yeah.

Him: Do you have a minute? Her: Sure.

Him: Oh, great.

The dialogue above is about ‗request‘. The request above is not made up with

obvious speech act of request such as can you fix my computer? or I need you to

fix my computer. The dialogue above can be called as a ‗request‘ speech event without the presence of a central speech act of request.

2.2 Speech acts

Because of the fact that people perform some actions through the use of

words, the theory of speech acts would serve as a tool for analysis of the selected

speeches in this study. Speech act makes the writer able to discover the intention

of the utterances of midwives and patients when they are communicating.

When people speak, they use language to achieve several functions like

expressing uncomforted situation, offering an apology, greeting, request,

complaint, compliment, invitation, or refusal. Thus, all things can be done through

process of speaking (Saddock, 1974). The speech acts theory was firstly proposed

by Austin in 1962 and further developed by Searle in 1969. Austin (as cited in

Robinson, 2006, p. 76) assumed that every utterance does something, performs an

action and according to Searle, speaking a language is performing speech acts,

acts such as making statements, giving commands, asking questions or making

promises (as cited in Kreidler, 1998). Searle also stated that all linguistic


fundamental units of linguistic communication because the principal of

communication is to construct meanings together between the speaker and the

addressee. By ―knowing‖ what speech act in every utterance is, both speaker and

hearer are able to understand the meaning or the intention of their counterpart.

There are three levels of speech act introduced by Austin (as cited in Archer,

Aijmer, and Wichmann, 2012), those three levels are: locution, illocution, and

perlocution. Locution refers to the actual words uttered, so this level concerns

with the meaning of the words themselves. Illocution refers to what is performed

in saying something, the speaker‘s intention to communicate to the addressee. Illocution is discussed in the next subchapter for further explanation. Perlocution

refers to the result of taking the hearer‘s perspective, his interpretation of what the

speaker says. Perlocutionary act is the actual effect of speaker‘s utterance to the addressee, so this act happens after the locution and illocution act are produced.

Since this study is primarily focused on the meaning and act performed of

midwives and patients speech, so the writer continues to the illocutionary act

which is also considered as speech act itself. It is not necessary to discuss locution

act because This study does not concern with semantic level of the utterances.

Communication in a determined situation does not ask how languages organize

and express meanings, but rather the participants‘ utterances are success or not in

accomplishing their intentions or aims (Kreidler, 1998). In addition, it is a

pragmatics study which emphasizes the speaker‘s intended meanings, meaning in

use and meaning in context (Thomas, 1995). Moreover, because it has no purpose


evaluated especially the effects on the patients it takes deeper research with

prolonged time, so this study excludes perlocutionary act as a tool for analyzing

the data.

2.2.1 Illocutionary Act

The illocutionary act is one of sub levels of speech act proposed

firstly by Austin. Illocutionary act is the central concept of the speech act

theory which functions as analyzing tool the use of language in

communication. It is employed to understand the meaning of someone‘s utterance. It is in accordance of the statement that illocutionary acts are

important because they are basic units of meaning in the use and

comprehension of language (Vanderveken, 1990). Austin also classified

speech acts into expositives, verdictives, commissives, exercitives, and

behabitive, but then, Ballmer and Brennenstuhl in 1981 argued that

Austin‘s approach is far too limited, only five categories (as cited in

Robinson, 2006).

Another theory of speech acts and its categorization was proposed by

John Searle in 1969. It is a wide and helpful theory because he gives a

great explanation about speech act, but still a narrow taxonomy. According

to Searle there are just five basic kinds of action that one can perform in

saying utterance. Five basic kinds of action are: declaration,

representatives, expressive, directives, and commissives (as cited in Archer,

Aijmer, and Wichmann, 2012), but the writer thinks those five macro


two big theories of speech act above are lack of categories. Both of them

do not include the polite formulas such as chitchat about weather, asking

for someone‘s health and so on. However, those utterances are equally

important from linguistic perspective (Holmes, 2008). So, the writer

considers another profound and newest taxonomy of speech acts which is

proposed by Kreidler, but it still has the correlation with the theory

proposed by Austin and Searle. Kreidler (1998) grouped the speech acts

into more specific categorization. According to Kreidler, the categories of

illocutionary acts are assertive, performative, verdictive, expressive,

directive, commissive, and phatic (Kreidler, 1998). The following are the

explanation of each illocutionary act categories proposed by Kreidler. Assertive

Assertive is an utterance which functions to tell what the speakers or

the writers believe or know. Assertive concerns with facts and its purpose

is to inform. Generally, assertive can be verified or falsified, not

necessarily at the moment the speaker utter them or by the addressee hear

them. The form of the utterances can be either direct or indirect assertive.

Direct assertive starts with the subject I or we and an assertive verb,

whereas indirect assertive no need those all. Here are the examples:

a. We declare that most plastics are made from soy beans. (direct



Shortly, the use of assertive is for stating, claiming, denying,

concluding, and deducing in our daily life. There are certain conditions to

make an assertive appropriate such as what is reported must be possible,

the speaker commits himself to the truth of what is reported, and the

addressee also receive it as a truth (Kreidler, 1998). Performative

Performative is an utterance that brings the state of affairs.

Performative changes the world by uttering something and it makes things

happen just by being uttered. Performative utterances are appropriate if

those are spoken by someone who has authority to make them accepted

and in appropriate circumstance. Performative functions can be found in

the daily life such as for firing, marrying, and arresting. It also includes

things said in ceremonies and official acts which affect the people as the


There are some qualifications for utterance can be a performative.

First of all, the performative verb must be in the present tense which

means that the speaker utters performative utterances in the present time in

accordance with the performance of actions. The most important is that the

speaker must be appropriate; he must have the authority to utter those

performatives. Performative utterances are valid only if spoken by an

appropriate person in socially determined situations. The success of this


community or the addressee. Therefore, performatives usually take place

in formal settings.

The last, the subject of the sentence must be I or we. However, it is

necessary to distinguish between explicit or direct and implicit or indirect

performative. Here are the examples:

a. I declare this meeting adjourned. (direct performative)

b. This meeting is adjourned. (indirect performative)

The example ―I declare this meeting is adjourned‖ is a direct performative while ―This meeting is adjourned‖ is an indirect performative

when it is spoken by the same person (Kreidler, 1998). Verdictive

Verdictive is an utterance which the speaker makes an assessment or

judgement about the previous action of the addressee or their present

results. Verdictive utterances include congratulation, accusation,

appraising, and blaming.

The action of the addressee also can be viewed as positive or

negative by the speaker. Verdictive verbs used to judge the addressee‘s

previous action as positive or as negative. Verdictives are considered as

positive when the speaker honors, compliments or praises the addressee.

Verdictives are viewed as negative when the speaker accuses, blames or

criticizes the addressee.

Felicity conditions for verdictive are the act was feasible, the


utterance, and the addressee believes that the speaker is sincere (Kreidler,

1998). Expressive

Expressive is similar with verdictive. Whereas verdictives assess the

addressee’s previous actions or the failure of those actions, expressive utterances assess the speaker’s previous actions or the failure of those actions, and even the present results of those actions or failures Therefore,

expressive is retrospective (concerns with something happened or has

happened) same as verdictive. Here are the examples:

a. We admit that we were mistaken.

b. I apologize for having disturbed you.

Felicity conditions of expressive are: the possibility of the act, the

ability of the speaker to perform it, the sincerity of the speaker in making

the utterance, and the addressee‘s belief that the speaker is sincere

(Kreidler, 1998). Directive

Directive is an utterance used by the speaker to get the addressee to

do something or refrain from doing something. Therefore, directive has

pronoun you as the object or the doer of an action the speaker means,

whether the pronoun is shown in the utterance or not.

A directive utterance is prospective which means it is oriented


something in the past. Three kinds of directive utterances are often found

in daily communication: commands, request, and suggestions.

A command is effective if only the speaker has power, control, or

even the authority to get the addressee to perform or refrain from the

actions. Command is viewed as positive when the speaker orders,

commands, tells the addressee to do something while it is viewed as

negative when the speaker forbids the addressee to do something.

A request is the speaker‘s expression to get the addressee to fulfill

the speaker‘s wants. Whereas a command needs the authority or the

control power of the speaker toward the addressee, a request does not need

all of those.

A suggestion is the utterance the speaker makes to give other

persons his/her opinion what they should do or not. So, the addressee has a

choice of performances and the speaker gives an opinion about it.

Expression for suggestion can be viewed positively or negatively.

Suggestion is viewed as positive when the speaker use ‗nice‘ verbs such as

recommend, advise and so on. Suggestion is viewed as negative when the

speaker gives pressure by using verbs such as warn, caution and so on.

The felicity conditions for directive are the act is feasible and the

addressee is capable to do it. There is addition for each subdivisions of

directive speech act. A command to be felicitous, the addressee must


suggestion will be felicitous if the addressee accepts the speaker‘s

judgment (Kreidler, 1998). Commissive

Kreidler (1998) explained that commissives are the utterances which

can be used to commit or refuse to commit oneself to some future actions.

Therefore, commissive is retrospective because it concerns toward later

happenings, it is yet to occur, and it is speaker-involved also since the

utterance makes the speaker commits to some future actions. Commissives

include promise, pledge, threat, and vow.

Commissive has the addresse whether the utterance shows it or not

because the speaker must be making a commitment to somebody. Felicity

conditions for commissive are the speaker intends to perform it, the ability

of the speaker to perform that act, the addressee believes the speaker‘s

ability and intention. Here are the examples:

a. I promise to be on time.

b. We volunteer to put up the decorations for the dance. Phatic

Kreidler (1998) stated that phatic is an utterance which expresses

solidarity with others and its purpose is to maintain social bonds between

members of the same society. Phatic utterances include greetings and

farewells, the polite chitchat about weather, and whatever is expected in

particular society. Phatic utterances are no less important compared to the


Holmes (2008), phatic utterances convey social message rather than a

referential one because language is not only functioned to convey only

referential information but also the information about social relationship.

Kreidler stated that phatic utterance is felicitous if the speaker and

the addressee share the same social customs and recognize phatic

utterances for what they are (1998, p.194).

Finally, predicates used in those seven types of speech acts above can be

described according to their relative ‗strength‘, politeness, and consequences.

Direct speech acts contain a first-person pronoun and a predicate that specifies

what utterance it is, whereas indirect speech acts lack of these.

2.3 Positioning Theory

As mentioned above that we can see language as a drama. Analogically, in

the dramaturgical model, people are seen as actors with lines already written and

their roles determined in the play they are in, but they still have freedom as to how

to play their roles in the play (Davies and Harre, 1990). This is what is called as

positioning by Harre, how people position themselves or another in their

conversation. Position, storylines and relatively determinate speech acts are three

key factors inherent during conversations (Davies and Harre, 1990). By using this

theory, the writer is going to be able to reveal the reason why specific speech acts

are uttered by the midwives or patients in their conversation related to their

position in the context of midwife-patient consultations.

Furthermore, individuals manifest the concept of positioning by a certain


conversation (Phillips & Hayes, 2007). In the medical consultation context,

midwives represent certain rights and duties because one of their roles as the

medical consultant is to identify and evaluate a patient‘s medical status and

provide a clinical risk profile, to decide whether further tests are indicated prior to

surgery, and to optimize the patient‘s medical condition in an attempt to reduce the risk of complications (Cohn, 2003). By knowing what the participants‘ role in the consultation, the writer is able to identify participants‘ specific reason beyond

their utterances or the functions of their utterances.

2.4 Review of Related Studies

There are a lot of works related to speech act in the recent years. First is

the study conducted by Sachiko Ohtaki, Toshio Ohtaki and Michael D Fetters

(2003) about doctor–patient communication in the United States of America and Japan. They aim to examine communication patterns of doctor–patient consultations in two different cultures, namely the USA and Japan, and to find

linguistic differences and similarities in communication. They use quantitative

discourse analysis from linguistics to compare 20 consultations of four physicians

in Japan with 20 consultations of five physicians in USA are taken as the data.

They measure the time spent in each consultations, number of categorized speech

acts, distribution of question types and frequencies of back-channel responses and


Another research was conducted by Syaifana (2007) titled Speech Act in


Lambung Mangkurat. She found that performative utterances that are found in

each data contain order, question, request, advising, and warning.

There are two studies from year 2008. Amelia (2008) discussed the

functions of speech acts used by male and female preachers in a church in

Surabaya. The female preacher was from USA and the male preacher was from

Germany. Both of them gave sermons in English and then the interpreter

translated those sermons into Indonesian language. She drew to a conclusion that

personal character, culture, and power-relation are determinant factors in the use

of direct or indirect language style. Another study was conducted by Arifin (2008)

who analyzed the speech acts used by non-Madurese police officer and Madurese

victims and witnesses. He revealed that representative act is the act most

frequently used by police officers and victims or witnesses and Indonesian is the

chosen language in the process of interrogation.

Smith et al. (2009) conducted a research on memorable messages about

breast cancer and their speech acts (purposes of the messages). Their participants

are the individuals who are breast cancer patients or have relation with breast

cancer patients. They found that individuals who had personal and friend or

relative experience with breast cancer were significantly more possible to recall

memorable messages than other respondents and the most frequently perceived

speech acts were providing facts, providing advice, and giving hope.

Hayati (2011) did an observation about speech acts analysis of public

service advertisement. She observed the public service advertisement such as


frequently used. The last is Ismail (2013) who analyzed the illocutionary act used

in Jokowi‘s campaign. He took the Jokowi‘s speech in the form of video from

Youtube. Ismail categorized Jokowi‘s utterances using John Searle‘s speech acts theory and found that Jokowi mostly used representative act in his campaign


The researchers above had already conducted research related to speech

act. Most of the studies above especially in Indonesia, still observed the speech

acts in the social themes conversations such as politic and still used the speech act

categories proposed by Searle. Their object in their study also varied, from the

written discourse such as public advertisement until the spoken discourse such as

the Jokowi‘s speech. However, this study utilizes Kreidler‘s categories of speech

act and discusses different theme of conversation and different participants,




3.1 Research Approach

In analyzing the data, the writer uses qualitative method. Flick argues that

qualitative methods take the researcher's communication with the object as an

explicit part of knowledge instead of judging it as an intervening factor and are

used to make sense of the individual‘s subjective experience in a natural setting (Flick, 2009). Furthermore, the characteristics of qualitative research are taking

place in the natural setting, using multiple methods that are interactive and

humanistic, and emergent rather than tightly prefigured. (Kwary, 2014, p.16). The

writer considers this study is more appropriate to apply qualitative method since

the writer has to gain information about the setting where the consultation occurs

and about the participants‘ identity. Moreover, this study is presented in a

descriptive way.

For the strategy of inquiry, the writer uses case study. Case study is one

case (or perhaps a small number of cases) that is studied in detail, using whatever

methods seem appropriate (Punch, 1998, p. 150). Case study aims to understand

case depth, and in its natural setting, recognizing its complexity and its context.

Thus, this approach is appropriate because in this study, the writer will focus on

the type and use of speech acts based on the specific circumstance, the situation of

a consultation between a midwife and a patient and the reason why some certain


3.2 Participants and Setting

In doing this research, the writer specifically takes the data from BPS,

stands for Bidan Praktik Swasta (Midwives in Private Practice) clinic. The

preference of doing this research in the BPS is because the fact that almost

Indonesian people prefer health facility of private sector to health facility of state

sector for health cases such as maternity (birth), childhood diarrhea, and Acute

Respiratory Infection (Wang et al., 2009). Moreover, the woman patients tend to

see midwives in BPS rather than in Puskesmas. They state that BPS is nearer from

their place, accessible, and fast-service.

Location for this research is in a BPS or Midwives in Private Practice

named BPS S.Miraningsih, AMd.Keb in Geluran Taman Sidoarjo. Geluran is

chosen because the writer has known the area very well and there is no research

conducted in this area especially linguistics research related to medical practice.

Thus, the writer was curious about the pattern of the medical communication in

this area. The writer chose this BPS because it is one of the three biggest BPS in

Geluran and it is in strategic place, therefore, this BPS has more clients or patients

compared to others. In addition, BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd.Keb is one member of

Bidan Delima. Bidan Delima is a midwife system standardization program

launched by Ikatan Bidan Indonesia or IBI (Indonesian Midwives Association) in

2003. Therefore, this clinic is trusted because it has been accredited with Bidan


3.2.1 Participants

Participants of the research is all of the patients, with average 30

patients per day and two midwives in there. In order to get the best

respondents and manageable results, the writer only takes ten consultations

by limiting on the patients number using some criteria. The writer includes

all the midwives in the BPS as her particpants because there are only two

midwives, the senior midwife as the BPS owner and her assistant (junior

midwife). The criteria for choosing the patients are followed. First, the

patients must be registered in BPS S. Miraningsih, AMd.Keb. The writer

uses case study in BPS S. Miraningsih, Amd. Keb for this research, so the

patients must be registered to make the data requirements fulfilled.

Second, the patients must understand and speak both Javanese and

Indonesian. The reason why the writer used this criterion is to anticipate

their code mixing in the consultation, so their consultation is

understandable. Third, their conversation is about medical consultation.

This criterion was to make the data accurate and fit with the topic of this

study. Finally, the writer finds ten up to thirteen patients per day who have

consultation sessions with the midwives. Therefore, the writer considers

taking ten consultation sessions which are qualified with those three

criteria as the data.

3.2.2 Setting

In this study, the writer took the recordings at October 29th 2014


Amd. Keb Geluran Taman Sidoarjo. Ten transcribed conversations were

used in this study. Each conversation is between two persons, a midwife

and a patient. Their conversation are about maternal and children health

problems. The participants also talk more informally and they use the

mixture of Javanese and Indonesian language as in their daily conversation

since they usually have known each other. Therefore, the writer assumes

that she can get the adequate data of the most natural midwife-patient

consultations for the intention of fulfilling the naturalism that is one of the

characteristic of qualitative approach.

3.3 Instrument

In order to record the conversation in midwife-patient consultations, the

writer uses two cellular phone sound recorders. Cellular phone was preferred

because it is capable enough to record middle range audio. Moreover, the

condition of the clinic is quiet enough so disturbance from outside is very

minimum. In addition, cellular phone could camouflage well to get hidden

recording. Although the participants‘ gesture could not be recorded, the writer

noticed that they sometimes used it. The writer was able to notice their gesture

because she is camouflaged as the midwives‘ assistant. However, the writer

considered to use sound recorder instead of video recorder to protect their identity

and unwanted situation that would disturb the participants.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

There are several steps in collecting the data. First the writer observed the


knowledge about the routine activity happens there and made a trial for her

recorders to make sure, at least, one of the recorders could work properly. Second,

she recorded all the exchanges in the BPS at October 29th 2014 and from April 7th

2015 until April 20th 2015 by placing the cell phones on the desk near the position

of participants. The last, she sorted the recordings based the criteria above that the

conversation should be a medical consultation in order to be examined in this


3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

After selecting the data, the writer began to analyze the data starting from

preparing and transcribing the data manually. The writer chose to transcribe in

common orthography because the writer only focuses on the meaning of the

utterances. Second step was reading through all the data. Then the writer

categorized the data of the medical consultations into macro classes of speech acts

proposed by Kreidler. Those macro classes are: Assertive, Performative,

Verdictive, Expressive, Directive, Commissive, and Phatic. The next step is

analyzing the speech act used by the midwives and the speech act used by the

patients. The last step, the writer related participants‘ utterances with the context, their position as midwife or patient. Finally, the writer concluded the finding of




4.1 Result

In the ten recorded conversation, the writer finds 330 utterances which can

be classified into some kinds of speech act proposed by Kreidler. Almost all of

those speech acts appear in the form of indirect speech act. They do not contain

first-person pronoun and performative verb, a predicate which specifies what type

of speech acts the utterance is. As the researcher, the writer should be careful to

identify the intention behind the speaker‘s utterances. The results are presented


Table 1

Types of Speech Act and Their Occurrences in Medical Consultation


Total Occurences Patients Midmives

Occurences % Occurences % Occurences %

Assertive 174 52,73 50 15,15 124 37,58

Performative 8 2,42 0 0,00 8 2,42

Verdictive 10 3,03 1 0,30 9 2,73

Expressive 10 3,03 9 2,73 1 0,30

Directive 78 23,64 5 1,52 73 22,12

Commissive 10 3,03 7 2,12 3 0,91

Phatic 40 12,12 20 6,06 20 6,06


In the following analysis there are some abbreviations so the writer would

like to give explanation first to make them understandable. KB stands for

Keluarga Berencana (Family Planning), but in the context of the community here,

it refers to birth control or contraception medicines (pill, injection, and so on). P

stands for patient and M stands for Midwife.

4.1.1 Assertive

Assertive is used to state speaker‘s belief that something is true. The aim

of this speech act is to inform the addressee what is in speaker‘s mind. From the conversations have been recorded with 330 utterances classified as speech acts,

the writer finds many assertive utterances both from the patients and midwives,

with 174 occurences or 52,73% of the total (330) occurrences. It is then specified

into two, the speech act performed by the patients and the speech act performed

by the midwives. From the patients, there are 50 occurrences or 15,15 % of the

total utterances while from the midwives, there are 124 occurrences or 37,24%.

The following excerpts are midwives and patients utterances which contain

assertive speech acts.

Consultation I

P: Yo maksude sing iso cepetan mens iko loh mbak. (I mean the pills which

make me get menstruation as soon as possible, miss.)


you will get menstruation. But, in the three months usually you do not get

menstruation directly.)

In the consultation above, the patient made a request to the midwife to give

her KB (Keluarga Berencana) or Birth Control pill which would make her get

menstruation as soon as possible. The midwife replied her request using assertive

to explain and guarantee that the period of getting menstruation depends on the

patient‘s condition itself. She was confident to guarantee because she knew that

her information is based on empirical fact. She focused the speech act on the

truth-value of her utterance. Because the midwife in this consultation is a Moslem,

she asserted indirectly that her utterance is true and she guaranteed the truth by

using Insha Allah. This phrase is commonly uttered by Moslems. It means that if

human has done the best then God will do the rest.

Consultation III

P: Sakbotol mbak. (One bottle, miss.)

M: Kenapa kok nggak asi? Iki loh kok kurang eh mbak. Pancet ae nang garis kuning, gak naik. Arek sakmene iki minimal berat’e 6. (Why not breast

milk? It is underweight, ma‘am. Still in the yellow line, it is not increased.

Children in this age should be weighed 6 kilograms.)

In the excerpt from the Consultation III above, the midwife examined and

evaluated the patient‘s infant. When the patient was questioned how much she

gave her infant the formula (milk), the patient answered, informed that it was one


speech acts on information, but there is still difference in the content of their

information. The difference between patient and midwife in using assertive is the

patient reported what she had done to her baby (giving a bottle of formula) while

the midwife reported the result of her investigation toward the baby‘s condition

and emphasized the importance of breast milk and ideal weight for the baby.

Consultation VII

P: Laah kula biyen niku lak ndamel KB sing tiga bulan sekali, ternyata niku loh

kok mboten men. Nopo’o? (So, in the past I used trimester KB/ birth control, but I did not get menstruation. Why?)

M: Soalnya buk yaa.. Setiap orang itu berbeda-beda hormonnya. Nah.. Ada yang pake tiga bulan, lancar, ada yang nggak lancar. Itu menurut hormonnya

ibuk sendiri. Soalnya setiap hormone itu berbeda beda, ada yang pake satu

bulan, nggak mens. Ibuknya sebelum pake tiga bulan pake apa? (It is

because everybody has different hormones. There are people who consume

the trimester one then they get menstruation and there are people who do not.

It depends on you hormone itself. Because every hormone is different, there

are people who consume monthly but they do not get menstruation. What do

you consume before the trimester ones?)

The context of the consultation above is about a patient who wanted to

consult her KB program. She told the midwife her problems when she had used

her previous KB pill. The midwife gave her information and explanation about her

problem and its solution. It can be seen that the patient used assertive to report the


reporting her experience. She also focused on the nature of the message by

narrating a unified series of events, that she had used trimester KB but she did not

get menstruation yet. In contrast, the midwife used assertive to explain and

emphasize the fact based on empirical investigation that the patient‘s problem was caused by her hormones, because everyone has different hormones (state). The

midwife emphasized her information by telling the patient frequently that

everyone‘s hormones are different.

4.1.2 Performative

Performative is an utterance that changes the state of an affair and it is

acceptable if spoken by appropriate person. In the conversation, the writer finds 8

occurrences or 2,42% from the total utterances. Interestingly, not even once the

patient uttered this kind of speech act. All of the performatives are uttered by the

midwives. Here are the excerpts from the consultations which contain

performative speech act.

Consultation IX

M: Ayoo satune. Monggo Buk. (Okay the next. Please, ma‘am.) P: Nggih. (Yes)

Consultation X

M: Pun buk.(Finished ma‘am)

The first utterance above was uttered by the midwife in the beginning of

the consultation to let the patient come in and start sharing her problems soon

after previous patient left. Indirectly, the midwife had decided that the


in the second consultation above was used by the midwife to finish a session of

examination or a consultation. Not only changing the state of the consultation,

‗not started‘ became ‗started‘ and ‗not finished‘ became finished‘. Performative

can also change the state of the patients like the excerpts below.

Consultation V

M: Terus niki hepatitis BCG ne kan pun telas, sakniki tak paringi BCG dulu. (Because the BCG is used up, so I am going to give you BCG firstly)

Consultation VIII

M: Yawes kalau gitu pake yang pil. (Okay then you consume the tablets/ pills.)

In the consultation V, the midwife prescribed new medicine for the patient

because the patient had used up her medicine. In the consultation VIII, the patient

consulted about her KB program. After listening to her patient, the midwife

decided to give her certain type of KB. Both of the statements in the two

consultations above are categorized as performatives because those would change

the condition of the patients after those utterances were uttered by the midwives.

Patient in the consultation V was changed from the condition ‗she did not give her baby the BCG because she has used up it all‘ become ‗she will give her baby the BCG again because the midwife is prescribing it again‘. While patient‘s condition in the consultation VIII would be changed from ‗not consuming the pills‘ become ‗will be consuming the pills‘. Because midwives have the authority to

prescribe those medicines, they are also appropriate to utter those performatives


4.1.3 Verdictive

Verdictive is an utterance which the speaker makes an assessment or

judgment about the acts of another, usually the addressee (Kreidler, 1998).

Verdictive occurs in this conversation, either uttered by the patients or the

midwives. Total occurrences are 10 or 3,03 % of the total occurences. The

patients uttered only once or 0,30% and the midwives uttered 9 times 2,73%. The

number between patients‘ utterance and midwives‘ utterances is different enough.

The following excerpts containing verdictives are from the consultations between

midwives and patients.

Consultation II

M: Biasane nganu mbak, terlalu panas. Sampean ndeleh’e kepanasen. (It is

usually ehm, too hot. You put it in hot condition.)

The midwife uttered the utterance above as her response to the patient who

stated that she found her medicines being crystallized. The midwife hypothesized

that it was because she had put it in wrong place. She also judged negatively the

patien‘t action at the same time that what the patient did by placing the medicine

in the hot place was a mistake. Beside to admonish the hearer, the speaker can use

verdictive to judge other addressee, the third person such as in the excerpt below.

Consultation VI

P: Oh belum buk, ini kemarin dapet info dari temen, eeh kalau udah berumur,

udah agak tua, mendekati paruhbaya mending kamu Pap Smear. Makanya


my friend: hey, if you are aged, almost middle aged you better do Pap Smear.

Therefore, I come here for asking.)

M: Nah yoo bener seperti ibu iku. Soale ya... apa yang namanya Pap Smear itu harus, diwajibkan buat orang yang sudah menikah atau yang sudah

melakukan hubungan intim. Apalagi ibuknya sudah punya anak toh ibuk?

(That woman is right. Because... what is called as Pap Smear is an obligation

for women who has married or who has mated. You even have kids, right?)

The patient above came to the midwife and told her what she had heard

from her friend about Pap Smear. The midwife who considered that her friend is

right and what the patient did by coming to her is right also, so she assessed both

of the patient and her friend‘s action as something right. In other words, she

assessed and complimented on what they have done as positive.

Although most of verdictives are uttered by the midwives, but there is still

a verdictive uttered by the patient as her denial toward midwife‘s action. When

the midwife uttered assertive utterance to inform the result of measurement, the

patient wanted to criticize indirectly that her measurement might be wrong. See

the excerpt below.

Consultation II

M: (Menimbang berat badan) Inggih, tujuh koma empat. [(Measuring the weight)

Yes, seven point four.]


Verdictive are mostly used by the midwives because once again, either patients or

midwives themselves unconsciously position the midwife as the person who has

right to judge or assess the action or the failures of the addressee, the patients.

4.1.4 Expressive

Expressive is similar with verdictive. Whereas verdictive is about what the

addressee has previously done, an expressive utterance springs from the previous

actions of the speaker, or perhaps the present result of those actions or failures.

From the record, expressive appears ten times or 3,03%. Almost of xpressive were

uttered by the patient, 9 times or 2,73% while the midwives only uttered it once or

0,30% from the total occurrences. Patients more often use this kind of speech act

to express their judgment toward their action or their failures.

Consultation I

M: Nopo’o mbak?(What is up, ma‘am?)

P: Mari mulih loh mbak lali aku... sek tas pirang dino iku. (After coming home,

I forgot it...It was only few days)

Consultation IX

M: ...Sisan, ambek mbak’e iku sering minum air putih ya.. Pinggange sakit? (And also, you should drink water frequently, okay..Is your waist alright?)

P: Kula minum air putih sering buk, tapi kadang-kadang lali. (I frequently drink water ma‘am, but sometimes I forget.)

The patient in the first excerpt above forgot that she had a schedule for

regular meet (KB) with the midwife after she came back (from her origin). She


Table 1 Types of Speech Act and Their Occurrences in Medical Consultation


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