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True mangrove of North Gorontalo Regency Indonesia their list status and habitat structural complexity in easternmost coast area


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "True mangrove of North Gorontalo Regency Indonesia their list status and habitat structural complexity in easternmost coast area"


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Tr u e m a n gr ove of N or t h Gor on t a lo Re g e n cy ,

I n don e sia , t h e ir list , st a t u s a n d h a bit a t - st r u ct u r a l

com p le x it y in e a st e r n m ost coa st a r e a


Faizal Kasim ,


Sit t i Nur sinar ,


Cit r a Panigor o,


Zulkifli Kar im ,



Lam alango


Depart m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem en t , Facult y of Fisheries and Marine Science,

Goront alo St at e Universit y, Gor ont alo, I ndonesia; 2 Goront alo Coast al Ecological and

Spat ial Mapping St udies Club ( GCESM) , Dulalow o, Telaga Jaya, Gor ont alo, I ndonesia. Cor r esponding aut hor: F. Kasim , faizalkasim @ung.ac.id

Abst r a ct . The Goront alo's biodiver sit y is w ell k now n t hr ough sev er al iconic of m am m als and bir ds of w or ld conserv at ion v alue. The pr esent st udy aim ed t o r ev ise a species list of t r ue m angr ov es in east er nm ost coast of Nor t h Goront alo Regency . An index ing of div er sit y and st at us I UCN r ed list for conser v at ion w as t aken int o account . Also st r uct ur al com plex it y of habit at feat ur e on each sit e w as discussed at spat ial int er v al m easur em ent am ong sit e. The r esult show ed t hat t her e wer e 19 species belonging t o 9 gener a w it hin 7 fam ilies of t r ue m angrov e in east er nm ost coast . The k now n t r ue m angr ov e, Rhizophor aceae, w as t he r ichest in t ax a at bot h genus and species lev el. Tw o species found w hich considered globally im por t ant , i.e. Aegicer as flor idum Roem . & Schult ( locally nam ed as Tongge) and Cer iops decandr a ( Gr iff.) Ding Hou ( locally called as Posi- posi) . Ot her t han bot h w er e t rue m angr ov es species enlist ed least concer ned globally . How ever , since Her it ier a lit t or alis Ait on ( locally r eferr ed and nam ed as Kay u t in) w as t he r ar est species ( only found 2 t rees of 1 sit e) , it t hen considered cr it ically im por t ant endangered species locally . I n t he cont ex t of habit at st r uct ur al- div er sit y r elat ionship, t he dist inct iv e feat ur e w hich m ay com par at ively m easur able w er e dur at ion- depended t idal r ange, t y pes of freshw at er supply , land cov er change, m angr ov e for m at ion, int er v al lev el of spat ial dist r ibut ion scale. I n curr ent case, sam pling m et hod applied w as t he addit ional for st r uct ur al com plex it y of m angr ove div er sit y . Those ar e a com par at iv ely feat ur es of div er sit y 's m easur e w as be t ak en int o analy sis am ong each sit e or ot her r egion out side Nor t h Goront alo.

Ke y W or ds: Gor ont alo’s m angr ov e, endanger ed species, m angr ov e diver sit y , Br ay - Cur t is sim ilar it y index , coast al feat ur e.

I n t r odu ct ion . Gen erally m angroves can be found t hroughout t he I ndon esian

archipelago. So far, in I ndon esia t her e ar e at least 202 species of m angrov e plant s, cov ering 89 species of t rees, 5 species of palm , 19 species of clim ber s, 44 t ypes of soil herbs, 44 t ypes of epiphyt es and 1 t ype of ferns. Am ong t he 202 species, 43 species ( including 33 t ree species and som e shrubs) ar e found as t rue m angr oves; ot her species are found around m angrov es and ar e know n as associat ed m angr ov e species.


Biogeographically, Gor ont alo area is locat ed in t he heart of t he Wallacea, t he t ransit ional zone bet w een t he Asian, or Orient al ( Paleot ropical) , and Aust ralian ( Not ogaean) . Consequ ent ly, Gor ont alo has unique and rare biodiversit y, hom e t o num erous unique species ( Gorlinski 2012; Mano 2016) . I n unique biodiversit y t erm s, Goront alo has a num ber of conservat ion ar eas nam ely Bogani Nani Wart abone Nat ional Park ( TNBNW) in Bone Bolango Regency, Nant u- Boliyohut o Wildlife Reser ve in Nort h Goront alo, Gor ont alo and Boalem o Regency . I n addit ion t here ar e Pan ua Nat ure Reserv e and Tanj ung Panj ang Nat ure Reserv e in Poh uw at o Regency , Popay a Mas Raj a Nat ur e Reser ve in Nort h Gor on t alo Regency, and Tangale Nat ure Reserv e in Gor ont alo Regency , as w ell as m angrov e for est . I n t erm s of rare biodiversit y, such im port ant sit e for conser vat ion areas w as being t he last st rongh olds for Sulaw esi's richness ( Corbin 2013; Nant ufor est 2017) . They w ere h om e t o a large num ber of species en dem ic t o Sulaw esi like as Macr ocephalon m aleo ( t he incubat or bird m aleo) , Macaca nigra ( t he cr est ed black m acaques) , Baby r ousa celebensis ( babushkas or deer - pigs) , Acer os cassidix ( t he r ed-knobbed hornbill) , and Bubalus sp. ( dw arf buffalo or anoa) . These faunas w er e being t he Goront alo’s iconic of for w orld conservat ion value ( Kart ika 2008) .

Recent ly, Gor ont alo w as declared t o be t h e Third Conservat ion Province in I ndon esia by t he Minist ry of Environm ent of I ndon esia Gov ernm ent , aft er West Papua Province and East Kalim ant an ( Paino 2017) . Therefore, t he disclosure of m angr ov e for est s condit ion as part of com pr ehensive m an agem ent for conser vat ion area is a need

I n t he pr esent r esear ch, w e conduct ed an invent ory st udy upon m angrov e biodiversit y in Goront alo. Th e aim w as t o check t he species list of t rue m angr ov es in east ernm ost coast ar ea of Nort h Gor ont alo Regency and t heir st at us t o com plet e diver sit y inform at ion for I ndonesia’s m angrov e dat a base. Pr esent st udy also highlight ed feat ur es am ong sit es as habit at w hich m ight be t he st ruct ural com plexit y of t rue m angrove species diversit y in east ernm ost coast ar ea.

M a t e r ia l a n d M e t h od. Field dat a of t he r esearch w as conduct ed in May – August us 2017

in t he east ernm ost coast area of Nort h Gor ont alo Regency, Goront alo Pr ovince ( Figure 1) .

Figure 1. Field st at ion of r esear ch locat ion for m angrov e sam pling on coast al area of villages in east ernm ost regency ar ea of dist rict s, Nort h Goront alo Regency , I ndon esia.

D e scr ipt ion of t h e st u dy sit e s. Sit e locat ion w as bet w een lat it ude 0o 52’ 53.2’’ – 0o 56’


st udy w ere coast al areas of 7 villages part of 3 dist rict s; Kot aj in Ut ara, Oluhut a, and seedlings from sub- plot s. Mangrove species ident ificat ion w as based on t he descript ion of t rue m angroves by Kusm ana et al ( 2003) , Noor et al ( 2012) , and Wet land I nt ernat ional

Ghose 2014) including Species diversit y Shannon-Wiener index, H′ ( Shannon & Wiener

( 1963) dom inance Sim pson’s index, Cd ( Sim pson 1949) and evenness Pielou’s index, E ( Pielou 1966) w ere det erm ined, also m ult ivariat e clust ering ( Bray- Curt is’s index) for spat ial discrim inat ion of species diversit y ( Jum aw an et al 2015) w as follow ed, calculat ed

usingPAleont ological STat ist ics ( PAST Version 3 .15) ( Ham m er 2017) .

Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion . Each sit es of m angrov e areas w er e separat e sporadic. Back


east ernm ost coast area of Nort h Goront alo. These species belonged int o 7 differ ent

Regency and t heir dist ribut ion occu rr ence in each sit e

No Fam ily Gener a Scient ific nam e st at ed if t his species w as possibly found t hroughout I ndonesia coast al area, alt hough m ost ly r ecorded on Jav a and Madura.


sit e. Densit y of all cat egory of t rue m angr ov e’s list encount er ed during sam pling in east ernm ost coast ar ea is show ed in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The m angr ove species densit y ( ind. Ha- 1) of each cat egory of t rue m angr ov e list

t rough all sit es. ( Densit y w as calculat ed from plot s num ber and t heir size on each sit e) .

Available publicat ions concerning inform at ion of m angroves diver sit y in Nort h Goront alo region is lim it ed. Am ong such rar e publicat ions, Gusasi ( 2014) recorded 10 m aj or m angrov e species and 2 m inor m angrove species in Kw andang Regency, in t he cent er part of Nort h Goront alo. Anot her r eport fr om Baderan ( 2013) show ed t hat phenom enon of dam age occur red in such m angrove ecosyst em s ar ea du e t o ant hropogenic act ivit y. Relat ed t o m angrov e for est m anagem ent , Kusm ana ( 2015) pr oposed 3 pillars for m angrov e sust ainable developm ent : ecological, social, and econom ical. I n w hich m angrov e biodiversit y is part of t h e ecological pillar in relat ion t o m aint ain t he funct ion, curr ent r esearch, all t hose v ariables of com parison called as st ruct ural com plexit y in lat er discussion.

Chosen variables of st ruct ural com plexit y analyzed in t he present research on each research st at ion in east ernm ost ar ea of Nort h Goront alo Regency w as t he appr oach for t he init ial part of m angrov e com parison r esearch w hich w as applied lat er t o t he ent ire Nort h Gor ont alo coast al ar ea.


Figure 3. Mangr ov e area on east ernm ost coast area of Nort h Gor ont alo Regen cy.

D ist in ct iv e sp a t ia l div e r sit y of t r u e m a n g r ov e s. Vij ayan et al ( 2015) st at ed t hat

different species of m angrov e r ev ealed t he degree of dispersion of t he individual species am ong t hem in an area, expr essed in t er m s t heir occur r ence. Furt herm or e, t h eir dist ribut ion is det erm ined by salinit y, species and sub- species com pet it ion and ot her physical fact ors. Com posit ion and arrangem ent of physical m at t er at a locat ion defined as habit at st ruct ure w hich has at least 3 m aj or elem ent s: st ruct ural com plexit y, het er ogeneit y and scale. While t he st ruct ural com plexit y repr esent s variat ion in habit at st ruct ur e at t ribut able t o t he abundance of individual st ruct ural com ponent s, it w ill be essent ial t o int erpret effect s of it s m easurem ent bet w een different st udies and habit at s t o underst and t he condit ions under w hich habit at st ruct ur e affect s t he densit y and diversit y of species ( Beck 1998; Byrne 20009) . Th er e w er e t he direct and indirect relat ionships am ong habit at st ruct ure and ecological variables. I n t erm of t he present st udy of Nort h Goront alo’s t rue m angr ov e, t he habit at st ruct ure for t heir ecological variables ( physically soil and w at er condit ion) w hich linked t o t heir dist inct ively spat ial dist ribut ion, occu rr ence, and diversit y m ay influenced by sociocult ural and form of landscape w it hin each locat ion of t his resear ch.

I n cont ext of index m easur em ent , pr esent st udy in east ernm ost area of Nort h Goront alo found t hat t he highest value according t o bot h Shannon- Wiener ( H’) index and Sim pson’s index ( Cd) w as found in Dam balo w hich w ere dom inat ed by 2 com m unit ies equally; Avicennia m arina ( Forsk .) Vierh, w hich locally is called as Tangalo Put ih and Xylocarpus m oluccensis ( Lam .) M. Roem . ( locally refer eed as Ant ai) . Wher eas, t he low est w as in Oluhut a w hich t he t rue m angrove consist ed pr edom inant ly of 3 species of genera m em bers, different each ot her, i.e Rhizophora m ucronat a Lam . ( locally nam ed Songge) , Sonnerat ia alba ( locally called Yapi yapi) and Bruguiera cylindrica w h ich locally is called Bido- Bido. I nform at ion of som e vary indexes w hich w as analyzed t he m angrov e diver sit y based on num ber of individuals of all cat egory ( t rees, saplings and seedling) on each sit e is show ed in Figure 4.


w or ked habit at feat ur es on sit es of cu rr ent st u dy. I n t he pr esent st udy, w hile t he m ain dist inct ive habit at feat ure am ong sit es w ere freshw at er supply availabilit y ( only not available in Huidum elit o) w hich t hus influence salinit y, also t he ext ent and spat ial dist ribut ion pat t ern of t rue m angrov e com m unit ies for m ed by t he t opographic condit ion

Figure 4. Various diver sit y index inform at ion of t rue m angrov es species am ong each sit e in east ernm ost coast ar ea of Nort h Gor ont alo Regency . ( The infom at ion w as count ed

from all st ruct ure cat egories of t r ees, saplings and seedlings) .

The spat ial discrim inat ive analysis based on som e curr ent inform at ion’s of t rue m angrove species diver sit y on each sit e in east ernm ost coast ar ea in Nort h Goront alo is show in sim ilar t ypical of durat ion of t idal inundat ion w hich differ t han Tanj ung Karang, as t he prim ary t ypical of habit at differen ce.

The second m ain clust er w as clust er ed furt her at hierarchy value of t heir sim ilarit y based on t he t ypical feat ures of each sit e. For exam ple, w hile Dam balo and Kot aj in Ut ara

Kot aj in Oluhut a I m ana Pasalae Tanj ungkarang Dam balo Huidum elit o


Figure 5. Dendogram of sim ilarit y clust ering of dist inct ive t rue m angr ove diversit y spat ially each sit e on east ernm ost coast area of Nort h Gor ont alo Regency.

The effect of each habit at ’s feat ure on m angrov e diversit y abov e, w as a coar sely est im at ion t hat only based on t he m ain t ypical obser ved t oget her during w here field surv ey and m angrov e dat a’s collect ing w as conduct ed. I t m ust be det ails analysis perform ed t o specify t he corr elat ion am ong t ypical feat ures w it hin each sit es m or e precisely, w hich are m or e focused relat e t o m et hod analysis approaches and ot hers of st ruct ur e com plexit y com pon ent w it hin each sit e com par ed. How ever, pr esent st udy revealed t he advant age of m ult ivariat e clust ering approach t o under st and briefly w hich feat ur es has t he m ain effect no t rue m angrove diversit y in east ernm ost coast .

Con clu sion s. A num ber of 19 species of t ru e m angr ov e, belonging t o 9 gen era of 7

fam ilies, w er e ident ified in t he present st udy on east ernm ost coast of Nort h Goront alo Regency. Of 9 fam ilies, Rhizophoraceae w as t he richest in t axa at bot h genus and species level. Am ong 19 species encount er ed, A. flor idum and C. decandra w er e 2 im port ant species regarding t o t heir conser vat ion im port ance st at us w hich is enlist ed globally as near t hr eat en ed ( NT) species. Generally, encount er ed species w ere enlist ed in I UCN redlist least concern ed ( LC) species. How ev er , A. corniculat um , and A. officinalis and H. lit t oralis w er e 3 species consider ed endanger ed locally . Moreov er, since H. lit t oralis w as a rar est occu rr ed in east ernm ost coast ( only 2 t rees found during field survey on all sit e) , t hus, it w as consider ed int o crit ically endanger ed species locally .


All above w ere a com parabilit y m easurem ent of habit at st ruct ural which m ay be curr ent dist inct ive diver sit y found t o t he t rue m angrov e occur ren ce in east ernm ost m ost coast ar ea, w hich m ay be consider ed in furt her com parat ive r esear ch of m angrove eit her w it hin adj acent habit at in Nort h Gor ont alo area or in ot her place in Gor ont alo.

Ack n ow le dg e m e n t s. We are grat eful for t h e close collaborat ion bet w een Goront alo

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Receiv ed: 02 Oct ober 2017. Accept ed: 19 Nov em ber 2017. Published online: 27 Nov em ber 2017. Aut hor s:

Faizal Kasim , Goront alo St at e Univ er sit y , Facult y of Fisher ies and Mar ine Science, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent , I ndonesia, Gor ont alo 96128, Kot a Goront alo, Kot a Tengah, Dulalowo Tim ur , Jam bur a Cam pus, Jl. Sudir m an No. 6, e- m ail: faizalk asim @ung.ac.id

Sit t i Nur sinar , Goront alo St at e Univ er sit y , Facult y of Fisher ies and Mar ine Science, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent , I ndonesia, Gor ont alo 96128, Kot a Goront alo, Kot a Tengah, Dulalowo Tim ur , Jam bur a Cam pus, Jl. Sudir m an No. 6, e- m ail: im elbar u.sinar @gm ail.com

Cit r a Panigor o, Goront alo St at e Univ er sit y , Facult y of Fisher ies and Mar ine Science, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent , I ndonesia, Gor ont alo 96128, Kot a Goront alo, Kot a Tengah, Dulalowo Tim ur , Jam bur a Cam pus, Jl. Sudir m an No. 6, e- m ail: cit r apanigoro@ung.ac.id

Zulk ifli Kar im , Gor ont alo St at e Univ er sit y , Facult y of Fisher ies and Mar ine Science, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent , I ndonesia, Gor ont alo 96128, Kot a Goront alo, Kot a Tengah, Dulalowo Tim ur , Jam bur a Cam pus, Jl. Sudir m an No. 6; Goront alo Coast al Ecological and Spat ial Mapping St udies Club ( GCESM) , I ndonesia, Goront alo, 96181, Telaga Jay a, Dulalowo, e- m ail: zulk iflik ar im 23@gm ail.com

Aldin Lam alango, Gor ont alo St at e Univ ersit y , Facult y of Fisher ies and Mar ine Science, Depar t m ent of Aquat ic Resour ces Managem ent , I ndonesia, Gor ont alo 96128, Kot a Goront alo, Kot a Tengah, Dulalowo Tim ur , Jam bur a Cam pus, Jl. Sudir m an No. 6; Goront alo Coast al Ecological and Spat ial Mapping St udies Club ( GCESM) , I ndonesia, Goront alo, 96181, Telaga Jay a, Dulalowo, e- m ail: aldin14lam alango@gm ail.com

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Figure 1. Field station of research location for m angrove sampling on coastal area of  villages in easternm ost regency area of districts, North Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia
Table 1 Species of true mangrove encountered on the easternm ost coast area of North Gorontalo
Figure 2. The mangrove species density (ind. Ha-1) of each category of true mangrove list trough all sites
Figure 3. Mangrove area on easternm ost coast area of North Gorontalo Regency.


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Terbentuknya Politeknik Kesehatan di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan, menuntut adanya penyelenggaraan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat,

Berdasarkan Surat Penetapan Pemenang Nomor : POKJA 3 ULP/BMP/XI/2012/1532 Tanggal : 19 Nopember 2012, dengan ini diumumkan bahwa pemenang dan Pemenang Cadangan pada Paket

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