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Enhance the Grouth and Flowering of Roses (Rosa galica L.) Due to Composted Waste Coffee Powder and Gibberellins Concentration | Kusumawati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Enhance the Grouth and Flowering of Roses (Rosa galica L.) Due to Composted Waste Coffee Powder and Gibberellins Concentration | Kusumawati | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter "


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Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

En h a n ce t h e Gr ou t h a n d Flow e r in g of Rose s (

Rosa g a lica

L.) D u e t o

Com post e d W a st e Cof fe e Pow de r a n d Gibbe r e llin s Con ce n t r a t ion


Elly Kesum awat i,


Feri Affriadi, and


Mardhiah Hayat i


Depart m ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of Agricult ural, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Darussalam ,

Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;


Allum nay of Depart m ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of Agricult ural, Syiah Kuala Universit y,

Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;

* Corresponding Aut hor

: ekesum awat i@yahoo.com

Abst r a ct

This st udy aim s t o det erm ine t he effect of com post ed w ast e coffee pow der and gibberellins concent rat ion on t he grow t h and flow er ing of roses (Rosa galica L.) as w ell as t he int eract ion bet w een t he t w o fact or s. Research conduct ed at t he Ex perim ent al Farm of t he Facult y of Agricult ure Sy iah Kuala Univ ersit y , Banda Aceh. This st udy used a Random ized Block Design ( RAK) in fact orial arrangem ent ; t here are t w o fact ors w it h t hree replicat ion s. The first fact or is com post ed w ast e coffee pow der consist ing of: soil + com post ed w ast e coffee pow der ( 1: 1) , soil + com post ed w ast e coffee pow der ( 1: 2) , sand + com post ed w ast e coffee pow der ( 1: 1) , sand + com post ed w ast e coffee pow der ( 1: 2) . The second fact or is t he concent rat ion of gibberellins consist ing of: 0, 100, 200, and 300 ppm . The result s show ed t hat t he com posit ion of t he grow ing m edia com post ed w ast e coffee pow der has no significant effect on all param et ers observ ed. Plant ing m edia com posit ion t ends t o be bet t er found in sand + com post ed w ast e coffee pow der ( 1: 1) . The concent rat ion gibberellin v ery significant effect on t he num ber of branches at t he age of 60 day s aft er plan t ing ( DAP) , significant effect on plant height , st em diam et er and num ber of rose plant s flow er, at t he age of 45 and 60 DAP. The best grow t h and flow ering of roses w as found on concen t rat ion of 20 0 ppm gibberellin. There w as no significant int eract ion bet w een com post ed w ast e coffee pow der w it h gibberellin concent rat ion on all param et ers observ ed.

Ke yw o r ds: com post ed w ast e coffee pow der, gibberellins, roses

I n t r od u ct ion

Roses are plant s t hat are favored by people cause of t he arom a, beaut y, size, and t he variet y of t he flower color. This plant has a high econom ic value and a good prospect for cult ivated ( Rosana, 2011) . Based on t he ut ilit y, roses can be grouped int o a sowing roses, cosm et ic roses, cut roses, pot ted roses and rose garden ( Kartapradj a, 1995) . Cut roses have a high volum e of requests com pared t o t he ot her cut flowers and dem and is increasing especially on big days. I n Jakart a, roses had t hird ranks dem and for cut flowers aft er orchids and gladiolus. The product ion centers of roses in I ndonesia are Nort h Sum at ra, West Java, Cent ral Java and East Java ( Marlina dan Euis, 2009) .

Roses grow well in t he porous plant ing m edium . Plant ing m edium serves as a place to grow and provide m acro and m icro nut rient s needed by plants. Media also m ust not cont ain weed seeds and pathogens (Muhit dan Laily, 2006). Organic wast e is rem nant from a natural product derived from plants or anim als. Som e t ypes of organic agricult ural wast e can be used as a growing m edium in t he cult ivat ion of roses, such as t he coconut husks, bagasse, palm bunches, waste coffee powder, and ot hers.

Today in Banda Aceh there are m any coffee shops, so t hat produced t oo m uch wast e coffee powder. Based on t he surveys, t he average of coffee shop was produces 5- 15 kg per day waste coffee powder, equivalent t o 150- 450 kg per m ont h. A buildup of coffee powder wast e in final disposal can cause environm ent al pollut ion, t he solut ion t o overcom e this problem is t o use the waste coffee powder int o organic growing m edia. Waste coffee powders have long been used as a growing m edium for plant s. Nut rients cont ained in waste coffee powder require t im e t o be ferm entat ed in order t o be used for t he

plant wit h t he help of m icroorganism s ( Shanegenziuk, 2012) . According Musat t o et al., ( 2011)

com post ed waste coffee powder cont aining 1,2- 2,3% N, 0,02- 0,5% P dan 0,30% K.

Beside t he used of growing m edia, giving of nut rient s in the cult ivat ion of roses is necessary, for exam ple, t he using of growt h regulator ( PGR) . PGR is useful t o encourage t he growt h and developm ent of plants. PGR consist of auxin, cytokinin, abscisic acid and gibberellins ( Yent ina, 2011) . Gibberellins ( GA) are a horm one t hat can be found throughout t he plant lifecycle. Giberelin serves t o break dorm ancy or stunted growt h of plant s so t hat t he plants can grow norm ally by accelerat ing t he process of cell division, increase flowering, st im ulat e seed germ inat ion process, and play a role in cell elongat ion (Sant oso, 2010).


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

I n t he rose plant, t he im portant qualit y charact eristics of cut flower is t he flower stem lengt h and diam eter of the flower. The concent rat ion of 300 ppm gibberellin can im prove t he qualit y of roses

Cherry brandy, t he stem lengt h increased from 35.21 cm t o 63.62 cm which belong t o t he super class ( increase stem lengt h of 43.7% ) . Concent rat ion of 300 ppm gibberellin has t he highest value in t he num ber of node, node lengt h, and enhanced t he form at ion of flowers for 10 days. Giving 300 ppm

gibberellin can m aintain t he freshness of flowers up t o 1- 3 days t han usual ( Wuryaningsih et al.,

1995) . This st udy aim s t o determ ine t he effect of com posit ion of organic growing m edia com posted waste coffee powder and t he concent rat ion of gibberellins and interact ion am ong t hese fact ors on the growth and flowering of roses.

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

This research was conduct ed from Juni t o August 2013 at t he farm land of t he Facult y of Agricult ure, Universit y of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. The m at erials used were 48 plants of local variet ies of red

roses (Rosa galica L.). The plants were 1 m ont h aged, and have 2 branches, t he height 10-20 cm and

not flowering. The plant ing m edium t hat used were soil 50 kg, 100 kg of sand and 50 kg of com post ed waste coffee powder, 100 m l alcohol, 1 bot t le EM- 4, and 100 m l gibberellin. This st udy uses a random ized block design ( RAK) with t hree replications. Fact ors st udied were t he com posit ion of organic growing m edia com posted waste coffee grounds and t he concent rat ion of gibberellins. Fact ors

t he com posit ion of organic growing m edia com posted wast e coffee powder ( K) consist s of 4 levels; K1

= soil + com posted wast e coffee powder ( 1: 1) , K2 = soil + com post ed waste coffee powder ( 1: 2) , K3

= sand + com posted waste coffee powder ( 1: 1) and K4 = sand + com posted wast e powder coffee

( 1: 2) . The concent rat ion of Giberelin ( H) consist s of 4 levels: H0 = 0 ( cont rol) , H1 = 100 ppm , H1

= 200 ppm and H3 = 300 ppm . From t hese two factors obtained 16 com binat ions wit h t hree

replicat ions, t otal had 48 units of experim ent .

The com posit ion of t he m aterial used for com posted waste coffee powder was coffee powder 50 kg, rice husk 40 kg and m anure 50 kg. Technique of com posted waste coffee powder was, t he first layer insert raw husks 10 kg, t he second layer insert m anure 10 kg, t he t hird layer insert t he waste coffee grounds 10 kg and t hen doused wit h EM- 4 300 m l previously m ixed with 5 L of water and 300 m l brown sugar t hat diluted. This technique was repeat five t im es. Com posted waste coffee powder was st irred every week and flush with 5 L water. The com posted process was conduct ed over 2 m ont hs. Plant ing m edium used in t he research is soil, sand and com posted waste coffee grounds. All t he plant ing m edium is m ixed unt il hom ogeneous ( t he rat io by volum e) in accordance wit h t he t reat m ent. Selected healt hy roses were planted int o polybag in t he aft ernoon, and t hen put in t he shade place, and gived wat er irrigat ion.

Growt h regulat or of gibberellin was given t o t he plant s at t he age 10, 20, 30, 40 days aft er plant ing ( DAP) . Gibberellin was applied t o t he plants accordance wit h t he t reatm ent , each plant was spraying wit h 10 m l of water by using handspayer. Gibberellin concent rat ion used is obtained through dilut ion t o m ake a st ock solut ion first . St ock solut ion was prepared by m ixing 100 m l giberelin int o 900 m l of water t o obt ain a st ock solut ion giberelin as 1lit er. When applaid to t he plant , it m ust be dilut ion again by dissolving 1 m l st ock solut ion of giberelin int o 999 m l of water. Plant s m aint enance included irigat ion 2 t im es a day and weed cont rol. Observat ions were m ade on plant height , st em diam eter, and num ber of branches, each perform ed at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after plant ing ( DAP) , and t he num ber of flowers at t he plant ages 45 and 60 DAP.

Resu lts a nd D iscussion

1 . Effe ct of Com posit ion Com p ost ed W ast e Coffe e Pow d e r on Th e Grow t h a nd Flow e r in g of

Rose Pla n ts

Analysis of variance showed t hat t he com posit ion of t he plant ing m edium organic com post ed waste coffee powder had no significant effect on plant height , stem diam et er, num ber of branches at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after plant ing ( DAP) and t he num ber of flowers of roses at t he age of 45 and 60 HST. Table 1 showed t hat t he t reat m ent sand + com posted waste coffee powder wit h a rat io of 1: 1 ( K3) t end t o show bett er results alt hough stat ist ically not significant wit h ot her t reat m ent s. I n t his experim ent t he com posit ion of sand+ com posted waste coffee powder, in both rat io ( 1: 1 and 1: 2) increased the num ber of roses flower.

This is presum ably because t he com post ed waste coffee powder slowly available t o plant s, so t hat t he plants have not been able t o absorb t he nut rient s opt im ally for growt h and flowering. This is in accordance wit h the opinion of Handayani ( 2008) which st at es t hat t he nut rients cont ained in organic fert ilizers can not be direct ly used by plant m axim ally. This is presum ably also because t he plant has


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

not been able t o absorb t he nut rient s nit rogen supplied of com posted waste coffee powder in t he soil m axim ally. Com posted wast e coffee powder containing of 4- 10% N, 0, 14% P and 0.2% K ( Shanegenziuk, 2012) . Nut rient N is a key elem ent needed by plant s, especially during t he vegetat ive, nut rient deficiencies can lead t o inhibited plant growth ( Lingga, 1986) . Marschner ( 1986) stat es that, flowers at t he age of 45 and 60 days aft er plant ing (DAP) . Gibberellin concent rat ion had no significant effect on plant height and st em diam et er at t he age of 15 and 30 DAP, t he num ber of branches at 15, 30 and 45 DAP.

Table 2 showed that t he gibberellin concent rat ion of 200 ppm (H2) had very significant effect on t he


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

I n t he t reat m ent wit hout giving giberelin ( H0) plant growt h was not opt im al, as well as t he provision of

gibberellin t reatm ent wit h a concent rat ion of 100 ppm ( H1) has not been able t o increase t he growt h

of roses. I t is suspect ed t hat gibbereblin concent rat ion was low for t he roses. This condit ions sim ilar wit h t he research of Rosm adelina ( 2000) which states t hat t he cabbage palm seeds germ inate longest contained in t he pulp rem oved and t he t reatm ent by adm inistering gibberellin concent rat ion of 100 ppm , it is suspected concent rat ion of gibberellin has not been able t o opt im ally support the growt h of sprout s.

I n t he gibberellin wit h a concent rat ion of 300 ppm ( H3) rose plant growt h is inhibited. This is

presum ably due t o excessive giving gibberellins inhibit growth. This is supported by t he statem ent of

Claudia ( 2009) which states t hat t he plant s flower sheat h lowest Spat ifilum cont ained in gibberellin

concent rat ion of 300 ppm , it is presum ably because t he plant s Spat ifilum experience obstacles in

growth, caused by t he excessive concent rat ion of gibberellins. Giberelin proper concent rat ion is very helpful in support ing t he growt h and developm ent of plants. I f t he concent rat ion is given is not right t hen it will inhibit plant growt h. Gibberellin applicat ion at appropriat e concent rat ions, not only im proves t he perform ance of plant s, but can also result in t he plant having a faster flowering period.

3 . Effe ct of I n t er a ct ion

The result s showed that t here was no significant int eract ion bet ween t he com posit ion of organic growing m edia com posted waste coffee powder wit h gibberellin concent rat ion of all param eters observed.

Con clusions

1. The com posit ion of organic growing m edia com post ed waste coffee powder no significant effect on all param eters. Growt h and flowering roses t end t o be bet ter in t he plant ing m edium sand + com post ed waste coffee powder ( 1: 1) .

2. The concent rat ion of gibberellins very significant effect on t he num ber of branches plants at t he age of 60 HST, significant ly affected in plant height , stem diam eter and t he num ber of flowers at t he age of 45 and 60 HST, no significant effect on plant height and st em diam eter at t he age 15 and 30 DAP, t he num ber of branches at 15, 30 and 45 DAP. The best growt h and flowering of roses was found at concent rat ion of 200 ppm Giberelin.

3. There is no significant int eract ion between the com posit ions of organic growing m edia com post ed waste coffee powder wit h gibberellin concent rat ion on all t he param eters.

Re fe r e n ce s

Claudia, L. ( 2009 ) . Pengaruh Aplik asi Giberellin ( GA3) Terhadap Pert um buhan dan Pem bungaan Dua Var iet as Spat ifilum (Spat hiphy llum w allisii) . I nst it ut Pert anian Bogor. Bogor.

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Rosana, N. ( 2011) . Tek nik Penggunaan Beberapa Media Tanam pada Beberapa Klon Maw ar Mini. Balai Penelit ian Tanam an Hias. Cianj u r.

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Table 2. The average plant height, stem diameter, number of branches at the aged 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after planting (DAP) and the number of flowers 45 and 60 DAP at various concentrations of gibberellin


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