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Powerful Party Trick For The Crowded Disco


Academic year: 2017

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Powerful Party Trick For The Crowded Disco Word Count:

370 Summary:

Sure-fire way to pick up girls in the disco. This tactic is truly unique, as you will find out soon.


party tricks, crowded disco, girls

Article Body:

There are some very neat tricks that you can use to have a better time at the disco. The way to socialize while being there is very different from the one, that is used when you are in a more quiet place. This calls for a completely different strategy, and this is what you are about to learn. The key element of being in a disco is that there is a lot of noise. In order to be able to talk to someone, you need to lean to him and shout in his ear. You’ve done it a million times, but there is some sense of being more in contact with who the person you are talking to is.

So let’s imagine the following situation. You are in the disco with some friends as usual, and then you see a girl, that you like.

Unfortunately, she is with her own friends, and it seems tough to be able to talk to her. Actually, it is just as easy, as if she was alone. Here is how you do it:

You go to their table. You make up something like "Hey guys, do you think the DJ is a guy, or a girl? I’m having a little disagreement with my friend over there." You need to talk to some GUY, who is obviously a friend of the girl you like. Since you are in a noisy place, you need to lean and talk to his ear. Then, you might talk to some other guy or girl on the table. As a result, they will all think that you know SOMEONE ELSE from their company.

So what you’ve done is simply that you have shown some respect to the guys, and now you can talk to that special girl. Since she thinks that you two have a common friend, it would be easier for her to let her guard down. This will make it easy for you to do what you want to do - dance with her, get to know her, and of course - better chance to get laid if that’s what you are after. It is so easy to do, and so powerful in action. You just have to try it.

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