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Guidelines for Inkjet Cartridge refill


Academic year: 2017

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Guidelines for Inkjet Cartridge refill Word Count:

350 Summary:

There are number of instructions to be followed at the time of refilling an inkjet cartridge.


inkjet cartridge refil,inkjet cartridge refill

Article Body:

There are number of instructions to be followed at the time of refilling an inkjet cartridge. So whenever your printer ink runs dry you need to follow the below steps for inkjet cartridge refill. 1. It´s very important that you handle the cartridge carefully. Avoid touching any metallic parts.

2. Always clean needles and syringe to avoid any color mixing.

3. It would always be advisable to store the cartridge in an airtight bag with a moist paper towel when not in use. 4. Refill the cartridge only when the warning light glows.

5. If you are re-filling black cartridge, then enlarge the fill hole on top of the cap with the drill provided.

6. If you are re-filing color cartridge, then you have to remove the cap first. Either hold the cap in a safe manner or carefully remove the cap with the help of a knife. 7. Put together needle and syringe and fill in the color that you want your cartridge to refill with.

8. Insert the needle into the correct fill hole straight down till the foam. If you are filling with the color ink then make sure you are inserting in the correct ink slot. 9. When you start injecting the ink into the slot, make sure that you are doing it slowly and you may have to clean the print head with a tissue.

10. When the color cartridge is completely full, ink could be seen at the fill hole, slightly remove the syringe till the ink on the fill hole vanishes. 11. The capacity of the black cartridge is about 20ml, so make sure that you don´t over-fill it.

12. So you have now successfully filled the cartridge.

13. After the process of refilling is complete, re-cap the cartridge. To ensure safety, stick a tape on the top of the lid. 14. Clean the print head with a tissue or a sponge till the time it stops dripping.

15. Its time to install the cartridge back into the printer and run a cleaning cycle.

16. You should always clean the syringe and the needle that you have used with water so that it can be used again.

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