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Home Printing Machines


Academic year: 2017

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Home printing machines are available on the market today in many sizes, prices and capabilities. Many different forms of printing can be accomplished in the home. Whether you want to create unique tee-shirts using a home screen printing machine or you want to produce elegant laser printed letters, the equipment is readily available to you for home use. Once, home printing machines simply were not something that people had in their homes or even in their small businesses. T...


home printing, printing machines, print, print machines

Article Body:

Home printing machines are available on the market today in many sizes, prices and capabilities. Many different forms of printing can be accomplished in the home. Whether you want to create unique tee-shirts using a home screen printing machine or you want to produce elegant laser printed letters, the equipment is readily available to you for home use.

Once, home printing machines simply were not something that people had in their homes or even in their small businesses. They were expensive and complicated. Besides, no one had a computer or anything else that required a printing machine. Typewriters were then the only means of creating printed material at home. Of course, since ancient times woodblock printing and other forms of printing that required the use of a carved block could be created at home, but this wasn’t exactly a home printing machine. Today, it is rare to walk into a modern home and not find a home printing machine of some type. Whether it is an inexpensive bubble jet or ink jet printer, a slightly more expensive laser printer or an all-in-one fax copier printer combination, the majority of modern homes have some type of home printing machines.

"Let me print that out quickly for you" simply was not heard in the home in past years. Before the 1980’s home printing machines simply were not available on the market. When these machines first appeared, they were quite expensive and only the financially comfortable could afford one for their home printing needs. Of course, during that time, computers were also something only the financially comfortable could afford as well.

Today, with the prices of home electronics going lower every single day, home printing machines can easily be found for under $100. Even the supplies that allow the home printing machines to operate and create photographic quality images are quite affordable and most anyone can have extra supplies readily available. Home office supply stores may carry top of the line equipment and supplies but stores such as Sam´s Wholesale and Wal-Mart stores are enabling relatively cheap purchases of home printing supplies and equipment. The world is rapidly changing. Today many homes have home printing machines of some type. Soon, every home will have this equipment as technology continues to lower prices for home electronics. Better, faster and less expensive printers are on the horizon. Who knows what type of home printing machines will appear in the very near future.

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